
2016 July 28

nano 2.6.2 "Le vent nous portera" adds two new features: the
keystrokes Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down for jumping between blocks
of text, and the option 'wordchars' for specifying which
characters (beside alphanumeric ones) should be considered
word-forming.  Further, it provides feedback during Unicode
input (M-V followed by a six-digit hexadecimal number which
must start with 0 or 10), avoids a crash when resizing the
window during Verbatim input, doesn't drop a keystroke after
having been suspended, and replaces the beginning-of-line
anchor (^) just once per line.  There are also several tiny
improvements in screen rendering and key handling.
Come get your hair tousled!

2016 June 27

nano 2.6.1 "Stampede" is chiefly a translation update, but also
adds one little feature (the ability to use negative numbers
with Go To Line: -1 meaning the first line from the bottom),
includes syntax highlighting for Rust, and fixes three tiny
bugs (but in such far corners of the editor that they aren't
even worth mentioning).

2016 June 17

nano 2.6.0 "Rubicon" fixes more than fifty little bugs -- and
some of them not so little.  It improves moving about in
the file browser, corrects failings of the internal spell
checker, adds a new feature (comment/uncomment lines, with
default binding M-3), makes some error messages clearer,
shows more of a file when positionlog is used and the cursor
is near the end, displays all error messages at startup if
there are multiple ones, does not misinterpret keystrokes
when typing very fast, is less eager to trim the filename
on narrow terminals, speeds up case-insensitive searches,
and allows to abort re-searches.  Among bunches of other
things.  It is worth the trouble to upgrade.

And, with this release, we take leave of the herd...
Bye!  And thanks for all the grass!