]> git.wh0rd.org - chrome-ext/music-player-client.git/blob - js/mpc.js
mpc: add playlist commands apis
[chrome-ext/music-player-client.git] / js / mpc.js
1 // Written by Mike Frysinger <vapier@gmail.com>. Released into the public domain. Suck it.
3 function Mpc(socket, cb_update_state, debug_enabled) {
4 this._socket = socket;
5 this._cb_update_state = cb_update_state;
6 this._debug_enabled = debug_enabled;
7 this._queue = ['init'];
8 this.state = {};
9 }
11 Mpc.prototype.log = function(lvl, msg, obj) {
12 if (this._debug_enabled & lvl)
13 console.log('mpc: ' + msg, obj);
14 }
16 Mpc.prototype.err = function(msg, obj) {
17 console.error('mpc: ' + msg, obj);
18 }
20 Mpc.prototype.set_debug = function(val) {
21 this._debug_enabled = val;
22 }
24 Mpc.prototype.send = function(msg) {
25 var _this = this;
26 this._queue.push(msg);
27 this._socket.send(msg, function(x) {
28 _this.log(0x1, 'send: ' + msg + ':', x);
29 });
30 }
32 Mpc.prototype.recv_msg = function(lines) {
33 curr = this._queue.shift();
34 this.log(0x2, 'recv: [' + curr + ']:', lines.join('\n'));
35 curr = curr.split(' ');
37 switch (curr[0]) {
38 // Needs to return a list of dicts (see above for dicts).
39 //case 'playlistinfo':
40 case 'currentsong':
41 case 'stats':
42 case 'status':
43 state = {};
44 keys = [];
45 lines.forEach(function(line) {
46 i = line.indexOf(':');
47 if (i == -1)
48 return; // Ignores the OK line
49 key = line.substr(0, i);
50 keys.push(key);
51 val = line.substr(i + 2);
52 state[key] = val;
53 });
55 // When mpd is stopped, it gives us back crap values for some things.
56 if ('state' in state && state.state == 'stop') {
57 if ('volume' in state && state.volume == '-1')
58 keys.splice(keys.indexOf('volume'), 1);
59 }
60 // Now merge the current state with the previous one so that we don't
61 // lose information like volume or song position.
62 curr_state = this.state;
63 keys.forEach(function(key) {
64 curr_state[key] = state[key];
65 });
67 this._cb_update_state(curr_state);
68 break;
69 default:
70 this._cb_update_state(lines, curr);
71 break;
72 }
73 }
75 Mpc.prototype.recv = function(msg) {
76 /* We can get back a bunch of responses in a row, so parse them out */
77 /* XXX: Do we have to handle partial reads ? like long playlists ... */
78 lines = msg.split('\n');
79 var i = 0;
80 while (i < lines.length) {
81 if (lines[i] == 'OK' || lines[i].substr(0, 3) == 'OK ') {
82 this.recv_msg(lines.splice(0, i + 1));
83 i = 0;
84 } else
85 ++i;
86 }
87 }
89 /*
90 * Command generator helpers.
91 */
93 Mpc.__make_send_void = function(cmd) {
94 return function() { this.send(cmd); }
95 }
97 Mpc.__make_send_arg1 = function(cmd) {
98 return function(a1) {
99 if (a1 === undefined)
100 this.err(cmd + ': function requires one argument');
101 else
102 this.send(cmd + ' ' + a1);
103 }
104 }
106 Mpc.__make_send_arg2 = function(cmd) {
107 return function(a1, a2) {
108 if (a1 === undefined || a2 === undefined)
109 this.err(cmd + ': function requires two arguments');
110 else
111 this.send(cmd + ' ' + a1 + ' ' + a2);
112 }
113 }
115 Mpc.__make_send_arg3 = function(cmd) {
116 return function(a1, a2, a3) {
117 if (a1 === undefined || a2 === undefined || a3 == undefined)
118 this.err(cmd + ': function requires three arguments');
119 else
120 this.send(cmd + ' ' + a1 + ' ' + a2 + ' ' + a3);
121 }
122 }
124 Mpc.__make_send_opt = function(cmd) {
125 return function(arg) {
126 if (arg === undefined)
127 arg = '';
128 this.send(cmd + ' ' + arg);
129 };
130 }
132 Mpc.__make_send_range = function(cmd, min, max, def) {
133 return function(arg) {
134 if (arg === undefined)
135 arg = def;
136 if (arg >= min && arg <= max)
137 this.send(cmd + ' ' + arg);
138 else
139 this.err(cmd + ': arg must be [' + min + ',' + max + '] but got "' + arg + '"');
140 };
141 }
143 /*
144 * Querying MPD's status
145 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03.html#idp118752
146 */
148 // clearerror
149 Mpc.prototype.clearerror = Mpc.__make_send_void('clearerror');
150 // currentsong
151 Mpc.prototype.currentsong = Mpc.__make_send_void('currentsong');
152 // idle [SUBSYSTEMS...]
153 // TODO
154 // status
155 Mpc.prototype.status = Mpc.__make_send_void('status');
156 // stats
157 Mpc.prototype.stats = Mpc.__make_send_void('stats');
159 /*
160 * Playback options
161 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s02.html
162 */
164 // consume {STATE}
165 Mpc.prototype.consume = Mpc.__make_send_range('consume', 0, 1, 1);
166 // crossfade {SECONDS}
167 Mpc.prototype.crossfade = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('crossfade');
168 // mixrampdb {deciBels}
169 Mpc.prototype.mixrampdb = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('mixrampdb');
170 // mixrampdelay {SECONDS|nan}
171 // Note: Probably should handle javascript NaN here.
172 Mpc.prototype.mixrampdelay = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('mixrampdelay');
173 // random {STATE}
174 Mpc.prototype.random = Mpc.__make_send_range('random', 0, 1, 1);
175 // repeat {STATE}
176 Mpc.prototype.repeat = Mpc.__make_send_range('repeat', 0, 1, 1);
177 // setvol {VOL}
178 Mpc.prototype.setvol = Mpc.__make_send_range('setvol', 0, 100);
179 // single {STATE}
180 Mpc.prototype.single = Mpc.__make_send_range('single', 0, 1, 1);
181 // replay_gain_mode {MODE}
182 Mpc.prototype.replay_gain_mode = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('replay_gain_mode');
183 // replay_gain_status
185 /*
186 * Controlling playback
187 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s03.html
188 */
190 // next
191 Mpc.prototype.next = Mpc.__make_send_void('next');
192 // pause {PAUSE}
193 Mpc.prototype.pause = Mpc.__make_send_range('pause', 0, 1, 1);
194 // play [SONGPOS]
195 Mpc.prototype.play = Mpc.__make_send_opt('play');
196 // playid [SONGID]
197 Mpc.prototype.playid = Mpc.__make_send_opt('playid');
198 // previous
199 Mpc.prototype.previous = Mpc.__make_send_void('previous');
200 // seek {SONGPOS} {TIME}
201 Mpc.prototype.seek = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('seek');
202 // seekid {SONGID} {TIME}
203 Mpc.prototype.seekid = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('seekid');
204 // seekcur {TIME}
205 Mpc.prototype.seekcur = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('seek');
206 // stop
207 Mpc.prototype.stop = Mpc.__make_send_void('stop');
209 /*
210 * The current playlist
211 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s04.html
212 */
214 // add {URI}
215 Mpc.prototype.add = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('add');
216 // addid {URI} [POSITION]
217 // TODO: handle position
218 Mpc.prototype.addid = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('addid');
219 // clear
220 Mpc.prototype.clear = Mpc.__make_send_void('clear');
221 // delete [{POS} | {START:END}]
222 Mpc.prototype.delete = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('delete');
223 // deleteid {SONGID}
224 Mpc.prototype.deleteid = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('deleteid');
225 // move [{FROM} | {START:END}] {TO}
226 Mpc.prototype.move = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('move');
227 // moveid {FROM} {TO}
228 Mpc.prototype.moveid = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('moveid');
229 // playlist
230 Mpc.prototype.playlist = Mpc.__make_send_void('playlist');
231 // playlistfind {TAG} {NEEDLE}
232 Mpc.prototype.playlistfind = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('playlistfind');
233 // playlistid {SONGID}
234 Mpc.prototype.playlistid = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('playlistid');
235 // playlistinfo [[SONGPOS] | [START:END]]
236 Mpc.prototype.playlistinfo = Mpc.__make_send_opt('playlistinfo');
237 // playlistsearch {TAG} {NEEDLE}
238 Mpc.prototype.playlistsearch = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('playlistsearch');
239 // plchanges {VERSION}
240 Mpc.prototype.plchanges = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('plchanges');
241 // plchangesposid {VERSION}
242 Mpc.prototype.plchangesposid = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('plchangesposid');
243 // prio {PRIORITY} {START:END...}
244 Mpc.prototype.prio = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('prio');
245 // prioid {PRIORITY} {ID...}
246 Mpc.prototype.prioid = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('prioid');
247 // shuffle [START:END]
248 Mpc.prototype.shuffle = Mpc.__make_send_opt('shuffle');
249 // swap {SONG1} {SONG2}
250 Mpc.prototype.swap = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('swap');
251 // swapid {SONG1} {SONG2}
252 Mpc.prototype.swapid = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('swapid');
254 /*
255 * Stored playlists
256 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s05.html
257 */
259 // listplaylist {NAME}
260 Mpc.prototype.listplaylist = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('listplaylist');
261 // listplaylistinfo {NAME}
262 Mpc.prototype.listplaylistinfo = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('listplaylistinfo');
263 // listplaylists
264 Mpc.prototype.listplaylists = Mpc.__make_send_void('listplaylists');
265 // load {NAME} [START:END]
266 // TODO: handle optional start:end
267 Mpc.prototype.load = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('load');
268 // playlistadd {NAME} {URI}
269 Mpc.prototype.playlistadd = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('playlistadd');
270 // playlistclear {NAME}
271 Mpc.prototype.playlistclear = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('playlistclear');
272 // playlistdelete {NAME} {SONGPOS}
273 Mpc.prototype.playlistdelete = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('playlistdelete');
274 // playlistmove {NAME} {SONGID} {SONGPOS}
275 Mpc.prototype.playlistmove = Mpc.__make_send_arg3('playlistmove');
276 // rename {NAME} {NEW_NAME}
277 Mpc.prototype.rename = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('rename');
278 // rm {NAME}
279 Mpc.prototype.rm = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('rm');
280 // save {NAME}
281 Mpc.prototype.save = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('save');
283 /*
284 * The music database
285 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s06.html
286 */
288 /*
289 * Connection settings
290 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s08.html
291 */
293 // close
294 Mpc.prototype.close = Mpc.__make_send_void('close');
295 // kill
296 Mpc.prototype.kill = Mpc.__make_send_void('kill');
297 // password {PASSWORD}
298 Mpc.prototype.password = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('password');
299 // ping
300 Mpc.prototype.ping = Mpc.__make_send_void('ping');
302 /*
303 * Audio output devices
304 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s09.html
305 */
307 // disableoutput {ID}
308 Mpc.prototype.disableoutput = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('disableoutput');
309 // enableoutput {ID}
310 Mpc.prototype.enableoutput = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('enableoutput');
311 // outputs
312 Mpc.prototype.outputs = Mpc.__make_send_void('outputs');
314 /*
315 * Reflection
316 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s10.html
317 */
319 // config
320 Mpc.prototype.config = Mpc.__make_send_void('config');
321 // commands
322 Mpc.prototype.commands = Mpc.__make_send_void('commands');
323 // notcommands
324 Mpc.prototype.notcommands = Mpc.__make_send_void('notcommands');
325 // tagtypes
326 Mpc.prototype.tagtypes = Mpc.__make_send_void('tagtypes');
327 // urlhandlers
328 Mpc.prototype.urlhandlers = Mpc.__make_send_void('urlhandlers');
329 // decoders
330 Mpc.prototype.decoders = Mpc.__make_send_void('decoders');
332 /*
333 * Client to client
334 * http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/ch03s11.html
335 */
337 // subscribe {NAME}
338 Mpc.prototype.subscribe = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('subscribe');
339 // unsubscribe {NAME}
340 Mpc.prototype.unsubscribe = Mpc.__make_send_arg1('unsubscribe');
341 // channels
342 Mpc.prototype.channels = Mpc.__make_send_void('channels');
343 // readmessages
344 Mpc.prototype.readmessages = Mpc.__make_send_void('readmessages');
345 // sendmessage {CHANNEL} {TEXT}
346 Mpc.prototype.sendmessage = Mpc.__make_send_arg2('sendmessage');