Ok, I'm back ;-) Dump 0.3 is now available on tsx-11.mit.edu in the directory /pub/linux/packages/ext2fs. Restore is now able to restore named pipes (fifos). Thanks to Jason Venner for reporting the bug. I have also fixed a bug in the symlink restoration: owner and group were not set by previous version. Thanks to Klaus Kudielka for reporting it. Restore is now able to restore correctly files ending with a hole (mainly DLL shared libraries under Linux). Thanks to David Monro for sending me a patch much cleaner than mine :-) Kevin Layer has implemented a verify option in restore. It is now possible to check a dump against the contents of the filesystem. Thank you very much, Kevin! Some bug fixes from FreeBSD 2.2-current have also been integrated. Last, I have added the file `linux-1.2.x.patch' in the distribution. This patch for 1.2 kernels should be applied if you want to get better performances. I remind you that dump and restore should be considered as software in BETA test. Don't rely too much on them for your backups... -- Remy Card Remy.Card@freenix.fr No to nuclear testings!