X-Git-Url: https://git.wh0rd.org/?p=nano-editor.git;a=blobdiff_plain;f=news.php;h=b828671234b10f585c3e374447ff40f677a9c592;hp=b4ab6328033e26b8499d3fc71fd672b70008254f;hb=933f530061b0febe9f398f9fb0752163e81abcd9;hpb=c7a92f85d87e1e1437103fa514e9d684b3a06295 diff --git a/news.php b/news.php index b4ab632..b828671 100644 --- a/news.php +++ b/news.php @@ -13,16 +13,193 @@ +

+ +2019 April 24 - GNU nano 4.2 "Tax the rich, pay the teachers" +

  • The integrated spell checker does not crash when 'spell' is missing.
  • +
  • Option
    works also when
    is used.
  • +
  • Automatic hard-wrapping is more persistent in pushing words to the
    + same overflow line.
  • +

+ +2019 April 15 - GNU nano 4.1 "Qué corchos será eso?" +

  • By default, a newline character is again automatically added at the
  • + end of a buffer, to produce valid POSIX text files by default, but
    + also to get back the easy adding of text at the bottom.
  • The now unneeded option
    ) has been removed.
  • +
  • Syntax files are read in alphabetical order when globbing, so that
    + the precedence of syntaxes becomes predictable.
  • +
  • In the C syntax, preprocessor directives are highlighted differently.
  • +
  • M-S
    now toggles soft wrapping, and
    toggles line numbers.
  • +
  • The jumpy-scrolling toggle has been removed.
  • +
  • The legacy keystrokes
    are recognized again.
  • +
  • Executing an external command is disallowed when in view mode.
  • +
  • Problems with resizing during external or speller commands were fixed.
  • +

+ +2019 March 24 - GNU nano 4.0 "Thy Rope of Sands" +

  • An overlong line is no longer automatically hard-wrapped.
  • +
  • Smooth scrolling (one line at a time) has become the default.
  • +
  • A newline character is no longer automatically added at end of buffer.
  • +
  • The line below the title bar is by default part of the editing space.
  • +
  • Option
    ) turns automatic hard-wrapping back on.
  • +
  • Option
    ) gives the chunky, half-screen scrolling.
  • +
  • Option
    ) brings back the automatic newline at EOF.
  • +
  • Option
    ) leaves the line below the title bar unused.
  • +
  • <Alt+Up> and <Alt+Down> now do a linewise scroll instead of a findnext.
  • +
  • Any number of justifications can be undone (like all other operations).
  • +
  • When marked text is justified, it becomes a single, separate paragraph.
  • +
  • Option
    draws a vertical bar at the given column.
  • +
  • Option
    no longer turns on automatic hard-wrapping.
  • +
  • When a line continues offscreen, it now ends with a highlighted ">".
  • +
  • The halves of a split two-column character are shown as "[" and "]".
  • +
  • A line now scrolls horizontally one column earlier.
  • +
  • The bindable functions 'cutwordleft' and 'cutwordright' were renamed
    + to 'chopwordleft' and 'chopwordright' as they don't use the cutbuffer.
  • +
  • The paragraph-jumping functions were moved from Search to Go-to-Line.
  • +
  • Option
    is able to compensate for more misbindings.
  • +
  • Options
    are obsolete and thus ignored.
  • +
  • The
    configure option was removed.
  • +

+2018 November 11
+GNU nano 3.2 "Het kromme hout" changes the default binding
+for the linter to M-B so that the spell checker (^T) can
+always be used, and changes (when linting) the text in the
+title bar and the color of the status bar to make linting
+mode more obvious.  It also adds a bindable 'zap' function
+for deleting a line or marked region without changing the
+cutbuffer, adds --zap to bind the <Del> and <Backspace>
+keys to the zap function when something is marked, and
+hard-binds <Alt+Del> to 'zap'.  Furthermore, it shows the
+cursor also in the help viewer (when --showcursor is used),
+renames the bindable functions 'prevhistory' to 'older' and
+'nexthistory' to 'newer' (update your nanorcs when needed),
+reads the nanorc files also in restricted mode to allow
+customization by the user (if this should not be allowed,
+use --ignorercfiles in addition to --restricted), allows
+in view mode to open also other files (if this should not
+be allowed, use --restricted in addition to --view), makes
+resizes respect a relative --fill again, no longer binds
+F13...F15 by default, properly re-highlights a misspelled
+word after invoking help in the internal spell checker,
+and does not skip Unicode characters in string binds.
+2018 September 18
+GNU nano 3.1 "Je faisais des bonds comme ça!" fixes a
+misbinding of ^H on some terminals and some systems,
+does not leave stray stuff after the prompt upon exit
+when having suspended nano while using --constantshow,
+and does not allow to toggle to Replace in view mode.
+2018 September 9
+GNU nano 3.0 "Water Flowing Underground" speeds up the
+reading of a file by seventy percent, roughly doubles the
+speed of handling ASCII text, changes the way words at line
+boundaries are deleted, makes <Ctrl+Delete> wipe the next
+word and <Ctrl+Shift+Delete> the preceding word, binds M-Q
+to 'findprevious' by default (the Tabs-to-Spaces toggle is
+placed on M-O, and the More-Space toggle is fully removed),
+makes an external spell check undoable, shows the correct
+number of lines on the status bar when opening multiple
+files, removes the 'formatter' command, removes the
+'searchagain' bindable function (M-W is now bound to
+'findnext' by default), moves the No-Convert toggle to the
+Insert menu, removes the Backup and New-Buffer toggles from
+the main menu (they remain in the Write-Out and Insert
+menus, respectively), is more precise in what it accepts as
+a rebindable key name, ignores any presses of <Esc> before
+a valid command keystroke, recognizes some more escape
+sequences for modified editing-pad keys, does not hide
+rcfile error messages on a Linux console, renames the
+bindable functions 'copytext' to 'copy' and 'uncut' to
+'paste', and avoids a possible hang during a Full-Justify.
+2018 June 2
+GNU nano 2.9.8 "Espresso" brings the ability to filter the
+buffer (or the marked region) through an external command
+(^R^X and prefix the command with the pipe symbol, "|"), is
+better at detecting and maintaining paragraphs, is able to
+justify //-style comments, fixes a crash when the binding
+of a key to a string lacks a closing quote, gives feedback
+about the number of lines written also when prepending or
+appending, and fixes a couple of bugs with the linter.
+2018 May 15
+GNU nano 2.9.7 "Hvide Sande" adds the option '--afterends'
+for making Ctrl+Right (the nextword function) stop at word
+ends instead of beginnings, accepts multibyte letters for
+the Yes/No/All answers, does emergency saves of changed
+buffers in the unlikely event that nano crashes, adds the
+until-now missing bindable function 'linenumbers', and
+renames the toggles 'constupdate' to 'constantshow' and
+'cuttoend' to 'cutfromcursor', for consistency with the
+corresponding options -- adjust your nanorc files soon.
+2018 April 27
+GNU nano 2.9.6 "Gomance" fixes a crash in word completion,
+makes --enable-altrcname work again, improves the fluidity
+of scrolling when using the touchpad, tweaks the syntaxes
+for shell scripts and PO files, makes a replacing session
+go always forward by default, no longer inserts a newline
+after an external spell check of a selected region, always
+accepts the English Y and N (and A) at a yes-no prompt in
+any locale, and solves a few hypothetical bugs.
+2018 March 29
+GNU nano 2.9.5 "Kiša pada" changes the way the Scroll-Up
+and Scroll-Down commands work (M-- and M-+): instead of
+keeping the cursor in the same screen position they now
+keep the cursor in the same text position (if possible).
+This version further adds a new color name, "normal",
+which gives the default foreground or background color,
+which is useful when you want to undo some overzealous
+painting by earlier syntax regexes.  Bug fixes include:
+a segfault when trying to insert a file in restricted
+mode, the reading in of a new file being "undoable", a
+slight miswrapping of help texts when --linenumbers was
+used, and the shell syntax coloring the word "tar" in
+file names.
 2018 March 8
 GNU nano 2.9.4 "Isabel" allows binding a key to a string
 (any piece of text and/or commands), permits customizing
 the color of error messages with 'set errorcolor', colors
 those error messages by default in bright white on red,
-makes  at the bottom of the screen scroll just one
+makes <Enter> at the bottom of the screen scroll just one
 row when --smooth is used, does not fail when redoing a
 file insertion, and cancels a Shift-selection when any
 cursor key is pressed without Shift even when the cursor