]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/request/node.js.uncompressed.js
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / request / node.js.uncompressed.js
1 define("dojo/request/node", [
2 'require',
3 './util',
4 './handlers',
5 '../errors/RequestTimeoutError',
6 '../node!http',
7 '../node!https',
8 '../node!url',
9 '../node!stream'/*=====,
10 '../request',
11 '../_base/declare' =====*/
12 ], function(require, util, handlers, RequestTimeoutError, http, https, URL, stream/*=====, request, declare =====*/){
13 var Stream = stream.Stream,
14 undefined;
16 var defaultOptions = {
17 method: 'GET',
18 query: null,
19 data: undefined,
20 headers: {}
21 };
22 function node(url, options){
23 var response = util.parseArgs(url, util.deepCreate(defaultOptions, options), options && options.data instanceof Stream);
24 url = response.url;
25 options = response.options;
27 var def = util.deferred(
28 response,
29 function(dfd, response){
30 response.clientRequest.abort();
31 }
32 );
34 url = URL.parse(url);
36 var reqOptions = response.requestOptions = {
37 hostname: url.hostname,
38 port: url.port,
39 socketPath: options.socketPath,
40 method: options.method,
41 headers: options.headers,
42 agent: options.agent,
43 pfx: options.pfx,
44 key: options.key,
45 passphrase: options.passphrase,
46 cert: options.cert,
47 ca: options.ca,
48 ciphers: options.ciphers,
49 rejectUnauthorized: options.rejectUnauthorized === false ? false : true
50 };
51 if(url.path){
52 reqOptions.path = url.path;
53 }
54 if(options.user || options.password){
55 reqOptions.auth = (options.user||'') + ':' + (options.password||'');
56 }
57 var req = response.clientRequest = (url.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http).request(reqOptions);
59 if(options.socketOptions){
60 if('timeout' in options.socketOptions){
61 req.setTimeout(options.socketOptions.timeout);
62 }
63 if('noDelay' in options.socketOptions){
64 req.setNoDelay(options.socketOptions.noDelay);
65 }
66 if('keepAlive' in options.socketOptions){
67 var initialDelay = options.socketOptions.keepAlive;
68 req.setKeepAlive(initialDelay >= 0, initialDelay || 0);
69 }
70 }
72 req.on('socket', function(){
73 response.hasSocket = true;
74 def.progress(response);
75 });
77 req.on('response', function(clientResponse){
78 response.clientResponse = clientResponse;
79 response.status = clientResponse.statusCode;
80 response.getHeader = function(headerName){
81 return clientResponse.headers[headerName.toLowerCase()] || null;
82 };
84 var body = [];
85 clientResponse.on('data', function(chunk){
86 body.push(chunk);
88 // TODO: progress updates via the deferred
89 });
90 clientResponse.on('end', function(){
91 if(timeout){
92 clearTimeout(timeout);
93 }
94 response.text = body.join('');
95 handlers(response);
96 def.resolve(response);
97 });
98 });
100 req.on('error', def.reject);
102 if(options.data){
103 if(typeof options.data === "string"){
104 req.end(options.data);
105 }else{
106 options.data.pipe(req);
107 }
108 }else{
109 req.end();
110 }
112 if(options.timeout){
113 var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
114 def.cancel(new RequestTimeoutError(response));
115 }, options.timeout);
116 }
118 return def.promise;
119 }
121 /*=====
122 node = function(url, options){
123 // summary:
124 // Sends a request using the included http or https interface from node.js
125 // with the given URL and options.
126 // url: String
127 // URL to request
128 // options: dojo/request/node.__Options?
129 // Options for the request.
130 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
131 };
132 node.__BaseOptions = declare(request.__BaseOptions, {
133 // data: String|Object|Stream?
134 // Data to transfer. This is ignored for GET and DELETE
135 // requests.
136 // headers: Object?
137 // Headers to use for the request.
138 // user: String?
139 // Username to use during the request.
140 // password: String?
141 // Password to use during the request.
142 });
143 node.__MethodOptions = declare(null, {
144 // method: String?
145 // The HTTP method to use to make the request. Must be
146 // uppercase. Default is `"GET"`.
147 });
148 node.__Options = declare([node.__BaseOptions, node.__MethodOptions]);
150 node.get = function(url, options){
151 // summary:
152 // Send an HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
153 // url: String
154 // URL to request
155 // options: dojo/request/node.__BaseOptions?
156 // Options for the request.
157 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
158 };
159 node.post = function(url, options){
160 // summary:
161 // Send an HTTP POST request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
162 // url: String
163 // URL to request
164 // options: dojo/request/node.__BaseOptions?
165 // Options for the request.
166 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
167 };
168 node.put = function(url, options){
169 // summary:
170 // Send an HTTP PUT request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
171 // url: String
172 // URL to request
173 // options: dojo/request/node.__BaseOptions?
174 // Options for the request.
175 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
176 };
177 node.del = function(url, options){
178 // summary:
179 // Send an HTTP DELETE request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
180 // url: String
181 // URL to request
182 // options: dojo/request/node.__BaseOptions?
183 // Options for the request.
184 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
185 };
186 =====*/
188 util.addCommonMethods(node);
190 return node;
191 });