]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/request/xhr.js.uncompressed.js
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / request / xhr.js.uncompressed.js
1 define("dojo/request/xhr", [
2 '../errors/RequestError',
3 './watch',
4 './handlers',
5 './util',
6 '../has'/*=====,
7 '../request',
8 '../_base/declare' =====*/
9 ], function(RequestError, watch, handlers, util, has/*=====, request, declare =====*/){
10 has.add('native-xhr', function(){
11 // if true, the environment has a native XHR implementation
12 return typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined';
13 });
14 has.add('dojo-force-activex-xhr', function(){
15 return has('activex') && !document.addEventListener && window.location.protocol === 'file:';
16 });
18 has.add('native-xhr2', function(){
19 if(!has('native-xhr')){ return; }
20 var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
21 return typeof x['addEventListener'] !== 'undefined' &&
22 (typeof opera === 'undefined' || typeof x['upload'] !== 'undefined');
23 });
25 has.add('native-formdata', function(){
26 // if true, the environment has a native FormData implementation
27 return typeof FormData === 'function';
28 });
30 function handleResponse(response, error){
31 var _xhr = response.xhr;
32 response.status = response.xhr.status;
33 response.text = _xhr.responseText;
35 if(response.options.handleAs === 'xml'){
36 response.data = _xhr.responseXML;
37 }
39 if(!error){
40 try{
41 handlers(response);
42 }catch(e){
43 error = e;
44 }
45 }
47 if(error){
48 this.reject(error);
49 }else if(util.checkStatus(_xhr.status)){
50 this.resolve(response);
51 }else{
52 error = new RequestError('Unable to load ' + response.url + ' status: ' + _xhr.status, response);
54 this.reject(error);
55 }
56 }
58 var isValid, isReady, addListeners, cancel;
59 if(has('native-xhr2')){
60 // Any platform with XHR2 will only use the watch mechanism for timeout.
62 isValid = function(response){
63 // summary:
64 // Check to see if the request should be taken out of the watch queue
65 return !this.isFulfilled();
66 };
67 cancel = function(dfd, response){
68 // summary:
69 // Canceler for deferred
70 response.xhr.abort();
71 };
72 addListeners = function(_xhr, dfd, response){
73 // summary:
74 // Adds event listeners to the XMLHttpRequest object
75 function onLoad(evt){
76 dfd.handleResponse(response);
77 }
78 function onError(evt){
79 var _xhr = evt.target;
80 var error = new RequestError('Unable to load ' + response.url + ' status: ' + _xhr.status, response);
81 dfd.handleResponse(response, error);
82 }
84 function onProgress(evt){
85 if(evt.lengthComputable){
86 response.loaded = evt.loaded;
87 response.total = evt.total;
88 dfd.progress(response);
89 }
90 }
92 _xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad, false);
93 _xhr.addEventListener('error', onError, false);
94 _xhr.addEventListener('progress', onProgress, false);
96 return function(){
97 _xhr.removeEventListener('load', onLoad, false);
98 _xhr.removeEventListener('error', onError, false);
99 _xhr.removeEventListener('progress', onProgress, false);
100 };
101 };
102 }else{
103 isValid = function(response){
104 return response.xhr.readyState; //boolean
105 };
106 isReady = function(response){
107 return 4 === response.xhr.readyState; //boolean
108 };
109 cancel = function(dfd, response){
110 // summary:
111 // canceller function for util.deferred call.
112 var xhr = response.xhr;
113 var _at = typeof xhr.abort;
114 if(_at === 'function' || _at === 'object' || _at === 'unknown'){
115 xhr.abort();
116 }
117 };
118 }
120 var undefined,
121 defaultOptions = {
122 data: null,
123 query: null,
124 sync: false,
125 method: 'GET',
126 headers: {
127 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
128 }
129 };
130 function xhr(url, options, returnDeferred){
131 var response = util.parseArgs(
132 url,
133 util.deepCreate(defaultOptions, options),
134 has('native-formdata') && options && options.data && options.data instanceof FormData
135 );
136 url = response.url;
137 options = response.options;
139 var remover,
140 last = function(){
141 remover && remover();
142 };
144 //Make the Deferred object for this xhr request.
145 var dfd = util.deferred(
146 response,
147 cancel,
148 isValid,
149 isReady,
150 handleResponse,
151 last
152 );
153 var _xhr = response.xhr = xhr._create();
155 if(!_xhr){
156 // If XHR factory somehow returns nothings,
157 // cancel the deferred.
158 dfd.cancel(new RequestError('XHR was not created'));
159 return returnDeferred ? dfd : dfd.promise;
160 }
162 response.getHeader = function(headerName){
163 return this.xhr.getResponseHeader(headerName);
164 };
166 if(addListeners){
167 remover = addListeners(_xhr, dfd, response);
168 }
170 var data = options.data,
171 async = !options.sync,
172 method = options.method;
174 try{
175 // IE6 won't let you call apply() on the native function.
176 _xhr.open(method, url, async, options.user || undefined, options.password || undefined);
178 if(options.withCredentials){
179 _xhr.withCredentials = options.withCredentials;
180 }
182 var headers = options.headers,
183 contentType;
184 if(headers){
185 for(var hdr in headers){
186 if(hdr.toLowerCase() === 'content-type'){
187 contentType = headers[hdr];
188 }else if(headers[hdr]){
189 //Only add header if it has a value. This allows for instance, skipping
190 //insertion of X-Requested-With by specifying empty value.
191 _xhr.setRequestHeader(hdr, headers[hdr]);
192 }
193 }
194 }
196 if(contentType && contentType !== false){
197 _xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType);
198 }
199 if(!headers || !('X-Requested-With' in headers)){
200 _xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
201 }
203 if(util.notify){
204 util.notify.emit('send', response, dfd.promise.cancel);
205 }
206 _xhr.send(data);
207 }catch(e){
208 dfd.reject(e);
209 }
211 watch(dfd);
212 _xhr = null;
214 return returnDeferred ? dfd : dfd.promise;
215 }
217 /*=====
218 xhr = function(url, options){
219 // summary:
220 // Sends a request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
221 // url: String
222 // URL to request
223 // options: dojo/request/xhr.__Options?
224 // Options for the request.
225 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
226 };
227 xhr.__BaseOptions = declare(request.__BaseOptions, {
228 // sync: Boolean?
229 // Whether to make a synchronous request or not. Default
230 // is `false` (asynchronous).
231 // data: String|Object|FormData?
232 // Data to transfer. This is ignored for GET and DELETE
233 // requests.
234 // headers: Object?
235 // Headers to use for the request.
236 // user: String?
237 // Username to use during the request.
238 // password: String?
239 // Password to use during the request.
240 // withCredentials: Boolean?
241 // For cross-site requests, whether to send credentials
242 // or not.
243 });
244 xhr.__MethodOptions = declare(null, {
245 // method: String?
246 // The HTTP method to use to make the request. Must be
247 // uppercase. Default is `"GET"`.
248 });
249 xhr.__Options = declare([xhr.__BaseOptions, xhr.__MethodOptions]);
251 xhr.get = function(url, options){
252 // summary:
253 // Send an HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
254 // url: String
255 // URL to request
256 // options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
257 // Options for the request.
258 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
259 };
260 xhr.post = function(url, options){
261 // summary:
262 // Send an HTTP POST request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
263 // url: String
264 // URL to request
265 // options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
266 // Options for the request.
267 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
268 };
269 xhr.put = function(url, options){
270 // summary:
271 // Send an HTTP PUT request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
272 // url: String
273 // URL to request
274 // options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
275 // Options for the request.
276 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
277 };
278 xhr.del = function(url, options){
279 // summary:
280 // Send an HTTP DELETE request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
281 // url: String
282 // URL to request
283 // options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
284 // Options for the request.
285 // returns: dojo/request.__Promise
286 };
287 =====*/
288 xhr._create = function(){
289 // summary:
290 // does the work of portably generating a new XMLHTTPRequest object.
291 throw new Error('XMLHTTP not available');
292 };
293 if(has('native-xhr') && !has('dojo-force-activex-xhr')){
294 xhr._create = function(){
295 return new XMLHttpRequest();
296 };
297 }else if(has('activex')){
298 try{
299 new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
300 xhr._create = function(){
301 return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
302 };
303 }catch(e){
304 try{
305 new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
306 xhr._create = function(){
307 return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
308 };
309 }catch(e){}
310 }
311 }
313 util.addCommonMethods(xhr);
315 return xhr;
316 });