]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/rpc/JsonpService.js.uncompressed.js
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / rpc / JsonpService.js.uncompressed.js
1 define("dojo/rpc/JsonpService", [
2 "../_base/array", "../_base/declare", "../_base/lang", "./RpcService", "../io/script"],
3 function(array, declare, lang, RpcService, script){
5 // module:
6 // dojo/rpc/JsonpService
8 return declare("dojo.rpc.JsonpService", RpcService, {
9 // summary:
10 // Generic JSONP service. Minimally extends RpcService to allow
11 // easy definition of nearly any JSONP style service. Example
12 // SMD files exist in dojox.data
14 constructor: function(args, requiredArgs){
15 if(this.required){
16 if(requiredArgs){
17 lang.mixin(this.required, requiredArgs);
18 }
20 array.forEach(this.required, function(req){
21 if(req=="" || req==undefined){
22 throw new Error("Required Service Argument not found: "+req);
23 }
24 });
25 }
26 },
28 strictArgChecks: false,
30 bind: function(method, parameters, deferredRequestHandler, url){
31 // summary:
32 // JSONP bind method. Takes remote method, parameters,
33 // deferred, and a url, calls createRequest to make a JSON-RPC
34 // envelope and passes that off with bind.
35 // method: string
36 // The name of the method we are calling
37 // parameters: array
38 // The parameters we are passing off to the method
39 // deferredRequestHandler: deferred
40 // The Deferred object for this particular request
42 var def = script.get({
43 url: url||this.serviceUrl,
44 callbackParamName: this.callbackParamName||"callback",
45 content: this.createRequest(parameters),
46 timeout: this.timeout,
47 handleAs: "json",
48 preventCache: true
49 });
50 def.addCallbacks(this.resultCallback(deferredRequestHandler), this.errorCallback(deferredRequestHandler));
51 },
53 createRequest: function(parameters){
54 // summary:
55 // create a JSONP req
56 // params: array
57 // The array of parameters for this request;
59 var params = (lang.isArrayLike(parameters) && parameters.length==1) ?
60 parameters[0] : {};
61 lang.mixin(params,this.required);
62 return params;
63 }
64 });
66 });