]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/store/Cache.js.uncompressed.js
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / store / Cache.js.uncompressed.js
1 define("dojo/store/Cache", ["../_base/lang","../_base/Deferred" /*=====, "../_base/declare", "./api/Store" =====*/],
2 function(lang, Deferred /*=====, declare, Store =====*/){
4 // module:
5 // dojo/store/Cache
7 var Cache = function(masterStore, cachingStore, options){
8 options = options || {};
9 return lang.delegate(masterStore, {
10 query: function(query, directives){
11 var results = masterStore.query(query, directives);
12 results.forEach(function(object){
13 if(!options.isLoaded || options.isLoaded(object)){
14 cachingStore.put(object);
15 }
16 });
17 return results;
18 },
19 // look for a queryEngine in either store
20 queryEngine: masterStore.queryEngine || cachingStore.queryEngine,
21 get: function(id, directives){
22 return Deferred.when(cachingStore.get(id), function(result){
23 return result || Deferred.when(masterStore.get(id, directives), function(result){
24 if(result){
25 cachingStore.put(result, {id: id});
26 }
27 return result;
28 });
29 });
30 },
31 add: function(object, directives){
32 return Deferred.when(masterStore.add(object, directives), function(result){
33 // now put result in cache
34 cachingStore.add(typeof result == "object" ? result : object, directives);
35 return result; // the result from the add should be dictated by the masterStore and be unaffected by the cachingStore
36 });
37 },
38 put: function(object, directives){
39 // first remove from the cache, so it is empty until we get a response from the master store
40 cachingStore.remove((directives && directives.id) || this.getIdentity(object));
41 return Deferred.when(masterStore.put(object, directives), function(result){
42 // now put result in cache
43 cachingStore.put(typeof result == "object" ? result : object, directives);
44 return result; // the result from the put should be dictated by the masterStore and be unaffected by the cachingStore
45 });
46 },
47 remove: function(id, directives){
48 return Deferred.when(masterStore.remove(id, directives), function(result){
49 return cachingStore.remove(id, directives);
50 });
51 },
52 evict: function(id){
53 return cachingStore.remove(id);
54 }
55 });
56 };
57 lang.setObject("dojo.store.Cache", Cache);
59 /*=====
60 var __CacheArgs = {
61 // summary:
62 // These are additional options for how caching is handled.
63 // isLoaded: Function?
64 // This is a function that will be called for each item in a query response to determine
65 // if it is cacheable. If isLoaded returns true, the item will be cached, otherwise it
66 // will not be cached. If isLoaded is not provided, all items will be cached.
67 };
69 Cache = declare(Store, {
70 // summary:
71 // The Cache store wrapper takes a master store and a caching store,
72 // caches data from the master into the caching store for faster
73 // lookup. Normally one would use a memory store for the caching
74 // store and a server store like JsonRest for the master store.
75 // example:
76 // | var master = new Memory(data);
77 // | var cacher = new Memory();
78 // | var store = new Cache(master, cacher);
79 //
80 constructor: function(masterStore, cachingStore, options){
81 // masterStore:
82 // This is the authoritative store, all uncached requests or non-safe requests will
83 // be made against this store.
84 // cachingStore:
85 // This is the caching store that will be used to store responses for quick access.
86 // Typically this should be a local store.
87 // options: __CacheArgs?
88 // These are additional options for how caching is handled.
89 },
90 query: function(query, directives){
91 // summary:
92 // Query the underlying master store and cache any results.
93 // query: Object|String
94 // The object or string containing query information. Dependent on the query engine used.
95 // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryOptions?
96 // An optional keyword arguments object with additional parameters describing the query.
97 // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
98 // A QueryResults object that can be used to iterate over.
99 },
100 get: function(id, directives){
101 // summary:
102 // Get the object with the specific id.
103 // id: Number
104 // The identifier for the object in question.
105 // directives: Object?
106 // Any additional parameters needed to describe how the get should be performed.
107 // returns: dojo/store/api/Store.QueryResults
108 // A QueryResults object.
109 },
110 add: function(object, directives){
111 // summary:
112 // Add the given object to the store.
113 // object: Object
114 // The object to add to the store.
115 // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.AddOptions?
116 // Any additional parameters needed to describe how the add should be performed.
117 // returns: Number
118 // The new id for the object.
119 },
120 put: function(object, directives){
121 // summary:
122 // Put the object into the store (similar to an HTTP PUT).
123 // object: Object
124 // The object to put to the store.
125 // directives: dojo/store/api/Store.PutDirectives?
126 // Any additional parameters needed to describe how the put should be performed.
127 // returns: Number
128 // The new id for the object.
129 },
130 remove: function(id){
131 // summary:
132 // Remove the object with the specific id.
133 // id: Number
134 // The identifier for the object in question.
135 },
136 evict: function(id){
137 // summary:
138 // Remove the object with the given id from the underlying caching store.
139 // id: Number
140 // The identifier for the object in question.
141 }
142 });
143 =====*/
145 return Cache;
146 });