If ~/.fonts.conf contains:
<edit mode="assign_replace" name="spacing">
fontconfig crashes:
mfabian@magellan:~$ fc-match sans
Fontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 46: "mono": not a valid
セグメンテーション違反です (core dumped)
Of course the above is nonsense, “mono” is no valid integer indeed.
But I think nevertheless fontconfig should not crash in that case.
The problem was caused by partially truncated expression trees caused by
parse errors -- typechecking these walked the tree without verifying the
integrity of the structure. Of course, the whole tree will be discarded
shortly after being loaded as it contained an error.
const FcObjectType *o;
const FcConstant *c;
+ /* If parsing the expression failed, some nodes may be NULL */
+ if (!expr)
+ return;
switch (expr->op) {
case FcOpInteger:
case FcOpDouble: