-CVS code
+nano-0.9.15 - 08/03/2000
- Changed edit_update call to take arguments TOP, CENTER or BOTTOM.
Affects many many functions. Removed functions edit_update_top and
+08/03/2000 - Nano 0.9.15 is the "I cant think of a release description"
+ release. There are the usual gala of display bugfixes,
+ a for the the nasty bug in -k mode that could create a
+ loop in the file being edited, and some other code
+ cleanup. Also, the -T option should now work regardless
+ of the curses library used. Yay.
07/27/2000 - Nano 0.9.14 is officially the "13 is so unlucky it should
be skipped as a version number" release. One typo
caused unending problems (calling nano with either -t or