during wait() and can then call cancel_fork() properly. (DLR)
- Tweak for efficiency. (David Benbennick)
+ do_prev_word()
+ - Switch the last test (current != NULL or not) around to match
+ the order of the same test in do_next_word() (current ==
+ NULL). The results are the same either way. (DLR)
- Tweak for efficiency. (David Benbennick)
- Change the statusbar entries used in cases of failure so that
current_x = strlen(current->prev->data);
- if (current != NULL) {
- while (current_x > 0 && isalnum((int)current->data[current_x - 1]))
- current_x--;
- } else {
+ if (current == NULL) {
current = fileage;
current_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ while (current_x > 0 && isalnum((int)current->data[current_x - 1]))
+ current_x--;
placewewant = xplustabs();