+2008-09-30 <bluestorm_dylc@hotmail.com>
+ * ocaml.nanorc: Sample OCaml syntax highlighting file
+2008-09-30 Dave Geering <dgeering@toshiba-tap.com>
+ * objc.nanorc: Sample Objective-C Syntax Hightlighting file
2008-09-30 Chris Allegretta <chrisa@asty.org>
* configure.ac: Change extra, multibuffer, color and rcfile configure options to default to enabled
--enable-tiny will now disable these options as well
* python.nanorc, ruby.nanorc: Add header lines for python and ruby as well
2008-09-21 Chris Allegretta <chrisa@asty.org>
* rcfile.c, color.c, nano.h: Add new capability for matching a syntax type by the "header" (1st line)
of a file being edited. Based on Savannah bug 24197 and inital proof of concept by Dave Geering
2008-09-16 Chris Allegretta <chrisa@asty.org>
* text.c: Add support for undoing a text uncut. Split out the undo and redo of a text cut
in order to avoid code duplication.
2008-09-06 Chris Allegretta <chrisa@asty.org>
* nano.c: Do call disable_signals at startup regardless, since under cygwin we can't generate
^C without it.
debian.nanorc \
awk.nanorc \
css.nanorc \
- xml.nanorc
+ xml.nanorc \
+ ocaml.nanorc \
+ objc.nanorc
EXTRA_DIST = $(pkgdata_DATA)
--- /dev/null
+## Here is an example for C/C++/Obj-C.
+syntax "m" "\.m$"
+## Stuffs
+color brightwhite "\<[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+\>"
+color green "\<(float|double|BOOL|bool|char|int|short|long|id|sizeof|enum|void|static|const|struct|union|typedef|extern|(un)?signed|inline)\>"
+color green "\<[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*_t\>"
+color green "\<(class|namespace|template|public|protected|private|typename|this|friend|virtual|using|mutable|volatile|register|explicit)\>"
+color brightgreen "\<(for|if|while|do|else|case|default|switch)\>"
+color brightgreen "\<(try|throw|catch|operator|new|delete)\>"
+color brightgreen "\<(goto|continue|break|return)\>"
+color brightgreen "@\<(en(code|d)|i(mplementation|nterface)|selector)\>"
+## GCC builtins
+color cyan "__attribute__[[:space:]]*\(\([^)]*\)\)" "__(aligned|asm|builtin|hidden|inline|packed|restrict|section|typeof|weak)__"
+## Selector/method
+color brightmagenta "(^|[[:space:]])\[.*[[:space:]].*\]"
+color white ":[[:alnum:]]*"
+color magenta "[[:alnum:]]*:"
+color white "\[[^][:space:]]*\]"
+## String highlighting. You will in general want your comments and
+## strings to come last, because syntax highlighting rules will be
+## applied in the order they are read in.
+color brightblack "'([^'\]|(\\["'abfnrtv\\]))'" "'\\(([0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}))'" "'\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}'"
+color brightblack "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*""
+color brightblue "@"(\\.|[^"])*""
+## This string is VERY resource intensive!
+## color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
+color brightblue "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*(define|include|import|(un|ifn?)def|endif|el(if|se)|if|warning|error)"
+## Comment highlighting
+color yellow "//.*"
+color yellow start="/\*" end="\*/"
--- /dev/null
+# OCaml sample nanorc
+syntax "ocaml" "\.mli?$"
+color red "\<[A-Z][0-9a-z_]{2,}\>"
+color green "\<(let|val|method|in|and|rec|private|virtual|constraint)\>"
+#structure items
+color red "\<(type|open|class|module|exception|external)\>"
+color blue "\<(fun|function|functor|match|try|with)\>"
+color yellow "\<(as|when|of)\>"
+color cyan "\<(if|then|else)\>"
+color magenta "\<(begin|end|object|struct|sig|for|while|do|done|to|downto)\>"
+color green "\<(true|false)\>"
+color green "\<(include|inherit|initializer)\>"
+#expr modifiers
+color yellow "\<(new|ref|mutable|lazy|assert|raise)\>"
+color white start="\(\*" end="\*\)"
+#strings (no multiline handling yet)
+color brightblack ""[^\"]*""