// longer than 5 seconds to generate. To prevent failed
// updates, increase this.
- define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', '/var/tmp/magpie-ttrss-cache');
+ define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', 'cache/magpie');
// Local cache directory for RSS feeds
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60*30);
// 0 - Magpie
// 1 - SimplePie
- define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR', '/var/tmp/simplepie-ttrss-cache');
+ define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR', 'cache/simplepie');
// Cache directory for RSS feeds when using SimplePie
define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_IMAGES', false);
// option can be used to integrate tt-rss with Apache's external
// authentication modules.
- define('LOCK_DIRECTORY', '.');
+ define('LOCK_DIRECTORY', 'lock');
// Directory for lockfiles, must be writable to the user you run
// daemon process or cronjobs under.