return false;
- function sanitize($str, $force_remove_images = false, $owner = false, $site_url = false, $highlight_words = false, $article_id = false) {
- if (!$owner) $owner = $_SESSION["uid"];
- $res = trim($str); if (!$res) return '';
+ // check for locally cached (media) URLs and rewrite to local versions
+ // this is called separately after sanitize() and plugin render article hooks to allow
+ // plugins work on original source URLs used before caching
+ function rewrite_cached_urls($str) {
$charset_hack = '<head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
- $res = trim($res); if (!$res) return '';
- libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
+ $res = trim($str); if (!$res) return '';
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadHTML($charset_hack . $res);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
- $rewrite_base_url = $site_url ? $site_url : get_self_url_prefix();
+ $entries = $xpath->query('(//img[@src]|//video/source[@src]|//audio/source[@src])');
- $entries = $xpath->query('(//a[@href]|//img[@src]|//video/source[@src]|//audio/source[@src])');
+ $need_saving = false;
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
- if ($entry->hasAttribute('href')) {
- $entry->setAttribute('href',
- rewrite_relative_url($rewrite_base_url, $entry->getAttribute('href')));
- $entry->setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer');
- }
if ($entry->hasAttribute('src')) {
- $src = rewrite_relative_url($rewrite_base_url, $entry->getAttribute('src'));
+ // should be already absolutized because this is called after sanitize()
+ $src = $entry->getAttribute('src');
$cached_filename = CACHE_DIR . '/images/' . sha1($src);
if (file_exists($cached_filename)) {
$src = get_self_url_prefix() . '/public.php?op=cached_url&hash=' . sha1($src) . $suffix;
- if ($entry->hasAttribute('srcset')) {
- $entry->removeAttribute('srcset');
- }
- if ($entry->hasAttribute('sizes')) {
- $entry->removeAttribute('sizes');
- }
+ $entry->setAttribute('src', $src);
+ $need_saving = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($need_saving) {
+ $doc->removeChild($doc->firstChild); //remove doctype
+ $res = $doc->saveHTML();
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
+ function sanitize($str, $force_remove_images = false, $owner = false, $site_url = false, $highlight_words = false, $article_id = false) {
+ if (!$owner) $owner = $_SESSION["uid"];
+ $res = trim($str); if (!$res) return '';
+ $charset_hack = '<head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+ </head>';
+ $res = trim($res); if (!$res) return '';
+ libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
+ $doc = new DOMDocument();
+ $doc->loadHTML($charset_hack . $res);
+ $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+ $rewrite_base_url = $site_url ? $site_url : get_self_url_prefix();
+ $entries = $xpath->query('(//a[@href]|//img[@src]|//video/source[@src]|//audio/source[@src])');
+ foreach ($entries as $entry) {
+ if ($entry->hasAttribute('href')) {
+ $entry->setAttribute('href',
+ rewrite_relative_url($rewrite_base_url, $entry->getAttribute('href')));
+ $entry->setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer');
+ }
+ if ($entry->hasAttribute('src')) {
+ $src = rewrite_relative_url($rewrite_base_url, $entry->getAttribute('src'));
+ // cache stuff has gone to rewrite_cached_urls()
$entry->setAttribute('src', $src);