catchupArticlesById($this->link, $ids, $cmode);\r
} */\r
- //if ($method == "ForceUpdate" && $feed && is_numeric($feed) > 0) {\r
- // update_rss_feed($this->link, $feed, true);\r
- //}\r
+ if ($method == "ForceUpdate" && $feed && is_numeric($feed) > 0) {\r
+ include "rssfuncs.php";\r
+ update_rss_feed($this->link, $feed, true);\r
+ }\r
if ($method == "MarkAllRead") {\r
catchup_feed($this->link, $feed, $cat_view);\r
$checked = "";
- print "<hr/><input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cache_images\"
- name=\"cache_images\"
+ print "<hr/><input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cache_images\"
+ name=\"cache_images\"
$checked> <label for=\"cache_images\">".
- __('Cache images locally (SimplePie only)')."</label>";
- }
+ __('Cache images locally')."</label>";
$mark_unread_on_update = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "mark_unread_on_update"));
print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("always_display_enclosures", "always_display_enclosures_l");
- print "<br/><input disabled=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cache_images\"
- name=\"cache_images\"
- dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"> <label class='insensitive' id=\"cache_images_l\"
- for=\"cache_images\">".
- __('Cache images locally')."</label>";
+ print "<br/><input disabled=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cache_images\"
+ name=\"cache_images\"
+ dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"> <label class='insensitive' id=\"cache_images_l\"
+ for=\"cache_images\">".
+ __('Cache images locally')."</label>";
- print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("cache_images", "cache_images_l");
- }
+ print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("cache_images", "cache_images_l");
print "<br/><input disabled=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"mark_unread_on_update\"
$category_qpart_nocomma = "";
- $cache_images_qpart = "cache_images = $cache_images,";
- } else {
- $cache_images_qpart = "";
- }
+ $cache_images_qpart = "cache_images = $cache_images,";
if (!$batch) {
// *** Feed settings ***
// *********************
- define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_IMAGES', false);
- // Allow caching feed images when using SimplePie, to bypass hotlink
- // prevention and such at expense of local disk space and bandwidth.
- // Note that you (or your users) also have to enable image caching
- // in feed editor.
// Which feed parsing library to use as default:
// 0 - Magpie
- set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
+ set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
dirname(__FILE__) . "/include");
require_once "config.php";
- require_once "lib/simplepie/";
- SimplePie_Misc::display_cached_file($_GET['i'], SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR, 'spi');
+ $filename = CACHE_DIR . '/images/' . sha1($_GET['url']) . '.png';
+ if (file_exists($filename)) {
+ header("Content-type: image/png");
+ echo file_get_contents($filename);
+ } else {
+ header("Location: " . $_GET['url']);
+ }
WHERE id IN (%s)", implode(',', $feed_ids)));
+ expire_cached_files($debug);
// For each feed, we call the feed update function.
while ($line = array_pop($feeds_to_update)) {
- if (SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_IMAGES && $cache_images) {
- if ($debug_enabled) {
- _debug("enabling image cache");
- }
- $rss->set_image_handler("image.php", 'i');
- }
if ($debug_enabled) {
_debug("feed update interval (sec): " .
get_feed_update_interval($link, $feed)*60);
+ if ($cache_images)
+ $entry_content = cache_images($entry_content, $site_url, $debug_enabled);
if ($_REQUEST["xdebug"] == 2) {
print "update_rss_feed: content: ";
+ print "\n";
$entry_content_unescaped = $entry_content;
$entry_content = db_escape_string($entry_content, false);
- $content_hash = "SHA1:" . sha1(strip_tags($entry_content));
+ $content_hash = "SHA1:x" . sha1(strip_tags($entry_content));
$entry_title = db_escape_string($entry_title);
$entry_link = db_escape_string($entry_link);
+ function cache_images($html, $site_url, $debug) {
+ $cache_dir = CACHE_DIR . "/images";
+ libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
+ $charset_hack = '<head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+ </head>';
+ $doc = new DOMDocument();
+ $doc->loadHTML($charset_hack . $html);
+ $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+ $entries = $xpath->query('(//img[@src])');
+ foreach ($entries as $entry) {
+ if ($entry->hasAttribute('src')) {
+ $src = rewrite_relative_url($site_url, $entry->getAttribute('src'));
+ $local_filename = CACHE_DIR . "/images/" . sha1($src) . ".png";
+ if ($debug) _debug("cache_images: downloading: $src to $local_filename");
+ if (!file_exists($local_filename)) {
+ $file_content = fetch_file_contents($src);
+ if ($file_content) {
+ file_put_contents($local_filename, $file_content);
+ }
+ }
+ if (file_exists($local_filename)) {
+ $entry->setAttribute('src', SELF_URL_PATH . '/image.php?url=' .
+ htmlspecialchars($src));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $node = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
+ return $doc->saveXML($node);
+ }
+ function expire_cached_files($debug) {
+ foreach (array("magpie", "simplepie", "images") as $dir) {
+ $cache_dir = CACHE_DIR . "/$dir";
+ if ($debug) _debug("Expiring $cache_dir");
+ $num_deleted = 0;
+ if (is_writable($cache_dir)) {
+ $files = glob("$cache_dir/*");
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ if (time() - filemtime($file) > 86400*7) {
+ unlink($file);
+ ++$num_deleted;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($debug) _debug("Removed $num_deleted files.");
+ }
+ }
- require_once "../config.php";
- require_once "../lib/simplepie/";
+ set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
+ dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_SEPARATOR .
+ dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . PATH_SEPARATOR .
+ dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/include" );
- SimplePie_Misc::display_cached_file($_GET['i'], '../'.SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR, 'spi');
+ require_once "config.php";
+ chdir('..');
+ $filename = CACHE_DIR . '/images/' . sha1($_GET['url']) . '.png';
+ if (file_exists($filename)) {
+ header("Content-type: image/png");
+ echo file_get_contents($filename);
+ } else {
+ header("Location: " . $_GET['url']);
+ }