-/* If constant is FALSE, the user typed Ctrl-C, so we unconditionally
- * display the cursor position. Otherwise, we display it only if the
- * character position changed and disable_cursorpos is FALSE.
- *
- * If constant is TRUE and disable_cursorpos is TRUE, we set the latter
- * to FALSE and update old_i and old_totsize. That way, we leave the
- * current statusbar alone, but next time we will display. */
+/* If constant is TRUE, we display the current cursor position only if
+ * disable_cursorpos is FALSE. Otherwise, we display it
+ * unconditionally and set disable_cursorpos to FALSE. If constant is
+ * TRUE and disable_cursorpos is TRUE, we also set disable_cursorpos to
+ * FALSE, so that we leave the current statusbar alone this time, and
+ * display the current cursor position next time. */
void do_cursorpos(bool constant)
char c;
filestruct *f;
- size_t i = 0;
- static size_t old_i = 0, old_totsize = (size_t)-1;
+ size_t i, cur_xpt = xplustabs() + 1;
+ size_t cur_lenpt = strlenpt(current->data) + 1;
+ int linepct, colpct, charpct;
assert(current != NULL && fileage != NULL && totlines != 0);
- if (old_totsize == (size_t)-1)
- old_totsize = totsize;
c = current->data[current_x];
f = current->next;
current->data[current_x] = '\0';
if (constant && disable_cursorpos) {
disable_cursorpos = FALSE;
- old_i = i;
- old_totsize = totsize;
- /* If constant is FALSE, display the position on the statusbar
- * unconditionally. Otherwise, only display the position when the
- * character values have changed. Finally, if disable_cursorpos is
- * TRUE, set it to FALSE. */
- if (!constant || old_i != i || old_totsize != totsize) {
- size_t xpt = xplustabs() + 1;
- size_t cur_len = strlenpt(current->data) + 1;
- int linepct = 100 * current->lineno / totlines;
- int colpct = 100 * xpt / cur_len;
- int bytepct = (totsize == 0) ? 0 : 100 * i / totsize;
- statusbar(
- _("line %ld/%lu (%d%%), col %lu/%lu (%d%%), char %lu/%lu (%d%%)"),
- (long)current->lineno, (unsigned long)totlines, linepct,
- (unsigned long)xpt, (unsigned long)cur_len, colpct,
- (unsigned long)i, (unsigned long)totsize, bytepct);
- disable_cursorpos = FALSE;
- }
+ /* Display the current cursor position on the statusbar, and set
+ * disable_cursorpos to FALSE. */
+ linepct = 100 * current->lineno / totlines;
+ colpct = 100 * cur_xpt / cur_lenpt;
+ charpct = (totsize == 0) ? 0 : 100 * i / totsize;
+ statusbar(
+ _("line %ld/%lu (%d%%), col %lu/%lu (%d%%), char %lu/%lu (%d%%)"),
+ (long)current->lineno, (unsigned long)totlines, linepct,
+ (unsigned long)cur_xpt, (unsigned long)cur_lenpt, colpct,
+ (unsigned long)i, (unsigned long)totsize, charpct);
- old_i = i;
- old_totsize = totsize;
+ disable_cursorpos = FALSE;
void do_cursorpos_void(void)