print "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"private\" id=\"private\"
$checked> <label for=\"private\">".__('Hide from Popular feeds')."</label>";
- $rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
- if ($rtl_content) {
- $checked = "checked=\"1\"";
- } else {
- $checked = "";
- }
- print "<hr/><input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"rtl_content\" name=\"rtl_content\"
- $checked> <label for=\"rtl_content\">".__('Right-to-left content')."</label>";
$include_in_digest = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "include_in_digest"));
if ($include_in_digest) {
$checked> <label for=\"mark_unread_on_update\">".__('Mark updated articles as unread')."</label>";
- $update_on_checksum_change = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "update_on_checksum_change"));
- if ($update_on_checksum_change) {
- $checked = "checked";
- } else {
- $checked = "";
- }
- print "<hr/><input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"update_on_checksum_change\"
- name=\"update_on_checksum_change\"
- $checked> <label for=\"update_on_checksum_change\">".__('Mark posts as updated on content change')."</label>";
print "</div>";
/* Icon */
print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("private", "private_l");
- print "<br/><input disabled=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"rtl_content\" name=\"rtl_content\"
- dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"> <label class='insensitive' id=\"rtl_content_l\" for=\"rtl_content\">".__('Right-to-left content')."</label>";
- print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("rtl_content", "rtl_content_l");
print "<br/><input disabled=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"include_in_digest\"
dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"> <label id=\"include_in_digest_l\" class='insensitive' for=\"include_in_digest\">".__('Include in e-mail digest')."</label>";
print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("mark_unread_on_update", "mark_unread_on_update_l");
- print "<br/><input disabled=\"1\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"update_on_checksum_change\"
- name=\"update_on_checksum_change\"
- dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"> <label id=\"update_on_checksum_change_l\" class='insensitive' for=\"update_on_checksum_change\">".__('Mark posts as updated on content change')."</label>";
- print " "; $this->batch_edit_cbox("update_on_checksum_change", "update_on_checksum_change_l");
print "</div>";
print "<div class='dlgButtons'>
$auth_login = db_escape_string(trim($_POST["auth_login"]));
$auth_pass = db_escape_string(trim($_POST["auth_pass"]));
$private = checkbox_to_sql_bool(db_escape_string($_POST["private"]));
- $rtl_content = checkbox_to_sql_bool(db_escape_string($_POST["rtl_content"]));
$include_in_digest = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
$cache_images = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
$mark_unread_on_update = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
- $update_on_checksum_change = checkbox_to_sql_bool(
- db_escape_string($_POST["update_on_checksum_change"]));
if (get_pref($this->link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS')) {
if ($cat_id && $cat_id != 0) {
$category_qpart = "cat_id = '$cat_id',";
auth_login = '$auth_login',
auth_pass = '$auth_pass',
private = $private,
- rtl_content = $rtl_content,
cache_images = $cache_images,
cache_content = $cache_content,
include_in_digest = $include_in_digest,
always_display_enclosures = $always_display_enclosures,
- mark_unread_on_update = $mark_unread_on_update,
- update_on_checksum_change = $update_on_checksum_change
+ mark_unread_on_update = $mark_unread_on_update
WHERE id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
} else {
$qpart = "mark_unread_on_update = $mark_unread_on_update";
- case "update_on_checksum_change":
- $qpart = "update_on_checksum_change = $update_on_checksum_change";
- break;
case "cache_images":
$qpart = "cache_images = $cache_images";
$qpart = "cache_content = $cache_content";
- case "rtl_content":
- $qpart = "rtl_content = $rtl_content";
- break;
case "cat_id":
$qpart = $category_qpart_nocomma;
//if (!$zoom_mode) { print "<article id='$id'><![CDATA["; };
- $result = db_query($link, "SELECT rtl_content, always_display_enclosures, cache_content FROM ttrss_feeds
- WHERE id = '$feed_id' AND owner_uid = $owner_uid");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
- $rtl_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "rtl_content"));
- $always_display_enclosures = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "always_display_enclosures"));
- $cache_content = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cache_content"));
- } else {
- $rtl_content = false;
- $always_display_enclosures = false;
- $cache_content = false;
- }
- if ($rtl_content) {
- $rtl_tag = "dir=\"RTL\"";
- $rtl_class = "RTL";
- } else {
- $rtl_tag = "";
- $rtl_class = "";
- }
if ($mark_as_read) {
$result = db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET unread = false,last_read = NOW()
$parsed_updated = make_local_datetime($link, $line["updated"], true,
$owner_uid, true);
- $rv['content'] .= "<div class=\"postDate$rtl_class\">$parsed_updated</div>";
+ $rv['content'] .= "<div class=\"postDate\">$parsed_updated</div>";
if ($line["link"]) {
$rv['content'] .= "<div class='postTitle'><a target='_blank'
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,update_interval,auth_login,
- mark_unread_on_update, owner_uid, update_on_checksum_change,
+ mark_unread_on_update, owner_uid,
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid");
$mark_unread_on_update = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result,
0, "mark_unread_on_update"));
- $update_on_checksum_change = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result,
- 0, "update_on_checksum_change"));
$pubsub_state = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "pubsub_state");
db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = NOW()
if ($mark_unread_on_update) {
db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET last_read = null, unread = true WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id'");
- } else if ($update_on_checksum_change) {
- db_query($link, "UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
- SET last_read = null WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id'
- AND unread = false");