- global.c:
- Rework IFHELP macro (David Benbennick).
+- nanorc.sample
+ - Put in much less crappy example regex rules for c-file.
GNU nano 1.1.9 - 05/12/2002
- General:
# to set the background color to black or white.
# syntax "c-file" ".*\.c" ".*\.h"
-# color brightred "float " "char " "int " "void " "NULL" "[A-Z_]\{2,\}"
-# color brightred "static" "const" "[\ ]struct" "^struct" "if " "while[\ \n\(]"
-# color brightred "do[\ \n\(]" "else[\ \n]" "case " "switch " "break;"
-# color brightcyan "#define" "#include" "#ifn*def" "#endif" "#elif" "#else" "#if "
+# color red "\<[A-Z_]\{2,\}\>"
+# color green "\<float\>" "\<char\>" "\<int\>" "\<void\>"
+# color green "\<static\>" "\<const\>" "\<struct\>"
+# color brightyellow "\<if\>" "\<while\>" "\<do\>" "\<else\>" "\<case\>" "\<switch\>"
+# color brightcyan "#define" "#include" "#ifn*def" "#endif"
+# color brightcyan "#elif" "#else" "#if"
# You will in general want your comments and strings to come last, becase
# syntax highlighting rules will be applied in the order they are read in
-# color brightyellow "<.*[^=\ ]*>" "\".*\""
+# color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" "\"[^"]*\""
# color brightblue "//.*"
# color brightblue start="/\*.*" end="\*/"