Don't forget to copy config.php-dist to config.php and edit it.
+icons/ directory should be writable for your httpd user.
Send your questions, comments, patches to Andrew Dolgov <>
print "<tr class=\"$class\" id=\"FEEDR-$feed_id\">";
+ $icon_file = ICONS_DIR . "/$feed_id.ico";
+ if (file_exists($icon_file) && filesize($icon_file) > 0) {
+ $feed_icon = "<img width=\"16\" height=\"16\"
+ src=\"" . ICONS_URL . "/$feed_id.ico\">";
+ } else {
+ $feed_icon = " ";
+ }
$feed = "<a href=\"javascript:viewfeed($feed_id, 0);\">$feed</a>";
+ print "<td>$feed_icon</td>";
+ }
print "<td id=\"FEEDN-$feed_id\">$feed</td>";
print "<td>";
print "<span id=\"FEEDU-$feed_id\">$unread</span> / ";
define(MIN_UPDATE_TIME, 1800);
define(WEB_DEMO_MODE, false);
+ define(ENABLE_FEED_ICONS, true);
+ define(ICONS_DIR, "icons");
+ define(ICONS_URL, "icons");
+ function check_feed_favicon($feed_url, $feed) {
+ $feed_url = str_replace("http://", "", $feed_url);
+ $feed_url = preg_replace("/\/.*$/", "", $feed_url);
+ $icon_url = "http://$feed_url/favicon.ico";
+ $icon_file = ICONS_DIR . "/$feed.ico";
+ if (!file_exists($icon_file)) {
+ error_reporting(0);
+ $r = fopen($icon_url, "r");
+ error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
+ if ($r) {
+ $tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "ttrssicon");
+ $t = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
+ while (!feof($r)) {
+ $buf = fread($r, 16384);
+ fwrite($t, $buf);
+ }
+ fclose($r);
+ fclose($t);
+ rename($tmpfname, $icon_file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
function update_rss_feed($link, $feed_url, $feed) {
if (WEB_DEMO_MODE) return;
if ($rss) {
+ check_feed_favicon($feed_url, $feed);
+ }
$result = pg_query("SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$registered_title = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, "title");