** Open BUGS **
- Cutting the line at the top of the screen recenters to center (71)
-- Many menu items are probably missing from the new backend (73)
+- Segfault editing at COLS presumably due to new color syntax
+ highlighting (80)
** Fixed BUGS **
- Marked cutting sometimes leaves a newline in the file unintelligently,
- Trying to insert a file of 0 bytes will hang nano (70) [FIXED].
- Meta-space and ^Space are not yet handled in new backend code (77) [FIXED]
- F-keys do not work with new shortcut backend (72) [FIXED]
+- Many menu items are probably missing from the new backend (73) [FIXED]
- Need a 'check-vitals-mapped' function to check that the end used didn't
unbind all the keys for exit or cancel before starting up the editor (74) [FIXED]
- Browser and prompt code still implement old switch on raw key input instead
else if (md == CWHOLELINE) {
mvwaddnstr(edit, line, 0, converted, -1);
+ } else if (md == CBEGINBEFORE) {
+ regexec(tmpcolor->end, fileptr->data, 1, &endmatch, 0);
+ paintlen = actual_x(converted, strnlenpt(fileptr->data,
+ endmatch.rm_eo) - start);
+ mvwaddnstr(edit, line, 0, converted, paintlen);
+ continue;
while (start_line != NULL && regexec(tmpcolor->start,