/* If we have a control character, add one byte to account
* for the "^" that will be displayed in front of it, and
* then add the number of bytes for its visible equivalent
- * as returned by control_rep(). If we have an invalid
- * multibyte control character, interpret that character as
- * though it's a normal control character. */
+ * as returned by control_rep(). */
else if (is_cntrl_char(wide_buf)) {
char ctrl_wide_buf =
control_rep((unsigned char)wide_buf);
/* If we have a normal character, add its width in bytes
* normally. */
} else
-#ifdef NANO_WIDE
- /* If buf contains an invalid multibyte non-control
- * character, interpret that character as though it's a
- * normal non-control character. */
- if (!ISSET(NO_UTF8) && bad_char) {
- char *bad_wide_buf = charalloc(MB_CUR_MAX);
- int bad_wide_buf_len;
- bad_wide_buf_len = wctomb(bad_wide_buf,
- (wchar_t)wide_buf);
- free(bad_wide_buf);
- if (bad_wide_buf_len != -1)
- retval += bad_wide_buf_len;
- else
- retval++;
- } else
retval += wide_buf_len;
#ifdef NANO_WIDE