+2018 March 29
+GNU nano 2.9.5 "Kiša pada" changes the way the Scroll-Up
+and Scroll-Down commands work (M-- and M-+): instead of
+keeping the cursor in the same screen position they now
+keep the cursor in the same text position (if possible).
+This version further adds a new color name, "normal",
+which gives the default foreground or background color,
+which is useful when you want to undo some overzealous
+painting by earlier syntax regexes. Bug fixes include:
+a segfault when trying to insert a file in restricted
+mode, the reading in of a new file being "undoable", a
+slight miswrapping of help texts when --linenumbers was
+used, and the shell syntax coloring the word "tar" in
+file names.
2018 March 8
GNU nano 2.9.4 "Isabel" allows binding a key to a string