print "<p>".__("Showing top 25 registered feeds, sorted by popularity:")."</p>";
-# $result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_url,count(id) AS subscribers
-# FROM ttrss_feeds
-# WHERE auth_login = '' AND auth_pass = '' AND private = false
-# GROUP BY feed_url ORDER BY subscribers DESC LIMIT 25");
$owner_uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT feed_url,COUNT(id) AS subscribers
onclick=\"javascript:updateFeedList()\" value=\"".__('Search')."\">
-/* print "<input id=\"fadd_link\"
- onkeyup=\"toggleSubmitNotEmpty(this, 'fadd_submit_btn')\"
- onchange=\"toggleSubmitNotEmpty(this, 'fadd_submit_btn')\"
- size=\"40\">
- <input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\"
- disabled=\"true\" id=\"fadd_submit_btn\"
- onclick=\"addFeed()\" value=\"".__('Subscribe')."\">"; */
print "<input onclick=\"javascript:displayDlg('quickAddFeed')\"
type=\"submit\" id=\"subscribe_to_feed_btn\"
class=\"button\" value=\"".__('Subscribe to feed')."\">";
print "</select>";
- /* print "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" disabled=\"true\"
- onclick=\"javascript:editSelectedFeed()\" value=\"".__('Edit')."\">
- <input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" disabled=\"true\"
- onclick=\"javascript:removeSelectedFeeds()\"
- value=\"".__('Unsubscribe')."\">"; */
-// if (get_pref($link, 'ENABLE_FEED_CATS')) {
-/* print " <input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\"
- onclick=\"javascript:editFeedCats()\" value=\"".
- __("Edit categories")."\">"; */
-# print " | ";
-// }
- } else {
-// print "<p>No feeds defined.</p>";
print "<h3>".__('OPML')."</h3>
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"pref-filters\">";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$filter_id\">";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subop\" value=\"editSave\">";
-// print "<div class=\"notice\"><b>Note:</b> filter will only apply to new articles.</div>";
$result = db_query($link, "SELECT id,description
FROM ttrss_filter_types ORDER BY description");
$onclick = "onclick='editFilter($filter_id)' title='".__('Click to edit')."'";
print "<td $onclick>" . $line["reg_exp"] . "</td>";
print "<td $onclick>" . $line["feed_title"] . "</td>";
$inverse_label = "";
$inverse_label = " <span class='insensitive'>".__('(Inverse)')."</span>";
- print "<td $onclick>" . $line["filter_type_descr"] . "$inverse_label</td>";
-/* print "<td><a href=\"javascript:editFilter($filter_id);\">" .
- $line["action_description"]."</td>"; */
+ print "<td $onclick>" . $line["filter_type_descr"] . "$inverse_label</td>";
print "<td $onclick>" . $line["action_param"] . "</td>";
print "</tr>";