} else {
char *line = NULL, *lineptr, *xptr;
size_t buf_len = 0;
- ssize_t read, lineno, xno;
- poshiststruct *posptr;
+ ssize_t read;
+ poshiststruct *posptr, *newrecord;
- /* Read and parse each line, and put the data into the
- * positions history structure. */
+ /* Read and parse each line, and store the extracted data. */
while ((read = getline(&line, &buf_len, hist)) >= 0) {
if (read > 0 && line[read - 1] == '\n') {
unsunder(line, read);
lineptr = parse_next_word(line);
xptr = parse_next_word(lineptr);
- lineno = atoi(lineptr);
- xno = atoi(xptr);
- if (poshistory == NULL) {
- poshistory = (poshiststruct *)nmalloc(sizeof(poshiststruct));
- poshistory->filename = mallocstrcpy(NULL, line);
- poshistory->lineno = lineno;
- poshistory->xno = xno;
- poshistory->next = NULL;
- } else {
- for (posptr = poshistory; posptr->next != NULL; posptr = posptr->next)
- ;
- posptr->next = (poshiststruct *)nmalloc(sizeof(poshiststruct));
- posptr->next->filename = mallocstrcpy(NULL, line);
- posptr->next->lineno = lineno;
- posptr->next->xno = xno;
- posptr->next->next = NULL;
+ /* Create a new position record. */
+ newrecord = (poshiststruct *)nmalloc(sizeof(poshiststruct));
+ newrecord->filename = mallocstrcpy(NULL, line);
+ newrecord->lineno = atoi(lineptr);
+ newrecord->xno = atoi(xptr);
+ newrecord->next = NULL;
+ /* Add the record to the list. */
+ if (poshistory == NULL)
+ poshistory = newrecord;
+ else {
+ for (posptr = poshistory; posptr->next != NULL;)
+ posptr = posptr->next;
+ posptr->next = newrecord;