- Fix option descriptions. At least one of the two parts of
+LINE,COLUMN must be specified at all times; COLUMN is not the
only optional value. Also fix a wording problem in
- -W/--wordbounds. Changes to usage(), nano.1, nanorc.5,
- rnano.1, nano.texi, and nanorc.sample.in. (DLR)
+ -W/--wordbounds. Changes to usage(), UPGRADE, nano.1,
+ nanorc.5, rnano.1, nano.texi, and nanorc.sample.in. (DLR)
- Fix mouse support so that it truly ignores everything except
releases and clicks of button 1. Changes to
enable_mouse_support() and get_mouseinput(). (DLR)
* Editor Features
- Support for UTF-8.
- Moving to a specified line and column of a file, instead of just a
- line (+LINE[,COLUMN]).
+ line (+LINE,COLUMN).
- Smart home key (-A).
- Creation of unique backup files in a specified directory (-C <dir>).
- Insertion of spaces instead of a tab when Tab is pressed (-E).