+Mpc.prototype._parse_result = function(lines) {
+ var state = {};
+ var keys = [];
+ var key, val, i;
+ lines.forEach(function(line) {
+ i = line.indexOf(':');
+ if (i == -1)
+ return; // Ignores the OK line
+ key = line.substr(0, i);
+ keys.push(key);
+ val = line.substr(i + 2);
+ state[key] = val;
+ });
+ return {
+ 'state': state,
+ 'keys': keys,
+ };
Mpc.prototype.recv_msg = function(lines) {
- curr = this._queue.shift();
+ var state, keys, ret;
+ var curr = this._queue.shift();
this.log(0x2, 'recv: [' + curr + ']:', lines.join('\n'));
if (lines[0].substr(0, 4) == 'ACK ')
this.err(curr, lines.join('\n'));
curr = curr.split(' ');
switch (curr[0]) {
- // Needs to return a list of dicts (see above for dicts).
- //case 'playlistinfo':
+ case 'playlistinfo':
+ var i = 2, playlist = [], song;
+ while (i < lines.length) {
+ if (lines[i].substr(0, 5) == 'file:') {
+ song = this._parse_result(lines.splice(0, i + 1)).state;
+ playlist = playlist.concat(song);
+ i = 0;
+ } else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ this.state.Playlist = playlist;
+ this._cb_update_state(this.state);
+ break;
case 'currentsong':
+ this.state.Currentsong = this._parse_result(lines).state;
+ this._cb_update_state(this.state);
+ break;
case 'stats':
case 'status':
- state = {};
- keys = [];
- lines.forEach(function(line) {
- i = line.indexOf(':');
- if (i == -1)
- return; // Ignores the OK line
- key = line.substr(0, i);
- keys.push(key);
- val = line.substr(i + 2);
- state[key] = val;
- });
+ ret = this._parse_result(lines);
+ state = ret.state;
+ keys = ret.keys;
// When mpd is stopped, it gives us back crap values for some things.
if ('state' in state && state.state == 'stop') {
// Now merge the current state with the previous one so that we don't
// lose information like volume or song position.
- curr_state = this.state;
+ var curr_state = this.state;
keys.forEach(function(key) {
curr_state[key] = state[key];
this._cb_update_state(lines, curr);
function mpc_refresh() {
- mpc.currentsong();
function mpc_connect(host, port) {
if (typeof(page) != 'string')
page = this.id.split('.')[1];
+ switch (page) {
+ case 'playlist':
+ mpc.playlistinfo();
+ // Fallthrough.
+ case 'metadata':
+ mpc.currentsong();
+ break;
+ }
var eles = document.getElementsByClassName('main');
for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; ++i) {
var ele = eles[i];
function init_ui(local_keys, sync_keys, options) {
/* Setup footer */
- 'controls', 'metadata', 'options',
+ 'controls', 'metadata', 'options', 'playlist',
].forEach(function(id) {
document.getElementById('tab.' + id).onclick = show_page;
ele.onchange = ele.onclick = window['tramp_mpc_' + id];
ele.title = id;
+ window['ui_mpc_currtime'] = document.getElementById('currtime');
/* Setup metadata tab */
window['ui_mpc_metadata_' + id] = document.getElementById('metadata.' + id);
+ /* Setup playlist tab */
+ window['ui_mpc_playlist'] = document.getElementById('playlist');
/* Setup options tab */
document.getElementById('connect').onclick = mpc_connect;
local_keys.forEach(function(id) {
+function pretty_time(time) {
+ var sec, min, hrs, ret = '';
+ time = parseInt(time);
+ sec = time % 60;
+ min = parseInt((time / 60) % 60);
+ hrs = parseInt((time / 3600) % 3600);
+ if (hrs)
+ ret = hrs + ':' + ("00" + min).substr(-2) + ':';
+ else
+ ret = min + ':';
+ return ret + ("00" + sec).substr(-2);
function update_ui(state, cmd) {
if (typeof(state) == 'string') {
ui_mpc_status.innerText = ({
- // Hack: should be a real object.
- ui_mpc_metadata_album.innerText = state.Album;
- ui_mpc_metadata_artist.innerText = state.Artist;
- ui_mpc_metadata_title.innerText = state.Title;
- ui_mpc_metadata_date.innerText = state.Date;
- ui_mpc_metadata_file.innerText = state.file;
+ /* Update the metadata tab. */
+ var currentsong = {};
+ if ('Currentsong' in state)
+ currentsong = state.Currentsong;
+ ui_mpc_metadata_album.innerText = currentsong.Album;
+ ui_mpc_metadata_artist.innerText = currentsong.Artist;
+ ui_mpc_metadata_title.innerText = currentsong.Title;
+ ui_mpc_metadata_date.innerText = currentsong.Date;
+ ui_mpc_metadata_file.innerText = currentsong.file;
+ /* Update the playlist tab. */
+ var playlist = [];
+ if ('Playlist' in state)
+ playlist = state.Playlist;
+ ui_mpc_playlist.innerHTML = '';
+ playlist.forEach(function(song) {
+ var cell, row = ui_mpc_playlist.insertRow(-1);
+ if (song.Pos == currentsong.Pos)
+ row.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
+ cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.innerText = song.Pos;
+ cell.style.textAlign = 'right';
+ if ('Artist' in song) {
+ row.insertCell(-1).innerText = song.Artist;
+ row.insertCell(-1).innerText = song.Album;
+ row.insertCell(-1).innerText = song.Title;
+ } else {
+ cell = row.insertCell(-1);
+ cell.innerText = song.file;
+ cell.colSpan = 3;
+ }
+ row.insertCell(-1).innerText = pretty_time(song.Time);
+ });
+ /* Update the status tab. */
var time;
if ('time' in state)
// When stopped, there is no time field at all.
time = state.time.split(':');
time = [0, 0];
- window.ui_mpc_seekcur.max = time[1];
- window.ui_mpc_seekcur.value = time[0];
+ ui_mpc_seekcur.max = time[1];
+ ui_mpc_seekcur.value = time[0];
percent = Math.floor((0.0 + time[0]) * 100 / (0.0 + time[1]));
- window.ui_mpc_seekcur.title = 'seekcur (' + percent + '%)';
+ ui_mpc_seekcur.title = 'seekcur (' + percent + '%)';
+ ui_mpc_currtime.innerText = [pretty_time(time[0]), pretty_time(time[1]), percent + '%'].join(' / ');
- window.ui_mpc_setvol.value = state.volume;
- window.ui_mpc_setvol.title = 'setvol (' + state.volume + '%)';
+ ui_mpc_setvol.value = state.volume;
+ ui_mpc_setvol.title = 'setvol (' + state.volume + '%)';
'consume', 'random', 'repeat', 'single',