]> git.wh0rd.org - chrome-ext/web-power-switch.git/blob - popup.js
[chrome-ext/web-power-switch.git] / popup.js
1 // Written by Mike Frysinger <vapier@gmail.com>. Released into the public domain. Suck it.
3 var url_base, user, pass;
5 function fetchpage(url, callback) {
6 url = url_base + '/' + url;
8 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
9 xhr.setstatus = false;
10 try {
11 xhr.onreadystatechange = function(state) {
12 if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
13 if (xhr.status == 200) {
14 callback(xhr, state);
15 } else {
16 xhr.setstatus = true;
17 setstatus('Could not connect; check settings');
18 console.log('connect error', state);
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 xhr.onerror = function(error) {
23 if (!xhr.setstatus)
24 setstatus('onerror; see console');
25 console.log('xhr error:', error);
26 }
28 console.log('fetching', url)
29 xhr.withCredentials = true;
30 xhr.open('GET', url, true, user, pass);
31 xhr.responseType = 'document';
32 // The user/pass options above don't seem to work, so do it ourselves.
33 xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + pass));
34 xhr.send();
35 } catch(e) {
36 setstatus('Exception; see console');
37 console.log('exception:', e);
38 }
39 }
41 function onoff(o) {
42 return o.toUpperCase() === 'ON' ? 'OFF' : 'ON';
43 }
45 function toggleit(button) {
46 var outlet_num = button.id;
47 var old_status = button.data;
48 var new_status = onoff(button.data);
49 var url = 'outlet?' + outlet_num + '=' + new_status;
51 fetchpage(url, function(xhr, state) {
52 console.log('switch ' + outlet_num + ': ' + old_status + ' -> ' + new_status);
53 button.value = 'Switch ' + old_status;
54 button.data = new_status;
55 });
56 }
57 function toggle() {
58 toggleit(this);
59 }
61 function toggle_confirmed() {
62 clearTimeout(this.timeout);
63 this.onclick = toggle_confirm;
64 toggleit(this);
65 }
67 function toggle_confirm() {
68 var button = this;
69 this.onclick = toggle_confirmed;
70 this.oldvalue = this.value;
71 this.value = 'Confirm!?';
72 this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
73 button.value = button.oldvalue;
74 button.onclick = toggle_confirm;
75 }, 5000);
76 }
78 function trim(str) {
79 return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '');
80 }
82 function initpopup(xhr, state) {
83 var tbl = document.getElementById('buttons');
84 var row, cell, button;
86 console.log(xhr, state);
88 // There is no clean API for extracting the current state.
89 // Example result:
90 /*
91 <tr bgcolor="#F4F4F4"><td align=center>1</td>
92 <td>Outlet 1</td><td>
93 <b><font color=red>OFF</font></b></td><td>
94 <a href=outlet?1=ON>Switch ON</a>
95 </td><td>
96 <!-- <a href=outlet?1=CCL>Cycle</a> -->
97 </td></tr>
98 */
100 var tr, trs = state.currentTarget.responseXML.querySelectorAll('tr');
101 for (var i = 0; tr = trs[i]; ++i) {
102 if (tr.bgColor != '#F4F4F4')
103 continue;
105 var outlet_num = trim(tr.children[0].innerText);
106 var outlet_name = trim(tr.children[1].innerText);
107 var current_status = trim(tr.children[2].innerText);
108 var new_status = trim(tr.children[3].innerText);
109 var confirmable = tr.children[3].children[0].hasAttribute('onclick');
111 row = tbl.insertRow(-1);
112 cell = row.insertCell(-1);
113 cell.innerText = outlet_name + ':';
114 cell = row.insertCell(-1);
115 button = document.createElement('input');
116 button.type = 'button';
117 button.id = outlet_num;
118 button.value = new_status;
119 button.data = current_status;
120 button.onclick = confirmable ? toggle_confirm : toggle;
121 cell.appendChild(button);
122 }
124 setstatus();
125 }
127 function setstatus(msg) {
128 var status = document.getElementById('status');
129 status.innerText = msg;
130 status.style.visibility = msg ? '' : 'hidden';
131 status.style.float = msg ? '' : 'left';
132 status.style.position = msg ? '' : 'absolute';
133 }
135 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
136 storage.get(settings_keys, function(settings) {
137 url_base = settings['url'] || settings_defaults['url'];
138 user = settings['user'] || settings_defaults['user'];
139 pass = settings['pass'] || settings_defaults['pass'];
140 fetchpage('index.htm', initpopup);
141 });
142 });