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[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / Tree.js.uncompressed.js
2'url:dijit/templates/TreeNode.html':"<div class=\"dijitTreeNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"rowNode\" class=\"dijitTreeRow dijitInline\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><div data-dojo-attach-point=\"indentNode\" class=\"dijitInline\"></div\n\t\t><img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"expandoNode\" class=\"dijitTreeExpando\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t/><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"expandoNodeText\" class=\"dijitExpandoText\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t></span\n\t\t><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"contentNode\"\n\t\t\tclass=\"dijitTreeContent\" role=\"presentation\">\n\t\t\t<img src=\"${_blankGif}\" alt=\"\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"iconNode\" class=\"dijitIcon dijitTreeIcon\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t/><span data-dojo-attach-point=\"labelNode\" class=\"dijitTreeLabel\" role=\"treeitem\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-selected=\"false\"></span>\n\t\t</span\n\t></div>\n\t<div data-dojo-attach-point=\"containerNode\" class=\"dijitTreeContainer\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"display: none;\"></div>\n</div>\n",
3'url:dijit/templates/Tree.html':"<div class=\"dijitTree dijitTreeContainer\" role=\"tree\">\n\t<div class=\"dijitInline dijitTreeIndent\" style=\"position: absolute; top: -9999px\" data-dojo-attach-point=\"indentDetector\"></div>\n</div>\n"}});
4define("dijit/Tree", [
5 "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach array.map
6 "dojo/_base/connect", // connect.isCopyKey()
7 "dojo/cookie", // cookie
8 "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
9 "dojo/Deferred", // Deferred
10 "dojo/DeferredList", // DeferredList
11 "dojo/dom", // dom.isDescendant
12 "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove domClass.replace domClass.toggle
13 "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.setMarginBox domGeometry.position
14 "dojo/dom-style",// domStyle.set
15 "dojo/_base/event", // event.stop
16 "dojo/errors/create", // createError
17 "dojo/fx", // fxUtils.wipeIn fxUtils.wipeOut
18 "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
19 "dojo/keys", // arrows etc.
20 "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.getObject lang.mixin lang.hitch
21 "dojo/on", // on(), on.selector()
22 "dojo/topic",
23 "dojo/touch",
24 "dojo/when",
25 "./focus",
26 "./registry", // registry.byNode(), registry.getEnclosingWidget()
27 "./_base/manager", // manager.defaultDuration
28 "./_Widget",
29 "./_TemplatedMixin",
30 "./_Container",
31 "./_Contained",
32 "./_CssStateMixin",
33 "dojo/text!./templates/TreeNode.html",
34 "dojo/text!./templates/Tree.html",
35 "./tree/TreeStoreModel",
36 "./tree/ForestStoreModel",
37 "./tree/_dndSelector"
38], function(array, connect, cookie, declare, Deferred, DeferredList,
39 dom, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, event, createError, fxUtils, kernel, keys, lang, on, topic, touch, when,
40 focus, registry, manager, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Container, _Contained, _CssStateMixin,
41 treeNodeTemplate, treeTemplate, TreeStoreModel, ForestStoreModel, _dndSelector){
43// module:
44// dijit/Tree
46// Back-compat shim
47Deferred = declare(Deferred, {
48 addCallback: function(callback){ this.then(callback); },
49 addErrback: function(errback){ this.then(null, errback); }
52var TreeNode = declare(
53 "dijit._TreeNode",
54 [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _Container, _Contained, _CssStateMixin],
56 // summary:
57 // Single node within a tree. This class is used internally
58 // by Tree and should not be accessed directly.
59 // tags:
60 // private
62 // item: [const] Item
63 // the dojo.data entry this tree represents
64 item: null,
66 // isTreeNode: [protected] Boolean
67 // Indicates that this is a TreeNode. Used by `dijit.Tree` only,
68 // should not be accessed directly.
69 isTreeNode: true,
71 // label: String
72 // Text of this tree node
73 label: "",
74 _setLabelAttr: {node: "labelNode", type: "innerText"},
76 // isExpandable: [private] Boolean
77 // This node has children, so show the expando node (+ sign)
78 isExpandable: null,
80 // isExpanded: [readonly] Boolean
81 // This node is currently expanded (ie, opened)
82 isExpanded: false,
84 // state: [private] String
85 // Dynamic loading-related stuff.
86 // When an empty folder node appears, it is "UNCHECKED" first,
87 // then after dojo.data query it becomes "LOADING" and, finally "LOADED"
88 state: "UNCHECKED",
90 templateString: treeNodeTemplate,
92 baseClass: "dijitTreeNode",
94 // For hover effect for tree node, and focus effect for label
95 cssStateNodes: {
96 rowNode: "dijitTreeRow"
97 },
99 // Tooltip is defined in _WidgetBase but we need to handle the mapping to DOM here
100 _setTooltipAttr: {node: "rowNode", type: "attribute", attribute: "title"},
102 buildRendering: function(){
103 this.inherited(arguments);
105 // set expand icon for leaf
106 this._setExpando();
108 // set icon and label class based on item
109 this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
111 if(this.isExpandable){
112 this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", this.isExpanded);
113 }
115 //aria-selected should be false on all selectable elements.
116 this.setSelected(false);
117 },
119 _setIndentAttr: function(indent){
120 // summary:
121 // Tell this node how many levels it should be indented
122 // description:
123 // 0 for top level nodes, 1 for their children, 2 for their
124 // grandchildren, etc.
126 // Math.max() is to prevent negative padding on hidden root node (when indent == -1)
127 var pixels = (Math.max(indent, 0) * this.tree._nodePixelIndent) + "px";
129 domStyle.set(this.domNode, "backgroundPosition", pixels + " 0px"); // TODOC: what is this for???
130 domStyle.set(this.indentNode, this.isLeftToRight() ? "paddingLeft" : "paddingRight", pixels);
132 array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
133 child.set("indent", indent+1);
134 });
136 this._set("indent", indent);
137 },
139 markProcessing: function(){
140 // summary:
141 // Visually denote that tree is loading data, etc.
142 // tags:
143 // private
144 this.state = "LOADING";
145 this._setExpando(true);
146 },
148 unmarkProcessing: function(){
149 // summary:
150 // Clear markup from markProcessing() call
151 // tags:
152 // private
153 this._setExpando(false);
154 },
156 _updateItemClasses: function(item){
157 // summary:
158 // Set appropriate CSS classes for icon and label dom node
159 // (used to allow for item updates to change respective CSS)
160 // tags:
161 // private
162 var tree = this.tree, model = tree.model;
163 if(tree._v10Compat && item === model.root){
164 // For back-compat with 1.0, need to use null to specify root item (TODO: remove in 2.0)
165 item = null;
166 }
167 this._applyClassAndStyle(item, "icon", "Icon");
168 this._applyClassAndStyle(item, "label", "Label");
169 this._applyClassAndStyle(item, "row", "Row");
171 this.tree._startPaint(true); // signifies paint started and finished (synchronously)
172 },
174 _applyClassAndStyle: function(item, lower, upper){
175 // summary:
176 // Set the appropriate CSS classes and styles for labels, icons and rows.
177 //
178 // item:
179 // The data item.
180 //
181 // lower:
182 // The lower case attribute to use, e.g. 'icon', 'label' or 'row'.
183 //
184 // upper:
185 // The upper case attribute to use, e.g. 'Icon', 'Label' or 'Row'.
186 //
187 // tags:
188 // private
190 var clsName = "_" + lower + "Class";
191 var nodeName = lower + "Node";
192 var oldCls = this[clsName];
194 this[clsName] = this.tree["get" + upper + "Class"](item, this.isExpanded);
195 domClass.replace(this[nodeName], this[clsName] || "", oldCls || "");
197 domStyle.set(this[nodeName], this.tree["get" + upper + "Style"](item, this.isExpanded) || {});
198 },
200 _updateLayout: function(){
201 // summary:
202 // Set appropriate CSS classes for this.domNode
203 // tags:
204 // private
205 var parent = this.getParent();
206 if(!parent || !parent.rowNode || parent.rowNode.style.display == "none"){
207 /* if we are hiding the root node then make every first level child look like a root node */
208 domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitTreeIsRoot");
209 }else{
210 domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dijitTreeIsLast", !this.getNextSibling());
211 }
212 },
214 _setExpando: function(/*Boolean*/ processing){
215 // summary:
216 // Set the right image for the expando node
217 // tags:
218 // private
220 var styles = ["dijitTreeExpandoLoading", "dijitTreeExpandoOpened",
221 "dijitTreeExpandoClosed", "dijitTreeExpandoLeaf"],
222 _a11yStates = ["*","-","+","*"],
223 idx = processing ? 0 : (this.isExpandable ? (this.isExpanded ? 1 : 2) : 3);
225 // apply the appropriate class to the expando node
226 domClass.replace(this.expandoNode, styles[idx], styles);
228 // provide a non-image based indicator for images-off mode
229 this.expandoNodeText.innerHTML = _a11yStates[idx];
231 },
233 expand: function(){
234 // summary:
235 // Show my children
236 // returns:
237 // Deferred that fires when expansion is complete
239 // If there's already an expand in progress or we are already expanded, just return
240 if(this._expandDeferred){
241 return this._expandDeferred; // dojo/_base/Deferred
242 }
244 // cancel in progress collapse operation
245 if(this._collapseDeferred){
246 this._collapseDeferred.cancel();
247 delete this._collapseDeferred;
248 }
250 // All the state information for when a node is expanded, maybe this should be
251 // set when the animation completes instead
252 this.isExpanded = true;
253 this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
254 if(this.tree.showRoot || this !== this.tree.rootNode){
255 this.containerNode.setAttribute("role", "group");
256 }
257 domClass.add(this.contentNode,'dijitTreeContentExpanded');
258 this._setExpando();
259 this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
261 if(this == this.tree.rootNode && this.tree.showRoot){
262 this.tree.domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true");
263 }
265 var def,
266 wipeIn = fxUtils.wipeIn({
267 node: this.containerNode,
268 duration: manager.defaultDuration,
269 onEnd: function(){
270 def.resolve(true);
271 }
272 });
274 // Deferred that fires when expand is complete
275 def = (this._expandDeferred = new Deferred(function(){
276 // Canceller
277 wipeIn.stop();
278 }));
280 wipeIn.play();
282 return def; // dojo/_base/Deferred
283 },
285 collapse: function(){
286 // summary:
287 // Collapse this node (if it's expanded)
289 if(this._collapseDeferred){
290 // Node is already collapsed, or there's a collapse in progress, just return that Deferred
291 return this._collapseDeferred;
292 }
294 // cancel in progress expand operation
295 if(this._expandDeferred){
296 this._expandDeferred.cancel();
297 delete this._expandDeferred;
298 }
300 this.isExpanded = false;
301 this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
302 if(this == this.tree.rootNode && this.tree.showRoot){
303 this.tree.domNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
304 }
305 domClass.remove(this.contentNode,'dijitTreeContentExpanded');
306 this._setExpando();
307 this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
309 var def,
310 wipeOut = fxUtils.wipeOut({
311 node: this.containerNode,
312 duration: manager.defaultDuration,
313 onEnd: function(){
314 def.resolve(true);
315 }
316 });
318 // Deferred that fires when expand is complete
319 def = (this._collapseDeferred = new Deferred(function(){
320 // Canceller
321 wipeOut.stop();
322 }));
324 wipeOut.play();
326 return def; // dojo/_base/Deferred
327 },
329 // indent: Integer
330 // Levels from this node to the root node
331 indent: 0,
333 setChildItems: function(/* Object[] */ items){
334 // summary:
335 // Sets the child items of this node, removing/adding nodes
336 // from current children to match specified items[] array.
337 // Also, if this.persist == true, expands any children that were previously
338 // opened.
339 // returns:
340 // Deferred object that fires after all previously opened children
341 // have been expanded again (or fires instantly if there are no such children).
343 var tree = this.tree,
344 model = tree.model,
345 defs = []; // list of deferreds that need to fire before I am complete
348 // Orphan all my existing children.
349 // If items contains some of the same items as before then we will reattach them.
350 // Don't call this.removeChild() because that will collapse the tree etc.
351 var oldChildren = this.getChildren();
352 array.forEach(oldChildren, function(child){
353 _Container.prototype.removeChild.call(this, child);
354 }, this);
356 // All the old children of this TreeNode are subject for destruction if
357 // 1) they aren't listed in the new children array (items)
358 // 2) they aren't immediately adopted by another node (DnD)
359 this.defer(function(){
360 array.forEach(oldChildren, function(node){
361 if(!node._destroyed && !node.getParent()){
362 // If node is in selection then remove it.
363 tree.dndController.removeTreeNode(node);
365 // Deregister mapping from item id --> this node
366 var id = model.getIdentity(node.item),
367 ary = tree._itemNodesMap[id];
368 if(ary.length == 1){
369 delete tree._itemNodesMap[id];
370 }else{
371 var index = array.indexOf(ary, node);
372 if(index != -1){
373 ary.splice(index, 1);
374 }
375 }
377 // And finally we can destroy the node
378 node.destroyRecursive();
379 }
380 });
381 });
383 this.state = "LOADED";
385 if(items && items.length > 0){
386 this.isExpandable = true;
388 // Create _TreeNode widget for each specified tree node, unless one already
389 // exists and isn't being used (presumably it's from a DnD move and was recently
390 // released
391 array.forEach(items, function(item){ // MARKER: REUSE NODE
392 var id = model.getIdentity(item),
393 existingNodes = tree._itemNodesMap[id],
394 node;
395 if(existingNodes){
396 for(var i=0;i<existingNodes.length;i++){
397 if(existingNodes[i] && !existingNodes[i].getParent()){
398 node = existingNodes[i];
399 node.set('indent', this.indent+1);
400 break;
401 }
402 }
403 }
404 if(!node){
405 node = this.tree._createTreeNode({
406 item: item,
407 tree: tree,
408 isExpandable: model.mayHaveChildren(item),
409 label: tree.getLabel(item),
410 tooltip: tree.getTooltip(item),
411 ownerDocument: tree.ownerDocument,
412 dir: tree.dir,
413 lang: tree.lang,
414 textDir: tree.textDir,
415 indent: this.indent + 1
416 });
417 if(existingNodes){
418 existingNodes.push(node);
419 }else{
420 tree._itemNodesMap[id] = [node];
421 }
422 }
423 this.addChild(node);
425 // If node was previously opened then open it again now (this may trigger
426 // more data store accesses, recursively)
427 if(this.tree.autoExpand || this.tree._state(node)){
428 defs.push(tree._expandNode(node));
429 }
430 }, this);
432 // note that updateLayout() needs to be called on each child after
433 // _all_ the children exist
434 array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
435 child._updateLayout();
436 });
437 }else{
438 this.isExpandable=false;
439 }
441 if(this._setExpando){
442 // change expando to/from dot or + icon, as appropriate
443 this._setExpando(false);
444 }
446 // Set leaf icon or folder icon, as appropriate
447 this._updateItemClasses(this.item);
449 // On initial tree show, make the selected TreeNode as either the root node of the tree,
450 // or the first child, if the root node is hidden
451 if(this == tree.rootNode){
452 var fc = this.tree.showRoot ? this : this.getChildren()[0];
453 if(fc){
454 fc.setFocusable(true);
455 tree.lastFocused = fc;
456 }else{
457 // fallback: no nodes in tree so focus on Tree <div> itself
458 tree.domNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0");
459 }
460 }
462 var def = new DeferredList(defs);
463 this.tree._startPaint(def); // to reset TreeNode widths after an item is added/removed from the Tree
464 return def; // dojo/_base/Deferred
465 },
467 getTreePath: function(){
468 var node = this;
469 var path = [];
470 while(node && node !== this.tree.rootNode){
471 path.unshift(node.item);
472 node = node.getParent();
473 }
474 path.unshift(this.tree.rootNode.item);
476 return path;
477 },
479 getIdentity: function(){
480 return this.tree.model.getIdentity(this.item);
481 },
483 removeChild: function(/* treeNode */ node){
484 this.inherited(arguments);
486 var children = this.getChildren();
487 if(children.length == 0){
488 this.isExpandable = false;
489 this.collapse();
490 }
492 array.forEach(children, function(child){
493 child._updateLayout();
494 });
495 },
497 makeExpandable: function(){
498 // summary:
499 // if this node wasn't already showing the expando node,
500 // turn it into one and call _setExpando()
502 // TODO: hmm this isn't called from anywhere, maybe should remove it for 2.0
504 this.isExpandable = true;
505 this._setExpando(false);
506 },
508 setSelected: function(/*Boolean*/ selected){
509 // summary:
510 // A Tree has a (single) currently selected node.
511 // Mark that this node is/isn't that currently selected node.
512 // description:
513 // In particular, setting a node as selected involves setting tabIndex
514 // so that when user tabs to the tree, focus will go to that node (only).
515 this.labelNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", selected ? "true" : "false");
516 domClass.toggle(this.rowNode, "dijitTreeRowSelected", selected);
517 },
519 setFocusable: function(/*Boolean*/ selected){
520 // summary:
521 // A Tree has a (single) node that's focusable.
522 // Mark that this node is/isn't that currently focsuable node.
523 // description:
524 // In particular, setting a node as selected involves setting tabIndex
525 // so that when user tabs to the tree, focus will go to that node (only).
527 this.labelNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", selected ? "0" : "-1");
528 },
531 _setTextDirAttr: function(textDir){
532 if(textDir &&((this.textDir != textDir) || !this._created)){
533 this._set("textDir", textDir);
534 this.applyTextDir(this.labelNode, this.labelNode.innerText || this.labelNode.textContent || "");
535 array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(childNode){
536 childNode.set("textDir", textDir);
537 }, this);
538 }
539 }
542var Tree = declare("dijit.Tree", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin], {
543 // summary:
544 // This widget displays hierarchical data from a store.
546 // store: [deprecated] String|dojo/data/Store
547 // Deprecated. Use "model" parameter instead.
548 // The store to get data to display in the tree.
549 store: null,
551 // model: dijit/tree/model
552 // Interface to read tree data, get notifications of changes to tree data,
553 // and for handling drop operations (i.e drag and drop onto the tree)
554 model: null,
556 // query: [deprecated] anything
557 // Deprecated. User should specify query to the model directly instead.
558 // Specifies datastore query to return the root item or top items for the tree.
559 query: null,
561 // label: [deprecated] String
562 // Deprecated. Use dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel directly instead.
563 // Used in conjunction with query parameter.
564 // If a query is specified (rather than a root node id), and a label is also specified,
565 // then a fake root node is created and displayed, with this label.
566 label: "",
568 // showRoot: [const] Boolean
569 // Should the root node be displayed, or hidden?
570 showRoot: true,
572 // childrenAttr: [deprecated] String[]
573 // Deprecated. This information should be specified in the model.
574 // One ore more attributes that holds children of a tree node
575 childrenAttr: ["children"],
577 // paths: String[][] or Item[][]
578 // Full paths from rootNode to selected nodes expressed as array of items or array of ids.
579 // Since setting the paths may be asynchronous (because of waiting on dojo.data), set("paths", ...)
580 // returns a Deferred to indicate when the set is complete.
581 paths: [],
583 // path: String[] or Item[]
584 // Backward compatible singular variant of paths.
585 path: [],
587 // selectedItems: [readonly] Item[]
588 // The currently selected items in this tree.
589 // This property can only be set (via set('selectedItems', ...)) when that item is already
590 // visible in the tree. (I.e. the tree has already been expanded to show that node.)
591 // Should generally use `paths` attribute to set the selected items instead.
592 selectedItems: null,
594 // selectedItem: [readonly] Item
595 // Backward compatible singular variant of selectedItems.
596 selectedItem: null,
598 // openOnClick: Boolean
599 // If true, clicking a folder node's label will open it, rather than calling onClick()
600 openOnClick: false,
602 // openOnDblClick: Boolean
603 // If true, double-clicking a folder node's label will open it, rather than calling onDblClick()
604 openOnDblClick: false,
606 templateString: treeTemplate,
608 // persist: Boolean
609 // Enables/disables use of cookies for state saving.
610 persist: true,
612 // autoExpand: Boolean
613 // Fully expand the tree on load. Overrides `persist`.
614 autoExpand: false,
616 // dndController: [protected] Function|String
617 // Class to use as as the dnd controller. Specifying this class enables DnD.
618 // Generally you should specify this as dijit/tree/dndSource.
619 // Setting of dijit/tree/_dndSelector handles selection only (no actual DnD).
620 dndController: _dndSelector,
622 // parameters to pull off of the tree and pass on to the dndController as its params
623 dndParams: ["onDndDrop","itemCreator","onDndCancel","checkAcceptance", "checkItemAcceptance", "dragThreshold", "betweenThreshold"],
625 //declare the above items so they can be pulled from the tree's markup
627 // onDndDrop: [protected] Function
628 // Parameter to dndController, see `dijit/tree/dndSource.onDndDrop()`.
629 // Generally this doesn't need to be set.
630 onDndDrop: null,
632 itemCreator: null,
633 /*=====
634 itemCreator: function(nodes, target, source){
635 // summary:
636 // Returns objects passed to `Tree.model.newItem()` based on DnD nodes
637 // dropped onto the tree. Developer must override this method to enable
638 // dropping from external sources onto this Tree, unless the Tree.model's items
639 // happen to look like {id: 123, name: "Apple" } with no other attributes.
640 //
641 // For each node in nodes[], which came from source, create a hash of name/value
642 // pairs to be passed to Tree.model.newItem(). Returns array of those hashes.
643 // nodes: DomNode[]
644 // The DOMNodes dragged from the source container
645 // target: DomNode
646 // The target TreeNode.rowNode
647 // source: dojo/dnd/Source
648 // The source container the nodes were dragged from, perhaps another Tree or a plain dojo/dnd/Source
649 // returns: Object[]
650 // Array of name/value hashes for each new item to be added to the Tree, like:
651 // | [
652 // | { id: 123, label: "apple", foo: "bar" },
653 // | { id: 456, label: "pear", zaz: "bam" }
654 // | ]
655 // tags:
656 // extension
657 return [{}];
658 },
659 =====*/
661 // onDndCancel: [protected] Function
662 // Parameter to dndController, see `dijit/tree/dndSource.onDndCancel()`.
663 // Generally this doesn't need to be set.
664 onDndCancel: null,
667 checkAcceptance: function(source, nodes){
668 // summary:
669 // Checks if the Tree itself can accept nodes from this source
670 // source: dijit/tree/dndSource
671 // The source which provides items
672 // nodes: DOMNode[]
673 // Array of DOM nodes corresponding to nodes being dropped, dijitTreeRow nodes if
674 // source is a dijit/Tree.
675 // tags:
676 // extension
677 return true; // Boolean
678 },
680 checkAcceptance: null,
683 checkItemAcceptance: function(target, source, position){
684 // summary:
685 // Stub function to be overridden if one wants to check for the ability to drop at the node/item level
686 // description:
687 // In the base case, this is called to check if target can become a child of source.
688 // When betweenThreshold is set, position="before" or "after" means that we
689 // are asking if the source node can be dropped before/after the target node.
690 // target: DOMNode
691 // The dijitTreeRoot DOM node inside of the TreeNode that we are dropping on to
692 // Use registry.getEnclosingWidget(target) to get the TreeNode.
693 // source: dijit/tree/dndSource
694 // The (set of) nodes we are dropping
695 // position: String
696 // "over", "before", or "after"
697 // tags:
698 // extension
699 return true; // Boolean
700 },
702 checkItemAcceptance: null,
704 // dragThreshold: Integer
705 // Number of pixels mouse moves before it's considered the start of a drag operation
706 dragThreshold: 5,
708 // betweenThreshold: Integer
709 // Set to a positive value to allow drag and drop "between" nodes.
710 //
711 // If during DnD mouse is over a (target) node but less than betweenThreshold
712 // pixels from the bottom edge, dropping the the dragged node will make it
713 // the next sibling of the target node, rather than the child.
714 //
715 // Similarly, if mouse is over a target node but less that betweenThreshold
716 // pixels from the top edge, dropping the dragged node will make it
717 // the target node's previous sibling rather than the target node's child.
718 betweenThreshold: 0,
720 // _nodePixelIndent: Integer
721 // Number of pixels to indent tree nodes (relative to parent node).
722 // Default is 19 but can be overridden by setting CSS class dijitTreeIndent
723 // and calling resize() or startup() on tree after it's in the DOM.
724 _nodePixelIndent: 19,
726 _publish: function(/*String*/ topicName, /*Object*/ message){
727 // summary:
728 // Publish a message for this widget/topic
729 topic.publish(this.id, lang.mixin({tree: this, event: topicName}, message || {})); // publish
730 },
732 postMixInProperties: function(){
733 this.tree = this;
735 if(this.autoExpand){
736 // There's little point in saving opened/closed state of nodes for a Tree
737 // that initially opens all it's nodes.
738 this.persist = false;
739 }
741 this._itemNodesMap = {};
743 if(!this.cookieName && this.id){
744 this.cookieName = this.id + "SaveStateCookie";
745 }
747 // Deferred that fires when all the children have loaded.
748 this.expandChildrenDeferred = new Deferred();
750 // Deferred that fires when all pending operations complete.
751 this.pendingCommandsDeferred = this.expandChildrenDeferred;
753 this.inherited(arguments);
754 },
756 postCreate: function(){
757 this._initState();
759 // Catch events on TreeNodes
760 var self = this;
761 this.own(
762 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeNode", touch.enter), function(evt){
763 self._onNodeMouseEnter(registry.byNode(this), evt);
764 }),
765 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeNode", touch.leave), function(evt){
766 self._onNodeMouseLeave(registry.byNode(this), evt);
767 }),
768 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeNode", "click"), function(evt){
769 self._onClick(registry.byNode(this), evt);
770 }),
771 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeNode", "dblclick"), function(evt){
772 self._onDblClick(registry.byNode(this), evt);
773 }),
774 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeNode", "keypress"), function(evt){
775 self._onKeyPress(registry.byNode(this), evt);
776 }),
777 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeNode", "keydown"), function(evt){
778 self._onKeyDown(registry.byNode(this), evt);
779 }),
780 on(this.domNode, on.selector(".dijitTreeRow", "focusin"), function(evt){
781 self._onNodeFocus(registry.getEnclosingWidget(this), evt);
782 })
783 );
785 // Create glue between store and Tree, if not specified directly by user
786 if(!this.model){
787 this._store2model();
788 }
790 // monitor changes to items
791 this.connect(this.model, "onChange", "_onItemChange");
792 this.connect(this.model, "onChildrenChange", "_onItemChildrenChange");
793 this.connect(this.model, "onDelete", "_onItemDelete");
795 this.inherited(arguments);
797 if(this.dndController){
798 if(lang.isString(this.dndController)){
799 this.dndController = lang.getObject(this.dndController);
800 }
801 var params={};
802 for(var i=0; i<this.dndParams.length;i++){
803 if(this[this.dndParams[i]]){
804 params[this.dndParams[i]] = this[this.dndParams[i]];
805 }
806 }
807 this.dndController = new this.dndController(this, params);
808 }
810 this._load();
812 // If no path was specified to the constructor, use path saved in cookie
813 if(!this.params.path && !this.params.paths && this.persist){
814 this.set("paths", this.dndController._getSavedPaths());
815 }
817 // onLoadDeferred should fire when all commands that are part of initialization have completed.
818 // It will include all the set("paths", ...) commands that happen during initialization.
819 this.onLoadDeferred = this.pendingCommandsDeferred;
821 this.onLoadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
822 },
824 _store2model: function(){
825 // summary:
826 // User specified a store&query rather than model, so create model from store/query
827 this._v10Compat = true;
828 kernel.deprecated("Tree: from version 2.0, should specify a model object rather than a store/query");
830 var modelParams = {
831 id: this.id + "_ForestStoreModel",
832 store: this.store,
833 query: this.query,
834 childrenAttrs: this.childrenAttr
835 };
837 // Only override the model's mayHaveChildren() method if the user has specified an override
838 if(this.params.mayHaveChildren){
839 modelParams.mayHaveChildren = lang.hitch(this, "mayHaveChildren");
840 }
842 if(this.params.getItemChildren){
843 modelParams.getChildren = lang.hitch(this, function(item, onComplete, onError){
844 this.getItemChildren((this._v10Compat && item === this.model.root) ? null : item, onComplete, onError);
845 });
846 }
847 this.model = new ForestStoreModel(modelParams);
849 // For backwards compatibility, the visibility of the root node is controlled by
850 // whether or not the user has specified a label
851 this.showRoot = Boolean(this.label);
852 },
854 onLoad: function(){
855 // summary:
856 // Called when tree finishes loading and expanding.
857 // description:
858 // If persist == true the loading may encompass many levels of fetches
859 // from the data store, each asynchronous. Waits for all to finish.
860 // tags:
861 // callback
862 },
864 _load: function(){
865 // summary:
866 // Initial load of the tree.
867 // Load root node (possibly hidden) and it's children.
868 this.model.getRoot(
869 lang.hitch(this, function(item){
870 var rn = (this.rootNode = this.tree._createTreeNode({
871 item: item,
872 tree: this,
873 isExpandable: true,
874 label: this.label || this.getLabel(item),
875 textDir: this.textDir,
876 indent: this.showRoot ? 0 : -1
877 }));
879 if(!this.showRoot){
880 rn.rowNode.style.display="none";
881 // if root is not visible, move tree role to the invisible
882 // root node's containerNode, see #12135
883 this.domNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
884 this.domNode.removeAttribute("aria-expanded");
885 this.domNode.removeAttribute("aria-multiselectable");
887 rn.labelNode.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
888 rn.containerNode.setAttribute("role", "tree");
889 rn.containerNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded","true");
890 rn.containerNode.setAttribute("aria-multiselectable", !this.dndController.singular);
891 }else{
892 this.domNode.setAttribute("aria-multiselectable", !this.dndController.singular);
893 }
895 this.domNode.appendChild(rn.domNode);
896 var identity = this.model.getIdentity(item);
897 if(this._itemNodesMap[identity]){
898 this._itemNodesMap[identity].push(rn);
899 }else{
900 this._itemNodesMap[identity] = [rn];
901 }
903 rn._updateLayout(); // sets "dijitTreeIsRoot" CSS classname
905 // Load top level children, and if persist==true, all nodes that were previously opened
906 this._expandNode(rn).then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
907 // Then, select the nodes that were selected last time, or
908 // the ones specified by params.paths[].
910 this.expandChildrenDeferred.resolve(true);
911 }));
912 }),
913 lang.hitch(this, function(err){
914 console.error(this, ": error loading root: ", err);
915 })
916 );
917 },
919 getNodesByItem: function(/*Item or id*/ item){
920 // summary:
921 // Returns all tree nodes that refer to an item
922 // returns:
923 // Array of tree nodes that refer to passed item
925 if(!item){ return []; }
926 var identity = lang.isString(item) ? item : this.model.getIdentity(item);
927 // return a copy so widget don't get messed up by changes to returned array
928 return [].concat(this._itemNodesMap[identity]);
929 },
931 _setSelectedItemAttr: function(/*Item or id*/ item){
932 this.set('selectedItems', [item]);
933 },
935 _setSelectedItemsAttr: function(/*Items or ids*/ items){
936 // summary:
937 // Select tree nodes related to passed items.
938 // WARNING: if model use multi-parented items or desired tree node isn't already loaded
939 // behavior is undefined. Use set('paths', ...) instead.
940 var tree = this;
941 return this.pendingCommandsDeferred = this.pendingCommandsDeferred.then( lang.hitch(this, function(){
942 var identities = array.map(items, function(item){
943 return (!item || lang.isString(item)) ? item : tree.model.getIdentity(item);
944 });
945 var nodes = [];
946 array.forEach(identities, function(id){
947 nodes = nodes.concat(tree._itemNodesMap[id] || []);
948 });
949 this.set('selectedNodes', nodes);
950 }));
951 },
953 _setPathAttr: function(/*Item[]|String[]*/ path){
954 // summary:
955 // Singular variant of _setPathsAttr
956 if(path.length){
957 return this.set("paths", [path]);
958 }else{
959 // Empty list is interpreted as "select nothing"
960 return this.set("paths", []);
961 }
962 },
964 _setPathsAttr: function(/*Item[][]|String[][]*/ paths){
965 // summary:
966 // Select the tree nodes identified by passed paths.
967 // paths:
968 // Array of arrays of items or item id's
969 // returns:
970 // Deferred to indicate when the set is complete
972 var tree = this;
974 // Let any previous set("path", ...) commands complete before this one starts.
975 return this.pendingCommandsDeferred = this.pendingCommandsDeferred.then(function(){
976 // We may need to wait for some nodes to expand, so setting
977 // each path will involve a Deferred. We bring those deferreds
978 // together with a DeferredList.
979 return new DeferredList(array.map(paths, function(path){
980 var d = new Deferred();
982 // normalize path to use identity
983 path = array.map(path, function(item){
984 return lang.isString(item) ? item : tree.model.getIdentity(item);
985 });
987 if(path.length){
988 // Wait for the tree to load, if it hasn't already.
989 selectPath(path, [tree.rootNode], d);
990 }else{
991 d.reject(new Tree.PathError("Empty path"));
992 }
993 return d;
994 }));
995 }).then(setNodes);
997 function selectPath(path, nodes, def){
998 // Traverse path; the next path component should be among "nodes".
999 var nextPath = path.shift();
1000 var nextNode = array.filter(nodes, function(node){
1001 return node.getIdentity() == nextPath;
1002 })[0];
1003 if(!!nextNode){
1004 if(path.length){
1005 tree._expandNode(nextNode).then(function(){ selectPath(path, nextNode.getChildren(), def); });
1006 }else{
1007 // Successfully reached the end of this path
1008 def.resolve(nextNode);
1009 }
1010 }else{
1011 def.reject(new Tree.PathError("Could not expand path at " + nextPath));
1012 }
1013 }
1015 function setNodes(newNodes){
1016 // After all expansion is finished, set the selection to
1017 // the set of nodes successfully found.
1018 tree.set("selectedNodes", array.map(
1019 array.filter(newNodes,function(x){return x[0];}),
1020 function(x){return x[1];}));
1021 }
1022 },
1024 _setSelectedNodeAttr: function(node){
1025 this.set('selectedNodes', [node]);
1026 },
1027 _setSelectedNodesAttr: function(nodes){
1028 // summary:
1029 // Marks the specified TreeNodes as selected.
1030 // nodes: TreeNode[]
1031 // TreeNodes to mark.
1032 this.dndController.setSelection(nodes);
1033 },
1036 expandAll: function(){
1037 // summary:
1038 // Expand all nodes in the tree
1039 // returns:
1040 // Deferred that fires when all nodes have expanded
1042 var _this = this;
1044 function expand(node){
1045 var def = new dojo.Deferred();
1047 // Expand the node
1048 _this._expandNode(node).then(function(){
1049 // When node has expanded, call expand() recursively on each non-leaf child
1050 var childBranches = array.filter(node.getChildren() || [], function(node){
1051 return node.isExpandable;
1052 }),
1053 defs = array.map(childBranches, expand);
1055 // And when all those recursive calls finish, signal that I'm finished
1056 new dojo.DeferredList(defs).then(function(){
1057 def.resolve(true);
1058 });
1059 });
1061 return def;
1062 }
1064 return expand(this.rootNode);
1065 },
1067 collapseAll: function(){
1068 // summary:
1069 // Collapse all nodes in the tree
1070 // returns:
1071 // Deferred that fires when all nodes have collapsed
1073 var _this = this;
1075 function collapse(node){
1076 var def = new dojo.Deferred();
1077 def.label = "collapseAllDeferred";
1079 // Collapse children first
1080 var childBranches = array.filter(node.getChildren() || [], function(node){
1081 return node.isExpandable;
1082 }),
1083 defs = array.map(childBranches, collapse);
1085 // And when all those recursive calls finish, collapse myself, unless I'm the invisible root node,
1086 // in which case collapseAll() is finished
1087 new dojo.DeferredList(defs).then(function(){
1088 if(!node.isExpanded || (node == _this.rootNode && !_this.showRoot)){
1089 def.resolve(true);
1090 }else{
1091 _this._collapseNode(node).then(function(){
1092 // When node has collapsed, signal that call is finished
1093 def.resolve(true);
1094 });
1095 }
1096 });
1099 return def;
1100 }
1102 return collapse(this.rootNode);
1103 },
1105 ////////////// Data store related functions //////////////////////
1106 // These just get passed to the model; they are here for back-compat
1108 mayHaveChildren: function(/*dojo/data/Item*/ /*===== item =====*/){
1109 // summary:
1110 // Deprecated. This should be specified on the model itself.
1111 //
1112 // Overridable function to tell if an item has or may have children.
1113 // Controls whether or not +/- expando icon is shown.
1114 // (For efficiency reasons we may not want to check if an element actually
1115 // has children until user clicks the expando node)
1116 // tags:
1117 // deprecated
1118 },
1120 getItemChildren: function(/*===== parentItem, onComplete =====*/){
1121 // summary:
1122 // Deprecated. This should be specified on the model itself.
1123 //
1124 // Overridable function that return array of child items of given parent item,
1125 // or if parentItem==null then return top items in tree
1126 // tags:
1127 // deprecated
1128 },
1130 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1131 // Functions for converting an item to a TreeNode
1132 getLabel: function(/*dojo/data/Item*/ item){
1133 // summary:
1134 // Overridable function to get the label for a tree node (given the item)
1135 // tags:
1136 // extension
1137 return this.model.getLabel(item); // String
1138 },
1140 getIconClass: function(/*dojo/data/Item*/ item, /*Boolean*/ opened){
1141 // summary:
1142 // Overridable function to return CSS class name to display icon
1143 // tags:
1144 // extension
1145 return (!item || this.model.mayHaveChildren(item)) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf"
1146 },
1148 getLabelClass: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
1149 // summary:
1150 // Overridable function to return CSS class name to display label
1151 // item: dojo/data/Item
1152 // opened: Boolean
1153 // returns: String
1154 // CSS class name
1155 // tags:
1156 // extension
1157 },
1159 getRowClass: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
1160 // summary:
1161 // Overridable function to return CSS class name to display row
1162 // item: dojo/data/Item
1163 // opened: Boolean
1164 // returns: String
1165 // CSS class name
1166 // tags:
1167 // extension
1168 },
1170 getIconStyle: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
1171 // summary:
1172 // Overridable function to return CSS styles to display icon
1173 // item: dojo/data/Item
1174 // opened: Boolean
1175 // returns: Object
1176 // Object suitable for input to dojo.style() like {backgroundImage: "url(...)"}
1177 // tags:
1178 // extension
1179 },
1181 getLabelStyle: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
1182 // summary:
1183 // Overridable function to return CSS styles to display label
1184 // item: dojo/data/Item
1185 // opened: Boolean
1186 // returns:
1187 // Object suitable for input to dojo.style() like {color: "red", background: "green"}
1188 // tags:
1189 // extension
1190 },
1192 getRowStyle: function(/*===== item, opened =====*/){
1193 // summary:
1194 // Overridable function to return CSS styles to display row
1195 // item: dojo/data/Item
1196 // opened: Boolean
1197 // returns:
1198 // Object suitable for input to dojo.style() like {background-color: "#bbb"}
1199 // tags:
1200 // extension
1201 },
1203 getTooltip: function(/*dojo/data/Item*/ /*===== item =====*/){
1204 // summary:
1205 // Overridable function to get the tooltip for a tree node (given the item)
1206 // tags:
1207 // extension
1208 return ""; // String
1209 },
1211 /////////// Keyboard and Mouse handlers ////////////////////
1213 _onKeyPress: function(/*TreeNode*/ treeNode, /*Event*/ e){
1214 // summary:
1215 // Handles keystrokes for printable keys, doing search navigation
1217 if(e.charCode <= 32){
1218 // Avoid duplicate events on firefox (this is an arrow key that will be handled by keydown handler)
1219 return;
1220 }
1222 if(!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey){
1223 var c = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
1224 this._onLetterKeyNav( { node: treeNode, key: c.toLowerCase() } );
1225 event.stop(e);
1226 }
1227 },
1229 _onKeyDown: function(/*TreeNode*/ treeNode, /*Event*/ e){
1230 // summary:
1231 // Handles arrow, space, and enter keys
1233 var key = e.keyCode;
1235 var map = this._keyHandlerMap;
1236 if(!map){
1237 // Setup table mapping keys to events.
1238 // On WebKit based browsers, the combination ctrl-enter does not get passed through. To allow accessible
1239 // multi-select on those browsers, the space key is also used for selection.
1240 // Therefore, also allow space key for keyboard "click" operation.
1241 map = {};
1242 map[keys.ENTER] = map[keys.SPACE] = map[" "] = "_onEnterKey";
1243 map[this.isLeftToRight() ? keys.LEFT_ARROW : keys.RIGHT_ARROW] = "_onLeftArrow";
1244 map[this.isLeftToRight() ? keys.RIGHT_ARROW : keys.LEFT_ARROW] = "_onRightArrow";
1245 map[keys.UP_ARROW] = "_onUpArrow";
1246 map[keys.DOWN_ARROW] = "_onDownArrow";
1247 map[keys.HOME] = "_onHomeKey";
1248 map[keys.END] = "_onEndKey";
1249 this._keyHandlerMap = map;
1250 }
1252 if(this._keyHandlerMap[key]){
1253 // clear record of recent printables (being saved for multi-char letter navigation),
1254 // because "a", down-arrow, "b" shouldn't search for "ab"
1255 if(this._curSearch){
1256 this._curSearch.timer.remove();
1257 delete this._curSearch;
1258 }
1260 this[this._keyHandlerMap[key]]( { node: treeNode, item: treeNode.item, evt: e } );
1261 event.stop(e);
1262 }
1263 },
1265 _onEnterKey: function(/*Object*/ message){
1266 this._publish("execute", { item: message.item, node: message.node } );
1267 this.dndController.userSelect(message.node, connect.isCopyKey( message.evt ), message.evt.shiftKey);
1268 this.onClick(message.item, message.node, message.evt);
1269 },
1271 _onDownArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
1272 // summary:
1273 // down arrow pressed; get next visible node, set focus there
1274 var node = this._getNextNode(message.node);
1275 if(node && node.isTreeNode){
1276 this.focusNode(node);
1277 }
1278 },
1280 _onUpArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
1281 // summary:
1282 // Up arrow pressed; move to previous visible node
1284 var node = message.node;
1286 // if younger siblings
1287 var previousSibling = node.getPreviousSibling();
1288 if(previousSibling){
1289 node = previousSibling;
1290 // if the previous node is expanded, dive in deep
1291 while(node.isExpandable && node.isExpanded && node.hasChildren()){
1292 // move to the last child
1293 var children = node.getChildren();
1294 node = children[children.length-1];
1295 }
1296 }else{
1297 // if this is the first child, return the parent
1298 // unless the parent is the root of a tree with a hidden root
1299 var parent = node.getParent();
1300 if(!(!this.showRoot && parent === this.rootNode)){
1301 node = parent;
1302 }
1303 }
1305 if(node && node.isTreeNode){
1306 this.focusNode(node);
1307 }
1308 },
1310 _onRightArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
1311 // summary:
1312 // Right arrow pressed; go to child node
1313 var node = message.node;
1315 // if not expanded, expand, else move to 1st child
1316 if(node.isExpandable && !node.isExpanded){
1317 this._expandNode(node);
1318 }else if(node.hasChildren()){
1319 node = node.getChildren()[0];
1320 if(node && node.isTreeNode){
1321 this.focusNode(node);
1322 }
1323 }
1324 },
1326 _onLeftArrow: function(/*Object*/ message){
1327 // summary:
1328 // Left arrow pressed.
1329 // If not collapsed, collapse, else move to parent.
1331 var node = message.node;
1333 if(node.isExpandable && node.isExpanded){
1334 this._collapseNode(node);
1335 }else{
1336 var parent = node.getParent();
1337 if(parent && parent.isTreeNode && !(!this.showRoot && parent === this.rootNode)){
1338 this.focusNode(parent);
1339 }
1340 }
1341 },
1343 _onHomeKey: function(){
1344 // summary:
1345 // Home key pressed; get first visible node, and set focus there
1346 var node = this._getRootOrFirstNode();
1347 if(node){
1348 this.focusNode(node);
1349 }
1350 },
1352 _onEndKey: function(){
1353 // summary:
1354 // End key pressed; go to last visible node.
1356 var node = this.rootNode;
1357 while(node.isExpanded){
1358 var c = node.getChildren();
1359 node = c[c.length - 1];
1360 }
1362 if(node && node.isTreeNode){
1363 this.focusNode(node);
1364 }
1365 },
1367 // multiCharSearchDuration: Number
1368 // If multiple characters are typed where each keystroke happens within
1369 // multiCharSearchDuration of the previous keystroke,
1370 // search for nodes matching all the keystrokes.
1371 //
1372 // For example, typing "ab" will search for entries starting with
1373 // "ab" unless the delay between "a" and "b" is greater than multiCharSearchDuration.
1374 multiCharSearchDuration: 250,
1376 _onLetterKeyNav: function(message){
1377 // summary:
1378 // Called when user presses a prinatable key; search for node starting with recently typed letters.
1379 // message: Object
1380 // Like { node: TreeNode, key: 'a' } where key is the key the user pressed.
1382 // Branch depending on whether this key starts a new search, or modifies an existing search
1383 var cs = this._curSearch;
1384 if(cs){
1385 // We are continuing a search. Ex: user has pressed 'a', and now has pressed
1386 // 'b', so we want to search for nodes starting w/"ab".
1387 cs.pattern = cs.pattern + message.key;
1388 cs.timer.remove();
1389 }else{
1390 // We are starting a new search
1391 cs = this._curSearch = {
1392 pattern: message.key,
1393 startNode: message.node
1394 };
1395 }
1397 // set/reset timer to forget recent keystrokes
1398 cs.timer = this.defer(function(){
1399 delete this._curSearch;
1400 }, this.multiCharSearchDuration);
1402 // Navigate to TreeNode matching keystrokes [entered so far].
1403 var node = cs.startNode;
1404 do{
1405 node = this._getNextNode(node);
1406 //check for last node, jump to first node if necessary
1407 if(!node){
1408 node = this._getRootOrFirstNode();
1409 }
1410 }while(node !== cs.startNode && (node.label.toLowerCase().substr(0, cs.pattern.length) != cs.pattern));
1411 if(node && node.isTreeNode){
1412 // no need to set focus if back where we started
1413 if(node !== cs.startNode){
1414 this.focusNode(node);
1415 }
1416 }
1417 },
1419 isExpandoNode: function(node, widget){
1420 // summary:
1421 // check whether a dom node is the expandoNode for a particular TreeNode widget
1422 return dom.isDescendant(node, widget.expandoNode) || dom.isDescendant(node, widget.expandoNodeText);
1423 },
1425 _onClick: function(/*TreeNode*/ nodeWidget, /*Event*/ e){
1426 // summary:
1427 // Translates click events into commands for the controller to process
1429 var domElement = e.target,
1430 isExpandoClick = this.isExpandoNode(domElement, nodeWidget);
1432 if( (this.openOnClick && nodeWidget.isExpandable) || isExpandoClick ){
1433 // expando node was clicked, or label of a folder node was clicked; open it
1434 if(nodeWidget.isExpandable){
1435 this._onExpandoClick({node:nodeWidget});
1436 }
1437 }else{
1438 this._publish("execute", { item: nodeWidget.item, node: nodeWidget, evt: e } );
1439 this.onClick(nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget, e);
1440 this.focusNode(nodeWidget);
1441 }
1442 event.stop(e);
1443 },
1444 _onDblClick: function(/*TreeNode*/ nodeWidget, /*Event*/ e){
1445 // summary:
1446 // Translates double-click events into commands for the controller to process
1448 var domElement = e.target,
1449 isExpandoClick = (domElement == nodeWidget.expandoNode || domElement == nodeWidget.expandoNodeText);
1451 if( (this.openOnDblClick && nodeWidget.isExpandable) ||isExpandoClick ){
1452 // expando node was clicked, or label of a folder node was clicked; open it
1453 if(nodeWidget.isExpandable){
1454 this._onExpandoClick({node:nodeWidget});
1455 }
1456 }else{
1457 this._publish("execute", { item: nodeWidget.item, node: nodeWidget, evt: e } );
1458 this.onDblClick(nodeWidget.item, nodeWidget, e);
1459 this.focusNode(nodeWidget);
1460 }
1461 event.stop(e);
1462 },
1464 _onExpandoClick: function(/*Object*/ message){
1465 // summary:
1466 // User clicked the +/- icon; expand or collapse my children.
1467 var node = message.node;
1469 // If we are collapsing, we might be hiding the currently focused node.
1470 // Also, clicking the expando node might have erased focus from the current node.
1471 // For simplicity's sake just focus on the node with the expando.
1472 this.focusNode(node);
1474 if(node.isExpanded){
1475 this._collapseNode(node);
1476 }else{
1477 this._expandNode(node);
1478 }
1479 },
1481 onClick: function(/*===== item, node, evt =====*/){
1482 // summary:
1483 // Callback when a tree node is clicked
1484 // item: Object
1485 // Object from the dojo/store corresponding to this TreeNode
1486 // node: TreeNode
1487 // The TreeNode itself
1488 // evt: Event
1489 // The event
1490 // tags:
1491 // callback
1492 },
1493 onDblClick: function(/*===== item, node, evt =====*/){
1494 // summary:
1495 // Callback when a tree node is double-clicked
1496 // item: Object
1497 // Object from the dojo/store corresponding to this TreeNode
1498 // node: TreeNode
1499 // The TreeNode itself
1500 // evt: Event
1501 // The event
1502 // tags:
1503 // callback
1504 },
1505 onOpen: function(/*===== item, node =====*/){
1506 // summary:
1507 // Callback when a node is opened
1508 // item: dojo/data/Item
1509 // node: TreeNode
1510 // tags:
1511 // callback
1512 },
1513 onClose: function(/*===== item, node =====*/){
1514 // summary:
1515 // Callback when a node is closed
1516 // item: Object
1517 // Object from the dojo/store corresponding to this TreeNode
1518 // node: TreeNode
1519 // The TreeNode itself
1520 // tags:
1521 // callback
1522 },
1524 _getNextNode: function(node){
1525 // summary:
1526 // Get next visible node
1528 if(node.isExpandable && node.isExpanded && node.hasChildren()){
1529 // if this is an expanded node, get the first child
1530 return node.getChildren()[0]; // TreeNode
1531 }else{
1532 // find a parent node with a sibling
1533 while(node && node.isTreeNode){
1534 var returnNode = node.getNextSibling();
1535 if(returnNode){
1536 return returnNode; // TreeNode
1537 }
1538 node = node.getParent();
1539 }
1540 return null;
1541 }
1542 },
1544 _getRootOrFirstNode: function(){
1545 // summary:
1546 // Get first visible node
1547 return this.showRoot ? this.rootNode : this.rootNode.getChildren()[0];
1548 },
1550 _collapseNode: function(/*TreeNode*/ node){
1551 // summary:
1552 // Called when the user has requested to collapse the node
1553 // returns:
1554 // Deferred that fires when the node is closed
1556 if(node._expandNodeDeferred){
1557 delete node._expandNodeDeferred;
1558 }
1560 if(node.state == "LOADING"){
1561 // ignore clicks while we are in the process of loading data
1562 return;
1563 }
1565 if(node.isExpanded){
1566 var ret = node.collapse();
1568 this.onClose(node.item, node);
1569 this._state(node, false);
1571 this._startPaint(ret); // after this finishes, need to reset widths of TreeNodes
1573 return ret;
1574 }
1575 },
1577 _expandNode: function(/*TreeNode*/ node){
1578 // summary:
1579 // Called when the user has requested to expand the node
1580 // returns:
1581 // Deferred that fires when the node is loaded and opened and (if persist=true) all it's descendants
1582 // that were previously opened too
1584 // Signal that this call is complete
1585 var def = new Deferred();
1587 if(node._expandNodeDeferred){
1588 // there's already an expand in progress, or completed, so just return
1589 return node._expandNodeDeferred; // dojo/_base/Deferred
1590 }
1592 var model = this.model,
1593 item = node.item,
1594 _this = this;
1596 // Load data if it's not already loaded
1597 if(!node._loadDeferred){
1598 // need to load all the children before expanding
1599 node.markProcessing();
1601 // Setup deferred to signal when the load and expand are finished.
1602 // Save that deferred in this._expandDeferred as a flag that operation is in progress.
1603 node._loadDeferred = new Deferred();
1605 // Get the children
1606 model.getChildren(
1607 item,
1608 function(items){
1609 node.unmarkProcessing();
1611 // Display the children and also start expanding any children that were previously expanded
1612 // (if this.persist == true). The returned Deferred will fire when those expansions finish.
1613 node.setChildItems(items).then(function(){
1614 node._loadDeferred.resolve(items);
1615 });
1616 },
1617 function(err){
1618 console.error(_this, ": error loading " + node.label + " children: ", err);
1619 node._loadDeferred.reject(err);
1620 }
1621 );
1622 }
1624 // Expand the node after data has loaded
1625 node._loadDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
1626 node.expand().then(function(){
1627 def.resolve(true); // signal that this _expandNode() call is complete
1628 });
1630 // seems like these should be inside of then(), but left here for back-compat about
1631 // when this.isOpen flag gets set (ie, at the beginning of the animation)
1632 this.onOpen(node.item, node);
1633 this._state(node, true);
1634 }));
1636 this._startPaint(def); // after this finishes, need to reset widths of TreeNodes
1638 return def; // dojo/_base/Deferred
1639 },
1641 ////////////////// Miscellaneous functions ////////////////
1643 focusNode: function(/* _tree.Node */ node){
1644 // summary:
1645 // Focus on the specified node (which must be visible)
1646 // tags:
1647 // protected
1649 // set focus so that the label will be voiced using screen readers
1650 focus.focus(node.labelNode);
1651 },
1653 _onNodeFocus: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ node){
1654 // summary:
1655 // Called when a TreeNode gets focus, either by user clicking
1656 // it, or programatically by arrow key handling code.
1657 // description:
1658 // It marks that the current node is the selected one, and the previously
1659 // selected node no longer is.
1661 if(node && node != this.lastFocused){
1662 if(this.lastFocused && !this.lastFocused._destroyed){
1663 // mark that the previously focsable node is no longer focusable
1664 this.lastFocused.setFocusable(false);
1665 }
1667 // mark that the new node is the currently selected one
1668 node.setFocusable(true);
1669 this.lastFocused = node;
1670 }
1671 },
1673 _onNodeMouseEnter: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ /*===== node =====*/){
1674 // summary:
1675 // Called when mouse is over a node (onmouseenter event),
1676 // this is monitored by the DND code
1677 },
1679 _onNodeMouseLeave: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ /*===== node =====*/){
1680 // summary:
1681 // Called when mouse leaves a node (onmouseleave event),
1682 // this is monitored by the DND code
1683 },
1685 //////////////// Events from the model //////////////////////////
1687 _onItemChange: function(/*Item*/ item){
1688 // summary:
1689 // Processes notification of a change to an item's scalar values like label
1690 var model = this.model,
1691 identity = model.getIdentity(item),
1692 nodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity];
1694 if(nodes){
1695 var label = this.getLabel(item),
1696 tooltip = this.getTooltip(item);
1697 array.forEach(nodes, function(node){
1698 node.set({
1699 item: item, // theoretically could be new JS Object representing same item
1700 label: label,
1701 tooltip: tooltip
1702 });
1703 node._updateItemClasses(item);
1704 });
1705 }
1706 },
1708 _onItemChildrenChange: function(/*dojo/data/Item*/ parent, /*dojo/data/Item[]*/ newChildrenList){
1709 // summary:
1710 // Processes notification of a change to an item's children
1711 var model = this.model,
1712 identity = model.getIdentity(parent),
1713 parentNodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity];
1715 if(parentNodes){
1716 array.forEach(parentNodes,function(parentNode){
1717 parentNode.setChildItems(newChildrenList);
1718 });
1719 }
1720 },
1722 _onItemDelete: function(/*Item*/ item){
1723 // summary:
1724 // Processes notification of a deletion of an item.
1725 // Not called from new dojo.store interface but there's cleanup code in setChildItems() instead.
1727 var model = this.model,
1728 identity = model.getIdentity(item),
1729 nodes = this._itemNodesMap[identity];
1731 if(nodes){
1732 array.forEach(nodes,function(node){
1733 // Remove node from set of selected nodes (if it's selected)
1734 this.dndController.removeTreeNode(node);
1736 var parent = node.getParent();
1737 if(parent){
1738 // if node has not already been orphaned from a _onSetItem(parent, "children", ..) call...
1739 parent.removeChild(node);
1740 }
1741 node.destroyRecursive();
1742 }, this);
1743 delete this._itemNodesMap[identity];
1744 }
1745 },
1747 /////////////// Miscellaneous funcs
1749 _initState: function(){
1750 // summary:
1751 // Load in which nodes should be opened automatically
1752 this._openedNodes = {};
1753 if(this.persist && this.cookieName){
1754 var oreo = cookie(this.cookieName);
1755 if(oreo){
1756 array.forEach(oreo.split(','), function(item){
1757 this._openedNodes[item] = true;
1758 }, this);
1759 }
1760 }
1761 },
1762 _state: function(node, expanded){
1763 // summary:
1764 // Query or set expanded state for an node
1765 if(!this.persist){
1766 return false;
1767 }
1768 var path = array.map(node.getTreePath(), function(item){
1769 return this.model.getIdentity(item);
1770 }, this).join("/");
1771 if(arguments.length === 1){
1772 return this._openedNodes[path];
1773 }else{
1774 if(expanded){
1775 this._openedNodes[path] = true;
1776 }else{
1777 delete this._openedNodes[path];
1778 }
1779 if(this.persist && this.cookieName){
1780 var ary = [];
1781 for(var id in this._openedNodes){
1782 ary.push(id);
1783 }
1784 cookie(this.cookieName, ary.join(","), {expires:365});
1785 }
1786 }
1787 },
1789 destroy: function(){
1790 if(this._curSearch){
1791 this._curSearch.timer.remove();
1792 delete this._curSearch;
1793 }
1794 if(this.rootNode){
1795 this.rootNode.destroyRecursive();
1796 }
1797 if(this.dndController && !lang.isString(this.dndController)){
1798 this.dndController.destroy();
1799 }
1800 this.rootNode = null;
1801 this.inherited(arguments);
1802 },
1804 destroyRecursive: function(){
1805 // A tree is treated as a leaf, not as a node with children (like a grid),
1806 // but defining destroyRecursive for back-compat.
1807 this.destroy();
1808 },
1810 resize: function(changeSize){
1811 if(changeSize){
1812 domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.domNode, changeSize);
1813 }
1815 // The main JS sizing involved w/tree is the indentation, which is specified
1816 // in CSS and read in through this dummy indentDetector node (tree must be
1817 // visible and attached to the DOM to read this).
1818 // If the Tree is hidden domGeometry.position(this.tree.indentDetector).w will return 0, in which case just
1819 // keep the default value.
1820 this._nodePixelIndent = domGeometry.position(this.tree.indentDetector).w || this._nodePixelIndent;
1822 // resize() may be called before this.rootNode is created, so wait until it's available
1823 this.expandChildrenDeferred.then(lang.hitch(this, function(){
1824 // If tree has already loaded, then reset indent for all the nodes
1825 this.rootNode.set('indent', this.showRoot ? 0 : -1);
1827 // Also, adjust widths of all rows to match width of Tree
1828 this._adjustWidths();
1829 }));
1830 },
1832 _outstandingPaintOperations: 0,
1833 _startPaint: function(/*Promise|Boolean*/ p){
1834 // summary:
1835 // Called at the start of an operation that will change what's displayed.
1836 // p:
1837 // Promise that tells when the operation will complete. Alternately, if it's just a Boolean, it signifies
1838 // that the operation was synchronous, and already completed.
1840 this._outstandingPaintOperations++;
1841 if(this._adjustWidthsTimer){
1842 this._adjustWidthsTimer.remove();
1843 delete this._adjustWidthsTimer;
1844 }
1846 var oc = lang.hitch(this, function(){
1847 this._outstandingPaintOperations--;
1849 if(this._outstandingPaintOperations <= 0 && !this._adjustWidthsTimer && this._started){
1850 // Use defer() to avoid a width adjustment when another operation will immediately follow,
1851 // such as a sequence of opening a node, then it's children, then it's grandchildren, etc.
1852 this._adjustWidthsTimer = this.defer("_adjustWidths");
1853 }
1854 });
1855 when(p, oc, oc);
1856 },
1858 _adjustWidths: function(){
1859 // summary:
1860 // Get width of widest TreeNode, or the width of the Tree itself, whichever is greater,
1861 // and then set all TreeNodes to that width, so that selection/hover highlighting
1862 // extends to the edge of the Tree (#13141)
1864 if(this._adjustWidthsTimer){
1865 this._adjustWidthsTimer.remove();
1866 delete this._adjustWidthsTimer;
1867 }
1869 var maxWidth = 0,
1870 nodes = [];
1871 function collect(/*TreeNode*/ parent){
1872 var node = parent.rowNode;
1873 node.style.width = "auto"; // erase setting from previous run
1874 maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, node.clientWidth);
1875 nodes.push(node);
1876 if(parent.isExpanded){
1877 array.forEach(parent.getChildren(), collect);
1878 }
1879 }
1880 collect(this.rootNode);
1881 maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, domGeometry.getContentBox(this.domNode).w); // do after node.style.width="auto"
1882 array.forEach(nodes, function(node){
1883 node.style.width = maxWidth + "px"; // assumes no horizontal padding, border, or margin on rowNode
1884 });
1885 },
1887 _createTreeNode: function(/*Object*/ args){
1888 // summary:
1889 // creates a TreeNode
1890 // description:
1891 // Developers can override this method to define their own TreeNode class;
1892 // However it will probably be removed in a future release in favor of a way
1893 // of just specifying a widget for the label, rather than one that contains
1894 // the children too.
1895 return new TreeNode(args);
1896 },
1898 _setTextDirAttr: function(textDir){
1899 if(textDir && this.textDir!= textDir){
1900 this._set("textDir",textDir);
1901 this.rootNode.set("textDir", textDir);
1902 }
1903 }
1906Tree.PathError = createError("TreePathError");
1907Tree._TreeNode = TreeNode; // for monkey patching or creating subclasses of TreeNode
1909return Tree;