]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blame - lib/dijit/layout/utils.js.uncompressed.js
modify dojo rebuild script to remove uncompressed files
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / layout / utils.js.uncompressed.js
1define("dijit/layout/utils", [
2 "dojo/_base/array", // array.filter array.forEach
3 "dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
4 "dojo/dom-geometry", // domGeometry.marginBox
5 "dojo/dom-style", // domStyle.getComputedStyle
6 "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
7 "../main" // for exporting symbols to dijit, remove in 2.0
8], function(array, domClass, domGeometry, domStyle, lang, dijit){
10 // module:
11 // dijit/layout/utils
13 var layout = lang.getObject("layout", true, dijit);
14 /*=====
15 layout = {
16 // summary:
17 // marginBox2contentBox() and layoutChildren()
18 };
19 =====*/
21 layout.marginBox2contentBox = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ mb){
22 // summary:
23 // Given the margin-box size of a node, return its content box size.
24 // Functions like domGeometry.contentBox() but is more reliable since it doesn't have
25 // to wait for the browser to compute sizes.
26 var cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(node);
27 var me = domGeometry.getMarginExtents(node, cs);
28 var pb = domGeometry.getPadBorderExtents(node, cs);
29 return {
30 l: domStyle.toPixelValue(node, cs.paddingLeft),
31 t: domStyle.toPixelValue(node, cs.paddingTop),
32 w: mb.w - (me.w + pb.w),
33 h: mb.h - (me.h + pb.h)
34 };
35 };
37 function capitalize(word){
38 return word.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1);
39 }
41 function size(widget, dim){
42 // size the child
43 var newSize = widget.resize ? widget.resize(dim) : domGeometry.setMarginBox(widget.domNode, dim);
45 // record child's size
46 if(newSize){
47 // if the child returned it's new size then use that
48 lang.mixin(widget, newSize);
49 }else{
50 // otherwise, call getMarginBox(), but favor our own numbers when we have them.
51 // the browser lies sometimes
52 lang.mixin(widget, domGeometry.getMarginBox(widget.domNode));
53 lang.mixin(widget, dim);
54 }
55 }
57 layout.layoutChildren = function(/*DomNode*/ container, /*Object*/ dim, /*Widget[]*/ children,
58 /*String?*/ changedRegionId, /*Number?*/ changedRegionSize){
59 // summary:
60 // Layout a bunch of child dom nodes within a parent dom node
61 // container:
62 // parent node
63 // dim:
64 // {l, t, w, h} object specifying dimensions of container into which to place children
65 // children:
66 // An array of Widgets or at least objects containing:
67 //
68 // - domNode: pointer to DOM node to position
69 // - region or layoutAlign: position to place DOM node
70 // - resize(): (optional) method to set size of node
71 // - id: (optional) Id of widgets, referenced from resize object, below.
72 // changedRegionId:
73 // If specified, the slider for the region with the specified id has been dragged, and thus
74 // the region's height or width should be adjusted according to changedRegionSize
75 // changedRegionSize:
76 // See changedRegionId.
78 // copy dim because we are going to modify it
79 dim = lang.mixin({}, dim);
81 domClass.add(container, "dijitLayoutContainer");
83 // Move "client" elements to the end of the array for layout. a11y dictates that the author
84 // needs to be able to put them in the document in tab-order, but this algorithm requires that
85 // client be last. TODO: move these lines to LayoutContainer? Unneeded other places I think.
86 children = array.filter(children, function(item){ return item.region != "center" && item.layoutAlign != "client"; })
87 .concat(array.filter(children, function(item){ return item.region == "center" || item.layoutAlign == "client"; }));
89 // set positions/sizes
90 array.forEach(children, function(child){
91 var elm = child.domNode,
92 pos = (child.region || child.layoutAlign);
93 if(!pos){
94 throw new Error("No region setting for " + child.id)
95 }
97 // set elem to upper left corner of unused space; may move it later
98 var elmStyle = elm.style;
99 elmStyle.left = dim.l+"px";
100 elmStyle.top = dim.t+"px";
101 elmStyle.position = "absolute";
103 domClass.add(elm, "dijitAlign" + capitalize(pos));
105 // Size adjustments to make to this child widget
106 var sizeSetting = {};
108 // Check for optional size adjustment due to splitter drag (height adjustment for top/bottom align
109 // panes and width adjustment for left/right align panes.
110 if(changedRegionId && changedRegionId == child.id){
111 sizeSetting[child.region == "top" || child.region == "bottom" ? "h" : "w"] = changedRegionSize;
112 }
114 // set size && adjust record of remaining space.
115 // note that setting the width of a <div> may affect its height.
116 if(pos == "top" || pos == "bottom"){
117 sizeSetting.w = dim.w;
118 size(child, sizeSetting);
119 dim.h -= child.h;
120 if(pos == "top"){
121 dim.t += child.h;
122 }else{
123 elmStyle.top = dim.t + dim.h + "px";
124 }
125 }else if(pos == "left" || pos == "right"){
126 sizeSetting.h = dim.h;
127 size(child, sizeSetting);
128 dim.w -= child.w;
129 if(pos == "left"){
130 dim.l += child.w;
131 }else{
132 elmStyle.left = dim.l + dim.w + "px";
133 }
134 }else if(pos == "client" || pos == "center"){
135 size(child, dim);
136 }
137 });
138 };
141 return {
142 marginBox2contentBox: layout.marginBox2contentBox,
143 layoutChildren: layout.layoutChildren
144 };