]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blame - lib/dojo/cookie.js.uncompressed.js
update dojo to 1.7.3
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / cookie.js.uncompressed.js
1define("dojo/cookie", ["./_base/kernel", "./regexp"], function(dojo, regexp) {
2 // module:
3 // dojo/cookie
4 // summary:
5 // TODOC
9dojo.__cookieProps = function(){
10 // expires: Date|String|Number?
11 // If a number, the number of days from today at which the cookie
12 // will expire. If a date, the date past which the cookie will expire.
13 // If expires is in the past, the cookie will be deleted.
14 // If expires is omitted or is 0, the cookie will expire when the browser closes.
15 // path: String?
16 // The path to use for the cookie.
17 // domain: String?
18 // The domain to use for the cookie.
19 // secure: Boolean?
20 // Whether to only send the cookie on secure connections
21 this.expires = expires;
22 this.path = path;
23 this.domain = domain;
24 this.secure = secure;
29dojo.cookie = function(/*String*/name, /*String?*/value, /*dojo.__cookieProps?*/props){
30 // summary:
31 // Get or set a cookie.
32 // description:
33 // If one argument is passed, returns the value of the cookie
34 // For two or more arguments, acts as a setter.
35 // name:
36 // Name of the cookie
37 // value:
38 // Value for the cookie
39 // props:
40 // Properties for the cookie
41 // example:
42 // set a cookie with the JSON-serialized contents of an object which
43 // will expire 5 days from now:
44 // | dojo.cookie("configObj", dojo.toJson(config), { expires: 5 });
45 //
46 // example:
47 // de-serialize a cookie back into a JavaScript object:
48 // | var config = dojo.fromJson(dojo.cookie("configObj"));
49 //
50 // example:
51 // delete a cookie:
52 // | dojo.cookie("configObj", null, {expires: -1});
53 var c = document.cookie, ret;
54 if(arguments.length == 1){
55 var matches = c.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + regexp.escapeString(name) + "=([^;]*)"));
56 ret = matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined;
57 }else{
58 props = props || {};
59// FIXME: expires=0 seems to disappear right away, not on close? (FF3) Change docs?
60 var exp = props.expires;
61 if(typeof exp == "number"){
62 var d = new Date();
63 d.setTime(d.getTime() + exp*24*60*60*1000);
64 exp = props.expires = d;
65 }
66 if(exp && exp.toUTCString){ props.expires = exp.toUTCString(); }
68 value = encodeURIComponent(value);
69 var updatedCookie = name + "=" + value, propName;
70 for(propName in props){
71 updatedCookie += "; " + propName;
72 var propValue = props[propName];
73 if(propValue !== true){ updatedCookie += "=" + propValue; }
74 }
75 document.cookie = updatedCookie;
76 }
77 return ret; // String|undefined
80dojo.cookie.isSupported = function(){
81 // summary:
82 // Use to determine if the current browser supports cookies or not.
83 //
84 // Returns true if user allows cookies.
85 // Returns false if user doesn't allow cookies.
87 if(!("cookieEnabled" in navigator)){
88 this("__djCookieTest__", "CookiesAllowed");
89 navigator.cookieEnabled = this("__djCookieTest__") == "CookiesAllowed";
90 if(navigator.cookieEnabled){
91 this("__djCookieTest__", "", {expires: -1});
92 }
93 }
94 return navigator.cookieEnabled;
97return dojo.cookie;