]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blame_incremental - config.php-dist
prefs: some async work (5)
[tt-rss.git] / config.php-dist
... / ...
2 // Your RDBMS must be configured to accept connections
3 // via TCP/IP and authentified by password.
5 define('DB_TYPE', "pgsql"); // or mysql
6 define('DB_HOST', "localhost");
7 define('DB_USER', "fox");
8 define('DB_NAME', "fox");
9 define('DB_PASS', "XXXXXX");
10 //define('DB_PORT', '5432'); // when neeeded, PG-only
12 define('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT', 60);
13 // Magpie's default timeout is 5 seconds. Some RSS feeds,
14 // such as from large Trac installs, can take significantly
15 // longer than 5 seconds to generate. To prevent failed
16 // updates, increase this.
18 define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', '/var/tmp/magpie-ttrss-cache');
19 // Local cache directory for RSS feeds
21 define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60*30);
22 // How long to store cached RSS objects? In seconds.
23 // Defaults to 30 minutes
25 define('WEB_DEMO_MODE', false);
26 // Demo mode with reduced functionality.
27 // Warning: this option is obsolete. Don't rely on it being
28 // checked in all necessary places.
30 define('ICONS_DIR', "icons");
31 define('ICONS_URL', "icons");
32 // Local and URL path to the directory, where feed favicons are stored.
34 define('SINGLE_USER_MODE', true);
35 // Operate in single user mode, disables all functionality related to
36 // multiple users.
38 define('SMART_RPC_COUNTERS', false);
39 // If enabled, stores feed counter information on the server side and sends
40 // only diffs to the client. In the nutshell, it saves your bandwidth and
41 // makes UI more responsive, but eats server memory.
42 // This option can introduce a lot of weird interface glitches in
43 // some use-cases (if you have more than one tt-rss window open, for example)
44 // so it is disabled by default.
46 define('ENABLE_FEED_BROWSER', true);
47 // Enable or disable local feed browser
49 define('TMP_DIRECTORY', '/tmp');
50 // Directory for temporary files
52 define('FEEDS_FRAME_REFRESH', 600);
53 // Auto refresh interval for feeds frame (in seconds)
55 define('MAX_UPDATE_TIME', 0);
56 // Limit one update sequence run to this number of seconds.
57 // The valiue is not exact, because it is being checked between feed updates,
58 // which could use abritrary amount of time. Feeds which could not be updated
59 // in time, are being skipped.
60 // If this option is enabled (non-zero) feeds are updated in random order.
61 // It is also recommended to set FEEDS_FRAME_REFRESH to a lower value if using
62 // this option.
64 define('ENABLE_UPDATE_DAEMON', false);
65 // This enables different mechanism for user-triggered updates designed
66 // for update daemon running in background on the server.
67 // This option suggests FEEDS_FRAME_REFRESH set to a small value
68 // (like 60 seconds, depending on number of users and server/bandwidth load).
70 define('DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL', 120);
71 // Interval between update daemon update runs
73 define('DATABASE_BACKED_SESSIONS', false);
74 // Store session information in a database, recommended for multiuser
75 // configurations. Doesn't seem to work for everyone, so enable with caution.
76 // tt-rss uses default PHP session storing mechanism if disabled.
78 define('SESSION_CHECK_ADDRESS', true);
79 // Bind session to client IP address (recommended)
82 // Default lifetime of a session (e.g. login) cookie. In seconds,
83 // 0 means cookie will be deleted when browser closes.
85 define('SESSION_EXPIRE_TIME', 86400);
86 // Hard expiration limit for sessions. Should be
87 // greater or equal to SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME
90 // Stop updating feeds of user who was never logged in
91 // in specified amount of days. 0 disables.
93 define('CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION', true);
94 // Check for new versions of tt-rss when entering preferences.
96 define('USE_CURL_FOR_ICONS', false);
97 // Fetch favicons using CURL, useful if your PHP has disabled remote fopen()
99 define('DIGEST_ENABLE', true);
100 // Global option to enable daily digests
102 define('DIGEST_EMAIL_LIMIT', 10);
103 // The maximum amount of emails sent in one digest batch
105 define('DAEMON_SENDS_DIGESTS', true);
106 // If update daemon and update_feeds should send digests
107 // Disable if you prefer querying special URL (see wiki)
109 define('ENABLE_TRANSLATIONS', false);
110 // Enable experimental support for interface translations
111 // based on PHP-Gettext. This is of no much use right now.
113 define('MYSQL_CHARSET', '');
114 // Connection charset for MySQL. Only enable if having charset-related
115 // errors with MySQL (mangled characters, errors when updating feeds, etc).
117 define('ENABLE_SIMPLEPIE', false);
118 // Enables SimplePie RSS parsing library (experimental). When this option
119 // is disabled, Tiny Tiny RSS defaults to Magpie library.
121 // SimplePie is somewhat faster, more robust and less clunky as Magpie.
122 // While it doesn't internally support HTTP Digest authentication
123 // (required for Livejournal protected feeds and such) and SSL, it can
124 // support it when using CURL.
126 // To summarize, if your PHP has CURL extension or you aren't subscribed
127 // to any feeds using HTTP Digest authentication and Magpie XML parsing
128 // errors are bothering you too much, you can try enabling SimplePie.
130 define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_DIR', '/var/tmp/simplepie-ttrss-cache');
131 // Cache directory for RSS feeds when using SimplePie
133 define('SIMPLEPIE_CACHE_IMAGES', false);
134 // Allow caching feed images when using SimplePie, to bypass hotlink
135 // prevention and such at expense of local disk space and bandwidth.
136 // Note that you (or your users) also have to enable image caching
137 // in feed editor.
139 define('COUNTERS_MAX_AGE', 365);
140 // Hard limit for unread counters calculation. Try tweaking this
141 // parameter to speed up tt-rss when having a huge number of articles
142 // in the database (better yet, enable purging!)
144 define('DIGEST_FROM_NAME', 'Tiny Tiny RSS');
145 define('DIGEST_FROM_ADDRESS', 'noreply@your.domain.dom');
146 // Name, address and subject for sending outgoing mail. This applies
147 // to password reset notifications, digest emails and any other mail.
149 define('DIGEST_SUBJECT', '[tt-rss] New headlines for last 24 hours');
150 // Subject line for email digests
152 define('DIGEST_SMTP_HOST', '');
153 // SMTP Host to send outgoing mail. Blank - use system MTA.
155 define('DIGEST_SMTP_LOGIN', '');
156 define('DIGEST_SMTP_PASSWORD', '');
157 // These two options enable SMTP authentication when sending
158 // outgoing mail. Require DIGEST_SMTP_HOST.
160 define('DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT', 100);
161 // Limits the amount of feeds daemon (or a cronjob) updates on one run
163 define('ALLOW_REMOTE_USER_AUTH', false);
164 // Set to 'true' if you trust your web server's REMOTE_USER
165 // environment variable to validate that the user is logged in. This
166 // option can be used to integrate tt-rss with Apache's external
167 // authentication modules.
169 define('LOCK_DIRECTORY', '.');
170 // Directory for lockfiles, must be writable to the user you run
171 // daemon process or cronjobs under.
173 define('ALLOW_SELECT_UPDATE_METHOD', true);
174 // Allow users to select the library to update feeds with - e.g.
175 // Magpie or SimplePie
177 define('ENABLE_GZIP_OUTPUT', false);
178 // Selectively gzip output to improve wire performance. This requires
179 // PHP Zlib extension on the server.
181 define('PHP_EXECUTABLE', '/usr/bin/php');
182 // Path to PHP executable
184 define('ENABLE_REGISTRATION', false);
185 // Allow users to register themselves. Please be vary that allowing
186 // random people to access your tt-rss installation is a security risk
187 // and potentially might lead to data loss or server exploit. Disabled
188 // by default.
190 define('REG_NOTIFY_ADDRESS', 'user@your.domain.dom');
191 // Email address to send new user notifications to.
193 define('REG_MAX_USERS', 10);
194 // Maximum amount of users which will be allowed to register on this
195 // system. 0 - no limit.
197 define('FEEDBACK_URL', '');
198 // Displays an URL for users to provide feedback or comments regarding
199 // this instance of tt-rss. Can lead to a forum, contact email, etc.
201 define('FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE', 0);
202 // When this option is not 0, users ability to control feed purging
203 // intervals is disabled and all articles (which are not starred)
204 // older than this amount of days are purged.
206 define('CONFIG_VERSION', 18);
207 // Expected config version. Please update this option in config.php
208 // if necessary (after migrating all new options from this file).
210 // vim:ft=php