]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blame_incremental - lib/dijit/WidgetSet.js.uncompressed.js
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[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / WidgetSet.js.uncompressed.js
... / ...
1define("dijit/WidgetSet", [
2 "dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.map
3 "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
4 "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.global
5 "./registry" // to add functions to dijit.registry
6], function(array, declare, kernel, registry){
8 // module:
9 // dijit/WidgetSet
11 var WidgetSet = declare("dijit.WidgetSet", null, {
12 // summary:
13 // A set of widgets indexed by id.
14 // Deprecated, will be removed in 2.0.
15 //
16 // example:
17 // Create a small list of widgets:
18 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
19 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
20 // | var ws = new WidgetSet();
21 // | ws.add(registry.byId("one"));
22 // | ws.add(registry.byId("two"));
23 // | // destroy both:
24 // | ws.forEach(function(w){ w.destroy(); });
25 // | });
27 constructor: function(){
28 this._hash = {};
29 this.length = 0;
30 },
32 add: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ widget){
33 // summary:
34 // Add a widget to this list. If a duplicate ID is detected, a error is thrown.
35 //
36 // widget: dijit/_WidgetBase
37 // Any dijit/_WidgetBase subclass.
38 if(this._hash[widget.id]){
39 throw new Error("Tried to register widget with id==" + widget.id + " but that id is already registered");
40 }
41 this._hash[widget.id] = widget;
42 this.length++;
43 },
45 remove: function(/*String*/ id){
46 // summary:
47 // Remove a widget from this WidgetSet. Does not destroy the widget; simply
48 // removes the reference.
49 if(this._hash[id]){
50 delete this._hash[id];
51 this.length--;
52 }
53 },
55 forEach: function(/*Function*/ func, /* Object? */thisObj){
56 // summary:
57 // Call specified function for each widget in this set.
58 //
59 // func:
60 // A callback function to run for each item. Is passed the widget, the index
61 // in the iteration, and the full hash, similar to `array.forEach`.
62 //
63 // thisObj:
64 // An optional scope parameter
65 //
66 // example:
67 // Using the default `dijit.registry` instance:
68 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
69 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
70 // | registry.forEach(function(widget){
71 // | console.log(widget.declaredClass);
72 // | });
73 // | });
74 //
75 // returns:
76 // Returns self, in order to allow for further chaining.
78 thisObj = thisObj || kernel.global;
79 var i = 0, id;
80 for(id in this._hash){
81 func.call(thisObj, this._hash[id], i++, this._hash);
82 }
83 return this; // dijit/WidgetSet
84 },
86 filter: function(/*Function*/ filter, /* Object? */thisObj){
87 // summary:
88 // Filter down this WidgetSet to a smaller new WidgetSet
89 // Works the same as `array.filter` and `NodeList.filter`
90 //
91 // filter:
92 // Callback function to test truthiness. Is passed the widget
93 // reference and the pseudo-index in the object.
94 //
95 // thisObj: Object?
96 // Option scope to use for the filter function.
97 //
98 // example:
99 // Arbitrary: select the odd widgets in this list
100 // |
101 // |
102 // |
103 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
104 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
105 // | registry.filter(function(w, i){
106 // | return i % 2 == 0;
107 // | }).forEach(function(w){ /* odd ones */ });
108 // | });
110 thisObj = thisObj || kernel.global;
111 var res = new WidgetSet(), i = 0, id;
112 for(id in this._hash){
113 var w = this._hash[id];
114 if(filter.call(thisObj, w, i++, this._hash)){
115 res.add(w);
116 }
117 }
118 return res; // dijit/WidgetSet
119 },
121 byId: function(/*String*/ id){
122 // summary:
123 // Find a widget in this list by it's id.
124 // example:
125 // Test if an id is in a particular WidgetSet
126 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
127 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
128 // | var ws = new WidgetSet();
129 // | ws.add(registry.byId("bar"));
130 // | var t = ws.byId("bar") // returns a widget
131 // | var x = ws.byId("foo"); // returns undefined
132 // | });
134 return this._hash[id]; // dijit/_WidgetBase
135 },
137 byClass: function(/*String*/ cls){
138 // summary:
139 // Reduce this widgetset to a new WidgetSet of a particular `declaredClass`
140 //
141 // cls: String
142 // The Class to scan for. Full dot-notated string.
143 //
144 // example:
145 // Find all `dijit.TitlePane`s in a page:
146 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
147 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
148 // | registry.byClass("dijit.TitlePane").forEach(function(tp){ tp.close(); });
149 // | });
151 var res = new WidgetSet(), id, widget;
152 for(id in this._hash){
153 widget = this._hash[id];
154 if(widget.declaredClass == cls){
155 res.add(widget);
156 }
157 }
158 return res; // dijit/WidgetSet
159 },
161 toArray: function(){
162 // summary:
163 // Convert this WidgetSet into a true Array
164 //
165 // example:
166 // Work with the widget .domNodes in a real Array
167 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
168 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
169 // | array.map(registry.toArray(), function(w){ return w.domNode; });
170 // | });
173 var ar = [];
174 for(var id in this._hash){
175 ar.push(this._hash[id]);
176 }
177 return ar; // dijit/_WidgetBase[]
178 },
180 map: function(/* Function */func, /* Object? */thisObj){
181 // summary:
182 // Create a new Array from this WidgetSet, following the same rules as `array.map`
183 // example:
184 // | require(["dijit/WidgetSet", "dijit/registry"],
185 // | function(WidgetSet, registry){
186 // | var nodes = registry.map(function(w){ return w.domNode; });
187 // | });
188 //
189 // returns:
190 // A new array of the returned values.
191 return array.map(this.toArray(), func, thisObj); // Array
192 },
194 every: function(func, thisObj){
195 // summary:
196 // A synthetic clone of `array.every` acting explicitly on this WidgetSet
197 //
198 // func: Function
199 // A callback function run for every widget in this list. Exits loop
200 // when the first false return is encountered.
201 //
202 // thisObj: Object?
203 // Optional scope parameter to use for the callback
205 thisObj = thisObj || kernel.global;
206 var x = 0, i;
207 for(i in this._hash){
208 if(!func.call(thisObj, this._hash[i], x++, this._hash)){
209 return false; // Boolean
210 }
211 }
212 return true; // Boolean
213 },
215 some: function(func, thisObj){
216 // summary:
217 // A synthetic clone of `array.some` acting explicitly on this WidgetSet
218 //
219 // func: Function
220 // A callback function run for every widget in this list. Exits loop
221 // when the first true return is encountered.
222 //
223 // thisObj: Object?
224 // Optional scope parameter to use for the callback
226 thisObj = thisObj || kernel.global;
227 var x = 0, i;
228 for(i in this._hash){
229 if(func.call(thisObj, this._hash[i], x++, this._hash)){
230 return true; // Boolean
231 }
232 }
233 return false; // Boolean
234 }
236 });
238 // Add in 1.x compatibility methods to dijit/registry.
239 // These functions won't show up in the API doc but since they are deprecated anyway,
240 // that's probably for the best.
241 array.forEach(["forEach", "filter", "byClass", "map", "every", "some"], function(func){
242 registry[func] = WidgetSet.prototype[func];
243 });
246 return WidgetSet;