]> git.wh0rd.org - chrome-ext/clearhistory-advance-fork.git/blob - css/options.css
use chrome.storage.sync
[chrome-ext/clearhistory-advance-fork.git] / css / options.css
1 /* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. */
3 /**
4 * @fileoverview The styles for elements of the options page
5 * @author arunjit@google.com (Arunjit Singh)
6 */
9 body {
10 background-color: #eef;
11 color: #222;
12 direction: __MSG_@@bidi_dir__; /* Predefined message from Chrome Extension */
13 font: 13px/18px "Arial";
14 }
15 header {
16 color: #333;
17 margin: 0 auto;
18 text-align: left;
19 width: 400px;
20 }
21 h1 {
22 color: #dd4b39;
23 font: 20px/24px "Arial" normal;
24 margin: 5px 0 0;
25 padding: 0 5px 3px;
26 }
27 h1 > img,
28 h1 > span {
29 vertical-align: middle;
30 }
31 hr {
32 background-color: #ebebeb;
33 border: none;
34 clear: both;
35 height: 1px;
36 margin: 5px auto;
37 width: 400px;
38 }
39 #content {
40 background-color: #fff;
41 border: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
42 border-radius: 12px;
43 margin: 40px auto 0;
44 padding: 10px 10px 0;
45 width: 500px;
46 }
47 #opt-form {
48 margin: 10px auto;
49 overflow: hidden;
50 width: 400px;
51 }
52 #opt-time,
53 #opt-prompt,
54 #opt-cookies,
55 #opt-autoclear {
56 background-color: white;
57 clear: left;
58 margin: 5px auto;
59 overflow: hidden;
60 padding: 5px 5px;
61 }
62 .opt-name {
63 float: left;
64 width: 175px;
65 }
66 .opt-value {
67 float: left;
68 width: 215px;
69 }
70 .opt-value .opt-option {
71 clear: left;
72 margin-bottom: 5px;
73 overflow: hidden;
74 }
75 .opt-value .opt-option .opt-chk {
76 float: left;
77 }
78 .opt-value .opt-option .opt-label {
79 float: left;
80 margin-top: -3px;
81 padding-left: 6px;
82 }
83 #optionsSaved {
84 clear: left;
85 margin: 10px auto 5px;
86 padding: 5px;
87 text-align: center;
88 }
89 #optionsSaved b {
90 background-color: #f9edbe;
91 border: 1px solid #f0c36d;
92 border-radius: 2px;
93 color: #333;
94 font-weight: normal;
95 opacity: 0;
96 padding: 6px 16px;
97 -webkit-transition: opacity 130ms ease-in-out;
98 }
99 #optionsSaved.show b {
100 opacity: 1;
101 -webkit-transition: opacity 50ms ease-in-out;
102 }
103 input[type="checkbox"],
104 input[type="radio"] {
105 -webkit-appearance: none;
106 background-color: white;
107 border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
108 height: 13px;
109 margin: 0;
110 width: 13px;
111 }
112 input[type="radio"] {
113 border-radius: 50%;
114 height: 15px;
115 width: 15px;
116 }
117 input[type="checkbox"]:hover,
118 input[type="radio"]:hover {
119 border-color: #c6c6c6;
120 -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
121 }
122 input[type="checkbox"]:active,
123 input[type="radio"]:active {
124 background-color: #ebebeb;
125 border-color: #c6c6c6;
126 }
127 input[type="radio"]:checked::after {
128 background: #666;
129 border-radius: 50%;
130 content: '';
131 display: block;
132 height: 7px;
133 margin: 3px auto;
134 width: 7px;
135 }
136 input[type="checkbox"]:checked::after {
137 content: url('../images/check.png');
138 display: block;
139 left: -5px;
140 position: relative;
141 top: -6px;
142 }
143 input[type="checkbox"]:focus,
144 input[type="radio"]:focus {
145 outline: none;
146 border-color: #4d90fe;
147 }