]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dijit/_Templated.js
add dijit/dojo stuff; initial ui mockup
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / _Templated.js
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
5 */
8 if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._Templated"]){
9 dojo._hasResource["dijit._Templated"]=true;
10 dojo.provide("dijit._Templated");
11 dojo.require("dijit._Widget");
12 dojo.require("dojo.string");
13 dojo.require("dojo.parser");
14 dojo.require("dojo.cache");
15 dojo.declare("dijit._Templated",null,{templateString:null,templatePath:null,widgetsInTemplate:false,_skipNodeCache:false,_earlyTemplatedStartup:false,constructor:function(){
16 this._attachPoints=[];
17 },_stringRepl:function(_1){
18 var _2=this.declaredClass,_3=this;
19 return dojo.string.substitute(_1,this,function(_4,_5){
20 if(_5.charAt(0)=="!"){
21 _4=dojo.getObject(_5.substr(1),false,_3);
22 }
23 if(typeof _4=="undefined"){
24 throw new Error(_2+" template:"+_5);
25 }
26 if(_4==null){
27 return "";
28 }
29 return _5.charAt(0)=="!"?_4:_4.toString().replace(/"/g,""");
30 },this);
31 },buildRendering:function(){
32 var _6=dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate(this.templatePath,this.templateString,this._skipNodeCache);
33 var _7;
34 if(dojo.isString(_6)){
35 _7=dojo._toDom(this._stringRepl(_6));
36 if(_7.nodeType!=1){
37 throw new Error("Invalid template: "+_6);
38 }
39 }else{
40 _7=_6.cloneNode(true);
41 }
42 this.domNode=_7;
43 this._attachTemplateNodes(_7);
44 if(this.widgetsInTemplate){
45 var _8=dojo.parser,_9,_a;
46 if(_8._query!="[dojoType]"){
47 _9=_8._query;
48 _a=_8._attrName;
49 _8._query="[dojoType]";
50 _8._attrName="dojoType";
51 }
52 var cw=(this._startupWidgets=dojo.parser.parse(_7,{noStart:!this._earlyTemplatedStartup,inherited:{dir:this.dir,lang:this.lang}}));
53 if(_9){
54 _8._query=_9;
55 _8._attrName=_a;
56 }
57 this._supportingWidgets=dijit.findWidgets(_7);
58 this._attachTemplateNodes(cw,function(n,p){
59 return n[p];
60 });
61 }
62 this._fillContent(this.srcNodeRef);
63 },_fillContent:function(_b){
64 var _c=this.containerNode;
65 if(_b&&_c){
66 while(_b.hasChildNodes()){
67 _c.appendChild(_b.firstChild);
68 }
69 }
70 },_attachTemplateNodes:function(_d,_e){
71 _e=_e||function(n,p){
72 return n.getAttribute(p);
73 };
74 var _f=dojo.isArray(_d)?_d:(_d.all||_d.getElementsByTagName("*"));
75 var x=dojo.isArray(_d)?0:-1;
76 for(;x<_f.length;x++){
77 var _10=(x==-1)?_d:_f[x];
78 if(this.widgetsInTemplate&&_e(_10,"dojoType")){
79 continue;
80 }
81 var _11=_e(_10,"dojoAttachPoint");
82 if(_11){
83 var _12,_13=_11.split(/\s*,\s*/);
84 while((_12=_13.shift())){
85 if(dojo.isArray(this[_12])){
86 this[_12].push(_10);
87 }else{
88 this[_12]=_10;
89 }
90 this._attachPoints.push(_12);
91 }
92 }
93 var _14=_e(_10,"dojoAttachEvent");
94 if(_14){
95 var _15,_16=_14.split(/\s*,\s*/);
96 var _17=dojo.trim;
97 while((_15=_16.shift())){
98 if(_15){
99 var _18=null;
100 if(_15.indexOf(":")!=-1){
101 var _19=_15.split(":");
102 _15=_17(_19[0]);
103 _18=_17(_19[1]);
104 }else{
105 _15=_17(_15);
106 }
107 if(!_18){
108 _18=_15;
109 }
110 this.connect(_10,_15,_18);
111 }
112 }
113 }
114 var _1a=_e(_10,"waiRole");
115 if(_1a){
116 dijit.setWaiRole(_10,_1a);
117 }
118 var _1b=_e(_10,"waiState");
119 if(_1b){
120 dojo.forEach(_1b.split(/\s*,\s*/),function(_1c){
121 if(_1c.indexOf("-")!=-1){
122 var _1d=_1c.split("-");
123 dijit.setWaiState(_10,_1d[0],_1d[1]);
124 }
125 });
126 }
127 }
128 },startup:function(){
129 dojo.forEach(this._startupWidgets,function(w){
130 if(w&&!w._started&&w.startup){
131 w.startup();
132 }
133 });
134 this.inherited(arguments);
135 },destroyRendering:function(){
136 dojo.forEach(this._attachPoints,function(_1e){
137 delete this[_1e];
138 },this);
139 this._attachPoints=[];
140 this.inherited(arguments);
141 }});
142 dijit._Templated._templateCache={};
143 dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate=function(_1f,_20,_21){
144 var _22=dijit._Templated._templateCache;
145 var key=_20||_1f;
146 var _23=_22[key];
147 if(_23){
148 try{
149 if(!_23.ownerDocument||_23.ownerDocument==dojo.doc){
150 return _23;
151 }
152 }
153 catch(e){
154 }
155 dojo.destroy(_23);
156 }
157 if(!_20){
158 _20=dojo.cache(_1f,{sanitize:true});
159 }
160 _20=dojo.string.trim(_20);
161 if(_21||_20.match(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g)){
162 return (_22[key]=_20);
163 }else{
164 var _24=dojo._toDom(_20);
165 if(_24.nodeType!=1){
166 throw new Error("Invalid template: "+_20);
167 }
168 return (_22[key]=_24);
169 }
170 };
171 if(dojo.isIE){
172 dojo.addOnWindowUnload(function(){
173 var _25=dijit._Templated._templateCache;
174 for(var key in _25){
175 var _26=_25[key];
176 if(typeof _26=="object"){
177 dojo.destroy(_26);
178 }
179 delete _25[key];
180 }
181 });
182 }
183 dojo.extend(dijit._Widget,{dojoAttachEvent:"",dojoAttachPoint:"",waiRole:"",waiState:""});
184 }