1 define("dijit/form/VerticalRule", [
2 "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
4 ], function(declare, HorizontalRule){
7 // dijit/form/VerticalRule
9 return declare("dijit.form.VerticalRule", HorizontalRule, {
11 // Hash marks for the `dijit/form/VerticalSlider`
13 templateString: '<div class="dijitRuleContainer dijitRuleContainerV"></div>',
14 _positionPrefix: '<div class="dijitRuleMark dijitRuleMarkV" style="top:',
18 // This is either "leftDecoration" or "rightDecoration",
19 // to indicate whether this rule goes to the left or to the right of the slider.
20 // Note that on RTL system, "leftDecoration" would actually go to the right, and vice-versa.
24 // Overrides HorizontalRule._isHorizontal