]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dijit/themes/claro/variables.less
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[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / themes / claro / variables.less
1 // General
3 @primary-color: #cfe5fa; // Base color for entire theme
4 @secondary-color: #efefef; // Base color for bar-backgrounds
5 @text-color: #000; // Text color for enabled widgets
6 @disabled-color: #d3d3d3; // Base for disabled backgrounds and borders
7 @error-color: #d46464;
9 @container-background-color:#fff; // Backgrounds for various content areas such as TitlePane, ContentPane and Inputs (if changed, adjust selected tab to match)
11 @minor-selected-color: spin(saturate(darken(@primary-color, 6), 19), 0); // Color for various arrows and buttons
12 @base-border-color: spin(desaturate(darken(@primary-color, 29), 44), -1); // Augmented and used directly by variables to create border colors for various widgets
13 @unfocused-clickable-color: spin(saturate(lighten(@primary-color, 5), 10), 0); // Background color for enabled buttons, text inputs
14 @border-color: spin(desaturate(darken(@primary-color, 15), 67), 8); // Border color for (enabled, unhovered) TextBox, Slider, Accordion, BorderContainer, TabContainer
15 @minor-border-color: @disabled-color; // Color of borders inside widgets: horizontal line in Calendar between weeks, around color swatches in ColorPalette, above Dialog action bar
16 @popup-border-color: @base-border-color; // Border for Dialog, Menu, Tooltip. Must also update tooltip.png (the arrow image file) to match
19 @disabled-border-color: @disabled-color; // Border color for disabled/readonly Button, TextBox etc. widgets
20 @disabled-background-color: @secondary-color; // Disabled button, textbox, etc.
21 @disabled-text-color: darken(@secondary-color, 43); // Text color for disabled/readonly widgets
23 @unselected-background-color: @secondary-color; // Background color for unselected/unopened tab button, accordion pane, TitlePane, Menu items
24 @unselected-text-color: darken(@secondary-color, 65); // Text color for unselected/unopened tab button, accordion pane, TitlePane, Menu items
26 @hovered-border-color: @base-border-color; // Hover of textbox, tab label, BorderContainer splitter, Calendar, etc.
27 @hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for hover of Button, MenuBar, Accordion pane, Calendar... anything that has a (non-white) color to start with and gets darker on hover
28 @hovered-text-color: @text-color; // Used for title of select Accordion pane, label of select tab, hovered Menu item, etc.
30 @pressed-border-color: @base-border-color; // During click on Calendar day, Slider up/down buttons, tab button, etc.
31 @pressed-background-color: spin(saturate(darken(@primary-color, 16), 12), 0); // Background color while clicking on Accordion/TitlePane title bar, tab button, Calendar day, Toolbar button, Tree row.
33 @selected-border-color: @base-border-color; // Selected AccordionPane, tab of nested TabContainer (but plain TabContainer is special)
34 @selected-background-color: @primary-color; // Selected Accordion pane, nested tab label, Tree row
35 @selected-text-color: @text-color; // title of selected Accordion pane, label of selected tab, hovered Menu item, etc.
37 @bar-background-color: @secondary-color; // MenuBar, Toolbar, action bar at bottom of dialog
38 @pane-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color of Accordion panes, Dialogs, etc.
39 @popup-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background for Dialog. TODO: currently use for ColorPalette, maybe should change.
43 // Buttons
44 @button-border-color: @base-border-color; // Border for (stand-alone) buttons in normal, hovered, or active state
45 @button-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // Background color for (unhovered) buttons
46 @button-hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for hovered buttons
47 @button-pressed-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for active buttons
48 @button-border-radius: 4px; // Rounded corner radius for buttons (except in toolbar)
50 // Input widgets
51 @focused-border-color: @base-border-color; // Focused textbox, editor, select, etc.
52 @error-border-color: @error-color; // Border for textbox in error state
53 @error-focused-border-color: darken(@error-color, 5); // Border of textbox in error state, and focused
54 @erroricon-background-color: @error-color; // Background color for exclamation point validation icon (for TextBox in error state)
55 @textbox-background-color: @container-background-color; // Default background color of TextBox based widgets
56 @textbox-hovered-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // Background color when hovering a unfocused TextBox, Select, Editor, or other input widget
57 @textbox-focused-background-color: @textbox-background-color;
58 @textbox-error-background-color: @textbox-background-color;
59 @textbox-disabled-background-color: @disabled-background-color;
61 @textbox-padding: 2px; // Padding for Textbox, Textarea, etc.
63 // CheckBox, RadioButton
64 @focus-outline-color: darken(@secondary-color, 65); // Color for artificial focus outline around labels of checkboxes
66 // TabContainer
67 @nestedtab-hovered-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color;
68 @nestedtab-hovered-border-color: @primary-color;
69 @nestedtab-selected-border-color: @selected-border-color;
70 @nestedtab-selected-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
71 @tab-disabled-background-color: @disabled-color; // For disabled tabs of a TabContainer (not officially supported)
73 // Arrow buttons (stand alone, or inside ComboBox / ComboButton / Spinner / etc.
74 @arrowbutton-background-color: @secondary-color;
75 @arrowbutton-hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Color of arrow when hovering ComboBox. But hovering Spinner doesn't change arrow color (TODO)
76 @arrowbutton-pressed-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
77 @arrowbutton-inner-border-color: @container-background-color; // Typically the arrows have an inner white border (a.k.a. padding) and then an outer black-ish border
79 // Slider
80 // Note: any changes here require corresponding changes in form/images/sliderThumbs.png
81 @slider-fullbar-background-color: @primary-color; // Background color for part of slider bar before (to the left or below) the handle
82 @slider-remainingbar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of slider bar after (to the right or above) the handle
83 @slider-hovered-fullbar-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for part of bar of hovered slider before (to the left or below) the handle
84 @slider-hovered-remainingbar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of bar of hovered slider after (to the right or above) the handle
85 @slider-hoveredButton-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color of slider increment/decrement buttons when mouse is over slider but not over the buttons
86 @slider-focused-fullbar-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color for part of bar of focused slider before (to the left or below) the handle
87 @slider-focused-remainingbar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of bar of focused slider after (to the right or above) the handle
88 @slider-button-hovered-background-color: @primary-color; // Background color of slider increment/decrement buttons when mouse is over the buttons
89 @slider-button-pressed-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color of slider increment/decrement buttons while button is depressed
91 // Select, ComboBox
92 @select-dropdownitem-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for items in the drop down list of a ComboBox/Select
93 @select-dropdownitem-hovered-background-color: @pressed-background-color; // Background color for the hovered item in the drop down list of a ComboBox/Select
94 @select-matchedtext-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Background color of text in ComboBox drop down that matches typed in phrase
96 // Menus
97 @menu-background-color: @popup-background-color;
99 // Calendar
100 @calendar-background-color: @primary-color;
101 @calendar-currentmonth-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for days of the current month
102 @calendar-adjacentmonth-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // Background color used for days from previous or next month
103 @calendar-adjacentmonth-text-color: @base-border-color; // Text color used for days from previous or next month
104 @calendar-date-pressed-border-color: @container-background-color; // For some reason pressing a day of the month (as opposed to hovering it) makes the border go away, is this intentional?
105 @calendar-date-pressed-background-color: @pressed-background-color;
106 @calendar-date-selected-border-color: @selected-border-color;
107 @calendar-date-selected-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
108 @calendar-button-hovered-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // for hover or next/previous year, and month drop down (TODO: border and background are built in to calendarArrows.png, can't control from here)
109 @calendar-button-hovered-border-color: @container-background-color; // for hover or next/previous year, and month drop down
110 @calendar-button-pressed-background-color: @pressed-background-color;
111 @calendar-button-pressed-border-color: @pressed-border-color;
114 // ProgressBar
115 @progressbar-border-color: @popup-border-color; // Border color of progress bar
116 @progressbar-full-background-color:@minor-selected-color; // Background color for part of progress bar indicating amount completed
117 @progressbar-empty-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color for part of progress bar indicating amount remaining
118 @progressbar-text-color: @text-color; // Color of progress bar text (ex: "35%"). Must contrast with both empty and full background colors.
120 // TimePicker
121 @timepicker-minorvalue-background-color: @secondary-color; // For 3:15, 3:30, 3:45 but not 3:00 or 4:00
122 @timepicker-minorvalue-text-color: darken(@secondary-color, 43);
123 @timepicker-majorvalue-background-color: @unfocused-clickable-color; // For 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, etc.
124 @timepicker-value-hovered-background-color: @pressed-background-color;
125 @timepicker-value-hovered-text-color: @hovered-text-color;
126 @timepicker-arrow-hovered-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
128 // ColorPalette
129 @colorpalette-background-color: @container-background-color;
130 @swatch-border-color: @minor-border-color;
131 @swatch-hovered-border-color: #000;
132 @swatch-selected-border-color: #000;
134 // Dialog
135 @dialog-underlay-color: @container-background-color; // the thing that grays out the screen when a dialog is shown
136 @dialog-titlebar-border-color: @container-background-color; // Inner border around the title sectionof a Dialog, inside the main border of the Dialog and the border between title and content
137 @dialog-titlebar-background-color: @minor-selected-color;
139 // Tooltip
140 @tooltip-gradient-color: fade(@primary-color,10%); // a little swath of color at the bottom of tooltips
142 // BorderContainer
143 @splitter-hovered-background-color: @primary-color; // Color of splitter when user hovers it, before mouse down
144 @splitter-dragged-background-color: @minor-selected-color; // Color of splitter while it's being dragged
146 // Toolbar
147 @toolbar-button-checked-background-color: @container-background-color; // a toggled-on button in the toolbar
148 @toolbar-combobutton-hovered-unhoveredsection-background-color: spin(saturate(lighten(@primary-color, 8), 19), -29); // when user hovers a ComboButton in a Toolbar, the other half of the button turns this color
149 @toolbar-button-border-radius: 2px; // Rounded corner radius for buttons for buttons in toolbar
151 // DnD
152 @dnd-avatar-background-color: @container-background-color; // Background color of little Dialog-type box indicating dragged items
153 @dnd-avatar-header-background-color: #f58383; // Title bar for dragged items
154 @dnd-avatar-candrop-header-background-color: #97e68d;// Title bar for dragged items when they can be dropped
155 @dnd-dropseparator-color: @base-border-color; // Color of line indicating that user is about to drop between items A & B
157 // Document level
158 @document-text-color: #131313; // Text color for document itself (text outside of widgets)
159 @document-shadedsection-background-color: @bar-background-color;// background color used for <pre>, <code>, and table header rows
160 @document-border-color: @disabled-color; // Border for <pre>, <code>, tables, etc.
162 // Icons, arrows, etc.
163 @image-arrow-sprite: "images/spriteArrows.png";
164 @image-calendar-arrows: "images/calendarArrows.png";
165 @image-calendar-arrows-ie6: "images/calendarArrows8bit.png";
166 @image-checkmark: "images/checkmarkNoBorder.png";
167 @image-checkmark-ie6: "images/checkmarkNoBorder.gif";
168 @image-dialog-close: "images/dialogCloseIcon.png";
169 @image-dialog-close-ie6: "images/dialogCloseIcon8bit.png";
170 @image-dnd: "images/dnd.png";
171 @image-editor-icons-enabled: "../../icons/images/editorIconsEnabled.png";
172 @image-form-button-arrows: "form/images/buttonArrows.png";
173 @image-form-checkbox-and-radios: "form/images/checkboxRadioButtonStates.png";
174 @image-form-checkbox-and-radios-ie6: "form/images/checkboxAndRadioButtons_IE6.png";
175 @image-form-common-arrows: "form/images/commonFormArrows.png";
176 @image-form-error: "form/images/error.png";
177 @image-form-slider-thumbs: "form/images/sliderThumbs.png";
178 @image-layout-tab-close: "layout/images/tabClose.png"; // [x] icon to close a tab
179 @image-loading-animation: "images/loadingAnimation.gif";
180 @image-tooltip: "images/tooltip.png"; // arrow connectors
181 @image-tooltip-ie6: "images/tooltip8bit.png"; // arrow connectors (8 bit)
182 @image-tree-expand: "images/treeExpandImages.png";
183 @image-tree-expand-ie6: "images/treeExpandImages8bit.png";
184 @image-progressbar-anim: "images/progressBarAnim.gif";
186 // Mixins
188 .border-radius (@radius) {
189 -moz-border-radius: @radius;
190 border-radius: @radius;
191 }
193 .box-shadow (@value) {
194 -webkit-box-shadow: @value;
195 -moz-box-shadow: @value;
196 box-shadow: @value;
197 }
199 .transition-property (@value) {
200 -webkit-transition-property: @value;
201 -moz-transition-property: @value;
202 transition-property: @value;
203 }
205 .transition-property (@value1, @value2) {
206 -webkit-transition-property: @value1, @value2;
207 -moz-transition-property: @value1, @value2;
208 transition-property: @value1, @value2;
209 }
211 .transition-duration (@value) {
212 -webkit-transition-duration: @value;
213 -moz-transition-duration: @value;
214 transition-duration: @value;
215 }
217 .transition-duration (@value1, @value2) {
218 -webkit-transition-duration: @value1, @value2;
219 -moz-transition-duration: @value1, @value2;
220 transition-duration: @value1, @value2;
221 }
223 .transition-timing-function (@value) {
224 -webkit-transition-timing-function: @value;
225 -moz-transition-timing-function: @value;
226 transition-timing-function: @value;
227 }
229 .linear-gradient (@value1, @value2) {
230 // summary:
231 // Expands to browser specific background-image specifications for a linear-gradient (2 stops)
232 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
233 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
234 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2); // Opera 11.10+
235 background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2);
236 }
237 .linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3) {
238 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
239 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
240 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3); // Opera 11.10+
241 background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3);
242 }
243 .linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4) {
244 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
245 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
246 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4); // Opera 11.10+
247 background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4);
248 }
249 .linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5) {
250 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
251 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
252 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5); // Opera 11.10+
253 background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5);
254 }
255 .linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6) {
256 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
257 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
258 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6); // Opera 11.10+
259 background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6);
260 }
261 .linear-gradient (@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7) {
262 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7); // FF3.6 - FF15 (FF16+ supports linear-gradient)
263 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7); // Chrome10+, Safari5.1+
264 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7); // Opera 11.10+
265 background-image: linear-gradient(@value1, @value2, @value3, @value4, @value5, @value6, @value7);
266 }
268 .alpha-white-gradient (@opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2) {
269 // summary:
270 // For setting up white background-image with variable transparency.
271 // example:
272 // Gradient starts at top (0%) with 30% opacity, and then ends at bottom (100%) with full transparency
273 // | .alpha-white-gradient(0.3, 0%, 0, 100%)
274 //
275 .linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2);
276 }
277 .alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2) {
278 .linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2);
279 }
280 .alpha-white-gradient (@opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3) {
281 .linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3);
282 }
283 .alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3) {
284 .linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3);
285 }
286 .alpha-white-gradient (@opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4) {
287 .linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4);
288 }
289 .alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4) {
290 .linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4);
291 }
292 .alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4, @opacity5, @stop5) {
293 .linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity5) @stop5);
294 }
295 .alpha-white-gradient (@start, @opacity1, @stop1, @opacity2, @stop2, @opacity3, @stop3, @opacity4, @stop4, @opacity5, @stop5, @opacity6, @stop6) {
296 .linear-gradient(@start, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity1) @stop1, rgba(255,255,255,@opacity2) @stop2, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity3) @stop3, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity4) @stop4, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity5) @stop5, rgba(255,255,255, @opacity6) @stop6);
297 }
299 .gradient-and-filter (@color, @fade1, @fade2) {
300 // summary:
301 // Sets up a background color with a vertical gradient.
302 // In order to make transitions work properly on mozilla and webkit, this is done by combining
303 // a background-color which will be changed based on state (ex: hover) with a constant
304 // white alpha-transparency background-image. On IE it creates a DXImageTransform filter.
305 // @color:
306 // The color
307 // @fade1:
308 // The percent to fade at the top
309 // @fade2:
310 // The percent to fade at the bottom
311 background-color: @color; // the base color
312 .linear-gradient(fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade1), fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade2));
313 filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade1)~", endColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade2)~")"; // IE
314 }
315 .horizontal-gradient-and-filter (@color, @fade1, @fade2) {
316 // summary:
317 // Sets up a background color with a horizontal gradient.
318 // In order to make transitions work properly on mozilla and webkit, this is done by combining
319 // a background-color which will be changed based on state (ex: hover) with a constant
320 // white alpha-transparency background-image. On IE it creates a DXImageTransform filter.
321 // @color:
322 // The color
323 // @fade1:
324 // The percent to fade at the top
325 // @fade2:
326 // The percent to fade at the bottom
327 background-color: @color; // the base color
328 .linear-gradient(left, fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade1), fadeout(#fff, 100-@fade2));
329 filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade1)~", endColorstr="lighten(@color, @fade2)~"gradientType=1)"; // IE
330 }
333 // Mixins defining gradients
335 .textbox-background-image () {
336 // summary:
337 // Background image used for hovered TextBoxes and similar controls.
338 // It's just a small inset shadow below the top border (inside of the TextBox).
339 .linear-gradient(rgba(127,127,127,0.2) 0%, rgba(127,127,127,0) 2px);
340 }
342 .standard-gradient (@pathToRoot: "") {
343 // summary:
344 // Light to dark background-image used by widgets with short height (~16px) including:
345 // - MenuBar, and hovered MenuItem/MenuBarItem
346 // - arrow icon wrapper for Select, ComboBox, Spinner
347 // - Toolbar and hovered Toolbar buttons
348 // - TitlePane title bar, AccordionContainer title bar, Dialog title bar
350 // Fallback for IE
351 background-image: url("@{pathToRoot}images/standardGradient.png");
352 background-repeat: repeat-x;
354 // CSS gradient for other browsers
355 .alpha-white-gradient(0.7, 0%, 0, 100%);
357 // IE6 can't handle a background-image with transparency and a background-color; the color is blocked out
358 _background-image: none;
359 }
360 .active-gradient (@pathToRoot: "") {
361 // summary:
362 // Light to dark background-image with an inset gray shadow at the top,
363 // used by widgets when they are active (ie: mousedown) or selected, including:
364 // - active MenuItem/MenuBarItem
365 // - arrow icon wrapper for Select, ComboBox, Spinner when active or drop down is open
366 // - active Toolbar buttons
367 // - active TitlePane title bar, AccordionContainer title bar
369 // Fallback for IE
370 background-image: url("@{pathToRoot}images/activeGradient.png");
371 background-repeat: repeat-x;
373 // CSS gradient for other browsers
374 .linear-gradient(rgba(190,190,190,0.98) 0px, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65) 3px, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);
376 // IE6 can't handle a background-image with transparency and a background-color; the color is blocked out
377 _background-image: none;
378 }