]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dijit/themes/dijit.css
googlereaderimport: support summary element
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / themes / dijit.css
1 /*
2 Essential styles that themes can inherit.
3 In other words, works but doesn't look great.
4 */
8 /****
10 ****/
12 .dijitReset {
13 /* Use this style to null out padding, margin, border in your template elements
14 so that page specific styles don't break them.
15 - Use in all TABLE, TR and TD tags.
16 */
17 margin:0;
18 border:0;
19 padding:0;
20 font: inherit;
21 line-height:normal;
22 color: inherit;
23 }
24 .dj_a11y .dijitReset {
25 -moz-appearance: none; /* remove predefined high-contrast styling in Firefox */
26 }
28 .dijitInline {
29 /* To inline block elements.
30 Similar to InlineBox below, but this has fewer side-effects in Moz.
31 Also, apparently works on a DIV as well as a FIELDSET.
32 */
33 display:inline-block; /* webkit and FF3 */
34 #zoom: 1; /* set hasLayout:true to mimic inline-block */
35 #display:inline; /* don't use .dj_ie since that increases the priority */
36 border:0;
37 padding:0;
38 vertical-align:middle;
39 #vertical-align: auto; /* makes TextBox,Button line up w/native counterparts on IE6 */
40 }
42 table.dijitInline {
43 /* To inline tables with a given width set */
44 display:inline-table;
45 box-sizing: content-box; -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
46 }
48 .dijitHidden {
49 /* To hide unselected panes in StackContainer etc. */
50 display: none !important;
51 }
53 .dijitVisible {
54 /* To show selected pane in StackContainer etc. */
55 display: block !important; /* override user's display:none setting via style setting or indirectly via class */
56 position: relative; /* to support setting width/height, see #2033 */
57 }
59 .dj_ie6 .dijitComboBox .dijitInputContainer,
60 .dijitInputContainer {
61 /* for positioning of placeHolder */
62 #zoom: 1;
63 overflow: hidden;
64 float: none !important; /* needed to squeeze the INPUT in */
65 position: relative;
66 }
67 .dj_ie7 .dijitInputContainer {
68 float: left !important; /* needed by IE to squeeze the INPUT in */
69 clear: left;
70 display: inline-block !important; /* to fix wrong text alignment in rtl text box */
71 }
73 .dj_ie .dijitSelect input,
74 .dj_ie input.dijitTextBox,
75 .dj_ie .dijitTextBox input {
76 font-size: 100%;
77 }
78 .dijitSelect .dijitButtonText {
79 float: left;
80 vertical-align: top;
81 }
82 TABLE.dijitSelect {
83 padding: 0 !important; /* messes up border alignment */
84 }
85 .dijitTextBox .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer,
86 .dijitTextBox .dijitArrowButtonContainer,
87 .dijitValidationTextBox .dijitValidationContainer {
88 float: right;
89 text-align: center;
90 }
91 .dijitSelect input.dijitInputField,
92 .dijitTextBox input.dijitInputField {
93 /* override unreasonable user styling of buttons and icons */
94 padding-left: 0 !important;
95 padding-right: 0 !important;
96 }
97 .dijitValidationTextBox .dijitValidationContainer {
98 display: none;
99 }
101 .dijitTeeny {
102 font-size:1px;
103 line-height:1px;
104 }
106 .dijitOffScreen { /* these class attributes should supercede any inline positioning style */
107 position: absolute !important;
108 left: 50% !important;
109 top: -10000px !important;
110 }
112 /*
113 * Popup items have a wrapper div (dijitPopup)
114 * with the real popup inside, and maybe an iframe too
115 */
116 .dijitPopup {
117 position: absolute;
118 background-color: transparent;
119 margin: 0;
120 border: 0;
121 padding: 0;
122 }
124 .dijitPositionOnly {
125 /* Null out all position-related properties */
126 padding: 0 !important;
127 border: 0 !important;
128 background-color: transparent !important;
129 background-image: none !important;
130 height: auto !important;
131 width: auto !important;
132 }
134 .dijitNonPositionOnly {
135 /* Null position-related properties */
136 float: none !important;
137 position: static !important;
138 margin: 0 0 0 0 !important;
139 vertical-align: middle !important;
140 }
142 .dijitBackgroundIframe {
143 /* iframe used to prevent problems with PDF or other applets overlaying menus etc */
144 position: absolute;
145 left: 0;
146 top: 0;
147 width: 100%;
148 height: 100%;
149 z-index: -1;
150 border: 0;
151 padding: 0;
152 margin: 0;
153 }
155 .dijitDisplayNone {
156 /* hide something. Use this as a class rather than element.style so another class can override */
157 display:none !important;
158 }
160 .dijitContainer {
161 /* for all layout containers */
162 overflow: hidden; /* need on IE so something can be reduced in size, and so scrollbars aren't temporarily displayed when resizing */
163 }
165 /****
166 A11Y
167 ****/
168 .dj_a11y .dijitIcon,
169 .dj_a11y div.dijitArrowButtonInner, /* is this only for Spinner? if so, it should be deleted */
170 .dj_a11y span.dijitArrowButtonInner,
171 .dj_a11y img.dijitArrowButtonInner,
172 .dj_a11y .dijitCalendarIncrementControl,
173 .dj_a11y .dijitTreeExpando {
174 /* hide icon nodes in high contrast mode; when necessary they will be replaced by character equivalents
175 * exception for input.dijitArrowButtonInner, because the icon and character are controlled by the same node */
176 display: none;
177 }
178 .dijitSpinner div.dijitArrowButtonInner {
179 display: block; /* override previous rule */
180 }
182 .dj_a11y .dijitA11ySideArrow {
183 display: inline !important; /* display text instead */
184 cursor: pointer;
185 }
187 /*
188 * Since we can't use shading in a11y mode, and since the underline indicates today's date,
189 * use a border to show the selected date.
190 * Avoid screen jitter when switching selected date by compensating for the selected node's
191 * border w/padding on other nodes.
192 */
193 .dj_a11y .dijitCalendarDateLabel {
194 padding: 1px;
195 border: 0px !important;
196 }
197 .dj_a11y .dijitCalendarSelectedDate .dijitCalendarDateLabel {
198 border-style: solid !important;
199 border-width: 1px !important;
200 padding: 0;
201 }
202 .dj_a11y .dijitCalendarDateTemplate {
203 padding-bottom: 0.1em !important; /* otherwise bottom border doesn't appear on IE */
204 border: 0px !important;
205 }
206 .dj_a11y .dijitButtonNode {
207 border: black outset medium !important;
209 /* In claro, hovering a toolbar button reduces padding and adds a border.
210 * Not needed in a11y mode since Toolbar buttons always have a border.
211 */
212 padding: 0 !important;
213 }
214 .dj_a11y .dijitArrowButton {
215 padding: 0 !important;
216 }
218 .dj_a11y .dijitButtonContents {
219 margin: 0.15em; /* Margin needed to make focus outline visible */
220 }
222 .dj_a11y .dijitTextBoxReadOnly .dijitInputField,
223 .dj_a11y .dijitTextBoxReadOnly .dijitButtonNode {
224 border-style: outset!important;
225 border-width: medium!important;
226 border-color: #999 !important;
227 color:#999 !important;
228 }
230 /* button inner contents - labels, icons etc. */
231 .dijitButtonNode * {
232 vertical-align: middle;
233 }
234 .dijitSelect .dijitArrowButtonInner,
235 .dijitButtonNode .dijitArrowButtonInner {
236 /* the arrow icon node */
237 background: no-repeat center;
238 width: 12px;
239 height: 12px;
240 direction: ltr; /* needed by IE/RTL */
241 }
243 /****
244 3-element borders: ( dijitLeft + dijitStretch + dijitRight )
245 These were added for rounded corners on dijit.form.*Button but never actually used.
246 ****/
248 .dijitLeft {
249 /* Left part of a 3-element border */
250 background-position:left top;
251 background-repeat:no-repeat;
252 }
254 .dijitStretch {
255 /* Middle (stretchy) part of a 3-element border */
256 white-space:nowrap; /* MOW: move somewhere else */
257 background-repeat:repeat-x;
258 }
260 .dijitRight {
261 /* Right part of a 3-element border */
262 #display:inline; /* IE7 sizes to outer size w/o this */
263 background-position:right top;
264 background-repeat:no-repeat;
265 }
267 /* Buttons */
268 .dj_gecko .dj_a11y .dijitButtonDisabled .dijitButtonNode {
269 opacity: 0.5;
270 }
272 .dijitToggleButton,
273 .dijitButton,
274 .dijitDropDownButton,
275 .dijitComboButton {
276 /* outside of button */
277 margin: 0.2em;
278 vertical-align: middle;
279 }
281 .dijitButtonContents {
282 display: block; /* to make focus border rectangular */
283 }
284 td.dijitButtonContents {
285 display: table-cell; /* but don't affect Select, ComboButton */
286 }
288 .dijitButtonNode img {
289 /* make text and images line up cleanly */
290 vertical-align:middle;
291 /*margin-bottom:.2em;*/
292 }
294 .dijitToolbar .dijitComboButton {
295 /* because Toolbar only draws a border around the hovered thing */
296 border-collapse: separate;
297 }
299 .dijitToolbar .dijitToggleButton,
300 .dijitToolbar .dijitButton,
301 .dijitToolbar .dijitDropDownButton,
302 .dijitToolbar .dijitComboButton {
303 margin: 0;
304 }
306 .dijitToolbar .dijitButtonContents {
307 /* just because it used to be this way */
308 padding: 1px 2px;
309 }
312 .dj_webkit .dijitToolbar .dijitDropDownButton {
313 padding-left: 0.3em;
314 }
315 .dj_gecko .dijitToolbar .dijitButtonNode::-moz-focus-inner {
316 padding:0;
317 }
319 .dijitSelect {
320 border:1px solid gray;
321 }
322 .dijitButtonNode {
323 /* Node that is acting as a button -- may or may not be a BUTTON element */
324 border:1px solid gray;
325 margin:0;
326 line-height:normal;
327 vertical-align: middle;
328 #vertical-align: auto;
329 text-align:center;
330 white-space: nowrap;
331 }
332 .dj_webkit .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer {
333 /* apparent WebKit bug where messing with the font coupled with line-height:normal X 2 (dijitReset & dijitButtonNode)
334 can be different than just a single line-height:normal, visible in InlineEditBox/Spinner */
335 line-height:inherit;
336 }
337 .dijitTextBox .dijitButtonNode {
338 border-width: 0;
339 }
341 .dijitSelect,
342 .dijitSelect *,
343 .dijitButtonNode,
344 .dijitButtonNode * {
345 cursor: pointer;
346 }
348 .dj_ie .dijitButtonNode {
349 /* ensure hasLayout */
350 zoom: 1;
351 }
353 .dj_ie .dijitButtonNode button {
354 /*
355 disgusting hack to get rid of spurious padding around button elements
356 on IE. MSIE is truly the web's boat anchor.
357 */
358 overflow: visible;
359 }
361 div.dijitArrowButton {
362 float: right;
363 }
365 /******
366 TextBox related.
367 Everything that has an <input>
368 *******/
370 .dijitTextBox {
371 border: solid black 1px;
372 #overflow: hidden; /* #6027, #6067 */
373 width: 15em; /* need to set default size on outer node since inner nodes say <input style="width:100%"> and <td width=100%>. user can override */
374 vertical-align: middle;
375 }
377 .dijitTextBoxReadOnly,
378 .dijitTextBoxDisabled {
379 color: gray;
380 }
381 .dj_safari .dijitTextBoxDisabled input {
382 color: #B0B0B0; /* because Safari lightens disabled input/textarea no matter what color you specify */
383 }
384 .dj_safari textarea.dijitTextAreaDisabled {
385 color: #333; /* because Safari lightens disabled input/textarea no matter what color you specify */
386 }
387 .dj_gecko .dijitTextBoxReadOnly input.dijitInputField, /* disable arrow and validation presentation inputs but allow real input for text selection */
388 .dj_gecko .dijitTextBoxDisabled input {
389 -moz-user-input: none; /* prevent focus of disabled textbox buttons */
390 }
392 .dijitPlaceHolder {
393 /* hint text that appears in a textbox until user starts typing */
394 color: #AAAAAA;
395 font-style: italic;
396 position: absolute;
397 top: 0;
398 left: 0;
399 #filter: ""; /* make this showup in IE6 after the rendering of the widget */
400 }
402 .dijitTimeTextBox {
403 width: 8em;
404 }
406 /* rules for webkit to deal with fuzzy blue focus border */
407 .dijitTextBox input:focus {
408 outline: none; /* blue fuzzy line looks wrong on combobox or something w/validation icon showing */
409 }
410 .dijitTextBoxFocused {
411 outline: 5px -webkit-focus-ring-color;
412 }
414 .dijitSelect input,
415 .dijitTextBox input {
416 float: left; /* needed by IE to remove secret margin */
417 }
418 .dj_ie6 input.dijitTextBox,
419 .dj_ie6 .dijitTextBox input {
420 float: none;
421 }
422 .dijitInputInner {
423 /* for when an <input> is embedded inside an inline-block <div> with a size and border */
424 border:0 !important;
425 background-color:transparent !important;
426 width:100% !important;
427 /* IE dislikes horizontal tweaking combined with width:100% so punish everyone for consistency */
428 padding-left: 0 !important;
429 padding-right: 0 !important;
430 margin-left: 0 !important;
431 margin-right: 0 !important;
432 }
433 .dj_a11y .dijitTextBox input {
434 margin: 0 !important;
435 }
436 .dijitValidationTextBoxError input.dijitValidationInner,
437 .dijitSelect input,
438 .dijitTextBox input.dijitArrowButtonInner {
439 /* <input> used to display arrow icon/validation icon, or in arrow character in high contrast mode.
440 * The css below is a trick to hide the character in non-high-contrast mode
441 */
442 text-indent: -2em !important;
443 direction: ltr !important;
444 text-align: left !important;
445 height: auto !important;
446 #text-indent: 0 !important;
447 #letter-spacing: -5em !important;
448 #text-align: right !important;
449 }
450 .dj_ie .dijitSelect input,
451 .dj_ie .dijitTextBox input,
452 .dj_ie input.dijitTextBox {
453 overflow-y: visible; /* inputs need help expanding when padding is added or line-height is adjusted */
454 line-height: normal; /* strict mode */
455 }
456 .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel span {
457 line-height: 100%;
458 }
459 .dj_ie .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel {
460 line-height: normal;
461 }
462 .dj_ie6 .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel,
463 .dj_ie7 .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel,
464 .dj_ie8 .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel,
465 .dj_iequirks .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel,
466 .dijitSelect td,
467 .dj_ie6 .dijitSelect input,
468 .dj_iequirks .dijitSelect input,
469 .dj_ie6 .dijitSelect .dijitValidationContainer,
470 .dj_ie6 .dijitTextBox input,
471 .dj_ie6 input.dijitTextBox,
472 .dj_iequirks .dijitTextBox input.dijitValidationInner,
473 .dj_iequirks .dijitTextBox input.dijitArrowButtonInner,
474 .dj_iequirks .dijitTextBox input.dijitSpinnerButtonInner,
475 .dj_iequirks .dijitTextBox input.dijitInputInner,
476 .dj_iequirks input.dijitTextBox {
477 line-height: 100%; /* IE7 problem where the icon is vertically way too low w/o this */
478 }
479 .dj_a11y input.dijitValidationInner,
480 .dj_a11y input.dijitArrowButtonInner {
481 /* (in high contrast mode) revert rules from above so character displays */
482 text-indent: 0 !important;
483 width: 1em !important;
484 #text-align: left !important;
485 color: black !important;
486 }
487 .dijitValidationTextBoxError .dijitValidationContainer {
488 display: inline;
489 cursor: default;
490 }
492 /* ComboBox & Spinner */
494 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer,
495 .dijitComboBox .dijitArrowButtonContainer {
496 /* dividing line between input area and up/down button(s) for ComboBox and Spinner */
497 border-width: 0 0 0 1px !important; /* !important needed due to wayward ".theme .dijitButtonNode" rules */
498 }
499 .dj_a11y .dijitSelect .dijitArrowButtonContainer,
500 .dijitToolbar .dijitComboBox .dijitArrowButtonContainer {
501 /* overrides above rule plus mirror-image rule in dijit_rtl.css to have no divider when ComboBox in Toolbar */
502 border-width: 0 !important;
503 }
505 .dijitComboBoxMenu {
506 /* Drop down menu is implemented as <ul> <li/> <li/> ... but we don't want circles before each item */
507 list-style-type: none;
508 }
509 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitButtonNode {
510 /* dividing line between input area and up/down button(s) for ComboBox and Spinner */
511 border-width: 0;
512 }
513 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitButtonNode {
514 clear: both; /* IE workaround */
515 }
517 .dj_ie .dijitToolbar .dijitComboBox {
518 /* make combobox buttons align properly with other buttons in a toolbar */
519 vertical-align: middle;
520 }
522 /* Spinner */
524 .dijitTextBox .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer {
525 width: 1em;
526 position: relative !important;
527 overflow: hidden;
528 }
529 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonInner {
530 width:1em;
531 visibility:hidden !important; /* just a sizing element */
532 overflow-x:hidden;
533 }
534 .dijitComboBox .dijitButtonNode,
535 .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitButtonNode {
536 border-width: 0;
537 }
538 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitButtonNode {
539 border-width: 0px !important;
540 border-style: solid !important;
541 }
542 .dj_a11y .dijitTextBox .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer,
543 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner,
544 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer input {
545 width: 1em !important;
546 }
547 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner {
548 margin: 0 auto !important; /* should auto-center */
549 }
550 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
551 padding-left: 0.3em !important;
552 padding-right: 0.3em !important;
553 margin-left: 0.3em !important;
554 margin-right: 0.3em !important;
555 width: 1.4em !important;
556 }
557 .dj_ie7 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
558 padding-left: 0 !important; /* manually center INPUT: character is .5em and total width = 1em */
559 padding-right: 0 !important;
560 width: 1em !important;
561 }
562 .dj_ie6 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
563 margin-left: 0.1em !important;
564 margin-right: 0.1em !important;
565 width: 1em !important;
566 }
567 .dj_iequirks .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
568 margin-left: 0 !important;
569 margin-right: 0 !important;
570 width: 2em !important;
571 }
572 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitArrowButton {
573 /* note: .dijitInputLayoutContainer makes this rule override .dijitArrowButton settings
574 * for dijit.form.Button
575 */
576 padding: 0;
577 position: absolute !important;
578 right: 0;
579 float: none;
580 height: 50%;
581 width: 100%;
582 bottom: auto;
583 left: 0;
584 right: auto;
585 }
586 .dj_iequirks .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitArrowButton {
587 width: auto;
588 }
589 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitArrowButton {
590 overflow: visible !important;
591 }
592 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitDownArrowButton {
593 top: 50%;
594 border-top-width: 1px !important;
595 }
596 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitUpArrowButton {
597 #bottom: 50%; /* otherwise (on some machines) top arrow icon too close to splitter border (IE6/7) */
598 top: 0;
599 }
600 .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner {
601 margin: auto;
602 overflow-x: hidden;
603 height: 100% !important;
604 }
605 .dj_iequirks .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner {
606 height: auto !important;
607 }
608 .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
609 -moz-transform: scale(0.5);
610 -moz-transform-origin: center top;
611 -webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
612 -webkit-transform-origin: center top;
613 -o-transform: scale(0.5);
614 -o-transform-origin: center top;
615 transform: scale(0.5);
616 transform-origin: left top;
617 padding-top: 0;
618 padding-bottom: 0;
619 padding-left: 0 !important;
620 padding-right: 0 !important;
621 width: 100%;
622 visibility: hidden;
623 }
624 .dj_ie .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
625 zoom: 50%; /* emulate transform: scale(0.5) */
626 }
627 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitArrowButtonInner {
628 overflow: hidden;
629 }
631 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitArrowButton {
632 width: 100%;
633 }
634 .dj_iequirks .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer .dijitArrowButton {
635 width: 1em; /* matches .dj_a11y .dijitTextBox .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer rule - 100% is the whole screen width in quirks */
636 }
637 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinner .dijitArrowButtonInner .dijitInputField {
638 vertical-align:top;
639 visibility: visible;
640 }
641 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer {
642 width: 1em;
643 }
645 /****
646 dijit.form.CheckBox
647 &
648 dijit.form.RadioButton
649 ****/
651 .dijitCheckBox,
652 .dijitRadio,
653 .dijitCheckBoxInput {
654 padding: 0;
655 border: 0;
656 width: 16px;
657 height: 16px;
658 background-position:center center;
659 background-repeat:no-repeat;
660 overflow: hidden;
661 }
663 .dijitCheckBox input,
664 .dijitRadio input {
665 margin: 0;
666 padding: 0;
667 display: block;
668 }
670 .dijitCheckBoxInput {
671 /* place the actual input on top, but all-but-invisible */
672 opacity: 0.01;
673 }
675 .dj_ie .dijitCheckBoxInput {
676 filter: alpha(opacity=0);
677 }
679 .dj_a11y .dijitCheckBox,
680 .dj_a11y .dijitRadio {
681 /* in a11y mode we display the native checkbox (not the icon), so don't restrict the size */
682 width: auto !important;
683 height: auto !important;
684 }
685 .dj_a11y .dijitCheckBoxInput {
686 opacity: 1;
687 filter: none;
688 width: auto;
689 height: auto;
690 }
692 .dj_a11y .dijitFocusedLabel {
693 /* for checkboxes or radio buttons in high contrast mode, use border rather than outline to indicate focus (outline does not work in FF)*/
694 border: 1px dotted;
695 outline: 0px !important;
696 }
698 /****
699 dijit.ProgressBar
700 ****/
702 .dijitProgressBar {
703 z-index: 0; /* so z-index settings below have no effect outside of the ProgressBar */
704 }
705 .dijitProgressBarEmpty {
706 /* outer container and background of the bar that's not finished yet*/
707 position:relative;overflow:hidden;
708 border:1px solid black; /* a11y: border necessary for high-contrast mode */
709 z-index:0; /* establish a stacking context for this progress bar */
710 }
712 .dijitProgressBarFull {
713 /* outer container for background of bar that is finished */
714 position:absolute;
715 overflow:hidden;
716 z-index:-1;
717 top:0;
718 width:100%;
719 }
720 .dj_ie6 .dijitProgressBarFull {
721 height:1.6em;
722 }
724 .dijitProgressBarTile {
725 /* inner container for finished portion */
726 position:absolute;
727 overflow:hidden;
728 top:0;
729 left:0;
730 bottom:0;
731 right:0;
732 margin:0;
733 padding:0;
734 width: 100%; /* needed for IE/quirks */
735 height:auto;
736 background-color:#aaa;
737 background-attachment: fixed;
738 }
740 .dj_a11y .dijitProgressBarTile {
741 /* a11y: The border provides visibility in high-contrast mode */
742 border-width:2px;
743 border-style:solid;
744 background-color:transparent !important;
745 }
747 .dj_ie6 .dijitProgressBarTile {
748 /* width:auto works in IE6 with position:static but not position:absolute */
749 position:static;
750 /* height:auto or 100% does not work in IE6 */
751 height:1.6em;
752 }
754 .dijitProgressBarIndeterminate .dijitProgressBarTile {
755 /* animated gif for 'indeterminate' mode */
756 }
758 .dijitProgressBarIndeterminateHighContrastImage {
759 display:none;
760 }
762 .dj_a11y .dijitProgressBarIndeterminate .dijitProgressBarIndeterminateHighContrastImage {
763 display:block;
764 position:absolute;
765 top:0;
766 bottom:0;
767 margin:0;
768 padding:0;
769 width:100%;
770 height:auto;
771 }
773 .dijitProgressBarLabel {
774 display:block;
775 position:static;
776 width:100%;
777 text-align:center;
778 background-color:transparent !important;
779 }
781 /****
782 dijit.Tooltip
783 ****/
785 .dijitTooltip {
786 position: absolute;
787 z-index: 2000;
788 display: block;
789 /* make visible but off screen */
790 left: 0;
791 top: -10000px;
792 overflow: visible;
793 }
795 .dijitTooltipContainer {
796 border: solid black 2px;
797 background: #b8b5b5;
798 color: black;
799 font-size: small;
800 }
802 .dijitTooltipFocusNode {
803 padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;
804 }
806 .dijitTooltipConnector {
807 position: absolute;
808 }
809 .dj_a11y .dijitTooltipConnector {
810 display: none; /* won't show b/c it's background-image; hide to avoid border gap */
811 }
813 .dijitTooltipData {
814 display:none;
815 }
817 /* Layout widgets. This is essential CSS to make layout work (it isn't "styling" CSS)
818 make sure that the position:absolute in dijitAlign* overrides other classes */
820 .dijitLayoutContainer {
821 position: relative;
822 display: block;
823 overflow: hidden;
824 }
826 .dijitAlignTop,
827 .dijitAlignBottom,
828 .dijitAlignLeft,
829 .dijitAlignRight {
830 position: absolute;
831 overflow: hidden;
832 }
834 body .dijitAlignClient { position: absolute; }
836 /*
837 * BorderContainer
838 *
839 * .dijitBorderContainer is a stylized layout where panes have border and margin.
840 * .dijitBorderContainerNoGutter is a raw layout.
841 */
842 .dijitBorderContainer, .dijitBorderContainerNoGutter {
843 position:relative;
844 overflow: hidden;
845 z-index: 0; /* so z-index settings below have no effect outside of the BorderContainer */
846 }
848 .dijitBorderContainerPane,
849 .dijitBorderContainerNoGutterPane {
850 position: absolute !important; /* !important to override position:relative in dijitTabContainer etc. */
851 z-index: 2; /* above the splitters so that off-by-one browser errors don't cover up border of pane */
852 }
854 .dijitBorderContainer > .dijitTextArea {
855 /* On Safari, for SimpleTextArea inside a BorderContainer,
856 don't want to display the grip to resize */
857 resize: none;
858 }
860 .dijitGutter {
861 /* gutter is just a place holder for empty space between panes in BorderContainer */
862 position: absolute;
863 font-size: 1px; /* needed by IE6 even though div is empty, otherwise goes to 15px */
864 }
866 /* SplitContainer
868 'V' == container that splits vertically (up/down)
869 'H' = horizontal (left/right)
870 */
872 .dijitSplitter {
873 position: absolute;
874 overflow: hidden;
875 z-index: 10; /* above the panes so that splitter focus is visible on FF, see #7583*/
876 background-color: #fff;
877 border-color: gray;
878 border-style: solid;
879 border-width: 0;
880 }
881 .dj_ie .dijitSplitter {
882 z-index: 1; /* behind the panes so that pane borders aren't obscured see test_Gui.html/[14392] */
883 }
885 .dijitSplitterActive {
886 z-index: 11 !important;
887 }
889 .dijitSplitterCover {
890 position:absolute;
891 z-index:-1;
892 top:0;
893 left:0;
894 width:100%;
895 height:100%;
896 }
898 .dijitSplitterCoverActive {
899 z-index:3 !important;
900 }
902 /* #6945: stop mouse events */
903 .dj_ie .dijitSplitterCover {
904 background: white;
905 filter: alpha(opacity=0);
906 }
908 .dijitSplitterH {
909 height: 7px;
910 border-top:1px;
911 border-bottom:1px;
912 cursor: row-resize;
913 }
914 .dijitSplitterV {
915 width: 7px;
916 border-left:1px;
917 border-right:1px;
918 cursor: col-resize;
919 }
920 .dijitSplitContainer {
921 position: relative;
922 overflow: hidden;
923 display: block;
924 }
925 .dj_ff3 .dj_a11y div.dijitSplitter:focus {
926 outline-style:dotted;
927 outline-width: 2px;
928 }
930 .dijitSplitPane {
931 position: absolute;
932 }
934 .dijitSplitContainerSizerH,
935 .dijitSplitContainerSizerV {
936 position:absolute;
937 font-size: 1px;
938 background-color: ThreeDFace;
939 border: 1px solid;
940 border-color: ThreeDHighlight ThreeDShadow ThreeDShadow ThreeDHighlight;
941 margin: 0;
942 }
944 .dijitSplitContainerSizerH .thumb, .dijitSplitterV .dijitSplitterThumb {
945 overflow:hidden;
946 position:absolute;
947 top:49%;
948 }
950 .dijitSplitContainerSizerV .thumb, .dijitSplitterH .dijitSplitterThumb {
951 position:absolute;
952 left:49%;
953 }
955 .dijitSplitterShadow,
956 .dijitSplitContainerVirtualSizerH,
957 .dijitSplitContainerVirtualSizerV {
958 font-size: 1px;
959 background-color: ThreeDShadow;
960 -moz-opacity: 0.5;
961 opacity: 0.5;
962 filter: Alpha(Opacity=50);
963 margin: 0;
964 }
966 .dijitSplitContainerSizerH, .dijitSplitContainerVirtualSizerH {
967 cursor: col-resize;
968 }
970 .dijitSplitContainerSizerV, .dijitSplitContainerVirtualSizerV {
971 cursor: row-resize;
972 }
974 .dj_a11y .dijitSplitterH {
975 border-top:1px solid #d3d3d3 !important;
976 border-bottom:1px solid #d3d3d3 !important;
977 }
978 .dj_a11y .dijitSplitterV {
979 border-left:1px solid #d3d3d3 !important;
980 border-right:1px solid #d3d3d3 !important;
981 }
983 /* ContentPane */
985 .dijitContentPane {
986 display: block;
987 overflow: auto; /* if we don't have this (or overflow:hidden), then Widget.resizeTo() doesn't make sense for ContentPane */
988 }
990 .dijitContentPaneSingleChild {
991 /*
992 * if the ContentPane holds a single layout widget child which is being sized to match the content pane,
993 * then the ContentPane should never get a scrollbar (but it does due to browser bugs, see #9449
994 */
995 overflow: hidden;
996 }
998 .dijitContentPaneLoading .dijitIconLoading,
999 .dijitContentPaneError .dijitIconError {
1000 margin-right: 9px;
1001 }
1003 /* TitlePane */
1005 .dijitTitlePane {
1006 display: block;
1007 overflow: hidden;
1008 }
1009 .dijitTitlePaneTitle {
1010 cursor: pointer;
1011 }
1012 .dijitFixedOpen, .dijitFixedClosed {
1013 /* TitlePane that cannot be toggled */
1014 cursor: default;
1015 }
1016 .dijitFixedOpen .dijitArrowNode, .dijitFixedOpen .dijitArrowNodeInner,
1017 .dijitFixedClosed .dijitArrowNode, .dijitFixedClosed .dijitArrowNodeInner{
1018 /* don't show the open close icon, it makes the user think the pane is closable*/
1019 display: none;
1020 }
1022 .dijitTitlePaneTitle * {
1023 vertical-align: middle;
1024 }
1025 .dijitTitlePane .dijitArrowNodeInner {
1026 /* normally, hide arrow text in favor of icon */
1027 display: none;
1028 }
1029 .dj_a11y .dijitTitlePane .dijitArrowNodeInner {
1030 /* ... except in a11y mode, then show text arrow */
1031 display:inline !important;
1032 font-family: monospace; /* because - and + are different widths */
1033 }
1034 .dj_a11y .dijitTitlePane .dijitArrowNode {
1035 /* ... and hide icon */
1036 display:none;
1037 }
1039 .dj_ie6 .dijitTitlePaneContentOuter,
1040 .dj_ie6 .dijitTitlePane .dijitTitlePaneTitle {
1041 /* force hasLayout to ensure borders etc, show up */
1042 zoom: 1;
1043 }
1045 /* Color Palette
1046 * Sizes designed so that table cell positions match icons in underlying image,
1047 * which appear at 20x20 intervals.
1048 */
1050 .dijitColorPalette {
1051 border: 1px solid #999;
1052 background: #fff;
1053 position: relative;
1054 }
1056 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable {
1057 /* Table that holds the palette cells, and overlays image file with color swatches.
1058 * padding/margin to align table with image.
1059 */
1060 padding: 2px 3px 3px 3px;
1061 position: relative;
1062 overflow: hidden;
1063 outline: 0;
1064 border-collapse: separate;
1065 }
1066 .dj_ie6 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable,
1067 .dj_ie7 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable,
1068 .dj_iequirks .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable {
1069 /* using padding above so that focus border isn't cutoff on moz/webkit,
1070 * but using margin on IE because padding doesn't seem to work
1071 */
1072 padding: 0;
1073 margin: 2px 3px 3px 3px;
1074 }
1076 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteCell {
1077 /* <td> in the <table> */
1078 font-size: 1px;
1079 vertical-align: middle;
1080 text-align: center;
1081 background: none;
1082 }
1083 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteImg {
1084 /* Called dijitPaletteImg for back-compat, this actually wraps the color swatch with a border and padding */
1085 padding: 1px; /* white area between gray border and color swatch */
1086 border: 1px solid #999;
1087 margin: 2px 1px;
1088 cursor: default;
1089 font-size: 1px; /* prevent <span> from getting bigger just to hold a character */
1090 }
1091 .dj_gecko .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteImg {
1092 padding-bottom: 0; /* workaround rendering glitch on FF, it adds an extra pixel at the bottom */
1093 }
1094 .dijitColorPalette .dijitColorPaletteSwatch {
1095 /* the actual part where the color is */
1096 width: 14px;
1097 height: 12px;
1098 }
1099 .dijitPaletteTable td {
1100 padding: 0;
1101 }
1102 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteCell:hover .dijitPaletteImg {
1103 /* hovered color swatch */
1104 border: 1px solid #000;
1105 }
1107 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteCell:active .dijitPaletteImg,
1108 .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable .dijitPaletteCellSelected .dijitPaletteImg {
1109 border: 2px solid #000;
1110 margin: 1px 0; /* reduce margin to compensate for increased border */
1111 }
1114 .dj_a11y .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable,
1115 .dj_a11y .dijitColorPalette .dijitPaletteTable * {
1116 /* table cells are to catch events, but the swatches are in the PaletteImg behind the table */
1117 background-color: transparent !important;
1118 }
1120 /* AccordionContainer */
1122 .dijitAccordionContainer {
1123 border:1px solid #b7b7b7;
1124 border-top:0 !important;
1125 }
1126 .dijitAccordionTitle {
1127 cursor: pointer;
1128 }
1129 .dijitAccordionTitleSelected {
1130 cursor: default;
1131 }
1133 /* images off, high-contrast mode styles */
1134 .dijitAccordionTitle .arrowTextUp,
1135 .dijitAccordionTitle .arrowTextDown {
1136 display: none;
1137 font-size: 0.65em;
1138 font-weight: normal !important;
1139 }
1141 .dj_a11y .dijitAccordionTitle .arrowTextUp,
1142 .dj_a11y .dijitAccordionTitleSelected .arrowTextDown {
1143 display: inline;
1144 }
1146 .dj_a11y .dijitAccordionTitleSelected .arrowTextUp {
1147 display: none;
1148 }
1150 .dijitAccordionChildWrapper {
1151 /* this is the node whose height is adjusted */
1152 overflow: hidden;
1153 }
1155 /* Calendar */
1157 .dijitCalendarContainer {
1158 width: auto; /* in case user has specified a width for the TABLE nodes, see #10553 */
1159 }
1160 .dijitCalendarContainer th, .dijitCalendarContainer td {
1161 padding: 0;
1162 vertical-align: middle;
1163 }
1165 .dijitCalendarYearLabel {
1166 white-space: nowrap; /* make sure previous, current, and next year appear on same row */
1167 }
1169 .dijitCalendarNextYear {
1170 margin:0 0 0 0.55em;
1171 }
1173 .dijitCalendarPreviousYear {
1174 margin:0 0.55em 0 0;
1175 }
1177 .dijitCalendarIncrementControl {
1178 vertical-align: middle;
1179 }
1181 .dijitCalendarIncrementControl,
1182 .dijitCalendarDateTemplate,
1183 .dijitCalendarMonthLabel,
1184 .dijitCalendarPreviousYear,
1185 .dijitCalendarNextYear {
1186 cursor: pointer;
1187 }
1189 .dijitCalendarDisabledDate {
1190 color: gray;
1191 text-decoration: line-through;
1192 cursor: default;
1193 }
1195 .dijitSpacer {
1196 /* don't display it, but make it affect the width */
1197 position: relative;
1198 height: 1px;
1199 overflow: hidden;
1200 visibility: hidden;
1201 }
1203 /* Styling for month drop down list */
1205 .dijitCalendarMonthMenu .dijitCalendarMonthLabel {
1206 text-align:center;
1207 }
1209 /* Menu */
1211 .dijitMenu {
1212 border:1px solid black;
1213 background-color:white;
1214 }
1215 .dijitMenuTable {
1216 border-collapse:collapse;
1217 border-width:0;
1218 background-color:white;
1219 }
1221 /* workaround for webkit bug #8427, remove this when it is fixed upstream */
1222 .dj_webkit .dijitMenuTable td[colspan="2"]{
1223 border-right:hidden;
1224 }
1226 .dijitMenuItem {
1227 text-align: left;
1228 white-space: nowrap;
1229 padding:.1em .2em;
1230 cursor:pointer;
1231 }
1233 /*
1234 No need to show a focus border since it's obvious from the shading, and there's a .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItemSelected
1235 rule below that handles the high contrast case when there's no shading.
1236 Hiding the focus border also works around webkit bug https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=125779.
1237 */
1238 .dijitMenuItem:focus {
1239 outline: none
1240 }
1242 .dijitMenuPassive .dijitMenuItemHover,
1243 .dijitMenuItemSelected {
1244 /*
1245 * dijitMenuItemHover refers to actual mouse over
1246 * dijitMenuItemSelected is used after a menu has been "activated" by
1247 * clicking it, tabbing into it, or being opened from a parent menu,
1248 * and denotes that the menu item has focus or that focus is on a child
1249 * menu
1250 */
1251 background-color:black;
1252 color:white;
1253 }
1255 .dijitMenuItemIcon, .dijitMenuExpand {
1256 background-repeat: no-repeat;
1257 }
1259 .dijitMenuItemDisabled * {
1260 /* for a disabled menu item, just set it to mostly transparent */
1261 opacity:0.5;
1262 cursor:default;
1263 }
1264 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItemDisabled,
1265 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItemDisabled *,
1266 .dj_ie .dijitMenuItemDisabled * {
1267 color: gray;
1268 filter: alpha(opacity=35);
1269 }
1271 .dijitMenuItemLabel {
1272 position: relative;
1273 vertical-align: middle;
1274 }
1276 .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItemSelected {
1277 border: 1px dotted black !important; /* for 2.0 use outline instead, to prevent jitter */
1278 }
1279 .dj_ff3 .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItem td {
1280 padding: 0 !important;
1281 background:none !important;
1282 }
1283 .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItemSelected .dijitMenuItemLabel {
1284 border-width: 1px;
1285 border-style: solid;
1286 }
1287 .dj_ie8 .dj_a11y .dijitMenuItemLabel {
1288 position:static;
1289 }
1291 .dijitMenuExpandA11y {
1292 display: none;
1293 }
1294 .dj_a11y .dijitMenuExpandA11y {
1295 display: inline;
1296 }
1298 .dijitMenuSeparator td {
1299 border: 0;
1300 padding: 0;
1301 }
1303 /* separator can be two pixels -- set border of either one to 0 to have only one */
1304 .dijitMenuSeparatorTop {
1305 height: 50%;
1306 margin: 0;
1307 margin-top:3px;
1308 font-size: 1px;
1309 }
1311 .dijitMenuSeparatorBottom {
1312 height: 50%;
1313 margin: 0;
1314 margin-bottom:3px;
1315 font-size: 1px;
1316 }
1318 /* the checked menu item */
1319 .dijitCheckedMenuItemIconChar {
1320 vertical-align: middle;
1321 visibility:hidden;
1322 }
1323 .dijitCheckedMenuItemChecked .dijitCheckedMenuItemIconChar {
1324 visibility: visible;
1325 }
1326 .dj_a11y .dijitCheckedMenuItemIconChar {
1327 display:inline !important;
1328 }
1329 .dj_a11y .dijitCheckedMenuItemIcon {
1330 display: none;
1331 }
1332 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitMenuBar .dijitMenuItem {
1333 /* so bottom border of MenuBar appears on IE7 in high-contrast mode */
1334 margin: 0;
1335 }
1337 /* StackContainer */
1339 .dijitStackController .dijitToggleButtonChecked * {
1340 cursor: default; /* because pressing it has no effect */
1341 }
1343 /***
1344 TabContainer
1346 Main class hierarchy:
1348 .dijitTabContainer - the whole TabContainer
1349 .dijitTabController / .dijitTabListContainer-top - wrapper for tab buttons, scroll buttons
1350 .dijitTabListWrapper / .dijitTabContainerTopStrip - outer wrapper for tab buttons (normal width)
1351 .nowrapTabStrip / .dijitTabContainerTop-tabs - inner wrapper for tab buttons (50K width)
1352 .dijitTabPaneWrapper - wrapper for content panes, has all borders except the one between content and tabs
1353 ***/
1355 .dijitTabContainer {
1356 z-index: 0; /* so z-index settings below have no effect outside of the TabContainer */
1357 overflow-y: visible; /* prevent off-by-one-pixel errors from hiding bottom border (opposite tab labels) */
1358 }
1359 .dj_ie6 .dijitTabContainer {
1360 /* workaround IE6 problem when tall content overflows TabContainer, see editor/test_FullScreen.html */
1361 overflow: hidden;
1363 }
1364 .dijitTabContainerNoLayout {
1365 width: 100%; /* otherwise ScrollingTabController goes to 50K pixels wide */
1366 }
1368 .dijitTabContainerBottom-tabs,
1369 .dijitTabContainerTop-tabs,
1370 .dijitTabContainerLeft-tabs,
1371 .dijitTabContainerRight-tabs {
1372 z-index: 1;
1373 overflow: visible !important; /* so tabs can cover up border adjacent to container */
1374 }
1376 .dijitTabController {
1377 z-index: 1;
1378 }
1379 .dijitTabContainerBottom-container,
1380 .dijitTabContainerTop-container,
1381 .dijitTabContainerLeft-container,
1382 .dijitTabContainerRight-container {
1383 z-index:0;
1384 overflow: hidden;
1385 border: 1px solid black;
1386 }
1387 .nowrapTabStrip {
1388 width: 50000px;
1389 display: block;
1390 position: relative;
1391 text-align: left; /* just in case ancestor has non-standard setting */
1392 z-index: 1;
1393 }
1394 .dijitTabListWrapper {
1395 overflow: hidden;
1396 z-index: 1;
1397 }
1399 .dj_a11y .tabStripButton img {
1400 /* hide the icons (or rather the empty space where they normally appear) because text will appear instead */
1401 display: none;
1402 }
1404 .dijitTabContainerTop-tabs {
1405 border-bottom: 1px solid black;
1406 }
1407 .dijitTabContainerTop-container {
1408 border-top: 0;
1409 }
1411 .dijitTabContainerLeft-tabs {
1412 border-right: 1px solid black;
1413 float: left; /* needed for IE7 RTL mode */
1414 }
1415 .dijitTabContainerLeft-container {
1416 border-left: 0;
1417 }
1419 .dijitTabContainerBottom-tabs {
1420 border-top: 1px solid black;
1421 }
1422 .dijitTabContainerBottom-container {
1423 border-bottom: 0;
1424 }
1426 .dijitTabContainerRight-tabs {
1427 border-left: 1px solid black;
1428 float: left; /* needed for IE7 RTL mode */
1429 }
1430 .dijitTabContainerRight-container {
1431 border-right: 0;
1432 }
1434 div.dijitTabDisabled, .dj_ie div.dijitTabDisabled {
1435 cursor: auto;
1436 }
1438 .dijitTab {
1439 position:relative;
1440 cursor:pointer;
1441 white-space:nowrap;
1442 z-index:3;
1443 }
1444 .dijitTab * {
1445 /* make tab icons and close icon line up w/text */
1446 vertical-align: middle;
1447 }
1448 .dijitTabChecked {
1449 cursor: default; /* because clicking will have no effect */
1450 }
1452 .dijitTabContainerTop-tabs .dijitTab {
1453 top: 1px; /* to overlap border on .dijitTabContainerTop-tabs */
1454 }
1455 .dijitTabContainerBottom-tabs .dijitTab {
1456 top: -1px; /* to overlap border on .dijitTabContainerBottom-tabs */
1457 }
1458 .dijitTabContainerLeft-tabs .dijitTab {
1459 left: 1px; /* to overlap border on .dijitTabContainerLeft-tabs */
1460 }
1461 .dijitTabContainerRight-tabs .dijitTab {
1462 left: -1px; /* to overlap border on .dijitTabContainerRight-tabs */
1463 }
1466 .dijitTabContainerTop-tabs .dijitTab,
1467 .dijitTabContainerBottom-tabs .dijitTab {
1468 /* Inline-block */
1469 display:inline-block; /* webkit and FF3 */
1470 #zoom: 1; /* set hasLayout:true to mimic inline-block */
1471 #display:inline; /* don't use .dj_ie since that increases the priority */
1472 }
1474 .tabStripButton {
1475 z-index: 12;
1476 }
1478 .dijitTabButtonDisabled .tabStripButton {
1479 display: none;
1480 }
1483 .dijitTabCloseButton {
1484 margin-left: 1em;
1485 }
1487 .dijitTabCloseText {
1488 display:none;
1489 }
1491 .dijitTab .tabLabel {
1492 /* make sure tabs w/close button and w/out close button are same height, even w/small (<15px) font.
1493 * assumes <=15px height for close button icon.
1494 */
1495 min-height: 15px;
1496 display: inline-block;
1497 }
1498 .dijitNoIcon {
1499 /* applied to <img>/<span> node when there is no icon specified */
1500 display: none;
1501 }
1502 .dj_ie6 .dijitTab .dijitNoIcon {
1503 /* because min-height (on .tabLabel, above) doesn't work on IE6 */
1504 display: inline;
1505 height: 15px;
1506 width: 1px;
1507 }
1509 /* images off, high-contrast mode styles */
1511 .dj_a11y .dijitTabCloseButton {
1512 background-image: none !important;
1513 width: auto !important;
1514 height: auto !important;
1515 }
1517 .dj_a11y .dijitTabCloseText {
1518 display: inline;
1519 }
1521 .dijitTabPane,
1522 .dijitStackContainer-child,
1523 .dijitAccordionContainer-child {
1524 /* children of TabContainer, StackContainer, and AccordionContainer shouldn't have borders
1525 * b/c a border is already there from the TabContainer/StackContainer/AccordionContainer itself.
1526 */
1527 border: none !important;
1528 }
1530 /* InlineEditBox */
1531 .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayMode {
1532 border: 1px solid transparent; /* so keyline (border) on hover can appear without screen jump */
1533 cursor: text;
1534 }
1536 .dj_a11y .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayMode,
1537 .dj_ie6 .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayMode {
1538 /* except that IE6 doesn't support transparent borders, nor does high contrast mode */
1539 border: none;
1540 }
1542 .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeHover,
1543 .dj_a11y .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeHover,
1544 .dj_ie6 .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeHover {
1545 /* An InlineEditBox in view mode (click this to edit the text) */
1546 background-color: #e2ebf2;
1547 border: solid 1px black;
1548 }
1550 .dijitInlineEditBoxDisplayModeDisabled {
1551 cursor: default;
1552 }
1554 /* Tree */
1555 .dijitTree {
1556 overflow: auto; /* for scrollbars when Tree has a height setting, and to prevent wrapping around float elements, see #11491 */
1557 }
1559 .dijitTreeIndent {
1560 /* amount to indent each tree node (relative to parent node) */
1561 width: 19px;
1562 }
1564 .dijitTreeRow, .dijitTreeContent {
1565 white-space: nowrap;
1566 }
1568 .dijitTreeRow img {
1569 /* make the expando and folder icons line up with the label */
1570 vertical-align: middle;
1571 }
1573 .dijitTreeContent {
1574 cursor: default;
1575 }
1577 .dijitExpandoText {
1578 display: none;
1579 }
1581 .dj_a11y .dijitExpandoText {
1582 display: inline;
1583 padding-left: 10px;
1584 padding-right: 10px;
1585 font-family: monospace;
1586 border-style: solid;
1587 border-width: thin;
1588 cursor: pointer;
1589 }
1591 .dijitTreeLabel {
1592 margin: 0 4px;
1593 }
1595 /* Dialog */
1597 .dijitDialog {
1598 position: absolute;
1599 z-index: 999;
1600 overflow: hidden; /* override overflow: auto; from ContentPane to make dragging smoother */
1601 }
1603 .dijitDialogTitleBar {
1604 cursor: move;
1605 }
1606 .dijitDialogFixed .dijitDialogTitleBar {
1607 cursor:default;
1608 }
1609 .dijitDialogCloseIcon {
1610 cursor: pointer;
1611 }
1612 .dijitDialogUnderlayWrapper {
1613 position: absolute;
1614 left: 0;
1615 top: 0;
1616 z-index: 998;
1617 display: none;
1618 background: transparent !important;
1619 }
1621 .dijitDialogUnderlay {
1622 background: #eee;
1623 opacity: 0.5;
1624 }
1626 .dj_ie .dijitDialogUnderlay {
1627 filter: alpha(opacity=50);
1628 }
1630 /* images off, high-contrast mode styles */
1631 .dj_a11y .dijitSpinnerButtonContainer,
1632 .dj_a11y .dijitDialog {
1633 opacity: 1 !important;
1634 background-color: white !important;
1635 }
1637 .dijitDialog .closeText {
1638 display:none;
1639 /* for the onhover border in high contrast on IE: */
1640 position:absolute;
1641 }
1643 .dj_a11y .dijitDialog .closeText {
1644 display:inline;
1645 }
1647 /* Slider */
1649 .dijitSliderMoveable {
1650 z-index:99;
1651 position:absolute !important;
1652 display:block;
1653 vertical-align:middle;
1654 }
1656 .dijitSliderMoveableH {
1657 right:0;
1658 }
1659 .dijitSliderMoveableV {
1660 right:50%;
1661 }
1663 .dj_a11y div.dijitSliderImageHandle,
1664 .dijitSliderImageHandle {
1665 margin:0;
1666 padding:0;
1667 position:relative !important;
1668 border:8px solid gray;
1669 width:0;
1670 height:0;
1671 cursor: pointer;
1672 }
1673 .dj_iequirks .dj_a11y .dijitSliderImageHandle {
1674 font-size: 0;
1675 }
1676 .dj_ie7 .dijitSliderImageHandle {
1677 overflow: hidden; /* IE7 workaround to make slider handle VISIBLE in non-a11y mode */
1678 }
1679 .dj_ie7 .dj_a11y .dijitSliderImageHandle {
1680 overflow: visible; /* IE7 workaround to make slider handle VISIBLE in a11y mode */
1681 }
1682 .dj_a11y .dijitSliderFocused .dijitSliderImageHandle {
1683 border:4px solid #000;
1684 height:8px;
1685 width:8px;
1686 }
1688 .dijitSliderImageHandleV {
1689 top:-8px;
1690 right: -50%;
1691 }
1693 .dijitSliderImageHandleH {
1694 left:50%;
1695 top:-5px;
1696 vertical-align:top;
1697 }
1699 .dijitSliderBar {
1700 border-style:solid;
1701 border-color:black;
1702 cursor: pointer;
1703 }
1705 .dijitSliderBarContainerV {
1706 position:relative;
1707 height:100%;
1708 z-index:1;
1709 }
1711 .dijitSliderBarContainerH {
1712 position:relative;
1713 z-index:1;
1714 }
1716 .dijitSliderBarH {
1717 height:4px;
1718 border-width:1px 0;
1719 }
1721 .dijitSliderBarV {
1722 width:4px;
1723 border-width:0 1px;
1724 }
1726 .dijitSliderProgressBar {
1727 background-color:red;
1728 z-index:1;
1729 }
1731 .dijitSliderProgressBarV {
1732 position:static !important;
1733 height:0;
1734 vertical-align:top;
1735 text-align:left;
1736 }
1738 .dijitSliderProgressBarH {
1739 position:absolute !important;
1740 width:0;
1741 vertical-align:middle;
1742 overflow:visible;
1743 }
1745 .dijitSliderRemainingBar {
1746 overflow:hidden;
1747 background-color:transparent;
1748 z-index:1;
1749 }
1751 .dijitSliderRemainingBarV {
1752 height:100%;
1753 text-align:left;
1754 }
1756 .dijitSliderRemainingBarH {
1757 width:100% !important;
1758 }
1760 /* the slider bumper is the space consumed by the slider handle when it hangs over an edge */
1761 .dijitSliderBumper {
1762 overflow:hidden;
1763 z-index:1;
1764 }
1766 .dijitSliderBumperV {
1767 width:4px;
1768 height:8px;
1769 border-width:0 1px;
1770 }
1772 .dijitSliderBumperH {
1773 width:8px;
1774 height:4px;
1775 border-width:1px 0;
1776 }
1778 .dijitSliderBottomBumper,
1779 .dijitSliderLeftBumper {
1780 background-color:red;
1781 }
1783 .dijitSliderTopBumper,
1784 .dijitSliderRightBumper {
1785 background-color:transparent;
1786 }
1788 .dijitSliderDecoration {
1789 text-align:center;
1790 }
1792 .dijitSliderDecorationC,
1793 .dijitSliderDecorationV {
1794 position: relative; /* needed for IE+quirks+RTL+vertical (rendering bug) but add everywhere for custom styling consistency but this messes up IE horizontal sliders */
1795 }
1797 .dijitSliderDecorationH {
1798 width: 100%;
1799 }
1801 .dijitSliderDecorationV {
1802 height: 100%;
1803 white-space: nowrap;
1804 }
1806 .dijitSliderButton {
1807 font-family:monospace;
1808 margin:0;
1809 padding:0;
1810 display:block;
1811 }
1813 .dj_a11y .dijitSliderButtonInner {
1814 visibility:visible !important;
1815 }
1817 .dijitSliderButtonContainer {
1818 text-align:center;
1819 height:0; /* ??? */
1820 }
1821 .dijitSliderButtonContainer * {
1822 cursor: pointer;
1823 }
1825 .dijitSlider .dijitButtonNode {
1826 padding:0;
1827 display:block;
1828 }
1830 .dijitRuleContainer {
1831 position:relative;
1832 overflow:visible;
1833 }
1835 .dijitRuleContainerV {
1836 height:100%;
1837 line-height:0;
1838 float:left;
1839 text-align:left;
1840 }
1842 .dj_opera .dijitRuleContainerV {
1843 line-height:2%;
1844 }
1846 .dj_ie .dijitRuleContainerV {
1847 line-height:normal;
1848 }
1850 .dj_gecko .dijitRuleContainerV {
1851 margin:0 0 1px 0; /* mozilla bug workaround for float:left,height:100% block elements */
1852 }
1854 .dijitRuleMark {
1855 position:absolute;
1856 border:1px solid black;
1857 line-height:0;
1858 height:100%;
1859 }
1861 .dijitRuleMarkH {
1862 width:0;
1863 border-top-width:0 !important;
1864 border-bottom-width:0 !important;
1865 border-left-width:0 !important;
1866 }
1868 .dijitRuleLabelContainer {
1869 position:absolute;
1870 }
1872 .dijitRuleLabelContainerH {
1873 text-align:center;
1874 display:inline-block;
1875 }
1877 .dijitRuleLabelH {
1878 position:relative;
1879 left:-50%;
1880 }
1882 .dijitRuleLabelV {
1883 /* so that long labels don't overflow to multiple rows, or overwrite slider itself */
1884 text-overflow: ellipsis;
1885 white-space: nowrap;
1886 overflow: hidden;
1887 }
1889 .dijitRuleMarkV {
1890 height:0;
1891 border-right-width:0 !important;
1892 border-bottom-width:0 !important;
1893 border-left-width:0 !important;
1894 width:100%;
1895 left:0;
1896 }
1898 .dj_ie .dijitRuleLabelContainerV {
1899 margin-top:-.55em;
1900 }
1902 .dj_a11y .dijitSliderReadOnly,
1903 .dj_a11y .dijitSliderDisabled {
1904 opacity:0.6;
1905 }
1906 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitSliderReadOnly .dijitSliderBar,
1907 .dj_ie .dj_a11y .dijitSliderDisabled .dijitSliderBar {
1908 filter: alpha(opacity=40);
1909 }
1911 /* + and - Slider buttons: override theme settings to display icons */
1912 .dj_a11y .dijitSlider .dijitSliderButtonContainer div {
1913 font-family: monospace; /* otherwise hyphen is larger and more vertically centered */
1914 font-size: 1em;
1915 line-height: 1em;
1916 height: auto;
1917 width: auto;
1918 margin: 0 4px;
1919 }
1921 /* Icon-only buttons (often in toolbars) still display the text in high-contrast mode */
1922 .dj_a11y .dijitButtonContents .dijitButtonText,
1923 .dj_a11y .dijitTab .tabLabel {
1924 display: inline !important;
1925 }
1926 .dj_a11y .dijitSelect .dijitButtonText {
1927 display: inline-block !important;
1928 }
1929 .dijitSelectError .dijitButtonContents .dijitButtonText {
1930 display: none !important;
1931 }
1933 /* TextArea, SimpleTextArea */
1934 .dijitTextArea {
1935 width:100%;
1936 overflow-y: auto; /* w/out this IE's SimpleTextArea goes to overflow: scroll */
1937 }
1938 .dijitTextArea[cols] {
1939 width:auto; /* SimpleTextArea cols */
1940 }
1941 .dj_ie .dijitTextAreaCols {
1942 width:auto;
1943 }
1945 .dijitExpandingTextArea {
1946 /* for auto exanding textarea (called Textarea currently, rename for 2.0) don't want to display the grip to resize */
1947 resize: none;
1948 }
1951 /* Toolbar
1952 * Note that other toolbar rules (for objects in toolbars) are scattered throughout this file.
1953 */
1955 .dijitToolbarSeparator {
1956 height: 18px;
1957 width: 5px;
1958 padding: 0 1px;
1959 margin: 0;
1960 }
1962 /* Editor */
1963 .dijitIEFixedToolbar {
1964 position:absolute;
1965 /* top:0; */
1966 top: expression(eval((document.documentElement||document.body).scrollTop));
1967 }
1969 .dijitEditor {
1970 display: block; /* prevents glitch on FF with InlineEditBox, see #8404 */
1971 }
1973 .dijitEditorDisabled,
1974 .dijitEditorReadOnly {
1975 color: gray;
1976 }
1978 /* TimePicker */
1980 .dijitTimePickerItemInner {
1981 text-align:center;
1982 border:0;
1983 padding:2px 8px 2px 8px;
1984 }
1986 .dijitTimePickerTick,
1987 .dijitTimePickerMarker {
1988 border-bottom:1px solid gray;
1989 }
1991 .dijitTimePicker .dijitDownArrowButton {
1992 border-top: none !important;
1993 }
1995 .dijitTimePickerTick {
1996 color:#CCC;
1997 }
1999 .dijitTimePickerMarker {
2000 color:black;
2001 background-color:#CCC;
2002 }
2004 .dijitTimePickerItemSelected {
2005 font-weight:bold;
2006 color:#333;
2007 background-color:#b7cdee;
2008 }
2010 .dijitTimePickerItemHover {
2011 background-color:gray;
2012 color:white;
2013 cursor:pointer;
2014 }
2016 .dijitTimePickerItemDisabled {
2017 color:gray;
2018 text-decoration:line-through;
2019 }
2021 .dj_a11y .dijitTimePickerItemSelected .dijitTimePickerItemInner {
2022 border: solid 4px black;
2023 }
2024 .dj_a11y .dijitTimePickerItemHover .dijitTimePickerItemInner {
2025 border: dashed 4px black;
2026 }
2029 .dijitToggleButtonIconChar {
2030 /* character (instead of icon) to show that ToggleButton is checked */
2031 display:none !important;
2032 }
2033 .dj_a11y .dijitToggleButton .dijitToggleButtonIconChar {
2034 display:inline !important;
2035 visibility:hidden;
2036 }
2037 .dj_ie6 .dijitToggleButtonIconChar, .dj_ie6 .tabStripButton .dijitButtonText {
2038 font-family: "Arial Unicode MS"; /* otherwise the a11y character (checkmark, arrow, etc.) appears as a box */
2039 }
2040 .dj_a11y .dijitToggleButtonChecked .dijitToggleButtonIconChar {
2041 display: inline !important; /* In high contrast mode, display the check symbol */
2042 visibility:visible !important;
2043 }
2045 .dijitArrowButtonChar {
2046 display:none !important;
2047 }
2048 .dj_a11y .dijitArrowButtonChar {
2049 display:inline !important;
2050 }
2052 .dj_a11y .dijitDropDownButton .dijitArrowButtonInner,
2053 .dj_a11y .dijitComboButton .dijitArrowButtonInner {
2054 display:none !important;
2055 }
2057 /* Select */
2058 .dj_a11y .dijitSelect {
2059 border-collapse: separate !important;
2060 border-width: 1px;
2061 border-style: solid;
2062 }
2063 .dj_ie .dijitSelect {
2064 vertical-align: middle; /* Set this back for what we hack in dijit inline */
2065 }
2066 .dj_ie6 .dijitSelect .dijitValidationContainer,
2067 .dj_ie8 .dijitSelect .dijitButtonText {
2068 vertical-align: top;
2069 }
2070 .dj_ie6 .dijitTextBox .dijitInputContainer,
2071 .dj_iequirks .dijitTextBox .dijitInputContainer,
2072 .dj_ie6 .dijitTextBox .dijitArrowButtonInner,
2073 .dj_ie6 .dijitSpinner .dijitSpinnerButtonInner,
2074 .dijitSelect .dijitSelectLabel {
2075 vertical-align: baseline;
2076 }
2078 .dijitNumberTextBox {
2079 text-align: left;
2080 direction: ltr;
2081 }
2083 .dijitNumberTextBox .dijitInputInner {
2084 text-align: inherit; /* input */
2085 }
2087 .dijitToolbar .dijitSelect {
2088 margin: 0;
2089 }
2090 .dj_webkit .dijitToolbar .dijitSelect {
2091 padding-left: 0.3em;
2092 }
2093 .dijitSelect .dijitButtonContents {
2094 padding: 0;
2095 white-space: nowrap;
2096 text-align: left;
2097 border-style: none solid none none;
2098 border-width: 1px;
2099 }
2100 .dijitSelectFixedWidth .dijitButtonContents {
2101 width: 100%;
2102 }
2104 .dijitSelectMenu .dijitMenuItemIcon {
2105 /* avoid blank area in left side of menu (since we have no icons) */
2106 display:none;
2107 }
2108 .dj_ie6 .dijitSelectMenu .dijitMenuItemLabel,
2109 .dj_ie7 .dijitSelectMenu .dijitMenuItemLabel {
2110 /* Set back to static due to bug in ie6/ie7 - See Bug #9651 */
2111 position: static;
2112 }
2114 /* Fix the baseline of our label (for multi-size font elements) */
2115 .dijitSelectLabel *
2116 {
2117 vertical-align: baseline;
2118 }
2120 /* Styling for the currently-selected option (rich text can mess this up) */
2121 .dijitSelectSelectedOption * {
2122 font-weight: bold;
2123 }
2125 /* Fix the styling of the dropdown menu to be more combobox-like */
2126 .dijitSelectMenu {
2127 border-width: 1px;
2128 }
2130 /* Style the different areas of the button to look like a "real" dropdown */
2131 /* Remove margins on the sub-table */
2132 .dijitSelectMenu .dijitMenuTable {
2133 margin: 0;
2134 background-color: transparent;
2135 }
2137 /* Used in cases, such as FullScreen plugin, when we need to force stuff to static positioning. */
2138 .dijitForceStatic {
2139 position: static !important;
2140 }
2142 /**** Disabled cursor *****/
2143 .dijitReadOnly *,
2144 .dijitDisabled *,
2145 .dijitReadOnly,
2146 .dijitDisabled {
2147 /* a region the user would be able to click on, but it's disabled */
2148 cursor: default;
2149 }
2151 /* Drag and Drop */
2152 .dojoDndItem {
2153 padding: 2px; /* will be replaced by border during drag over (dojoDndItemBefore, dojoDndItemAfter) */
2155 /* Prevent magnifying-glass text selection icon to appear on mobile webkit as it causes a touchout event */
2156 -webkit-touch-callout: none;
2157 -webkit-user-select: none; /* Disable selection/Copy of UIWebView */
2158 }
2159 .dojoDndHorizontal .dojoDndItem {
2160 /* make contents of horizontal container be side by side, rather than vertical */
2161 #display: inline;
2162 display: inline-block;
2163 }
2165 .dojoDndItemBefore,
2166 .dojoDndItemAfter {
2167 border: 0px solid #369;
2168 }
2169 .dojoDndItemBefore {
2170 border-width: 2px 0 0 0;
2171 padding: 0 2px 2px 2px;
2172 }
2173 .dojoDndItemAfter {
2174 border-width: 0 0 2px 0;
2175 padding: 2px 2px 0 2px;
2176 }
2177 .dojoDndHorizontal .dojoDndItemBefore {
2178 border-width: 0 0 0 2px;
2179 padding: 2px 2px 2px 0;
2180 }
2181 .dojoDndHorizontal .dojoDndItemAfter {
2182 border-width: 0 2px 0 0;
2183 padding: 2px 0 2px 2px;
2184 }
2186 .dojoDndItemOver {
2187 cursor:pointer;
2188 }
2189 .dj_gecko .dijitArrowButtonInner INPUT,
2190 .dj_gecko INPUT.dijitArrowButtonInner {
2191 -moz-user-focus:ignore;
2192 }