]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/dnd/Selector.js
add dijit/dojo stuff; initial ui mockup
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / dnd / Selector.js
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
5 */
8 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.dnd.Selector"]){
9 dojo._hasResource["dojo.dnd.Selector"]=true;
10 dojo.provide("dojo.dnd.Selector");
11 dojo.require("dojo.dnd.common");
12 dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Container");
13 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.Selector",dojo.dnd.Container,{constructor:function(_1,_2){
14 if(!_2){
15 _2={};
16 }
17 this.singular=_2.singular;
18 this.autoSync=_2.autoSync;
19 this.selection={};
20 this.anchor=null;
21 this.simpleSelection=false;
22 this.events.push(dojo.connect(this.node,"onmousedown",this,"onMouseDown"),dojo.connect(this.node,"onmouseup",this,"onMouseUp"));
23 },singular:false,getSelectedNodes:function(){
24 var t=new dojo.NodeList();
25 var e=dojo.dnd._empty;
26 for(var i in this.selection){
27 if(i in e){
28 continue;
29 }
30 t.push(dojo.byId(i));
31 }
32 return t;
33 },selectNone:function(){
34 return this._removeSelection()._removeAnchor();
35 },selectAll:function(){
36 this.forInItems(function(_3,id){
37 this._addItemClass(dojo.byId(id),"Selected");
38 this.selection[id]=1;
39 },this);
40 return this._removeAnchor();
41 },deleteSelectedNodes:function(){
42 var e=dojo.dnd._empty;
43 for(var i in this.selection){
44 if(i in e){
45 continue;
46 }
47 var n=dojo.byId(i);
48 this.delItem(i);
49 dojo.destroy(n);
50 }
51 this.anchor=null;
52 this.selection={};
53 return this;
54 },forInSelectedItems:function(f,o){
55 o=o||dojo.global;
56 var s=this.selection,e=dojo.dnd._empty;
57 for(var i in s){
58 if(i in e){
59 continue;
60 }
61 f.call(o,this.getItem(i),i,this);
62 }
63 },sync:function(){
64 dojo.dnd.Selector.superclass.sync.call(this);
65 if(this.anchor){
66 if(!this.getItem(this.anchor.id)){
67 this.anchor=null;
68 }
69 }
70 var t=[],e=dojo.dnd._empty;
71 for(var i in this.selection){
72 if(i in e){
73 continue;
74 }
75 if(!this.getItem(i)){
76 t.push(i);
77 }
78 }
79 dojo.forEach(t,function(i){
80 delete this.selection[i];
81 },this);
82 return this;
83 },insertNodes:function(_4,_5,_6,_7){
84 var _8=this._normalizedCreator;
85 this._normalizedCreator=function(_9,_a){
86 var t=_8.call(this,_9,_a);
87 if(_4){
88 if(!this.anchor){
89 this.anchor=t.node;
90 this._removeItemClass(t.node,"Selected");
91 this._addItemClass(this.anchor,"Anchor");
92 }else{
93 if(this.anchor!=t.node){
94 this._removeItemClass(t.node,"Anchor");
95 this._addItemClass(t.node,"Selected");
96 }
97 }
98 this.selection[t.node.id]=1;
99 }else{
100 this._removeItemClass(t.node,"Selected");
101 this._removeItemClass(t.node,"Anchor");
102 }
103 return t;
104 };
105 dojo.dnd.Selector.superclass.insertNodes.call(this,_5,_6,_7);
106 this._normalizedCreator=_8;
107 return this;
108 },destroy:function(){
109 dojo.dnd.Selector.superclass.destroy.call(this);
110 this.selection=this.anchor=null;
111 },markupFactory:function(_b,_c){
112 _b._skipStartup=true;
113 return new dojo.dnd.Selector(_c,_b);
114 },onMouseDown:function(e){
115 if(this.autoSync){
116 this.sync();
117 }
118 if(!this.current){
119 return;
120 }
121 if(!this.singular&&!dojo.isCopyKey(e)&&!e.shiftKey&&(this.current.id in this.selection)){
122 this.simpleSelection=true;
123 if(e.button===dojo.mouseButtons.LEFT){
124 dojo.stopEvent(e);
125 }
126 return;
127 }
128 if(!this.singular&&e.shiftKey){
129 if(!dojo.isCopyKey(e)){
130 this._removeSelection();
131 }
132 var c=this.getAllNodes();
133 if(c.length){
134 if(!this.anchor){
135 this.anchor=c[0];
136 this._addItemClass(this.anchor,"Anchor");
137 }
138 this.selection[this.anchor.id]=1;
139 if(this.anchor!=this.current){
140 var i=0;
141 for(;i<c.length;++i){
142 var _d=c[i];
143 if(_d==this.anchor||_d==this.current){
144 break;
145 }
146 }
147 for(++i;i<c.length;++i){
148 var _d=c[i];
149 if(_d==this.anchor||_d==this.current){
150 break;
151 }
152 this._addItemClass(_d,"Selected");
153 this.selection[_d.id]=1;
154 }
155 this._addItemClass(this.current,"Selected");
156 this.selection[this.current.id]=1;
157 }
158 }
159 }else{
160 if(this.singular){
161 if(this.anchor==this.current){
162 if(dojo.isCopyKey(e)){
163 this.selectNone();
164 }
165 }else{
166 this.selectNone();
167 this.anchor=this.current;
168 this._addItemClass(this.anchor,"Anchor");
169 this.selection[this.current.id]=1;
170 }
171 }else{
172 if(dojo.isCopyKey(e)){
173 if(this.anchor==this.current){
174 delete this.selection[this.anchor.id];
175 this._removeAnchor();
176 }else{
177 if(this.current.id in this.selection){
178 this._removeItemClass(this.current,"Selected");
179 delete this.selection[this.current.id];
180 }else{
181 if(this.anchor){
182 this._removeItemClass(this.anchor,"Anchor");
183 this._addItemClass(this.anchor,"Selected");
184 }
185 this.anchor=this.current;
186 this._addItemClass(this.current,"Anchor");
187 this.selection[this.current.id]=1;
188 }
189 }
190 }else{
191 if(!(this.current.id in this.selection)){
192 this.selectNone();
193 this.anchor=this.current;
194 this._addItemClass(this.current,"Anchor");
195 this.selection[this.current.id]=1;
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 }
200 dojo.stopEvent(e);
201 },onMouseUp:function(e){
202 if(!this.simpleSelection){
203 return;
204 }
205 this.simpleSelection=false;
206 this.selectNone();
207 if(this.current){
208 this.anchor=this.current;
209 this._addItemClass(this.anchor,"Anchor");
210 this.selection[this.current.id]=1;
211 }
212 },onMouseMove:function(e){
213 this.simpleSelection=false;
214 },onOverEvent:function(){
215 this.onmousemoveEvent=dojo.connect(this.node,"onmousemove",this,"onMouseMove");
216 },onOutEvent:function(){
217 dojo.disconnect(this.onmousemoveEvent);
218 delete this.onmousemoveEvent;
219 },_removeSelection:function(){
220 var e=dojo.dnd._empty;
221 for(var i in this.selection){
222 if(i in e){
223 continue;
224 }
225 var _e=dojo.byId(i);
226 if(_e){
227 this._removeItemClass(_e,"Selected");
228 }
229 }
230 this.selection={};
231 return this;
232 },_removeAnchor:function(){
233 if(this.anchor){
234 this._removeItemClass(this.anchor,"Anchor");
235 this.anchor=null;
236 }
237 return this;
238 }});
239 }