]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/dnd/move.js.uncompressed.js
update dojo to 1.7.3
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / dnd / move.js.uncompressed.js
1 define("dojo/dnd/move", ["../main", "./Mover", "./Moveable"], function(dojo) {
2 // module:
3 // dojo/dnd/move
4 // summary:
5 // TODOC
8 /*=====
9 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.move.__constrainedMoveableArgs", [dojo.dnd.__MoveableArgs], {
10 // constraints: Function
11 // Calculates a constraint box.
12 // It is called in a context of the moveable object.
13 constraints: function(){},
15 // within: Boolean
16 // restrict move within boundaries.
17 within: false
18 });
19 =====*/
21 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.move.constrainedMoveable", dojo.dnd.Moveable, {
22 // object attributes (for markup)
23 constraints: function(){},
24 within: false,
26 constructor: function(node, params){
27 // summary:
28 // an object that makes a node moveable
29 // node: Node
30 // a node (or node's id) to be moved
31 // params: dojo.dnd.move.__constrainedMoveableArgs?
32 // an optional object with additional parameters;
33 // the rest is passed to the base class
34 if(!params){ params = {}; }
35 this.constraints = params.constraints;
36 this.within = params.within;
37 },
38 onFirstMove: function(/* dojo.dnd.Mover */ mover){
39 // summary:
40 // called during the very first move notification;
41 // can be used to initialize coordinates, can be overwritten.
42 var c = this.constraintBox = this.constraints.call(this, mover);
43 c.r = c.l + c.w;
44 c.b = c.t + c.h;
45 if(this.within){
46 var mb = dojo._getMarginSize(mover.node);
47 c.r -= mb.w;
48 c.b -= mb.h;
49 }
50 },
51 onMove: function(/* dojo.dnd.Mover */ mover, /* Object */ leftTop){
52 // summary:
53 // called during every move notification;
54 // should actually move the node; can be overwritten.
55 var c = this.constraintBox, s = mover.node.style;
56 this.onMoving(mover, leftTop);
57 leftTop.l = leftTop.l < c.l ? c.l : c.r < leftTop.l ? c.r : leftTop.l;
58 leftTop.t = leftTop.t < c.t ? c.t : c.b < leftTop.t ? c.b : leftTop.t;
59 s.left = leftTop.l + "px";
60 s.top = leftTop.t + "px";
61 this.onMoved(mover, leftTop);
62 }
63 });
65 /*=====
66 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.move.__boxConstrainedMoveableArgs", [dojo.dnd.move.__constrainedMoveableArgs], {
67 // box: Object
68 // a constraint box
69 box: {}
70 });
71 =====*/
73 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.move.boxConstrainedMoveable", dojo.dnd.move.constrainedMoveable, {
74 // box:
75 // object attributes (for markup)
76 box: {},
78 constructor: function(node, params){
79 // summary:
80 // an object, which makes a node moveable
81 // node: Node
82 // a node (or node's id) to be moved
83 // params: dojo.dnd.move.__boxConstrainedMoveableArgs?
84 // an optional object with parameters
85 var box = params && params.box;
86 this.constraints = function(){ return box; };
87 }
88 });
90 /*=====
91 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.move.__parentConstrainedMoveableArgs", [dojo.dnd.move.__constrainedMoveableArgs], {
92 // area: String
93 // A parent's area to restrict the move.
94 // Can be "margin", "border", "padding", or "content".
95 area: ""
96 });
97 =====*/
99 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.move.parentConstrainedMoveable", dojo.dnd.move.constrainedMoveable, {
100 // area:
101 // object attributes (for markup)
102 area: "content",
104 constructor: function(node, params){
105 // summary:
106 // an object, which makes a node moveable
107 // node: Node
108 // a node (or node's id) to be moved
109 // params: dojo.dnd.move.__parentConstrainedMoveableArgs?
110 // an optional object with parameters
111 var area = params && params.area;
112 this.constraints = function(){
113 var n = this.node.parentNode,
114 s = dojo.getComputedStyle(n),
115 mb = dojo._getMarginBox(n, s);
116 if(area == "margin"){
117 return mb; // Object
118 }
119 var t = dojo._getMarginExtents(n, s);
120 mb.l += t.l, mb.t += t.t, mb.w -= t.w, mb.h -= t.h;
121 if(area == "border"){
122 return mb; // Object
123 }
124 t = dojo._getBorderExtents(n, s);
125 mb.l += t.l, mb.t += t.t, mb.w -= t.w, mb.h -= t.h;
126 if(area == "padding"){
127 return mb; // Object
128 }
129 t = dojo._getPadExtents(n, s);
130 mb.l += t.l, mb.t += t.t, mb.w -= t.w, mb.h -= t.h;
131 return mb; // Object
132 };
133 }
134 });
136 // patching functions one level up for compatibility
138 dojo.dnd.constrainedMover = dojo.dnd.move.constrainedMover;
139 dojo.dnd.boxConstrainedMover = dojo.dnd.move.boxConstrainedMover;
140 dojo.dnd.parentConstrainedMover = dojo.dnd.move.parentConstrainedMover;
142 return dojo.dnd.move;
143 });