]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/html.js
add dijit/dojo stuff; initial ui mockup
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / html.js
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
5 */
8 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.html"]){
9 dojo._hasResource["dojo.html"]=true;
10 dojo.provide("dojo.html");
11 dojo.require("dojo.parser");
12 (function(){
13 var _1=0,d=dojo;
14 dojo.html._secureForInnerHtml=function(_2){
15 return _2.replace(/(?:\s*<!DOCTYPE\s[^>]+>|<title[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/title>)/ig,"");
16 };
17 dojo.html._emptyNode=dojo.empty;
18 dojo.html._setNodeContent=function(_3,_4){
19 d.empty(_3);
20 if(_4){
21 if(typeof _4=="string"){
22 _4=d._toDom(_4,_3.ownerDocument);
23 }
24 if(!_4.nodeType&&d.isArrayLike(_4)){
25 for(var _5=_4.length,i=0;i<_4.length;i=_5==_4.length?i+1:0){
26 d.place(_4[i],_3,"last");
27 }
28 }else{
29 d.place(_4,_3,"last");
30 }
31 }
32 return _3;
33 };
34 dojo.declare("dojo.html._ContentSetter",null,{node:"",content:"",id:"",cleanContent:false,extractContent:false,parseContent:false,constructor:function(_6,_7){
35 dojo.mixin(this,_6||{});
36 _7=this.node=dojo.byId(this.node||_7);
37 if(!this.id){
38 this.id=["Setter",(_7)?_7.id||_7.tagName:"",_1++].join("_");
39 }
40 },set:function(_8,_9){
41 if(undefined!==_8){
42 this.content=_8;
43 }
44 if(_9){
45 this._mixin(_9);
46 }
47 this.onBegin();
48 this.setContent();
49 this.onEnd();
50 return this.node;
51 },setContent:function(){
52 var _a=this.node;
53 if(!_a){
54 throw new Error(this.declaredClass+": setContent given no node");
55 }
56 try{
57 _a=dojo.html._setNodeContent(_a,this.content);
58 }
59 catch(e){
60 var _b=this.onContentError(e);
61 try{
62 _a.innerHTML=_b;
63 }
64 catch(e){
65 console.error("Fatal "+this.declaredClass+".setContent could not change content due to "+e.message,e);
66 }
67 }
68 this.node=_a;
69 },empty:function(){
70 if(this.parseResults&&this.parseResults.length){
71 dojo.forEach(this.parseResults,function(w){
72 if(w.destroy){
73 w.destroy();
74 }
75 });
76 delete this.parseResults;
77 }
78 dojo.html._emptyNode(this.node);
79 },onBegin:function(){
80 var _c=this.content;
81 if(dojo.isString(_c)){
82 if(this.cleanContent){
83 _c=dojo.html._secureForInnerHtml(_c);
84 }
85 if(this.extractContent){
86 var _d=_c.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
87 if(_d){
88 _c=_d[1];
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 this.empty();
93 this.content=_c;
94 return this.node;
95 },onEnd:function(){
96 if(this.parseContent){
97 this._parse();
98 }
99 return this.node;
100 },tearDown:function(){
101 delete this.parseResults;
102 delete this.node;
103 delete this.content;
104 },onContentError:function(_e){
105 return "Error occured setting content: "+_e;
106 },_mixin:function(_f){
107 var _10={},key;
108 for(key in _f){
109 if(key in _10){
110 continue;
111 }
112 this[key]=_f[key];
113 }
114 },_parse:function(){
115 var _11=this.node;
116 try{
117 this.parseResults=dojo.parser.parse({rootNode:_11,dir:this.dir,lang:this.lang});
118 }
119 catch(e){
120 this._onError("Content",e,"Error parsing in _ContentSetter#"+this.id);
121 }
122 },_onError:function(_12,err,_13){
123 var _14=this["on"+_12+"Error"].call(this,err);
124 if(_13){
125 console.error(_13,err);
126 }else{
127 if(_14){
128 dojo.html._setNodeContent(this.node,_14,true);
129 }
130 }
131 }});
132 dojo.html.set=function(_15,_16,_17){
133 if(undefined==_16){
134 console.warn("dojo.html.set: no cont argument provided, using empty string");
135 _16="";
136 }
137 if(!_17){
138 return dojo.html._setNodeContent(_15,_16,true);
139 }else{
140 var op=new dojo.html._ContentSetter(dojo.mixin(_17,{content:_16,node:_15}));
141 return op.set();
142 }
143 };
144 })();
145 }