]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/nls/zh/colors.js.uncompressed.js
update dojo to 1.7.3
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / nls / zh / colors.js.uncompressed.js
1 define(
2 "dojo/nls/zh/colors", ({
3 // local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
4 // is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
5 //Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color (e.g. gray / grey).
6 //TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
7 aliceblue: "爱丽丝蓝",
8 antiquewhite: "古董白",
9 aqua: "浅绿色",
10 aquamarine: "碧绿色",
11 azure: "天蓝色",
12 beige: "米色",
13 bisque: "桔黄色",
14 black: "黑色",
15 blanchedalmond: "白杏色",
16 blue: "蓝色",
17 blueviolet: "蓝紫色",
18 brown: "棕色",
19 burlywood: "实木色",
20 cadetblue: "灰蓝色",
21 chartreuse: "黄绿色",
22 chocolate: "巧克力色",
23 coral: "珊瑚色",
24 cornflowerblue: "浅蓝色",
25 cornsilk: "米绸色",
26 crimson: "绯红色",
27 cyan: "青蓝色",
28 darkblue: "深蓝",
29 darkcyan: "深青绿",
30 darkgoldenrod: "深金黄",
31 darkgray: "深灰色",
32 darkgreen: "深绿色",
33 darkgrey: "深灰色", // same as darkgray
34 darkkhaki: "深卡其色",
35 darkmagenta: "深洋红色",
36 darkolivegreen: "深橄榄绿",
37 darkorange: "深橙色",
38 darkorchid: "深紫色",
39 darkred: "深红色",
40 darksalmon: "深橙红",
41 darkseagreen: "深海藻绿",
42 darkslateblue: "深青蓝",
43 darkslategray: "深青灰",
44 darkslategrey: "深青灰", // same as darkslategray
45 darkturquoise: "深粉蓝",
46 darkviolet: "深紫色",
47 deeppink: "深粉红色",
48 deepskyblue: "深天蓝色",
49 dimgray: "暗灰色",
50 dimgrey: "暗灰色", // same as dimgray
51 dodgerblue: "闪蓝色",
52 firebrick: "砖红",
53 floralwhite: "花白色",
54 forestgreen: "森林绿",
55 fuchsia: "紫红色",
56 gainsboro: "淡灰色",
57 ghostwhite: "苍白",
58 gold: "金黄色",
59 goldenrod: "金麒麟色",
60 gray: "灰色",
61 green: "绿色",
62 greenyellow: "绿黄色",
63 grey: "灰色", // same as gray
64 honeydew: "蜜汁色",
65 hotpink: "深粉红",
66 indianred: "印度红",
67 indigo: "靛青",
68 ivory: "象牙色",
69 khaki: "卡其色",
70 lavender: "淡紫色",
71 lavenderblush: "淡紫红",
72 lawngreen: "草绿色",
73 lemonchiffon: "柠檬绸色",
74 lightblue: "淡蓝色",
75 lightcoral: "浅珊瑚色",
76 lightcyan: "浅青色",
77 lightgoldenrodyellow: "浅金黄色",
78 lightgray: "浅灰色",
79 lightgreen: "浅绿色",
80 lightgrey: "浅灰色", // same as lightgray
81 lightpink: "浅粉红色",
82 lightsalmon: "淡橙色",
83 lightseagreen: "浅海藻绿",
84 lightskyblue: "浅天蓝色",
85 lightslategray: "浅青灰",
86 lightslategrey: "浅青灰", // same as lightslategray
87 lightsteelblue: "浅钢蓝色",
88 lightyellow: "浅黄色",
89 lime: "淡黄绿色",
90 limegreen: "橙绿色",
91 linen: "亚麻色",
92 magenta: "洋红色",
93 maroon: "栗色",
94 mediumaquamarine: "间绿色",
95 mediumblue: "间蓝色",
96 mediumorchid: "间紫色",
97 mediumpurple: "间紫色",
98 mediumseagreen: "间海蓝色",
99 mediumslateblue: "间暗蓝色",
100 mediumspringgreen: "间春绿色",
101 mediumturquoise: "间绿宝石色",
102 mediumvioletred: "间紫罗兰色",
103 midnightblue: "深蓝色",
104 mintcream: "薄荷色",
105 mistyrose: "浅玫瑰色",
106 moccasin: "鹿皮色",
107 navajowhite: "纳瓦白",
108 navy: "藏青色",
109 oldlace: "老白色",
110 olive: "橄榄绿",
111 olivedrab: "草绿色",
112 orange: "橙色",
113 orangered: "橙红色",
114 orchid: "紫色",
115 palegoldenrod: "淡金黄色",
116 palegreen: "淡绿色",
117 paleturquoise: "苍绿色",
118 palevioletred: "苍紫罗兰色",
119 papayawhip: "木瓜色",
120 peachpuff: "桃色",
121 peru: "秘鲁色",
122 pink: "粉红色",
123 plum: "杨李色",
124 powderblue: "铁蓝",
125 purple: "紫色",
126 red: "红色",
127 rosybrown: "褐玫瑰红",
128 royalblue: "品蓝",
129 saddlebrown: "重褐色",
130 salmon: "橙红",
131 sandybrown: "沙褐色",
132 seagreen: "海绿色",
133 seashell: "海贝色",
134 sienna: "赭色",
135 silver: "银白色",
136 skyblue: "天蓝色",
137 slateblue: "石蓝色",
138 slategray: "灰石色",
139 slategrey: "灰石色", // same as slategray
140 snow: "雪白色",
141 springgreen: "春绿色",
142 steelblue: "钢蓝色",
143 tan: "棕褐色",
144 teal: "水鸭色",
145 thistle: "蓟色",
146 tomato: "西红柿色",
147 transparent: "透明的",
148 turquoise: "绿宝石色",
149 violet: "紫色",
150 wheat: "浅黄色",
151 white: "白色",
152 whitesmoke: "烟白色",
153 yellow: "黄色",
154 yellowgreen: "黄绿色"
155 })
156 );