]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/store/JsonRest.js
upgrade Dojo to 1.6.1
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / store / JsonRest.js
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
5 */
8 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.store.JsonRest"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
9 dojo._hasResource["dojo.store.JsonRest"] = true;
10 dojo.provide("dojo.store.JsonRest");
11 dojo.require("dojo.store.util.QueryResults");
14 dojo.declare("dojo.store.JsonRest", null, {
15 constructor: function(/*dojo.store.JsonRest*/ options){
16 // summary:
17 // This is a basic store for RESTful communicating with a server through JSON
18 // formatted data.
19 // options:
20 // This provides any configuration information that will be mixed into the store
21 dojo.mixin(this, options);
22 },
23 // target: String
24 // The target base URL to use for all requests to the server. This string will be
25 // prepended to the id to generate the URL (relative or absolute) for requests
26 // sent to the server
27 target: "",
28 // idProperty: String
29 // Indicates the property to use as the identity property. The values of this
30 // property should be unique.
31 idProperty: "id",
33 get: function(id, options){
34 // summary:
35 // Retrieves an object by its identity. This will trigger a GET request to the server using
36 // the url `this.target + id`.
37 // id: Number
38 // The identity to use to lookup the object
39 // returns: Object
40 // The object in the store that matches the given id.
41 var headers = options || {};
42 headers.Accept = "application/javascript, application/json";
43 return dojo.xhrGet({
44 url:this.target + id,
45 handleAs: "json",
46 headers: headers
47 });
48 },
49 getIdentity: function(object){
50 // summary:
51 // Returns an object's identity
52 // object: Object
53 // The object to get the identity from
54 // returns: Number
55 return object[this.idProperty];
56 },
57 put: function(object, options){
58 // summary:
59 // Stores an object. This will trigger a PUT request to the server
60 // if the object has an id, otherwise it will trigger a POST request.
61 // object: Object
62 // The object to store.
63 // options: dojo.store.api.Store.PutDirectives?
64 // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an "id"
65 // property if a specific id is to be used.
66 // returns: Number
67 options = options || {};
68 var id = ("id" in options) ? options.id : this.getIdentity(object);
69 var hasId = typeof id != "undefined";
70 return dojo.xhr(hasId && !options.incremental ? "PUT" : "POST", {
71 url: hasId ? this.target + id : this.target,
72 postData: dojo.toJson(object),
73 handleAs: "json",
74 headers:{
75 "Content-Type": "application/json",
76 "If-Match": options.overwrite === true ? "*" : null,
77 "If-None-Match": options.overwrite === false ? "*" : null
78 }
79 });
80 },
81 add: function(object, options){
82 // summary:
83 // Adds an object. This will trigger a PUT request to the server
84 // if the object has an id, otherwise it will trigger a POST request.
85 // object: Object
86 // The object to store.
87 // options: dojo.store.api.Store.PutDirectives?
88 // Additional metadata for storing the data. Includes an "id"
89 // property if a specific id is to be used.
90 options = options || {};
91 options.overwrite = false;
92 return this.put(object, options);
93 },
94 remove: function(id){
95 // summary:
96 // Deletes an object by its identity. This will trigger a DELETE request to the server.
97 // id: Number
98 // The identity to use to delete the object
99 return dojo.xhrDelete({
100 url:this.target + id
101 });
102 },
103 query: function(query, options){
104 // summary:
105 // Queries the store for objects. This will trigger a GET request to the server, with the
106 // query added as a query string.
107 // query: Object
108 // The query to use for retrieving objects from the store.
109 // options: dojo.store.api.Store.QueryOptions?
110 // The optional arguments to apply to the resultset.
111 // returns: dojo.store.api.Store.QueryResults
112 // The results of the query, extended with iterative methods.
113 var headers = {Accept: "application/javascript, application/json"};
114 options = options || {};
116 if(options.start >= 0 || options.count >= 0){
117 headers.Range = "items=" + (options.start || '0') + '-' +
118 (("count" in options && options.count != Infinity) ?
119 (options.count + (options.start || 0) - 1) : '');
120 }
121 if(dojo.isObject(query)){
122 query = dojo.objectToQuery(query);
123 query = query ? "?" + query: "";
124 }
125 if(options && options.sort){
126 query += (query ? "&" : "?") + "sort(";
127 for(var i = 0; i<options.sort.length; i++){
128 var sort = options.sort[i];
129 query += (i > 0 ? "," : "") + (sort.descending ? '-' : '+') + encodeURIComponent(sort.attribute);
130 }
131 query += ")";
132 }
133 var results = dojo.xhrGet({
134 url: this.target + (query || ""),
135 handleAs: "json",
136 headers: headers
137 });
138 results.total = results.then(function(){
139 var range = results.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range");
140 return range && (range=range.match(/\/(.*)/)) && +range[1];
141 });
142 return dojo.store.util.QueryResults(results);
143 }
144 });
146 }