]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dojo/window.js.uncompressed.js
upgrade dojo to 1.8.3 (refs #570)
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / window.js.uncompressed.js
1 define("dojo/window", ["./_base/lang", "./sniff", "./_base/window", "./dom", "./dom-geometry", "./dom-style"],
2 function(lang, has, baseWindow, dom, geom, style){
4 // module:
5 // dojo/window
7 var window = {
8 // summary:
9 // TODOC
11 getBox: function(/*Document?*/ doc){
12 // summary:
13 // Returns the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window
15 doc = doc || baseWindow.doc;
17 var
18 scrollRoot = (doc.compatMode == 'BackCompat') ? baseWindow.body(doc) : doc.documentElement,
19 // get scroll position
20 scroll = geom.docScroll(doc), // scrollRoot.scrollTop/Left should work
21 w, h;
23 if(has("touch")){ // if(scrollbars not supported)
24 var uiWindow = window.get(doc); // use UI window, not dojo.global window
25 // on mobile, scrollRoot.clientHeight <= uiWindow.innerHeight <= scrollRoot.offsetHeight, return uiWindow.innerHeight
26 w = uiWindow.innerWidth || scrollRoot.clientWidth; // || scrollRoot.clientXXX probably never evaluated
27 h = uiWindow.innerHeight || scrollRoot.clientHeight;
28 }else{
29 // on desktops, scrollRoot.clientHeight <= scrollRoot.offsetHeight <= uiWindow.innerHeight, return scrollRoot.clientHeight
30 // uiWindow.innerWidth/Height includes the scrollbar and cannot be used
31 w = scrollRoot.clientWidth;
32 h = scrollRoot.clientHeight;
33 }
34 return {
35 l: scroll.x,
36 t: scroll.y,
37 w: w,
38 h: h
39 };
40 },
42 get: function(/*Document*/ doc){
43 // summary:
44 // Get window object associated with document doc.
45 // doc:
46 // The document to get the associated window for.
48 // In some IE versions (at least 6.0), document.parentWindow does not return a
49 // reference to the real window object (maybe a copy), so we must fix it as well
50 // We use IE specific execScript to attach the real window reference to
51 // document._parentWindow for later use
52 if(has("ie") && window !== document.parentWindow){
53 /*
54 In IE 6, only the variable "window" can be used to connect events (others
55 may be only copies).
56 */
57 doc.parentWindow.execScript("document._parentWindow = window;", "Javascript");
58 //to prevent memory leak, unset it after use
59 //another possibility is to add an onUnload handler which seems overkill to me (liucougar)
60 var win = doc._parentWindow;
61 doc._parentWindow = null;
62 return win; // Window
63 }
65 return doc.parentWindow || doc.defaultView; // Window
66 },
68 scrollIntoView: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object?*/ pos){
69 // summary:
70 // Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not already.
72 // don't rely on node.scrollIntoView working just because the function is there
74 try{ // catch unexpected/unrecreatable errors (#7808) since we can recover using a semi-acceptable native method
75 node = dom.byId(node);
76 var doc = node.ownerDocument || baseWindow.doc, // TODO: why baseWindow.doc? Isn't node.ownerDocument always defined?
77 body = baseWindow.body(doc),
78 html = doc.documentElement || body.parentNode,
79 isIE = has("ie"), isWK = has("webkit");
80 // if an untested browser, then use the native method
81 if((!(has("mozilla") || isIE || isWK || has("opera")) || node == body || node == html) && (typeof node.scrollIntoView != "undefined")){
82 node.scrollIntoView(false); // short-circuit to native if possible
83 return;
84 }
85 var backCompat = doc.compatMode == 'BackCompat',
86 clientAreaRoot = (isIE >= 9 && "frameElement" in node.ownerDocument.parentWindow)
87 ? ((html.clientHeight > 0 && html.clientWidth > 0 && (body.clientHeight == 0 || body.clientWidth == 0 || body.clientHeight > html.clientHeight || body.clientWidth > html.clientWidth)) ? html : body)
88 : (backCompat ? body : html),
89 scrollRoot = isWK ? body : clientAreaRoot,
90 rootWidth = clientAreaRoot.clientWidth,
91 rootHeight = clientAreaRoot.clientHeight,
92 rtl = !geom.isBodyLtr(doc),
93 nodePos = pos || geom.position(node),
94 el = node.parentNode,
95 isFixed = function(el){
96 return ((isIE <= 6 || (isIE && backCompat))? false : (style.get(el, 'position').toLowerCase() == "fixed"));
97 };
98 if(isFixed(node)){ return; } // nothing to do
100 while(el){
101 if(el == body){ el = scrollRoot; }
102 var elPos = geom.position(el),
103 fixedPos = isFixed(el);
105 if(el == scrollRoot){
106 elPos.w = rootWidth; elPos.h = rootHeight;
107 if(scrollRoot == html && isIE && rtl){ elPos.x += scrollRoot.offsetWidth-elPos.w; } // IE workaround where scrollbar causes negative x
108 if(elPos.x < 0 || !isIE){ elPos.x = 0; } // IE can have values > 0
109 if(elPos.y < 0 || !isIE){ elPos.y = 0; }
110 }else{
111 var pb = geom.getPadBorderExtents(el);
112 elPos.w -= pb.w; elPos.h -= pb.h; elPos.x += pb.l; elPos.y += pb.t;
113 var clientSize = el.clientWidth,
114 scrollBarSize = elPos.w - clientSize;
115 if(clientSize > 0 && scrollBarSize > 0){
116 elPos.w = clientSize;
117 elPos.x += (rtl && (isIE || el.clientLeft > pb.l/*Chrome*/)) ? scrollBarSize : 0;
118 }
119 clientSize = el.clientHeight;
120 scrollBarSize = elPos.h - clientSize;
121 if(clientSize > 0 && scrollBarSize > 0){
122 elPos.h = clientSize;
123 }
124 }
125 if(fixedPos){ // bounded by viewport, not parents
126 if(elPos.y < 0){
127 elPos.h += elPos.y; elPos.y = 0;
128 }
129 if(elPos.x < 0){
130 elPos.w += elPos.x; elPos.x = 0;
131 }
132 if(elPos.y + elPos.h > rootHeight){
133 elPos.h = rootHeight - elPos.y;
134 }
135 if(elPos.x + elPos.w > rootWidth){
136 elPos.w = rootWidth - elPos.x;
137 }
138 }
139 // calculate overflow in all 4 directions
140 var l = nodePos.x - elPos.x, // beyond left: < 0
141 t = nodePos.y - Math.max(elPos.y, 0), // beyond top: < 0
142 r = l + nodePos.w - elPos.w, // beyond right: > 0
143 bot = t + nodePos.h - elPos.h; // beyond bottom: > 0
144 if(r * l > 0){
145 var s = Math[l < 0? "max" : "min"](l, r);
146 if(rtl && ((isIE == 8 && !backCompat) || isIE >= 9)){ s = -s; }
147 nodePos.x += el.scrollLeft;
148 el.scrollLeft += s;
149 nodePos.x -= el.scrollLeft;
150 }
151 if(bot * t > 0){
152 nodePos.y += el.scrollTop;
153 el.scrollTop += Math[t < 0? "max" : "min"](t, bot);
154 nodePos.y -= el.scrollTop;
155 }
156 el = (el != scrollRoot) && !fixedPos && el.parentNode;
157 }
158 }catch(error){
159 console.error('scrollIntoView: ' + error);
160 node.scrollIntoView(false);
161 }
162 }
163 };
165 1 && lang.setObject("dojo.window", window);
167 return window;
168 });