]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blame - lib/dojo/_base/html.js.uncompressed.js
modify dojo rebuild script to remove uncompressed files
[tt-rss.git] / lib / dojo / _base / html.js.uncompressed.js
1define("dojo/_base/html", ["./kernel", "../dom", "../dom-style", "../dom-attr", "../dom-prop", "../dom-class", "../dom-construct", "../dom-geometry"], function(dojo, dom, style, attr, prop, cls, ctr, geom){
2 // module:
3 // dojo/dom
5 /*=====
6 return {
7 // summary:
8 // This module is a stub for the core dojo DOM API.
9 };
10 =====*/
12 // mix-in dom
13 dojo.byId = dom.byId;
14 dojo.isDescendant = dom.isDescendant;
15 dojo.setSelectable = dom.setSelectable;
17 // mix-in dom-attr
18 dojo.getAttr = attr.get;
19 dojo.setAttr = attr.set;
20 dojo.hasAttr = attr.has;
21 dojo.removeAttr = attr.remove;
22 dojo.getNodeProp = attr.getNodeProp;
24 dojo.attr = function(node, name, value){
25 // summary:
26 // Gets or sets an attribute on an HTML element.
27 // description:
28 // Handles normalized getting and setting of attributes on DOM
29 // Nodes. If 2 arguments are passed, and a the second argument is a
30 // string, acts as a getter.
31 //
32 // If a third argument is passed, or if the second argument is a
33 // map of attributes, acts as a setter.
34 //
35 // When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
36 // directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
37 // behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
38 // using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
39 // will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
40 // non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
41 // should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
42 // passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
43 // the handler itself.
44 // node: DOMNode|String
45 // id or reference to the element to get or set the attribute on
46 // name: String|Object
47 // the name of the attribute to get or set.
48 // value: String?
49 // The value to set for the attribute
50 // returns:
51 // when used as a getter, the value of the requested attribute
52 // or null if that attribute does not have a specified or
53 // default value;
54 //
55 // when used as a setter, the DOM node
56 //
57 // example:
58 // | // get the current value of the "foo" attribute on a node
59 // | dojo.attr(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
60 // | // or we can just pass the id:
61 // | dojo.attr("nodeId", "foo");
62 //
63 // example:
64 // | // use attr() to set the tab index
65 // | dojo.attr("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
66 // |
67 //
68 // example:
69 // Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
70 // | dojo.attr("formId", {
71 // | "foo": "bar",
72 // | "tabIndex": -1,
73 // | "method": "POST",
74 // | "onsubmit": function(e){
75 // | // stop submitting the form. Note that the IE behavior
76 // | // of returning true or false will have no effect here
77 // | // since our handler is connect()ed to the built-in
78 // | // onsubmit behavior and so we need to use
79 // | // dojo.stopEvent() to ensure that the submission
80 // | // doesn't proceed.
81 // | dojo.stopEvent(e);
82 // |
83 // | // submit the form with Ajax
84 // | dojo.xhrPost({ form: "formId" });
85 // | }
86 // | });
87 //
88 // example:
89 // Style is s special case: Only set with an object hash of styles
90 // | dojo.attr("someNode",{
91 // | id:"bar",
92 // | style:{
93 // | width:"200px", height:"100px", color:"#000"
94 // | }
95 // | });
96 //
97 // example:
98 // Again, only set style as an object hash of styles:
99 // | var obj = { color:"#fff", backgroundColor:"#000" };
100 // | dojo.attr("someNode", "style", obj);
101 // |
102 // | // though shorter to use `dojo.style()` in this case:
103 // | dojo.style("someNode", obj);
105 if(arguments.length == 2){
106 return attr[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
107 }
108 return attr.set(node, name, value);
109 };
111 // mix-in dom-class
112 dojo.hasClass = cls.contains;
113 dojo.addClass = cls.add;
114 dojo.removeClass = cls.remove;
115 dojo.toggleClass = cls.toggle;
116 dojo.replaceClass = cls.replace;
118 // mix-in dom-construct
119 dojo._toDom = dojo.toDom = ctr.toDom;
120 dojo.place = ctr.place;
121 dojo.create = ctr.create;
122 dojo.empty = function(node){ ctr.empty(node); };
123 dojo._destroyElement = dojo.destroy = function(node){ ctr.destroy(node); };
125 // mix-in dom-geometry
126 dojo._getPadExtents = dojo.getPadExtents = geom.getPadExtents;
127 dojo._getBorderExtents = dojo.getBorderExtents = geom.getBorderExtents;
128 dojo._getPadBorderExtents = dojo.getPadBorderExtents = geom.getPadBorderExtents;
129 dojo._getMarginExtents = dojo.getMarginExtents = geom.getMarginExtents;
130 dojo._getMarginSize = dojo.getMarginSize = geom.getMarginSize;
131 dojo._getMarginBox = dojo.getMarginBox = geom.getMarginBox;
132 dojo.setMarginBox = geom.setMarginBox;
133 dojo._getContentBox = dojo.getContentBox = geom.getContentBox;
134 dojo.setContentSize = geom.setContentSize;
135 dojo._isBodyLtr = dojo.isBodyLtr = geom.isBodyLtr;
136 dojo._docScroll = dojo.docScroll = geom.docScroll;
137 dojo._getIeDocumentElementOffset = dojo.getIeDocumentElementOffset = geom.getIeDocumentElementOffset;
138 dojo._fixIeBiDiScrollLeft = dojo.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft = geom.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft;
139 dojo.position = geom.position;
141 dojo.marginBox = function marginBox(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Object?*/box){
142 // summary:
143 // Getter/setter for the margin-box of node.
144 // description:
145 // Getter/setter for the margin-box of node.
146 // Returns an object in the expected format of box (regardless
147 // if box is passed). The object might look like:
148 // `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
149 // for a node offset from its parent 50px to the left, 200px from
150 // the top with a margin width of 300px and a margin-height of
151 // 150px.
152 // node:
153 // id or reference to DOM Node to get/set box for
154 // box:
155 // If passed, denotes that dojo.marginBox() should
156 // update/set the margin box for node. Box is an object in the
157 // above format. All properties are optional if passed.
158 // example:
159 // Retrieve the margin box of a passed node
160 // | var box = dojo.marginBox("someNodeId");
161 // | console.dir(box);
162 //
163 // example:
164 // Set a node's margin box to the size of another node
165 // | var box = dojo.marginBox("someNodeId");
166 // | dojo.marginBox("someOtherNode", box);
167 return box ? geom.setMarginBox(node, box) : geom.getMarginBox(node); // Object
168 };
170 dojo.contentBox = function contentBox(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Object?*/box){
171 // summary:
172 // Getter/setter for the content-box of node.
173 // description:
174 // Returns an object in the expected format of box (regardless if box is passed).
175 // The object might look like:
176 // `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
177 // for a node offset from its parent 50px to the left, 200px from
178 // the top with a content width of 300px and a content-height of
179 // 150px. Note that the content box may have a much larger border
180 // or margin box, depending on the box model currently in use and
181 // CSS values set/inherited for node.
182 // While the getter will return top and left values, the
183 // setter only accepts setting the width and height.
184 // node:
185 // id or reference to DOM Node to get/set box for
186 // box:
187 // If passed, denotes that dojo.contentBox() should
188 // update/set the content box for node. Box is an object in the
189 // above format, but only w (width) and h (height) are supported.
190 // All properties are optional if passed.
191 return box ? geom.setContentSize(node, box) : geom.getContentBox(node); // Object
192 };
194 dojo.coords = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Boolean?*/includeScroll){
195 // summary:
196 // Deprecated: Use position() for border-box x/y/w/h
197 // or marginBox() for margin-box w/h/l/t.
198 //
199 // Returns an object that measures margin-box (w)idth/(h)eight
200 // and absolute position x/y of the border-box. Also returned
201 // is computed (l)eft and (t)op values in pixels from the
202 // node's offsetParent as returned from marginBox().
203 // Return value will be in the form:
204 //| { l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150, x: 100, y: 300 }
205 // Does not act as a setter. If includeScroll is passed, the x and
206 // y params are affected as one would expect in dojo.position().
207 dojo.deprecated("dojo.coords()", "Use dojo.position() or dojo.marginBox().");
208 node = dom.byId(node);
209 var s = style.getComputedStyle(node), mb = geom.getMarginBox(node, s);
210 var abs = geom.position(node, includeScroll);
211 mb.x = abs.x;
212 mb.y = abs.y;
213 return mb; // Object
214 };
216 // mix-in dom-prop
217 dojo.getProp = prop.get;
218 dojo.setProp = prop.set;
220 dojo.prop = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String|Object*/name, /*String?*/value){
221 // summary:
222 // Gets or sets a property on an HTML element.
223 // description:
224 // Handles normalized getting and setting of properties on DOM
225 // Nodes. If 2 arguments are passed, and a the second argument is a
226 // string, acts as a getter.
227 //
228 // If a third argument is passed, or if the second argument is a
229 // map of attributes, acts as a setter.
230 //
231 // When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
232 // directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
233 // behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
234 // using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
235 // will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
236 // non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
237 // should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
238 // passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
239 // the handler itself.
240 // node:
241 // id or reference to the element to get or set the property on
242 // name:
243 // the name of the property to get or set.
244 // value:
245 // The value to set for the property
246 // returns:
247 // when used as a getter, the value of the requested property
248 // or null if that attribute does not have a specified or
249 // default value;
250 //
251 // when used as a setter, the DOM node
252 //
253 // example:
254 // | // get the current value of the "foo" property on a node
255 // | dojo.prop(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
256 // | // or we can just pass the id:
257 // | dojo.prop("nodeId", "foo");
258 //
259 // example:
260 // | // use prop() to set the tab index
261 // | dojo.prop("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
262 // |
263 //
264 // example:
265 // Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
266 // | dojo.prop("formId", {
267 // | "foo": "bar",
268 // | "tabIndex": -1,
269 // | "method": "POST",
270 // | "onsubmit": function(e){
271 // | // stop submitting the form. Note that the IE behavior
272 // | // of returning true or false will have no effect here
273 // | // since our handler is connect()ed to the built-in
274 // | // onsubmit behavior and so we need to use
275 // | // dojo.stopEvent() to ensure that the submission
276 // | // doesn't proceed.
277 // | dojo.stopEvent(e);
278 // |
279 // | // submit the form with Ajax
280 // | dojo.xhrPost({ form: "formId" });
281 // | }
282 // | });
283 //
284 // example:
285 // Style is s special case: Only set with an object hash of styles
286 // | dojo.prop("someNode",{
287 // | id:"bar",
288 // | style:{
289 // | width:"200px", height:"100px", color:"#000"
290 // | }
291 // | });
292 //
293 // example:
294 // Again, only set style as an object hash of styles:
295 // | var obj = { color:"#fff", backgroundColor:"#000" };
296 // | dojo.prop("someNode", "style", obj);
297 // |
298 // | // though shorter to use `dojo.style()` in this case:
299 // | dojo.style("someNode", obj);
301 if(arguments.length == 2){
302 return prop[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
303 }
304 // setter
305 return prop.set(node, name, value);
306 };
308 // mix-in dom-style
309 dojo.getStyle = style.get;
310 dojo.setStyle = style.set;
311 dojo.getComputedStyle = style.getComputedStyle;
312 dojo.__toPixelValue = dojo.toPixelValue = style.toPixelValue;
314 dojo.style = function(node, name, value){
315 // summary:
316 // Accesses styles on a node. If 2 arguments are
317 // passed, acts as a getter. If 3 arguments are passed, acts
318 // as a setter.
319 // description:
320 // Getting the style value uses the computed style for the node, so the value
321 // will be a calculated value, not just the immediate node.style value.
322 // Also when getting values, use specific style names,
323 // like "borderBottomWidth" instead of "border" since compound values like
324 // "border" are not necessarily reflected as expected.
325 // If you want to get node dimensions, use `dojo.marginBox()`,
326 // `dojo.contentBox()` or `dojo.position()`.
327 // node: DOMNode|String
328 // id or reference to node to get/set style for
329 // name: String|Object?
330 // the style property to set in DOM-accessor format
331 // ("borderWidth", not "border-width") or an object with key/value
332 // pairs suitable for setting each property.
333 // value: String?
334 // If passed, sets value on the node for style, handling
335 // cross-browser concerns. When setting a pixel value,
336 // be sure to include "px" in the value. For instance, top: "200px".
337 // Otherwise, in some cases, some browsers will not apply the style.
338 // returns:
339 // when used as a getter, return the computed style of the node if passing in an ID or node,
340 // or return the normalized, computed value for the property when passing in a node and a style property
341 // example:
342 // Passing only an ID or node returns the computed style object of
343 // the node:
344 // | dojo.style("thinger");
345 // example:
346 // Passing a node and a style property returns the current
347 // normalized, computed value for that property:
348 // | dojo.style("thinger", "opacity"); // 1 by default
349 //
350 // example:
351 // Passing a node, a style property, and a value changes the
352 // current display of the node and returns the new computed value
353 // | dojo.style("thinger", "opacity", 0.5); // == 0.5
354 //
355 // example:
356 // Passing a node, an object-style style property sets each of the values in turn and returns the computed style object of the node:
357 // | dojo.style("thinger", {
358 // | "opacity": 0.5,
359 // | "border": "3px solid black",
360 // | "height": "300px"
361 // | });
362 //
363 // example:
364 // When the CSS style property is hyphenated, the JavaScript property is camelCased.
365 // font-size becomes fontSize, and so on.
366 // | dojo.style("thinger",{
367 // | fontSize:"14pt",
368 // | letterSpacing:"1.2em"
369 // | });
370 //
371 // example:
372 // dojo/NodeList implements .style() using the same syntax, omitting the "node" parameter, calling
373 // dojo.style() on every element of the list. See: `dojo/query` and `dojo/NodeList`
374 // | dojo.query(".someClassName").style("visibility","hidden");
375 // | // or
376 // | dojo.query("#baz > div").style({
377 // | opacity:0.75,
378 // | fontSize:"13pt"
379 // | });
381 switch(arguments.length){
382 case 1:
383 return style.get(node);
384 case 2:
385 return style[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
386 }
387 // setter
388 return style.set(node, name, value);
389 };
391 return dojo;