]> git.wh0rd.org - home.git/blob - .config/mutt/theme/256color.rc
mutt: update settings
[home.git] / .config / mutt / theme / 256color.rc
1 # For colorN syntax use the ~scripts/term-colortest to find colors
2 #color normal color250 color232 # normal text
3 #color indicator color232 color215 # color bar over currently selected message
4 #color tree color63 color232 # thread arrows
5 #color status brightcolor245 color236 # status line
6 #color message color245 color232 # info messages
7 #color error color231 color196 # errors
8 #color signature color240 color232 # signature
9 #color attachment color61 color232 # MIME attachments
10 #color search brightcolor226 color196 # search matches
11 #color tilde color63 color232 # ~ at bottom of messages
12 #color markers color37 color232 # + at beginning of wrapped lines
13 #color hdrdefault color240 color232 # default header lines
14 #color bold brightcolor235 color232 # hilighting bold patterns in body
15 #color underline brightcolor240 color232 # hilighting underlined patterns in body
16 #
17 # Quote colors
18 #color quoted color130 color232
19 #color quoted1 color25 color232
20 #color quoted2 color171 color232
21 #color quoted3 color38 color232
22 #color quoted4 color100 color232
23 #color quoted5 color53 color232
24 #color quoted6 color29 color232
25 #color quoted7 color127 color232
26 #color quoted8 color59 color232
27 #color quoted9 color167 color232
28 #
29 # Color for the attribution-line
30 #color body color130 color232 "^[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
31 #color body color25 color232 "^>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
32 #color body color171 color232 "^>[ ]?>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
33 #color body color38 color232 "^(>[ ]?){2}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
34 #color body color100 color232 "^(>[ ]?){3}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
35 #color body color89 color232 "^(>[ ]?){4}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
36 #color body color29 color232 "^(>[ ]?){5}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
37 #color body color127 color232 "^(>[ ]?){6}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
38 #color body color59 color232 "^(>[ ]?){7}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
39 #color body color167 color232 "^(>[ ]?){8}>[^>].*(wrote|writes|said|say(s)?).*:"
40 #
41 # Source index for links
42 #color body color229 color232 "\[[1-9][0-9]*\]"
43 #
44 # Index
45 #color index color245 default ~Q # mail that has been replied to
46 #color index color245 default ~R # read mail
47 #color index brightcolor250 default "~N | ~U" # New or unread
48 #color index brightcolor49 default ~T # Tagged
49 #color index brightcolor196 default ~D # Deleted
50 #color index brightcolor34 default ~F # Flagged
51 #color index color202 default "~z >500K" # Highlight large messages
52 #color index color232 green ~(~F) # Thread of flagged message
53 #color index brightcyan default ~p # mail addressed to me (as defined by alternates)
54 #color index brightblue default ~P # mail from myself (as defined by alternates)
55 #
56 # Headers
57 #color header color10 color232 "^(From|Subject|Cc|Date|To|Reply-to|X-Spam-Level|User-Agent|X-Mailer):"
58 #color header red default "^X-DSPAM"
59 #
60 # Body
61 #color body color12 color232 "(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger|irc)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*"
62 #color body color10 color232 "(mailto:)?[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
63 #color body red default "mailto:"
64 #
65 #color body brightcolor226 color232 "[[:space:]][;:][-][)/|O>(<][[:space:][:cntrl:]]" # smilies
66 #color body brightcolor226 color232 "^[;:][-][)O>(<][[:space:][:cntrl:]]" # smilies
67 #color body default default "^:.*" # mutt strangely colors these red by default
68 #
69 # Colors for t-prot
70 #color body color240 color232 "^\\[---.*"
71 #color body color22 color232 "^#v[-+]"
72 #
73 # vim:ft=muttrc:fdm=marker:ts=4:sw=4:
74 #