]> git.wh0rd.org - home.git/blob - .wireshark/preferences
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[home.git] / .wireshark / preferences
1 # Configuration file for Wireshark 1.0.0.
2 #
3 # This file is regenerated each time preferences are saved within
4 # Wireshark. Making manual changes should be safe, however.
6 ######## User Interface ########
8 # Vertical scrollbars should be on right side?
9 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
10 gui.scrollbar_on_right: TRUE
12 # Packet-list selection bar can be used to browse w/o selecting?
13 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
14 gui.packet_list_sel_browse: FALSE
16 # Protocol-tree selection bar can be used to browse w/o selecting?
17 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
18 gui.protocol_tree_sel_browse: FALSE
20 # Alternating colors in TreeViews?
21 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
22 gui.tree_view_altern_colors: FALSE
24 # Place filter toolbar inside the statusbar?
25 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
26 gui.filter_toolbar_show_in_statusbar: FALSE
28 # Protocol-tree line style.
30 gui.protocol_tree_line_style: NONE
32 # Protocol-tree expander style.
34 gui.protocol_tree_expander_style: SQUARE
36 # Hex dump highlight style.
37 # One of: BOLD, INVERSE
38 gui.hex_dump_highlight_style: INVERSE
40 # Main Toolbar style.
41 # One of: ICONS, TEXT, BOTH
42 gui.toolbar_main_style: ICONS
44 # Save window position at exit?
45 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
46 gui.geometry.save.position: FALSE
48 # Save window size at exit?
49 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
50 gui.geometry.save.size: TRUE
52 # Save window maximized state at exit (GTK2 only)?
53 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
54 gui.geometry.save.maximized: TRUE
56 # Open a console window (WIN32 only)?
58 gui.console_open: NEVER
60 # The max. number of items in the open recent files list.
61 # A decimal number.
62 gui.recent_files_count.max: 10
64 # Where to start the File Open dialog box.
66 gui.fileopen.style: LAST_OPENED
68 # Directory to start in when opening File Open dialog.
69 gui.fileopen.dir:
71 # The preview timeout in the File Open dialog.
72 # A decimal number (in seconds).
73 gui.fileopen.preview: 3
75 # Ask to save unsaved capture files?
76 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
77 gui.ask_unsaved: FALSE
79 # Wrap to beginning/end of file during search?
80 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
81 gui.find_wrap: TRUE
83 # Settings dialogs use a save button?
84 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
85 gui.use_pref_save: FALSE
87 # The path to the webbrowser.
88 # Ex: mozilla %s
89 gui.webbrowser: xdg-open %s
91 # Custom window title. (Prepended to existing titles.)
92 gui.window_title:
94 ######## User Interface: Layout ########
96 # Layout type (1-6).
97 gui.layout_type: 1
99 # Layout content of the panes (1-3).
101 gui.layout_content_1: PLIST
102 gui.layout_content_2: PDETAILS
103 gui.layout_content_3: PBYTES
105 ######## User Interface: Columns ########
107 # Packet list column format.
108 # Each pair of strings consists of a column title and its format.
109 column.format: "No.", "%m", "Time", "%t", "Source", "%s", "Destination",
110 "%d", "Protocol", "%p", "Info", "%i"
112 ######## User Interface: Font ########
114 # Font name for packet list, protocol tree, and hex dump panes (GTK version 1).
115 gui.font_name: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
117 # Font name for packet list, protocol tree, and hex dump panes (GTK version 2).
118 gui.gtk2.font_name: Monospace 10
120 ######## User Interface: Colors ########
122 # Color preferences for a marked frame.
123 # Each value is a six digit hexadecimal color value in the form rrggbb.
124 gui.marked_frame.fg: ffffff
125 gui.marked_frame.bg: 000000
127 # TCP stream window color preferences.
128 # Each value is a six digit hexadecimal color value in the form rrggbb.
129 stream.client.fg: 7f0000
130 stream.client.bg: fbeded
131 stream.server.fg: 00007f
132 stream.server.bg: ededfb
134 ######## Console: logging level ########
135 # (debugging only, not in the Preferences dialog)
136 # A bitmask of glib log levels:
141 # G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 64
142 # G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 128
143 console.log.level: 28
145 ####### Capture ########
147 # Default capture device
148 capture.device: eth0
150 # Capture in promiscuous mode?
151 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
152 capture.prom_mode: TRUE
154 # Update packet list in real time during capture?
155 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
156 capture.real_time_update: TRUE
158 # Scroll packet list during capture?
159 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
160 capture.auto_scroll: TRUE
162 # Show capture info dialog while capturing?
163 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
164 capture.show_info: FALSE
166 ######## Printing ########
168 # Can be one of "text" or "postscript".
169 print.format: text
171 # Can be one of "command" or "file".
172 print.destination: command
174 # This is the file that gets written to when the destination is set to "file"
175 print.file: wireshark.out
177 # Output gets piped to this command when the destination is set to "command"
178 print.command: lpr
180 ####### Name Resolution ########
182 # Resolve addresses to names?
183 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive), or a list of address types to resolve.
184 name_resolve: mt
186 # Name resolution concurrency.
187 # A decimal number.
188 name_resolve_concurrency: 500
190 ####### RTP Player ########
192 # Maximum visible channels in RTP Player window.
193 # An integer value greater than 0.
194 rtp_player.max_visible: 4
196 ####### Protocols ########
198 # Enable this option to recognise all traffic on RTP dynamic payload type 96 (0x60) as FEC data corresponding to Pro-MPEG Code of Practice #3 release 2
199 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
200 2dparityfec.enable: FALSE
202 # Enable Architecture for Control Networks dissector (ANSI BSR E1.17)
203 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
204 acn.heuristic_acn: FALSE
206 # Enable Streaming DMX extension dissector (ANSI BSR E1.31)
207 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
208 acn.dmx_enable: FALSE
210 # Display format
211 # One of: Hex , Decimal, Percent
212 # (case-insensitive).
213 acn.dmx_display_view: Hex
215 # Display zeros instead of dots
216 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
217 acn.dmx_display_zeros: FALSE
219 # Display leading zeros on levels
220 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
221 acn.dmx_display_leading_zeros: FALSE
223 # Display line format
224 # One of: 20 per line, 16 per line
225 # (case-insensitive).
226 acn.dmx_display_line_format: 20 per line
228 # Set the UDP port for AudioCodes Trunk Traces.Use http://x.x.x.x/TrunkTraces to enable the traces in the Blade
229 # A decimal number.
230 actrace.udp_port: 2428
232 # Set the TCP port for AgentX(if other than the default of 705)
233 # A decimal number.
234 agentx.tcp.agentx_port: 705
236 # Whether the AH payload decode should be placed in a subtree
237 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
238 ah.place_ah_payload_in_subtree: FALSE
240 # Whether the AIM dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
241 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
242 aim.desegment: TRUE
244 # Whether that payload of UDP packets with a specific destination port should be automatically dissected as ALC packets
245 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
246 alc.default.udp_port.enabled: FALSE
248 # Specifies the UDP destination port for automatic dissection of ALC packets
249 # A decimal number.
250 alc.default.udp_port: 4001
252 # Whether the LCT header Codepoint field should be considered the FEC Encoding ID of carried object
253 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
254 alc.lct.codepoint_as_fec_id: TRUE
256 # How to decode LCT header extention 192
257 # One of: Don't decode, Decode as FLUTE extension (EXT_FDT)
258 # (case-insensitive).
259 alc.lct.ext.192: Decode as FLUTE extension (EXT_FDT)
261 # How to decode LCT header extention 193
262 # One of: Don't decode, Decode as FLUTE extension (EXT_CENC)
263 # (case-insensitive).
264 alc.lct.ext.193: Decode as FLUTE extension (EXT_CENC)
266 # Whether persistent call leg information is to be kept
267 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
268 alcap.leg_info: TRUE
270 # The dynamic payload type which will be interpreted as AMR
271 # A decimal number.
272 amr.dynamic.payload.type: 0
274 # Type of AMR encoding of the payload
275 # One of: RFC 3267 octet aligned, RFC 3267 BW-efficient, AMR IF1, AMR IF2
276 # (case-insensitive).
277 amr.encoding.version: RFC 3267 octet aligned
279 # The AMR mode
280 # One of: Narrowband AMR, Wideband AMR
281 # (case-insensitive).
282 amr.mode: Narrowband AMR
284 # (if other than the default of IOS 4.0.1)
285 # One of: IS-634 rev. 0, TSB-80, IS-634-A, IOS 2.x, IOS 3.x, IOS 4.0.1, IOS 5.0.1
286 # (case-insensitive).
287 ansi_a_bsmap.global_variant: IOS 4.0.1
289 # ANSI MAP SSNs to decode as ANSI MAP
290 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
291 ansi_map.map.ssn: 5-14
293 # Attempt to detect excessive rate of ARP requests
294 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
295 arp.detect_request_storms: FALSE
297 # Number of requests needed within period to indicate a storm
298 # A decimal number.
299 arp.detect_storm_number_of_packets: 30
301 # Period in milliseconds during which a packet storm may be detected
302 # A decimal number.
303 arp.detect_storm_period: 100
305 # Attempt to detect duplicate use of IP addresses
306 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
307 arp.detect_duplicate_ips: TRUE
309 # The UDP port on which Art-Net packets will be sent
310 # A decimal number.
311 artnet.udp_port: 6454
313 # The way DMX values are displayed
314 # One of: Percent, Hexadecimal, Decimal
315 # (case-insensitive).
316 artnet.dmx_disp_chan_val_type: Percent
318 # The way DMX channel numbers are displayed
319 # One of: Hexadecimal, Decimal
320 # (case-insensitive).
321 artnet.dmx_disp_chan_nr_type: Hexadecimal
323 # The number of columns for the DMX display
324 # One of: 6, 10, 12, 16, 24
325 # (case-insensitive).
326 artnet.dmx_disp_col_count: 16
328 # The TCP ports on which ASN.1 messages will be read
329 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
330 asn1.tcp_ports: 0
332 # The UDP ports on which ASN.1 messages will be read
333 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
334 asn1.udp_ports: 0
336 # The SCTP ports on which ASN.1 messages will be read
337 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
338 asn1.sctp_ports: 0
340 # Desegment ASN.1 messages that span TCP segments
341 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
342 asn1.desegment_messages: TRUE
344 # Compiled ASN.1 description of ASN.1 types
345 # A string.
346 asn1.file:
348 # Name of top level PDU
349 # A string.
350 asn1.pdu_name: ASN1
352 # Offset for non-reassembled packets, wrong if this happens on other than the first packet!
353 # A decimal number.
354 asn1.first_pdu_offset: 0
356 # Show full names for all values
357 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
358 asn1.flat: FALSE
360 # Allow this recursion level for eliminated type references
361 # One of: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
362 # (case-insensitive).
363 asn1.type_recursion: 1
365 # Extra output useful for debuging
366 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
367 asn1.debug: FALSE
369 # log to file $TMP/wireshark.log
370 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
371 asn1.verbose_log: FALSE
373 # Autodection between LANE and SSCOP is hard. As default LANE is preferred
374 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
375 atm.dissect_lane_as_sscop: FALSE
377 # Whether the ATP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple DDP packets
378 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
379 atp.desegment: TRUE
381 # Set the port for BEEP messages (if other than the default of 10288)
382 # A decimal number.
383 beep.tcp.port: 10288
385 # Specifies that BEEP requires CRLF as a terminator, and not just CR or LF
386 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
387 beep.strict_header_terminator: TRUE
389 # Whether the dissector should also display internal ASN.1 BER details such as Identifier and Length fields
390 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
391 ber.show_internals: FALSE
393 # Whether the dissector should decode unexpected tags as ASN.1 BER encoded data
394 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
395 ber.decode_unexpected: FALSE
397 # Whether the dissector should try decoding OCTET STRINGs as constructed ASN.1 BER encoded data
398 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
399 ber.decode_octetstring: FALSE
401 # Whether the BGP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
402 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
403 bgp.desegment: TRUE
405 # BGP dissector detect the length of the AS number in AS_PATH attributes automatically or manually (NOTE: Automatic detection is not 100% accurate)
406 # One of: Auto-detect, 2 octet, 4 octet
407 # (case-insensitive).
408 bgp.asn_len: Auto-detect
410 # Whether the BitTorrent dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
411 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
412 bittorrent.desegment: TRUE
414 # Enabling this will tell which BitTorrent client that produced the handshake message
415 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
416 bittorrent.decode_client: FALSE
418 # Novell Servers option 85 can be configured as a string instead of address
419 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
420 bootp.novellserverstring: FALSE
422 # The PacketCable CCC protocol version
423 # One of: PKT-SP-PROV-I05-021127, IETF Draft 5, RFC 3495
424 # (case-insensitive).
425 bootp.pkt.ccc.protocol_version: RFC 3495
427 # Option Number for PacketCable CableLabs Client Configuration
428 # A decimal number.
429 bootp.pkt.ccc.option: 122
431 # For the sake of sub-dissectors registering to accept data from the BSSAP/BSAP dissector, this defines whether it is identified as BSSAP or BSAP.
432 # One of: BSSAP, BSAP
433 # (case-insensitive).
434 bssap.bsap_or_bssap: BSSAP
436 # Set Subsystem number used for BSSAP/BSSAP+
437 # A decimal number.
438 bssap.ssn: 98
440 # Decode NRI (for use with SGSN in Pool)
441 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
442 bssgp.decode_nri: FALSE
444 # NRI length, in bits
445 # A decimal number.
446 bssgp.nri_length: 4
448 # Whether the ACL dissector should reassemble fragmented PDUs
449 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
450 bthci_acl.btacl_reassembly: TRUE
452 # Set an additional UDP port, besides the standard X'BAC0' (47808) port.
453 # A decimal number.
454 bvlc.additional_udp_port: 0
456 # The date format: (DD/MM) or (MM/DD)
457 # One of: DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY
458 # (case-insensitive).
459 camel.date.format: DD/MM/YYYY
461 # TCAP Subsystem numbers used for Camel
462 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
463 camel.tcap.ssn: 6-9
465 # Activate the analyse for Response Time
466 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
467 camel.srt: FALSE
469 # Statistics for Response Time
470 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
471 camel.persistentsrt: FALSE
473 # Whether the CAST dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
474 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
475 cast.reassembly: TRUE
477 # Set the port(s) for NetFlow messages (default: 2055,9996)
478 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
479 cflow.netflow.ports: 2055,9996
481 # Set the port(s) for IPFIX messages (default: 4739)
482 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
483 cflow.ipfix.ports: 4739
485 # The type of CHDLC frame checksum (none, 16-bit, 32-bit)
486 # One of: None, 16-Bit, 32-Bit
487 # (case-insensitive).
488 chdlc.fcs_type: None
490 # The version of CIGI with which to dissect packets
491 # One of: From Packet, CIGI 2, CIGI 3
492 # (case-insensitive).
493 cigi.version: From Packet
495 # The byte order with which to dissect CIGI packets (CIGI3)
496 # One of: From Packet, Big-Endian, Little-Endian
497 # (case-insensitive).
498 cigi.byte_order: From Packet
500 # IPv4 address or hostname of the host
501 # A string.
502 cigi.host:
504 # IPv4 address or hostname of the image generator
505 # A string.
506 cigi.ig:
508 # NSAP selector for Transport Protocol (last byte in hex)
509 # A hexadecimal number.
510 clnp.tp_nsap_selector: 0x21
512 # Always try to decode NSDU as transport PDUs
513 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
514 clnp.always_decode_transport: FALSE
516 # Whether segmented CLNP datagrams should be reassembled
517 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
518 clnp.reassemble: TRUE
520 # Whether the CMP-over-TCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
521 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
522 cmp.desegment: TRUE
524 # Set the TCP port for COPS messages
525 # A decimal number.
526 cops.tcp.cops_port: 3288
528 # Whether the COPS dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
529 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
530 cops.desegment: TRUE
532 # Decode the COPS messages using PacketCable clients. (Select port 2126)
533 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
534 cops.packetcable: TRUE
536 # PIB settings can be changed in the Name Resolution preferences
538 # Whether segmented COTP datagrams should be reassembled. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
539 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
540 cotp.reassemble: TRUE
542 # How TSAPs should be displayed
543 # One of: As strings if printable, As strings, As bytes
544 # (case-insensitive).
545 cotp.tsap_display: As strings if printable
547 # Set the port for CPFI messages (if other than the default of 5000)
548 # A decimal number.
549 cpfi.udp.port: 5000
551 # Set the port for InstanceToInstance messages (if other than the default of 5001)
552 # A decimal number.
553 cpfi.udp.port2: 5001
555 # Control the way the '-->' is displayed. When enabled, keeps the 'lowest valued' endpoint of the src-dest pair on the left, and the arrow moves to distinguish source from dest. When disabled, keeps the arrow pointing right so the source of the frame is always on the left.
556 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
557 cpfi.arrow_ctl: TRUE
559 # Set the destination UDP port Cisco wireless IDS messages
560 # A decimal number.
561 cwids.udp.port: 0
563 # Set the port for DAP operations (if other than the default of 102)
564 # A decimal number.
565 dap.tcp.port: 102
567 # Whether the DCCP summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
568 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
569 dccp.summary_in_tree: TRUE
571 # Try to decode a packet using an heuristic sub-dissector before using a sub-dissector registered to a specific port
572 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
573 dccp.try_heuristic_first: FALSE
575 # Whether to check the validity of the DCCP checksum
576 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
577 dccp.check_checksum: TRUE
579 # Whether the DCE/RPC dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
580 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
581 dcerpc.desegment_dcerpc: TRUE
583 # Whether the DCE/RPC dissector should reassemble fragmented DCE/RPC PDUs
584 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
585 dcerpc.reassemble_dcerpc: TRUE
587 # Display some DCOM unmarshalled fields usually hidden
588 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
589 dcom.display_unmarshalling_details: FALSE
591 # If a payload looks like its embedded in an IP primitive message, and there is a wireshark dissector matching the DCT2000 protocol name, try parsing the payload using that dissector
592 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
593 dct2000.ipprim_heuristic: TRUE
595 # If a payload looks like its embedded in an SCTP primitive message, and there is a wireshark dissector matching the DCT2000 protocol name, try parsing the payload using that dissector
596 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
597 dct2000.sctpprim_heuristic: TRUE
599 # Set the port for DHCP failover communications
600 # A decimal number.
601 dhcpfo.tcp_port: 519
603 # Whether the DHCP failover dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
604 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
605 dhcpfo.desegment: TRUE
607 # TCP ports to be decoded as Diameter (default: 3868,3868)
608 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
609 diameter.tcp.ports: 3868,3868
611 # Set the SCTP port for Diameter messages
612 # A decimal number.
613 diameter.sctp.port: 3868
615 # Whether the Diameter dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
616 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
617 diameter.desegment: TRUE
619 # Set the UDP port for DIS messages
620 # A decimal number.
621 dis.udp.port: 3000
623 # Set the port for DISP operations (if other than the default of 102)
624 # A decimal number.
625 disp.tcp.port: 102
627 # Set the TCP port for DISTCC messages
628 # A decimal number.
629 distcc.tcp.port: 3632
631 # Whether the DISTCC dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
632 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
633 distcc.desegment_distcc_over_tcp: TRUE
635 # Set the TCP port for Distributed Lock Manager
636 # A decimal number.
637 dlm3.tcp.port: 21064
639 # Set the SCTP port for Distributed Lock Manager
640 # A decimal number.
641 dlm3.sctp.port: 21064
643 # Port numbers used for DMP traffic
644 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
645 dmp.udp_ports:
647 # Calculate sequence/acknowledgement analysis
648 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
649 dmp.seq_ack_analysis: TRUE
651 # Align identifiers in info list (does not align when retransmission or duplicate acknowledgement indication)
652 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
653 dmp.align_ids: FALSE
655 # Print subject as body id in free text messages with subject
656 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
657 dmp.subject_as_id: FALSE
659 # Format of the structured message id
660 # One of: None, 1 Byte value, 2 Byte value, 4 Byte value, 8 Byte value, Fixed text string, Zero terminated text string
661 # (case-insensitive).
662 dmp.struct_print: None
664 # Used to set where the structured message id starts in the User Data
665 # A decimal number.
666 dmp.struct_offset: 0
668 # Used to set length of fixed text string in the structured message id format (maximum 128 characters)
669 # A decimal number.
670 dmp.struct_length: 1
672 # Whether the DNP3 dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
673 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
674 dnp3.desegment: TRUE
676 # Whether the DNS dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
677 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
678 dns.desegment_dns_messages: TRUE
680 # Set the port for DOP operations (if other than the default of 102)
681 # A decimal number.
682 dop.tcp.port: 102
684 # Whether the DRDA dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
685 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
686 drda.desegment: TRUE
688 # Whether the DSI dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
689 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
690 dsi.desegment: TRUE
692 # Set the port for DSP operations (if other than the default of 102)
693 # A decimal number.
694 dsp.tcp.port: 102
696 # Set the TDP port for the DTPT Server
697 # A decimal number.
698 dtpt.tcp.port: 5721
700 # Allow only packets with Major=0x03//Minor=0xFF as DVMRP V3 packets
701 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
702 dvmrp.strict_v3: FALSE
704 # Whether the eDonkey dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
705 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
706 edonkey.desegment: TRUE
708 # Whether the EtherNet/IP dissector should desegment all messages spanning multiple TCP segments
709 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
710 enip.desegment: TRUE
712 # The UDP port on which ENTTEC packets will be sent
713 # A decimal number.
714 enttec.udp_port: 3333
716 # The TCP port on which ENTTEC packets will be sent
717 # A decimal number.
718 enttec.tcp_port: 3333
720 # The way DMX values are displayed
721 # One of: Percent, Hexadecimal, Decimal
722 # (case-insensitive).
723 enttec.dmx_disp_chan_val_type: Percent
725 # The way DMX channel numbers are displayed
726 # One of: Hexadecimal, Decimal
727 # (case-insensitive).
728 enttec.dmx_disp_chan_nr_type: Hexadecimal
730 # The number of columns for the DMX display
731 # One of: 6, 10, 12, 16, 24
732 # (case-insensitive).
733 enttec.dmx_disp_col_count: 16
735 # If you are capturing in networks with multiplexed or slow nodes, this can be useful
736 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
737 epl.show_soc_flags: FALSE
739 # Protocol encapsulated in HDLC records
740 # One of: Cisco HDLC, PPP serial, Frame Relay, SS7 MTP2, Raw data
741 # (case-insensitive).
742 erf.erfhdlc: SS7 MTP2
744 # Protocol encapsulated in ATM records
745 # One of: ATM, LLC, Raw data
746 # (case-insensitive).
747 erf.erfatm: Raw data
749 # Protocol encapsulated in Ethernet records
750 # One of: Ethernet with FCS, Ethernet, Raw data
751 # (case-insensitive).
752 erf.erfeth: Raw data
754 # This is done only if the Decoding is not SET or the packet does not belong to a SA. Assumes a 12 byte auth (HMAC-SHA1-96/HMAC-MD5-96/AES-XCBC-MAC-96) and attempts decode based on the ethertype 13 bytes from packet end
755 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
756 esp.enable_null_encryption_decode_heuristic: FALSE
758 # Whether packets should be interpreted as coming from CheckPoint FireWall-1 monitor file if they look as if they do
759 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
760 eth.interpret_as_fw1_monitor: FALSE
762 # Set TCP port 1 for etheric messages
763 # A decimal number.
764 etheric.tcp.port1: 1806
766 # Set TCP port 2 for etheric messages
767 # A decimal number.
768 etheric.tcp.port2: 10002
770 # Controls the display of the session's username in the info column. This is only displayed if the packet containing it was seen during this capture session.
771 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
772 exec.info_show_username: TRUE
774 # Controls the display of the command being run on the server by this session in the info column. This is only displayed if the packet containing it was seen during this capture session.
775 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
776 exec.info_show_command: FALSE
778 # If enabled, reassembly of multi-frame sequences is done
779 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
780 fc.reassemble: TRUE
782 # This is the size of non-last frames in a multi-frame sequence
783 # A decimal number.
784 fc.max_frame_size: 1024
786 # Whether the FCIP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
787 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
788 fcip.desegment: TRUE
790 # Port number used for FCIP
791 # A decimal number.
792 fcip.target_port: 3225
794 # Whether the FDDI dissector should add 3-byte padding to all captured FDDI packets (useful with e.g. Tru64 UNIX tcpdump)
795 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
796 fddi.padding: FALSE
798 # With this option display filters for fmp fhandle a RPC call, even if the actual fhandle is only present in one of the packets
799 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
800 fmp.fhandle_find_both_reqrep: FALSE
802 # Encapsulation
803 # One of: FRF 3.2/Cisco HDLC, GPRS Network Service, Raw Ethernet
804 # (case-insensitive).
805 fr.encap: FRF 3.2/Cisco HDLC
807 # Show File Offset
808 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
809 frame.show_file_off: FALSE
811 # Treat all frames as DOCSIS Frames
812 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
813 frame.force_docsis_encap: FALSE
815 # Whether the FireWall-1 summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
816 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
817 fw1.summary_in_tree: TRUE
819 # Whether the Firewall-1 monitor file includes UUID information
820 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
821 fw1.with_uuid: FALSE
823 # Whether the interface list includes the chain position
824 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
825 fw1.iflist_with_chain: FALSE
827 # Whether the GIOP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
828 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
829 giop.desegment_giop_messages: TRUE
831 # File containing stringified IORs, one per line.
832 # A string.
833 giop.ior_txt: IOR.txt
835 # Whether the Gryphon dissector should desegment all messages spanning multiple TCP segments
836 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
837 gryphon.desegment: TRUE
839 # Always decode a GSM Short Message as Connectionless WSP if a Port Number Information Element is present in the SMS User Data Header.
840 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
841 gsm-sms-ud.port_number_udh_means_wsp: FALSE
843 # Always try subdissection of the 1st fragment of a fragmented GSM Short Message. If reassembly is possible, the Short Message may be dissected twice (once as a short frame, once in its entirety).
844 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
845 gsm-sms-ud.try_dissect_1st_fragment: FALSE
847 # Prevent sub-dissectors from replacing column data with their own. Eg. Prevent WSP dissector overwriting SMPP information.
848 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
849 gsm-sms-ud.prevent_dissectors_chg_cols: FALSE
851 # TCAP Subsystem numbers used for GSM MAP
852 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
853 gsm_map.tcap.ssn: 6-9
855 # Whether or not to try reassembling GSSAPI blobs spanning multiple (SMB/SessionSetup) PDUs
856 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
857 gss-api.gssapi_reassembly: TRUE
859 # GTPv0 port (default 3386)
860 # A decimal number.
861 gtp.v0_port: 3386
863 # GTPv1 control plane port (default 2123)
864 # A decimal number.
865 gtp.v1c_port: 2123
867 # GTPv1 user plane port (default 2152)
868 # A decimal number.
869 gtp.v1u_port: 2152
871 # Dissect T-PDU
872 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
873 gtp.dissect_tpdu: TRUE
875 # GTP ETSI order
876 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
877 gtp.check_etsi: FALSE
879 # Dissect GTP over TCP
880 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
881 gtp.dissect_gtp_over_tcp: TRUE
883 # H.225 Server TLS Port
884 # A decimal number.
885 h225.tls.port: 1300
887 # Whether the H.225 dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
888 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
889 h225.reassembly: TRUE
891 # ON - display tunnelled H.245 inside H.225.0 tree, OFF - display tunnelled H.245 in root tree after H.225.0
892 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
893 h225.h245_in_tree: TRUE
895 # ON - display tunnelled protocols inside H.225.0 tree, OFF - display tunnelled protocols in root tree after H.225.0
896 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
897 h225.tp_in_tree: TRUE
899 # Whether the H.245 dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
900 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
901 h245.reassembly: TRUE
903 # Whether the dissector should show short names or the long names from the standard
904 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
905 h245.shorttypes: FALSE
907 # Mantain relationships between transactions and contexts and display an extra tree showing context data
908 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
909 h248.ctx_info: FALSE
911 # Port to be decoded as h248
912 # A decimal number.
913 h248.udp_port: 2945
915 # Port to be decoded as h248
916 # A decimal number.
917 h248.tcp_port: 2945
919 # Desegment H.248 messages that span more TCP segments
920 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
921 h248.desegment: TRUE
923 # The dynamic payload type which will be interpreted as H264
924 # A decimal number.
925 h263p.dynamic.payload.type: 0
927 # The dynamic payload type which will be interpreted as H264
928 # A decimal number.
929 h264.dynamic.payload.type: 0
931 # Port to be decoded as h501
932 # A decimal number.
933 h501.udp.port: 2099
935 # Port to be decoded as h501
936 # A decimal number.
937 h501.tcp.port: 2099
939 # Desegment H.501 messages that span more TCP segments
940 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
941 h501.desegment: TRUE
943 # Enable this dissector (default is false)
944 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
945 hilscher.enable: FALSE
947 # Whether the HTTP dissector should reassemble headers of a request spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
948 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
949 http.desegment_headers: TRUE
951 # Whether the HTTP dissector should use the "Content-length:" value, if present, to reassemble the body of a request spanning multiple TCP segments, and reassemble chunked data spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
952 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
953 http.desegment_body: TRUE
955 # Whether to reassemble bodies of entities that are transfered using the "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" method
956 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
957 http.dechunk_body: TRUE
959 # Whether to uncompress entity bodies that are compressed using "Content-Encoding: "
960 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
961 http.decompress_body: TRUE
963 # TCP Ports range
964 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
965 http.tcp.port: 80,3128,3132,8080,8088,11371,3689,1900
967 # SSL/TLS Ports range
968 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
969 http.ssl.port: 443
971 # Whether the 128th and following bytes of the ICMP payload should be decoded as MPLS extensions or as a portion of the original packet
972 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
973 icmp.favor_icmp_mpls: FALSE
975 # Ethertype used to indicate IEEE 802.1ah tag.
976 # A hexadecimal number.
977 ieee8021ah.8021ah_ethertype: 0x88f0
979 # Whether the iFCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
980 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
981 ifcp.desegment: TRUE
983 # TCAP Subsystem numbers used for INAP
984 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
985 inap.ssn: 106,241
987 # Whether the IPv4 type-of-service field should be decoded as a Differentiated Services field (see RFC2474/RFC2475)
988 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
989 ip.decode_tos_as_diffserv: TRUE
991 # Whether fragmented IP datagrams should be reassembled
992 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
993 ip.defragment: TRUE
995 # Whether the IP summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
996 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
997 ip.summary_in_tree: TRUE
999 # Whether to validate the IP checksum
1000 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1001 ip.check_checksum: TRUE
1003 # Whether to correct for TSO-enabled hardware captures, such as spoofing the IP packet length
1004 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1005 ip.tso_support: FALSE
1007 # Whether the IPDC dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1008 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1009 ipdc.desegment_ipdc_messages: TRUE
1011 # Set the IPDC monitoring port
1012 # A decimal number.
1013 ipdc.tcp.port: 6668
1015 # Whether fragmented IPv6 datagrams should be reassembled
1016 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1017 ipv6.defragment: TRUE
1019 # The iSCSI protocol version
1020 # One of: Draft 08, Draft 09, Draft 11, Draft 12, Draft 13
1021 # (case-insensitive).
1022 iscsi.protocol_version: Draft 13
1024 # Whether the iSCSI dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1025 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1026 iscsi.desegment_iscsi_messages: TRUE
1028 # When enabled, packets that appear bogus are ignored
1029 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1030 iscsi.bogus_pdu_filter: TRUE
1032 # Ignore packets that haven't set the F bit when they should have
1033 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1034 iscsi.demand_good_f_bit: FALSE
1036 # Treat packets whose data segment length is greater than this value as bogus
1037 # A decimal number.
1038 iscsi.bogus_pdu_max_data_len: 262144
1040 # Port number of iSCSI target
1041 # A decimal number.
1042 iscsi.target_port: 3260
1044 # When enabled, pdus are assumed to contain a data digest
1045 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1046 iscsi.enable_data_digests: FALSE
1048 # When enabled, data digests are assumed to be CRC32C
1049 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1050 iscsi.data_digest_is_crc32c: TRUE
1052 # The size of a data digest (bytes)
1053 # A decimal number.
1054 iscsi.data_digest_size: 4
1056 # Whether the iSNS dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1057 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1058 isns.desegment: TRUE
1060 # Show the CIC value (in addition to the message type) in the Info column
1061 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1062 isup.show_cic_in_info: TRUE
1064 # Whether APM messages datagrams should be reassembled
1065 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1066 isup.defragment_apm: TRUE
1068 # Set TCP port for ISUP Thin messages
1069 # A decimal number.
1070 isup_thin.tcp.port: 0
1072 # Support Implementers Guide (version 01)
1073 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1074 iua.support_ig: FALSE
1076 # Whether IuUP Payload bits should be dissected
1077 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1078 iuup.dissect_payload: FALSE
1080 # The payload contains a two byte pseudoheader indicating direction and circuit_id
1081 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1082 iuup.two_byte_pseudoheader: FALSE
1084 # The dynamic payload type which will be interpreted as IuUP
1085 # A decimal number.
1086 iuup.dynamic.payload.type: 0
1088 # Enable to have correctly typed MIME media dissected as JXTA Messages.
1089 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1090 jxta.msg.mediatype: TRUE
1092 # Whether the JXTA dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple UDP/TCP/SCTP segments. To use this option you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings and enable "Reassemble fragmented IP datagrams" in the IP protocol settings.
1093 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1094 jxta.desegment: TRUE
1096 # Enable to inspect UDP datagrams for JXTA messages.
1097 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1098 jxta.udp.heuristic: TRUE
1100 # Enable to inspect TCP connections for JXTA conversations.
1101 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1102 jxta.tcp.heuristic: TRUE
1104 # Enable to inspect SCTP connections for JXTA conversations.
1105 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1106 jxta.sctp.heuristic: TRUE
1108 # A table of matches vs stack filenames and relative protocols
1110 # Whether the Kerberos dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1111 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1112 kerberos.desegment: TRUE
1114 # Whether the dissector should try to decrypt encrypted Kerberos blobs. This requires that the proper keytab file is installed as well.
1115 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1116 kerberos.decrypt: FALSE
1118 # The keytab file containing all the secrets
1119 # A string.
1120 kerberos.file: insert filename here
1122 # Set the port for Kismet Client/Server messages (if other than the default of 2501)
1123 # A decimal number.
1124 kismet.tcp.port: 2501
1126 # Whether the Kpasswd dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1127 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1128 kpasswd.desegment: TRUE
1130 # L2TPv3 Cookie Size
1131 # One of: None, 4 Byte Cookie, 8 Byte Cookie
1132 # (case-insensitive).
1133 l2tp.cookie_size: 4 Byte Cookie
1135 # L2TPv3 L2-Specific Sublayer
1136 # One of: None, Default L2-Specific, ATM-Specific, LAPD-Specific
1137 # (case-insensitive).
1138 l2tp.l2_specific: Default L2-Specific
1140 # Decode L2TPv3 packet contents as this protocol
1141 # One of: Ethernet, Cisco HDLC, Frame Relay, PPP, IP, MPLS, AAL5, LAPD
1142 # (case-insensitive).
1143 l2tp.protocol: Cisco HDLC
1145 # Use SAPI values as specified in TS 48 056
1146 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1147 lapd.use_gsm_sapi_values: FALSE
1149 # Whether the Laplink dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1150 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1151 laplink.desegment_laplink_over_tcp: TRUE
1153 # Whether the LDAP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments.To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1154 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1155 ldap.desegment_ldap_messages: TRUE
1157 # Set the port for LDAP operations
1158 # A decimal number.
1159 ldap.tcp.port: 389
1161 # Set the port for LDAP operations over SSL
1162 # A decimal number.
1163 ldap.ssl.port: 636
1165 # Set the TCP port for messages (if other than the default of 646)
1166 # A decimal number.
1167 ldp.tcp.port: 646
1169 # Set the UDP port for messages (if other than the default of 646)
1170 # A decimal number.
1171 ldp.udp.port: 646
1173 # Whether the LDP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1174 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1175 ldp.desegment_ldp_messages: TRUE
1177 # Set UDP port for LGE Monitor messages
1178 # A decimal number.
1179 lge_monitor.udp.port: 0
1181 # Whether to autodetect the cipher bit (because it might be set on unciphered data)
1182 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1183 llcgprs.autodetect_cipher_bit: FALSE
1185 # Dissect this ethertype as LLT traffic in addition to the default, 0xCAFE.
1186 # A hexadecimal number.
1187 llt.alternate_ethertype: 0
1189 # UDP port number to use for LMP
1190 # A decimal number.
1191 lmp.udp_port: 701
1193 # Set the TCP or UDP port for Pegasus LSC messages
1194 # A decimal number.
1195 lsc.port: 0
1197 # Swap frame control bytes (needed for some APs
1198 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1199 lwapp.swap_fc: FALSE
1201 # Set the UDP port for lwres daemon(if other than the default of 921)
1202 # A decimal number.
1203 lwres.udp.lwres_port: 921
1205 # Version used by Wireshark
1206 # One of: Internet Draft version 2, Internet Draft version 8, Internet Draft version 12
1207 # (case-insensitive).
1208 m2pa.version: Internet Draft version 12
1210 # Set the port for M2PA messages (Default of 3565)
1211 # A decimal number.
1212 m2pa.port: 3565
1214 # The value of the parameter tag for protocol data 1
1215 # One of: 0x000e (Draft 7), 0x0300 (RFC3331)
1216 # (case-insensitive).
1217 m2ua.protocol_data_1_tag: 0x0300 (RFC3331)
1219 # Version used by Wireshark
1220 # One of: Internet Draft version 5, Internet Draft version 6, Internet Draft version 7, RFC 3332
1221 # (case-insensitive).
1222 m3ua.version: RFC 3332
1224 # Whether the dissector should decrypt MAPI PDUs
1225 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1226 mapi.decrypt: FALSE
1228 # The name of the file containing the mate module's configuration
1229 # A string.
1230 mate.config:
1232 # A frame is considered for decoding as MDSHDR if either ethertype is 0xFCFC or zero. Turn this flag off if you you don't want ethertype zero to be decoded as MDSHDR. This might be useful to avoid problems with test frames.
1233 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1234 mdshdr.decode_if_etype_zero: TRUE
1236 # Set the TCP port for MEGACO text messages
1237 # A decimal number.
1238 megaco.tcp.txt_port: 2944
1240 # Set the UDP port for MEGACO text messages
1241 # A decimal number.
1242 megaco.udp.txt_port: 2944
1244 # Specifies that the raw text of the MEGACO message should be displayed instead of (or in addition to) the dissection tree
1245 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1246 megaco.display_raw_text: TRUE
1248 # Specifies that the dissection tree of the MEGACO message should be displayed instead of (or in addition to) the raw text
1249 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1250 megaco.display_dissect_tree: TRUE
1252 # Mantain relationships between transactions and contexts and display an extra tree showing context data
1253 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1254 megaco.ctx_info: FALSE
1256 # Set the UDP port for gateway messages (if other than the default of 2427)
1257 # A decimal number.
1258 mgcp.tcp.gateway_port: 2427
1260 # Set the TCP port for gateway messages (if other than the default of 2427)
1261 # A decimal number.
1262 mgcp.udp.gateway_port: 2427
1264 # Set the TCP port for callagent messages (if other than the default of 2727)
1265 # A decimal number.
1266 mgcp.tcp.callagent_port: 2727
1268 # Set the UDP port for callagent messages (if other than the default of 2727)
1269 # A decimal number.
1270 mgcp.udp.callagent_port: 2727
1272 # Specifies that the raw text of the MGCP message should be displayed instead of (or in addition to) the dissection tree
1273 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1274 mgcp.display_raw_text: FALSE
1276 # Display the number of MGCP messages found in a packet in the protocol column.
1277 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1278 mgcp.display_mgcp_message_count: FALSE
1280 # Set the port for MIKEY messages (if other than the default of 2269)
1281 # A decimal number.
1282 mikey.udp.port: 2269
1284 # Set the port for MIKEY messages (if other than the default of 2269)
1285 # A decimal number.
1286 mikey.tcp.port: 2269
1288 # Display multipart bodies with no media type dissector as raw text (may cause problems with binary data).
1289 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1290 mime_multipart.display_unknown_body_as_text: FALSE
1292 # Remove any base64 content-transfer encoding from bodies. This supports export of the body and its further dissection.
1293 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1294 mime_multipart.remove_base64_encoding: FALSE
1296 # Set the UDP port for messages (if other than the default of 3503)
1297 # A decimal number.
1298 mpls-echo.udp.port: 3503
1300 # Whether the MQ dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1301 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1302 mq.desegment: TRUE
1304 # Whether the MQ dissector should reassemble MQ messages spanning multiple TSH segments
1305 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1306 mq.reassembly: TRUE
1308 # Specifies that the raw text of the MSRP message should be displayed in addition to the dissection tree
1309 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1310 msrp.display_raw_text: TRUE
1312 # Where available, show which protocol and frame caused this MSRP stream to be created
1313 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1314 msrp.show_setup_info: TRUE
1316 # Whether the MTP2 dissector should use extended sequence numbers as described in Q.703, Annex A as a default.
1317 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1318 mtp2.use_extended_sequence_numbers: FALSE
1320 # The SS7 standard used in MTP3 packets
1321 # One of: ITU, ANSI, Chinese ITU, Japan
1322 # (case-insensitive).
1323 mtp3.standard: ITU
1325 # The structure of the pointcodes in ITU networks
1326 # One of: Unstructured, 3-8-3, 4-3-4-3
1327 # (case-insensitive).
1328 mtp3.itu_pc_structure: Unstructured
1330 # The structure of the pointcodes in Japan networks
1331 # One of: Unstructured, 7-4-5, 3-4-4-5
1332 # (case-insensitive).
1333 mtp3.japan_pc_structure: Unstructured
1335 # Use 5-bit (instead of 8-bit) SLS in ANSI MTP3 packets
1336 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1337 mtp3.ansi_5_bit_sls: FALSE
1339 # Use 5-bit (instead of 4-bit) SLS in Japan MTP3 packets
1340 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1341 mtp3.japan_5_bit_sls: FALSE
1343 # Format for point code in the address columns
1344 # One of: Decimal, Hexadecimal, NI-Decimal, NI-Hexadecimal, Dashed
1345 # (case-insensitive).
1346 mtp3.addr_format: Dashed
1348 # Decode the spare bits of the SIO as the MSU priority (a national option in ITU)
1349 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1350 mtp3.itu_priority: FALSE
1352 # Whether the MySQL dissector should reassemble MySQL buffers spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1353 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1354 mysql.desegment_buffers: TRUE
1356 # Whether the MySQL dissector should display the SQL query string in the INFO column.
1357 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1358 mysql.show_sql_query: FALSE
1360 # Whether the NBD dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings
1361 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1362 nbd.desegment_nbd_messages: TRUE
1364 # Whether the NBSS dissector should reassemble packets spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1365 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1366 nbss.desegment_nbss_commands: TRUE
1368 # Whether the NCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1369 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1370 ncp.desegment: TRUE
1372 # Whether the NCP dissector should defragment NDS messages spanning multiple reply packets.
1373 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1374 ncp.defragment_nds: TRUE
1376 # Dissect the NetWare Information Structure as NetWare 5.x or higher or as older NetWare 3.x.
1377 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1378 ncp.newstyle: TRUE
1380 # Whether the NCP dissector should echo the NDS Entry ID to name resolves to the expert table.
1381 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1382 ncp.eid_2_expert: TRUE
1384 # Whether the NCP dissector should echo NCP connection information to the expert table.
1385 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1386 ncp.connection_2_expert: FALSE
1388 # Whether the NCP dissector should echo protocol errors to the expert table.
1389 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1390 ncp.error_2_expert: TRUE
1392 # Whether the NCP dissector should echo server information to the expert table.
1393 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1394 ncp.server_2_expert: TRUE
1396 # Whether the NCP dissector should echo file open/close/oplock information to the expert table.
1397 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1398 ncp.file_2_expert: FALSE
1400 # Version of the NDMP protocol to assume if the version can not be automatically detected from the capture
1401 # One of: Version 2, Version 3, Version 4, Version 5
1402 # (case-insensitive).
1403 ndmp.default_protocol_version: Version 4
1405 # Whether the NDMP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1406 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1407 ndmp.desegment: TRUE
1409 # Whether the dissector should defragment NDMP messages spanning multiple packets.
1410 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1411 ndmp.defragment: TRUE
1413 # Whether the NDPS dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1414 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1415 ndps.desegment_tcp: TRUE
1417 # Whether the NDPS dissector should reassemble fragmented NDPS messages spanning multiple SPX packets
1418 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1419 ndps.desegment_spx: TRUE
1421 # Whether or not the NDPS dissector should show object id's and other details
1422 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1423 ndps.show_oid: FALSE
1425 # Whether the NetBIOS dissector should defragment messages spanning multiple frames
1426 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1427 netbios.defragment: TRUE
1429 # The TCP port on which Monotone Netsync packets will be sent
1430 # A decimal number.
1431 netsync.tcp_port: 5253
1433 # Whether the Netsync dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1434 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1435 netsync.desegment_netsync_messages: TRUE
1437 # Always dissect this port's traffic as newmail notifications. Additional ports will be dynamically registered as they are seen in MAPI register push notification packets.
1438 # A decimal number.
1439 newmail.default_port: 0
1441 # Whether the dissector should snoop the FH to filename mappings by looking inside certain packets
1442 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1443 nfs.file_name_snooping: FALSE
1445 # Whether the dissector should snoop the full pathname for files for matching FH's
1446 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1447 nfs.file_full_name_snooping: FALSE
1449 # With this option display filters for nfs fhandles (nfs.fh.{name|full_name|hash}) will find both the request and response packets for a RPC call, even if the actual fhandle is only present in one of the packets
1450 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1451 nfs.fhandle_find_both_reqrep: FALSE
1453 # Decode all NFS file handles as if they are of this type
1455 # (case-insensitive).
1456 nfs.default_fhandle_type: Unknown
1458 # Whether the dissector will track and match MSG and RES calls for asynchronous NLM
1459 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1460 nlm.msg_res_matching: FALSE
1462 # Check this to decode NORM traffic between clients
1463 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1464 norm.heuristic_norm: FALSE
1466 # UDP ports to be decoded as NSIP (default: 2157,19999)
1467 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
1468 nsip.udp.ports: 2157,19999
1470 # NT Password (used to decrypt payloads)
1471 # A string.
1472 ntlmssp.nt_password:
1474 # Whether the OPSI dissector should desegment all messages spanning multiple TCP segments
1475 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1476 opsi.desegment_opsi_messages: TRUE
1478 # TCP port for OSI over TPKT
1479 # A decimal number.
1480 osi.tpkt_port: 0
1482 # Whether segmented TPKT datagrams should be reassembled
1483 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1484 osi.tpkt_reassemble: FALSE
1486 # Set the port for P7 operations (if other than the default of 102)
1487 # A decimal number.
1488 p7.tcp.port: 102
1490 # Port numbers used for P_Mul traffic
1491 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
1492 p_mul.udp_ports:
1494 # Reassemble fragmented P_Mul packets
1495 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1496 p_mul.reassemble: TRUE
1498 # Make the P_Mul dissector use relative message id number instead of absolute ones
1499 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1500 p_mul.relative_msgid: TRUE
1502 # Calculate sequence/acknowledgement analysis
1503 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1504 p_mul.seq_ack_analysis: TRUE
1506 # Type of content in Data_PDU
1507 # One of: No decoding, Compressed Data Type
1508 # (case-insensitive).
1509 p_mul.decode: No decoding
1511 # SCCP (and SUA) SSNs to decode as PCAP
1512 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
1513 pcap.ssn:
1515 # The UDP port on which Packet Cable Lawful Intercept packets will be sent
1516 # A decimal number.
1517 pcli.udp_port: 9000
1519 # Whether the dissector should put the internal PER data in the tree or if it should hide it
1520 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1521 per.display_internal_per_fields: FALSE
1523 # Whether to check the validity of the PGM checksum
1524 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1525 pgm.check_checksum: TRUE
1527 # PGM Encap is PGM packets encapsulated in UDP packets (Note: This option is off, i.e. port is 0, by default)
1528 # A decimal number.
1529 pgm.udp.encap_ucast_port: 0
1531 # PGM Encap is PGM packets encapsulated in UDP packets (Note: This option is off, i.e. port is 0, by default)
1532 # A decimal number.
1533 pgm.udp.encap_mcast_port: 0
1535 # Set the port for PGSQL messages (if different from the default of 5432)
1536 # A decimal number.
1537 pgsql.tcp.port: 5432
1539 # The password to used to decrypt the encrypted elements within the PKCS#12 file
1540 # A string.
1541 pkcs12.password:
1543 # Whether to try and decrypt the encrypted data within the PKCS#12 with a NULL password
1544 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1545 pkcs12.try_null_password: FALSE
1547 # Decode packets on this UDP port as PacketCable CCC
1548 # A decimal number.
1549 pkt_ccc.udp_port: 0
1551 # Whether the PN-RT summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
1552 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1553 pn_rt.summary_in_tree: TRUE
1555 # Whether fragmented 802.11 aggregated MPDUs should be reassembled
1556 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1557 ppi.reassemble: TRUE
1559 # The type of PPP frame checksum (none, 16-bit, 32-bit)
1560 # One of: None, 16-Bit, 32-Bit
1561 # (case-insensitive).
1562 ppp.fcs_type: None
1564 # Whether Van Jacobson-compressed PPP frames should be decompressed
1565 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1566 ppp.decompress_vj: TRUE
1568 # Default Protocol ID to be used for PPPMuxCP
1569 # A hexadecimal number.
1570 ppp.default_proto_id: 0
1572 # Show values of tags and lengths of data fields
1573 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1574 pppoed.show_tags_and_lengths: FALSE
1576 # Enable this dissector (default is false)
1577 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1578 prp.enable: FALSE
1580 # Whether the PVFS dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1581 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1582 pvfs.desegment: TRUE
1584 # Whether the Q.931 dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1585 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1586 q931.desegment_h323_messages: TRUE
1588 # Reassemble segmented Q.931 messages (Q.931 - Annex H)
1589 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1590 q931.reassembly: TRUE
1592 # Set the UDP port for the Quake Server
1593 # A decimal number.
1594 quake.udp.port: 26000
1596 # Set the UDP port for the Quake II Server
1597 # A decimal number.
1598 quake2.udp.port: 27910
1600 # Set the UDP base port for the Quake III Arena Server
1601 # A decimal number.
1602 quake3.udp.arena_port: 27960
1604 # Set the UDP base port for the Quake III Arena Master Server
1605 # A decimal number.
1606 quake3.udp.master_port: 27950
1608 # Set the UDP port for the QuakeWorld Server
1609 # A decimal number.
1610 quakeworld.udp.port: 27500
1612 # Shared secret used to decode User Passwords
1613 # A string.
1614 radius.shared_secret:
1616 # Whether to add or not to the tree the AVP's payload length
1617 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1618 radius.show_length: FALSE
1620 # An alternate UDP port to decode as RADIUS
1621 # A decimal number.
1622 radius.alternate_port: 0
1624 # Where available, show which protocol and frame caused this RDT stream to be created
1625 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1626 rdt.show_setup_info: TRUE
1628 # Register a client UDP port for RDT traffic
1629 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1630 rdt.register_udp_port: FALSE
1632 # Set the UDP port for clients
1633 # A decimal number.
1634 rdt.default_udp_port: 6970
1636 # Whether the RPC dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1637 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1638 rpc.desegment_rpc_over_tcp: TRUE
1640 # Whether the RPC dissector should defragment RPC-over-TCP messages.
1641 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1642 rpc.defragment_rpc_over_tcp: TRUE
1644 # Set the maximum size of RPCoverTCP PDUs. If the size field of the record marker is larger than this value it will not be considered a valid RPC PDU.
1645 # A decimal number.
1646 rpc.max_tcp_pdu_size: 262144
1648 # Whether the RPC dissector should attempt to dissect RPC PDUs containing programs that are not known to Wireshark. This will make the heuristics significantly weaker and elevate the risk for falsely identifying and misdissecting packets significantly.
1649 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1650 rpc.dissect_unknown_programs: FALSE
1652 # Whether the RPC dissector should attempt to locate RPC PDU boundaries when initial fragment alignment is not known. This may cause false positives, or slow operation.
1653 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1654 rpc.find_fragment_start: FALSE
1656 # Specifies whether Wireshark should decode and display sub-messages within BUNDLE messages
1657 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1658 rsvp.process_bundle: TRUE
1660 # Set the TCP port for RSYNC messages
1661 # A decimal number.
1662 rsync.tcp_port: 873
1664 # Whether the RSYNC dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1665 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1666 rsync.desegment: TRUE
1668 # Where available, show which protocol and frame caused this RTCP stream to be created
1669 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1670 rtcp.show_setup_info: TRUE
1672 # If call control SIP/H.323/RTSP/.. messages are missing in the trace, RTCP isn't decoded without this
1673 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1674 rtcp.heuristic_rtcp: FALSE
1676 # Try to work out network delay by comparing time between packets as captured and delays as seen by endpoint
1677 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1678 rtcp.show_roundtrip_calculation: FALSE
1680 # Minimum (absolute) calculated roundtrip delay time in milliseconds that should be reported
1681 # A decimal number.
1682 rtcp.roundtrip_min_threshhold: 10
1684 # Whether the RTMPT dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1685 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1686 rtmpt.desegment: TRUE
1688 # Where available, show which protocol and frame caused this RTP stream to be created
1689 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1690 rtp.show_setup_info: TRUE
1692 # If call control SIP/H323/RTSP/.. messages are missing in the trace, RTP isn't decoded without this
1693 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1694 rtp.heuristic_rtp: FALSE
1696 # Whether subdissector can request RTP streams to be reassembled
1697 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1698 rtp.desegment_rtp_streams: TRUE
1700 # If an RTP version 0 packet is encountered, it can be treated as an invalid packet, a STUN packet, or a T.38 packet
1701 # One of: Invalid RTP packets, STUN packets, T.38 packets
1702 # (case-insensitive).
1703 rtp.version0_type: Invalid RTP packets
1705 # Payload Type for RFC2198 Redundant Audio Data
1706 # A decimal number.
1707 rtp.rfc2198_payload_type: 99
1709 # This is the value of the Payload Type fieldthat specifies RTP Events
1710 # A decimal number.
1711 rtpevent.event_payload_type_value: 101
1713 # Whether segmented RTSE datagrams should be reassembled. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1714 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1715 rtse.reassemble: TRUE
1717 # Set the TCP port for RTSP messages
1718 # A decimal number.
1719 rtsp.tcp.port: 554
1721 # Set the alternate TCP port for RTSP messages
1722 # A decimal number.
1723 rtsp.tcp.alternate_port: 8554
1725 # Whether the RTSP dissector should reassemble headers of a request spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1726 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1727 rtsp.desegment_headers: TRUE
1729 # Whether the RTSP dissector should use the "Content-length:" value to desegment the body of a request spanning multiple TCP segments
1730 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1731 rtsp.desegment_body: TRUE
1733 # Set the UDP port for Reliable UDP traffic
1734 # A decimal number.
1735 rudp.udp.port: 0
1737 # Whether the S5066 dissector should reassemble PDUs spanning multiple TCP segments. The default is to use reassembly.
1738 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1739 s5066.desegment_pdus: TRUE
1741 # Whether the S5066 dissector should dissect editon 1 of the STANAG. This editon was never formally approved and is very rare. The common edition is editon 1.2.
1742 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1743 s5066.edition_one: FALSE
1745 # Set the port for STANAG 5066. (If other than the default 5066. This number is registered with IANA.)
1746 # A decimal number.
1747 s5066.tcp.port: 5066
1749 # The source point code (usually MSC) (to determine whether message is uplink or downlink)
1750 # A hexadecimal number.
1751 sccp.source_pc: 0
1753 # Show parameter length in the protocol tree
1754 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1755 sccp.show_length: FALSE
1757 # Whether XUDT messages should be reassembled
1758 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1759 sccp.defragment_xudt: TRUE
1761 # Whether to keep infomation about messages and their associations
1762 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1763 sccp.trace_sccp: FALSE
1765 # Show SLR, DLR, and CAUSE Parameters in the Information Column of the Summary
1766 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1767 sccp.show_more_info: FALSE
1769 # A table that enumerates user protocols to be used against specific PCs and SSNs
1771 # When Target Cannot Be Identified, Decode SCSI Messages As
1772 # One of: Block Device, Sequential Device, Object Based Storage Device, Medium Changer Device, Multimedia Device
1773 # (case-insensitive).
1774 scsi.decode_scsi_messages_as: Block Device
1776 # Whether fragmented SCSI DATA IN/OUT transfers should be reassembled
1777 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1778 scsi.defragment: FALSE
1780 # Show source and destination port numbers in the protocol tree
1781 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1782 sctp.show_port_numbers_in_tree: TRUE
1784 # The type of checksum used in SCTP packets
1785 # One of: None, Adler 32, CRC 32c, Automatic
1786 # (case-insensitive).
1787 sctp.checksum: CRC 32c
1789 # Show always SCTP control chunks in the Info column
1790 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1791 sctp.show_always_control_chunks: TRUE
1793 # Try to decode a packet using an heuristic sub-dissector before using a sub-dissector registered to a specific port or PPI
1794 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1795 sctp.try_heuristic_first: FALSE
1797 # Whether fragmented SCTP user messages should be reassembled
1798 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1799 sctp.reassembly: FALSE
1801 # Match TSNs and their SACKs
1802 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1803 sctp.tsn_analysis: FALSE
1805 # Specifies that RTP/RTCP/T.38/MSRP/etc streams are decoded based upon port numbers found in SDP payload
1806 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1807 sdp.establish_conversation: TRUE
1809 # Set the port(s) for sFlow messages (default: 6343)
1810 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
1811 sflow.ports: 6343
1813 # Enabling dissection makes it easy to view protocol details in each of the sampled headers. Disabling dissection may reduce noise caused when display filters match the contents of any sampled header(s).
1814 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1815 sflow.enable_dissection: TRUE
1817 # This option only makes sense if dissection of sampled headers is enabled and probably not even then.
1818 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1819 sflow.enable_analysis: FALSE
1821 # Set UDP port 1 for SigComp messages
1822 # A decimal number.
1823 sigcomp.udp.port: 5555
1825 # Set UDP port 2 for SigComp messages
1826 # A decimal number.
1827 sigcomp.udp.port2: 6666
1829 # Set TCP port 1 for SigComp messages
1830 # A decimal number.
1831 sigcomp.tcp.port: 5555
1833 # Set TCP port 2 for SigComp messages
1834 # A decimal number.
1835 sigcomp.tcp.port2: 6666
1837 # Preference whether to Dissect the UDVM code or not
1838 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1839 sigcomp.display.udvm.code: TRUE
1841 # preference whether to display the bytecode in UDVM operands or not
1842 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1843 sigcomp.display.bytecode: FALSE
1845 # preference whether to decompress message or not
1846 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1847 sigcomp.decomp.msg: TRUE
1849 # preference whether to display the decompressed message as raw text or not
1850 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1851 sigcomp.display.decomp.msg.as.txt: FALSE
1853 # 0 = UDVM executes silently, then increasing detail about execution of UDVM instructions, Warning! CPU intense at high detail
1854 # One of: No-Printout, Low-detail, Medium-detail, High-detail
1855 # (case-insensitive).
1856 sigcomp.show.udvm.execution: No-Printout
1858 # SIP Server TCP Port
1859 # A decimal number.
1860 sip.tcp.port: 5060
1862 # SIP Server TLS Port
1863 # A decimal number.
1864 sip.tls.port: 5061
1866 # Specifies that the raw text of the SIP message should be displayed in addition to the dissection tree
1867 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1868 sip.display_raw_text: FALSE
1870 # If enabled, only SIP/2.0 traffic will be dissected as SIP. Disable it to allow SIP traffic with a different version to be dissected as SIP.
1871 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1872 sip.strict_sip_version: TRUE
1874 # Whether the SIP dissector should reassemble headers of a request spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1875 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1876 sip.desegment_headers: TRUE
1878 # Whether the SIP dissector should use the "Content-length:" value, if present, to reassemble the body of a request spanning multiple TCP segments, and reassemble chunked data spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1879 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1880 sip.desegment_body: TRUE
1882 # Whether the SCCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1883 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1884 skinny.desegment: TRUE
1886 # Whether the SoulSeek dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1887 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1888 slsk.desegment: TRUE
1890 # Whether the SoulSeek dissector should decompress all zlib compressed packets inside messages
1891 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1892 slsk.decompress: TRUE
1894 # Whether the dissector should reassemble the payload of SMB Transaction commands spanning multiple SMB PDUs
1895 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1896 smb.trans_reassembly: TRUE
1898 # Whether the dissector should reassemble DCERPC over SMB commands
1899 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1900 smb.dcerpc_reassembly: TRUE
1902 # Whether the dissector should snoop SMB and related CIFS protocols to discover and display Names associated with SIDs
1903 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1904 smb.sid_name_snooping: FALSE
1906 # Whether the SMPP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1907 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1908 smpp.reassemble_smpp_over_tcp: TRUE
1910 # Whether the SMTP dissector should reassemble command and response lines spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1911 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1912 smtp.desegment_lines: TRUE
1914 # Whether the SMTP dissector should reassemble DATA command and lines spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1915 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1916 smtp.desegment_data: TRUE
1918 # Whether fragmented BIUs should be reassembled
1919 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1920 sna.defragment: TRUE
1922 # Whether the SNMP OID should be shown in the info column
1923 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1924 snmp.display_oid: TRUE
1926 # Whether the SNMP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1927 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1928 snmp.desegment: TRUE
1930 # ON - display dissected variables inside SNMP tree, OFF - display dissected variables in root tree after SNMP
1931 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1932 snmp.var_in_tree: TRUE
1934 # Table of engine-user associations used for authentication and decryption
1936 # MIB settings can be changed in the Name Resolution preferences
1938 # Whether the SRVLOC dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1939 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1940 srvloc.desegment_tcp: TRUE
1942 # Set the UDP port for SSCOP messages encapsulated in UDP (0 to disable)
1943 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
1944 sscop.udp.ports:
1946 # SSCOP payload (dissector to call on SSCOP payload)
1947 # One of: Data (no further dissection), Q.2931, SSCF-NNI (MTP3-b), ALCAP, NBAP
1948 # (case-insensitive).
1949 sscop.payload: Q.2931
1951 # Whether the SSH dissector should reassemble SSH buffers spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1952 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1953 ssh.desegment_buffers: TRUE
1955 # Whether the SSL dissector should reassemble SSL records spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1956 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1957 ssl.desegment_ssl_records: TRUE
1959 # Whether the SSL dissector should reassemble SSL Application Data spanning multiple SSL records.
1960 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1961 ssl.desegment_ssl_application_data: TRUE
1963 # Whether the StarTeam dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1964 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1965 starteam.desegment: TRUE
1967 # Version used by Wireshark
1968 # One of: Internet Draft version 08, RFC 3868
1969 # (case-insensitive).
1970 sua.version: RFC 3868
1972 # Whether the T.38 dissector should decode using the Pre-Corrigendum T.38 ASN.1 specification (1998).
1973 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1974 t38.use_pre_corrigendum_asn1_specification: TRUE
1976 # Whether a UDP packet that looks like RTP version 2 packet will be dissected as RTP packet or T.38 packet. If enabled there is a risk that T.38 UDPTL packets with sequence number higher than 32767 may be dissected as RTP.
1977 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1978 t38.dissect_possible_rtpv2_packets_as_rtp: FALSE
1980 # Set the TCP port for T.38 messages
1981 # A decimal number.
1982 t38.tcp.port: 6004
1984 # Set the UDP port for T.38 messages
1985 # A decimal number.
1986 t38.udp.port: 6004
1988 # Whether the dissector should reassemble T.38 PDUs spanning multiple TCP segments when TPKT is used over TCP. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
1989 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1990 t38.reassembly: TRUE
1992 # Whether T.38 is used with TPKT for TCP
1993 # One of: Never, Always, Maybe
1994 # (case-insensitive).
1995 t38.tpkt_usage: Maybe
1997 # Where available, show which protocol and frame caused this T.38 stream to be created
1998 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
1999 t38.show_setup_info: TRUE
2001 # Whether the TACACS+ dissector should reasssemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2002 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2003 tacplus.desegment: TRUE
2005 # TACACS+ Encryption Key
2006 # A string.
2007 tacplus.key:
2009 # Whether the TALI dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2010 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2011 tali.reassemble: TRUE
2013 # SCCP (and SUA) SSNs to decode as TCAP
2014 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
2015 tcap.ssn:
2017 # Activate the analyse for Response Time
2018 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2019 tcap.srt: FALSE
2021 # Statistics for Response Time
2022 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2023 tcap.persistentsrt: FALSE
2025 # Maximal delay for message repetion
2026 # A decimal number.
2027 tcap.repetitiontimeout: 10
2029 # Maximal delay for message lost
2030 # A decimal number.
2031 tcap.losttimeout: 30
2033 # Whether the TCP summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
2034 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2035 tcp.summary_in_tree: TRUE
2037 # Whether to validate the TCP checksum
2038 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2039 tcp.check_checksum: TRUE
2041 # Whether subdissector can request TCP streams to be reassembled
2042 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2043 tcp.desegment_tcp_streams: TRUE
2045 # Make the TCP dissector analyze TCP sequence numbers to find and flag segment retransmissions, missing segments and RTT
2046 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2047 tcp.analyze_sequence_numbers: TRUE
2049 # Make the TCP dissector use relative sequence numbers instead of absolute ones. To use this option you must also enable "Analyze TCP sequence numbers". This option will also try to track and adjust the window field according to any TCP window scaling options seen.
2050 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2051 tcp.relative_sequence_numbers: TRUE
2053 # Calculate timestamps relative to the first frame and the previous frame in the tcp conversation
2054 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2055 tcp.calculate_timestamps: FALSE
2057 # Try to decode a packet using an heuristic sub-dissector before using a sub-dissector registered to a specific port
2058 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2059 tcp.try_heuristic_first: FALSE
2061 # Set the port for IPSEC/ISAKMP messagesIf other than the default of 10000)
2062 # A decimal number.
2063 tcpencap.tcp.port: 10000
2065 # Whether the TDS dissector should reassemble TDS buffers spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2066 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2067 tds.desegment_buffers: TRUE
2069 # Whether the TDS dissector should defragment messages spanning multiple Netlib buffers
2070 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2071 tds.defragment: TRUE
2073 # Hint as to version of TDS protocol being decoded
2074 # One of: Not Specified, TDS 4, TDS 5, TDS 7, TDS 8
2075 # (case-insensitive).
2076 tds.protocol_type: Not Specified
2078 # Hint as to whether to decode TDS protocol as little-endian or big-endian. (TDS7/8 always decoded as little-endian)
2079 # One of: Little Endian, Big Endian
2080 # (case-insensitive).
2081 tds.endian_type: Little Endian
2083 # Additional TCP ports to decode as TDS
2084 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
2085 tds.tcp_ports:
2087 # Check this to decode IPv6 traffic between Teredo clients and relays
2088 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2089 teredo.heuristic_teredo: FALSE
2091 # Whether TIPCv1 SEGMENTATION_MANAGER datagrams should be reassembled
2092 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2093 tipc.defragment: TRUE
2095 # Whether to try to dissect TIPC data or not
2096 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2097 tipc.dissect_tipc_data: TRUE
2099 # Try to decode a TIPCv2 packet using an heuristic sub-dissector before using a registered sub-dissector
2100 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2101 tipc.try_heuristic_first: FALSE
2103 # TIPC 1.7 removes/adds fields (not) available in TIPC 1.5/1.6 while keeping the version number 2 in the packages. "ALL" shows all fields that were ever used in both versions.
2104 # One of: ALL, TIPC 1.5/1.6, TIPC 1.7
2105 # (case-insensitive).
2106 tipc.handle_v2_as: ALL
2108 # Decode this TCP ports traffic as TIPC. Set to "0" to disable.
2109 # A decimal number.
2110 tipc.alternate_port: 0
2112 # Whether the TIPC-over-TCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2113 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2114 tipc.desegment: TRUE
2116 # Whether the TNS dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2117 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2118 tns.desegment_tns_messages: TRUE
2120 # Whether the TPKT dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2121 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2122 tpkt.desegment: TRUE
2124 #
2125 # A decimal number.
2126 tpncp.tcp.trunkpack_port: 2424
2128 #
2129 # A decimal number.
2130 tpncp.udp.trunkpack_port: 2424
2132 # Whether Linux mangling of the link-layer header should be checked for and worked around
2133 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2134 tr.fix_linux_botches: FALSE
2136 # Whether the UCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2137 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2138 ucp.desegment_ucp_messages: TRUE
2140 # Whether the UDP summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
2141 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2142 udp.summary_in_tree: TRUE
2144 # Try to decode a packet using an heuristic sub-dissector before using a sub-dissector registered to a specific port
2145 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2146 udp.try_heuristic_first: FALSE
2148 # Whether to validate the UDP checksum
2149 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2150 udp.check_checksum: TRUE
2152 # Ignore an invalid checksum coverage field and continue dissection
2153 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2154 udplite.ignore_checksum_coverage: TRUE
2156 # Whether to validate the UDPlite checksum
2157 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2158 udplite.check_checksum: TRUE
2160 # Whether the ULP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2161 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2162 ulp.desegment_ulp_messages: TRUE
2164 # Set the TCP port for Ulp messages(IANA registerd port is 7275)
2165 # A decimal number.
2166 ulp.tcp.port: 7275
2168 # Whether the UMA dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2169 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2170 uma.desegment_ucp_messages: TRUE
2172 # TCP ports to be decoded as UMA (default: 14001,14001)
2173 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
2174 uma.udp.ports: 14001,14001
2176 # A table that enumerates the various protocols to be used against a cartain user DLT
2178 # Whether the vlan summary line should be shown in the protocol tree
2179 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2180 vlan.summary_in_tree: TRUE
2182 # The Ethertype used to indicate 802.1QinQ VLAN in VLAN tunneling.
2183 # A hexadecimal number.
2184 vlan.qinq_ethertype: 0x9100
2186 # Whether the VNC dissector should reasss emble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2187 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2188 vnc.desegment: TRUE
2190 # Decode this port's traffic as VNC in addition to the default ports (5500, 5501, 5900, 5901)
2191 # A decimal number.
2192 vnc.alternate_port: 0
2194 # Enable this preference if you want to view the WBXML tokens without the representation in a media type (e.g., WML). Tokens will show up as Tag_0x12, attrStart_0x08 or attrValue_0x0B for example.
2195 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2196 wbxml.skip_wbxml_token_mapping: FALSE
2198 # Enable this preference if you want to skip the parsing of the WBXML tokens that constitute the body of the WBXML document. Only the WBXML header will be dissected (and visualized) then.
2199 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2200 wbxml.disable_wbxml_token_parsing: FALSE
2202 # Show transaction ID direction bit separately from the rest of the transaction ID field.
2203 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2204 wimaxasncp.show_transaction_id_d_bit: FALSE
2206 # Print debug output to the console.
2207 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2208 wimaxasncp.debug_enabled: FALSE
2210 # Set UDP port for WiMAX ASN Control Plane Protocol
2211 # A decimal number.
2212 wimaxasncp.udp.wimax_port: 2231
2214 # Whether the WINS-Replication dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2215 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2216 winsrepl.reassemble: TRUE
2218 # Whether fragmented 802.11 datagrams should be reassembled
2219 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2220 wlan.defragment: TRUE
2222 # Don't dissect 802.11n draft HT elements (which might contain duplicate information).
2223 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2224 wlan.ignore_draft_ht: FALSE
2226 # Whether retransmitted 802.11 frames should be subdissected
2227 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2228 wlan.retransmitted: TRUE
2230 # Some 802.11 cards include the FCS at the end of a packet, others do not.
2231 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2232 wlan.check_fcs: FALSE
2234 # Some 802.11 cards leave the Protection bit set even though the packet is decrypted, and some also leave the IV (initialization vector).
2235 # One of: No, Yes - without IV, Yes - with IV
2236 # (case-insensitive).
2237 wlan.ignore_wep: No
2239 # Enable WEP and WPA/WPA2 decryption
2240 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2241 wlan.enable_decryption: FALSE
2243 # Valid key formats
2245 # Key #1 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2246 # A string.
2247 wlan.wep_key1:
2249 # Key #2 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2250 # A string.
2251 wlan.wep_key2:
2253 # Key #3 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2254 # A string.
2255 wlan.wep_key3:
2257 # Key #4 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2258 # A string.
2259 wlan.wep_key4:
2261 # Key #5 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2262 # A string.
2263 wlan.wep_key5:
2265 # Key #6 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2266 # A string.
2267 wlan.wep_key6:
2269 # Key #7 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2270 # A string.
2271 wlan.wep_key7:
2273 # Key #8 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2274 # A string.
2275 wlan.wep_key8:
2277 # Key #9 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2278 # A string.
2279 wlan.wep_key9:
2281 # Key #10 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2282 # A string.
2283 wlan.wep_key10:
2285 # Key #11 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2286 # A string.
2287 wlan.wep_key11:
2289 # Key #12 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2290 # A string.
2291 wlan.wep_key12:
2293 # Key #13 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2294 # A string.
2295 wlan.wep_key13:
2297 # Key #14 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2298 # A string.
2299 wlan.wep_key14:
2301 # Key #15 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2302 # A string.
2303 wlan.wep_key15:
2305 # Key #16 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2306 # A string.
2307 wlan.wep_key16:
2309 # Key #17 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2310 # A string.
2311 wlan.wep_key17:
2313 # Key #18 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2314 # A string.
2315 wlan.wep_key18:
2317 # Key #19 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2318 # A string.
2319 wlan.wep_key19:
2321 # Key #20 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2322 # A string.
2323 wlan.wep_key20:
2325 # Key #21 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2326 # A string.
2327 wlan.wep_key21:
2329 # Key #22 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2330 # A string.
2331 wlan.wep_key22:
2333 # Key #23 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2334 # A string.
2335 wlan.wep_key23:
2337 # Key #24 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2338 # A string.
2339 wlan.wep_key24:
2341 # Key #25 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2342 # A string.
2343 wlan.wep_key25:
2345 # Key #26 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2346 # A string.
2347 wlan.wep_key26:
2349 # Key #27 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2350 # A string.
2351 wlan.wep_key27:
2353 # Key #28 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2354 # A string.
2355 wlan.wep_key28:
2357 # Key #29 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2358 # A string.
2359 wlan.wep_key29:
2361 # Key #30 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2362 # A string.
2363 wlan.wep_key30:
2365 # Key #31 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2366 # A string.
2367 wlan.wep_key31:
2369 # Key #32 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2370 # A string.
2371 wlan.wep_key32:
2373 # Key #33 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2374 # A string.
2375 wlan.wep_key33:
2377 # Key #34 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2378 # A string.
2379 wlan.wep_key34:
2381 # Key #35 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2382 # A string.
2383 wlan.wep_key35:
2385 # Key #36 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2386 # A string.
2387 wlan.wep_key36:
2389 # Key #37 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2390 # A string.
2391 wlan.wep_key37:
2393 # Key #38 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2394 # A string.
2395 wlan.wep_key38:
2397 # Key #39 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2398 # A string.
2399 wlan.wep_key39:
2401 # Key #40 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2402 # A string.
2403 wlan.wep_key40:
2405 # Key #41 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2406 # A string.
2407 wlan.wep_key41:
2409 # Key #42 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2410 # A string.
2411 wlan.wep_key42:
2413 # Key #43 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2414 # A string.
2415 wlan.wep_key43:
2417 # Key #44 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2418 # A string.
2419 wlan.wep_key44:
2421 # Key #45 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2422 # A string.
2423 wlan.wep_key45:
2425 # Key #46 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2426 # A string.
2427 wlan.wep_key46:
2429 # Key #47 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2430 # A string.
2431 wlan.wep_key47:
2433 # Key #48 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2434 # A string.
2435 wlan.wep_key48:
2437 # Key #49 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2438 # A string.
2439 wlan.wep_key49:
2441 # Key #50 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2442 # A string.
2443 wlan.wep_key50:
2445 # Key #51 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2446 # A string.
2447 wlan.wep_key51:
2449 # Key #52 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2450 # A string.
2451 wlan.wep_key52:
2453 # Key #53 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2454 # A string.
2455 wlan.wep_key53:
2457 # Key #54 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2458 # A string.
2459 wlan.wep_key54:
2461 # Key #55 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2462 # A string.
2463 wlan.wep_key55:
2465 # Key #56 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2466 # A string.
2467 wlan.wep_key56:
2469 # Key #57 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2470 # A string.
2471 wlan.wep_key57:
2473 # Key #58 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2474 # A string.
2475 wlan.wep_key58:
2477 # Key #59 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2478 # A string.
2479 wlan.wep_key59:
2481 # Key #60 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2482 # A string.
2483 wlan.wep_key60:
2485 # Key #61 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2486 # A string.
2487 wlan.wep_key61:
2489 # Key #62 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2490 # A string.
2491 wlan.wep_key62:
2493 # Key #63 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2494 # A string.
2495 wlan.wep_key63:
2497 # Key #64 string can be: <wep hexadecimal key>; wep:<wep hexadecimal key>; wpa-pwd:<passphrase>[:<ssid>]; wpa-psk:<wpa hexadecimal key>
2498 # A string.
2499 wlan.wep_key64:
2501 # Set the maximum Basic CID used in the Wimax decoder (if other than the default of 320). Note: The maximum Primary CID is double the maximum Basic CID.
2502 # A decimal number.
2503 wmx.basic_cid_max: 320
2505 # Set to TRUE to use the Corrigendum 2 version of Wimax message decoding. Set to FALSE to use the 802.16e-2005 version.
2506 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2507 wmx.corrigendum_2_version: FALSE
2509 # If CALL REQUEST not seen or didn't specify protocol, dissect as QLLC/SNA
2510 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2511 x.25.payload_is_qllc_sna: FALSE
2513 # If CALL REQUEST has no data, assume the protocol handled is COTP
2514 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2515 x.25.call_request_nodata_is_cotp: FALSE
2517 # If CALL REQUEST not seen or didn't specify protocol, check user data before checking heuristic dissectors
2518 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2519 x.25.payload_check_data: FALSE
2521 # Reassemble fragmented X.25 packets
2522 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2523 x.25.reassemble: TRUE
2525 # Whether the X11 dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2526 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2527 x11.desegment: TRUE
2529 # Set the port for P1 operations (if other than the default of 102)
2530 # A decimal number.
2531 x411.tcp.port: 102
2533 # Try to recognize XML for unknown media types
2534 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2535 xml.heuristic: FALSE
2537 # Try to recognize XML for unknown TCP ports
2538 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2539 xml.heuristic_tcp: FALSE
2541 # TCP Ports range
2542 # A string denoting an positive integer range (e.g., "1-20,30-40").
2543 xml.tcp.port:
2545 # Try to recognize XML for unknown UDP ports
2546 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2547 xml.heuristic_udp: FALSE
2549 # Whether the X.25-over-TCP dissector should reassemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2550 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2551 xot.desegment: TRUE
2553 # Whether the YMSG dissector should reasssemble messages spanning multiple TCP segments. To use this option, you must also enable "Allow subdissectors to reassemble TCP streams" in the TCP protocol settings.
2554 # TRUE or FALSE (case-insensitive).
2555 ymsg.desegment: TRUE