]> git.wh0rd.org - tt-rss.git/blob - lib/dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
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[tt-rss.git] / lib / dijit / form / ComboBoxMixin.js.uncompressed.js
1 require({cache:{
2 'url:dijit/form/templates/DropDownBox.html':"<div class=\"dijit dijitReset dijitInline dijitLeft\"\n\tid=\"widget_${id}\"\n\trole=\"combobox\"\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitRight dijitButtonNode dijitArrowButton dijitDownArrowButton dijitArrowButtonContainer'\n\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"_buttonNode, _popupStateNode\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitArrowButtonInner\" value=\"&#9660; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t\t\t${_buttonInputDisabled}\n\t/></div\n\t><div class='dijitReset dijitValidationContainer'\n\t\t><input class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitValidationIcon dijitValidationInner\" value=\"&#935; \" type=\"text\" tabIndex=\"-1\" readonly=\"readonly\" role=\"presentation\"\n\t/></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitReset dijitInputField dijitInputContainer\"\n\t\t><input class='dijitReset dijitInputInner' ${!nameAttrSetting} type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\"\n\t\t\tdata-dojo-attach-point=\"textbox,focusNode\" role=\"textbox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\"\n\t/></div\n></div>\n"}});
3 define("dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin", [
4 "dojo/_base/declare", // declare
5 "dojo/_base/Deferred",
6 "dojo/_base/kernel", // kernel.deprecated
7 "dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
8 "dojo/store/util/QueryResults", // dojo.store.util.QueryResults
9 "./_AutoCompleterMixin",
10 "./_ComboBoxMenu",
11 "../_HasDropDown",
12 "dojo/text!./templates/DropDownBox.html"
13 ], function(declare, Deferred, kernel, lang, QueryResults, _AutoCompleterMixin, _ComboBoxMenu, _HasDropDown, template){
15 /*=====
16 var _AutoCompleterMixin = dijit.form._AutoCompleterMixin;
17 var _ComboBoxMenu = dijit.form._ComboBoxMenu;
18 var _HasDropDown = dijit._HasDropDown;
19 =====*/
21 // module:
22 // dijit/form/ComboBoxMixin
23 // summary:
24 // Provides main functionality of ComboBox widget
26 return declare("dijit.form.ComboBoxMixin", [_HasDropDown, _AutoCompleterMixin], {
27 // summary:
28 // Provides main functionality of ComboBox widget
30 // dropDownClass: [protected extension] Function String
31 // Dropdown widget class used to select a date/time.
32 // Subclasses should specify this.
33 dropDownClass: _ComboBoxMenu,
35 // hasDownArrow: Boolean
36 // Set this textbox to have a down arrow button, to display the drop down list.
37 // Defaults to true.
38 hasDownArrow: true,
40 templateString: template,
42 baseClass: "dijitTextBox dijitComboBox",
44 /*=====
45 // store: [const] dojo.store.api.Store || dojo.data.api.Read
46 // Reference to data provider object used by this ComboBox.
47 //
48 // Should be dojo.store.api.Store, but dojo.data.api.Read supported
49 // for backwards compatibility.
50 store: null,
51 =====*/
53 // Set classes like dijitDownArrowButtonHover depending on
54 // mouse action over button node
55 cssStateNodes: {
56 "_buttonNode": "dijitDownArrowButton"
57 },
59 _setHasDownArrowAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ val){
60 this._set("hasDownArrow", val);
61 this._buttonNode.style.display = val ? "" : "none";
62 },
64 _showResultList: function(){
65 // hide the tooltip
66 this.displayMessage("");
67 this.inherited(arguments);
68 },
70 _setStoreAttr: function(store){
71 // For backwards-compatibility, accept dojo.data store in addition to dojo.store.store. Remove in 2.0.
72 if(!store.get){
73 lang.mixin(store, {
74 _oldAPI: true,
75 get: function(id){
76 // summary:
77 // Retrieves an object by it's identity. This will trigger a fetchItemByIdentity.
78 // Like dojo.store.DataStore.get() except returns native item.
79 var deferred = new Deferred();
80 this.fetchItemByIdentity({
81 identity: id,
82 onItem: function(object){
83 deferred.resolve(object);
84 },
85 onError: function(error){
86 deferred.reject(error);
87 }
88 });
89 return deferred.promise;
90 },
91 query: function(query, options){
92 // summary:
93 // Queries the store for objects. Like dojo.store.DataStore.query()
94 // except returned Deferred contains array of native items.
95 var deferred = new Deferred(function(){ fetchHandle.abort && fetchHandle.abort(); });
96 var fetchHandle = this.fetch(lang.mixin({
97 query: query,
98 onBegin: function(count){
99 deferred.total = count;
100 },
101 onComplete: function(results){
102 deferred.resolve(results);
103 },
104 onError: function(error){
105 deferred.reject(error);
106 }
107 }, options));
108 return QueryResults(deferred);
109 }
110 });
111 }
112 this._set("store", store);
113 },
115 postMixInProperties: function(){
116 // Since _setValueAttr() depends on this.store, _setStoreAttr() needs to execute first.
117 // Unfortunately, without special code, it ends up executing second.
118 if(this.params.store){
119 this._setStoreAttr(this.params.store);
120 }
122 this.inherited(arguments);
124 // User may try to access this.store.getValue() etc. in a custom labelFunc() function.
125 // It's not available with the new data store for handling inline <option> tags, so add it.
126 if(!this.params.store){
127 var clazz = this.declaredClass;
128 lang.mixin(this.store, {
129 getValue: function(item, attr){
130 kernel.deprecated(clazz + ".store.getValue(item, attr) is deprecated for builtin store. Use item.attr directly", "", "2.0");
131 return item[attr];
132 },
133 getLabel: function(item){
134 kernel.deprecated(clazz + ".store.getLabel(item) is deprecated for builtin store. Use item.label directly", "", "2.0");
135 return item.name;
136 },
137 fetch: function(args){
138 kernel.deprecated(clazz + ".store.fetch() is deprecated for builtin store.", "Use store.query()", "2.0");
139 var shim = ["dojo/data/ObjectStore"]; // indirection so it doesn't get rolled into a build
140 require(shim, lang.hitch(this, function(ObjectStore){
141 new ObjectStore({objectStore: this}).fetch(args);
142 }));
143 }
144 });
145 }
146 }
147 });
148 });